Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, June 07, 1928, Image 1

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llutlsvy ‘Untcrpxisr
' agriculture
E stablished in 92.
V o i- 17.
N o ?■
Two Days Program Offered
Of Poping, Bucking
Horses, Etc.
Brownsville, June 6 —Duncan
JicKercher, president of the Gala-
pooi* Round-Up aasicialion, an-
□ounces that th* two day racing
program with
excellent roping,
bucking horses and miscellaneous
events will he fully on par with
the eight annual round-ups that
have heretofore drawn dundreds o(
enthusiasts to Crawfordsville, says
Earl E. Stanard of BiowDsville.
The dates are the third and the
fourth of July. Good cash prizes
are to be offered the winners in all
Crawfordsville is situated in th«
foothills of the Cascade mountains
about seven miles afiove Browns­
ville on the Calapooia river It if
about twelve miles from the Pacifi •
highway at Halsey, and is located
on the good road which connect*
with Santiam Pass highway ai
Sweet Home Campers and motor­
ists in great number visit the
round up each vear, making tin
event a vacation outing Not a few
of them go on eastward across the
mountains for an eastern Oregon
From Our Regular Corregpondenu
Interest in social circles thi*
week have centered around the
plans for the raception to he given
Wednesday afternoon at the home
)f Mr. and Mrs. E. B. I’eulaud in
aonor of their golden wedding an
oiversary. A large number of rel-
itives and friends from other place*
are expected to be prefect.
♦ * *
Thursday evening Superintend-
Blit and Mrs. Lymau W- Patton
Bntertained the members of the
lenior class of the high school a>
their home in East Halsey. Games
»nd contests, interspersed with
radio music, made the evening pass
»11 too quickly and at a late hour
the hostess served light refresh­
Enjoying this pleasant evening
were Hope Hussey, Edith Smith,
Mary Smith, Esther Seefeld, Nora
Coldiron, Elias Robin, Carl Sperl­
ing, Henry Kirk, Carl Isom, Mac
McCord, Charles Wrigh», and the
host and hostess.
* * *
Tuesday evening after the show
a group of friends went to the home
of Charier Hamer and surprited
him, the affair having been planned
in honor of his birthday, and to
say the least, Charle was surprised
as he had expected them earlier in
the eyening, A social time woi
enjoyed and ice cream and cake
was served.
Those present were Messrs and
Meadames Frank Gansle, D. I .
Rossman and Lake, Leila Gans e
Fern Rossman and Mr. and Mrs.
• • •
Mr t. Genevieve Kendall was a
steel of Wednesday afternoon
itn she extended the hospitality
her home in North Albany to
i members of the Past
and club of HaUey.
Sewing aud conversation were the
versions of the afternoon, at the
,se of which the hostess, aeeisted
’ Let sister, Miss Goldia Wells
rved a two course luucbeon.
Those answering to roll call were
esd antes Karl Bramwel1, J. A
iller, George Taylor, E A. P,
»Follette, George Laubner, O.W.
ium , Eert Clark, A- E. True, B
[. Bond. E .E . Gormley, W H.
Continue? on page 8.
Governor Patterson to Speak SPORTSMENS OF DOUGLAS
On Oregon Over Radio June 9 COUNTY HOLD PICNIC; SHOOT
On Saturday evening, Juue 9.h
Local Gun Club Represented
Governor I L. Patterson will sp ia 1«
By Some of Its Best
In a recent issue of Oregon Busi­ limitations of the state as to tl e on Oregon over the radio station
of the Chicago Daily News, Chics
ness appears an article by F. L. number of tillable acres, and part.
Bollard entitled, “ What Farm 1/ to the fact that aa competed go, Illinois, in connection with a
Mr. and Mrs. C P. M:ody, Mr.
pago of Greg n photographs which
Settlers May Expect to finl in with some states the utilisation of
ind Mrs W L Norton, Frances
ill appear in the illustrat9d sec­
Oregon.’’ Here in part is what he large masses of capital in agricul­
Norton, Janies W. Drinkard and
tion of the News.
has to say:
sttende 1
What does the new settler find wbat. Larger volume of crops home. They will occupy the Porter ihe Douglas county Si ortsmen’s
probibly would increase the effect­
in Oregon?
residence in th« south part of town. Leigue salmon bake and picnio
iveness of coop'rative marketing
tinner Sunday at Roseburg Sports­
“ I have been asked (hat question
Windom & Son of B ro w n s v ille
In this connection, the nsw settler
and their families to the num ­
many times in many states. A cat­
will find marked progress being are p a in tin g at t h i C. R E vtue ber of 800 attended the gathering,
alogue-like list of Oregou wonders
mike in Oiagon in facilitating bonce.
and the Halsey p irty report all
easily take shape aud expand upon
Mr. Nicholls and family have had a g od time.
tn irketing to best possible advan­
briefest reflection. No space here,
rented the Nettie Spencer residence
A trap shooting contest was held
however, for attempted description
Secord street.
which sportsmen from several of
of the mountains, lakes, streams
Mrs. Charles Him er will en'er- the Wiliam«tie valley clubs par-
and beaches. But briefly I always
ta in th i members of the Thimble ticipated and soma excellent scores
say Oregou s a good place in which and producing a surplus of all the
club at her home Friday afternoon made.
to live. To the farmer io particu­ .taple agricu’tural products grown,
Church Notes
ltiy Glass of Eugene earned off
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Porter who
lar there are, of course, other con- with the excepion of corn, pork
honors by a scoie of 99. J W.
Pine Grove Church
siderati ns of special interest, and
sev and vicinity li ft for their home Drinkard of Halsey broke 9 5 birds,
Sunday School 10 a. m.
these will be britliy touched upon.
\V I,. Norton g >t 91 ami Moody
this surp'us product ii indeed a at Fontana, California, Sunday.
Preaching nt 11a. in.
“ No discussion of Oregon's farm question, Forward steps in tl
M rs. C O. H am er, M is . W. 11. 85. Only one otl or was ub e to
Evening service 8 o’clock.
Gilbert Carey will preach both resources can he complete without solution, however, lieve removed McMahan, Mrs. Chancy Sickle* lie Mr. D rinkard’« score of 95 and
mention of the widely varying cli­ th« pith of the difficulty. A first aud Louise Barnes, spent Tuesday the H Usey club feel q iite elated
morning and evening.
matic and topographical cond’tions step has been the trend toward in A'bany visiting frie n d s and over the showing made by t h t ir
Church of Christ:
under which the farming business growing the products for which transacting business.
10 a, in. Sunday school.
is conducted. Farmiotr under 80 there is an establish d market
Other gun clubs sending n p r t-
W ilbur Evans who has been
11:00 a. m. morning worship and inches and more of rainfall on the Examples are dairy products, with
were Eugene, Coquill«,
working at San Leandro, Califor
communion service.
coast; farming successfully unde' an excellent and*spreading market
nia, for the past seven or eight and Portland.
7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor’ 11 iuebes, mostly from «inter rains in California; wool and tnulion,
months, returned to his home at
8 p. m. preaching.
and snows, in the Columbia basin; with excellent fairly permanent
Mrs. Eli M iller Dies
Lake Creek last Sunday.
C. Adrian Bias, pastor.
farming at sea level and at 5000 market outlooks; late pears, which
Mrs. Emory Simons (formerly
feet; farming where drainage is a meet competition from two states
Mrs. Eli Miller of Harrisburg
Opal Marsh of Albany) of Santa
positive requirem ent;
farming only; and, in increasing volume,
d 'e i at her home in that city Sun­
10 a. in. Sunday school
Ana, Calif., who is visiting rela­
11:00 a. in. pre»ching
where irrigation is equally a re small s e d , a highly concentrated
day evening after a lingering ill­
tives in Albany and Tangent, sj ent
7:00 Epworth League
quirement. all successfully done product on which shipping costs
ness, at the age of 00 years.
Tuesday afternoon visiting Mrs.
Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 under all these conditions in vari are comparative!’ low.
Funeral services were held Wed­
George Chandler of Pine Giove.
Prayer meeting Thursdays 8:00 oue parts of this single state.
nesday morning at the Christian
“ Then there are highly develop­
Miss Jessaline Hockensmith wt o
Ladies aid every Wednesday
“ One year at Christmas I was in ed cooperative marketing enter­ has been taking her high »cbool church, where she ba.i been a de­
Women’s missionary society first
Wallowa cauuty. It was zero and prises. A number of cooperative work in Corvallis, was graduated voted member for many years.
Friday of month 2:00 o’clock
She is survived by her husband,
below. Sleighs and e’.eds were dairy marketing associa’ions are Monday night. Several of her re l­
J S. Mi’ler. pastor.
daughter, Carrie Kelsey, a
squeaking tensely over a foot or
Outstanding is the atives attended the exercises. She
and two sisters. J. A.
Miss Audrey Schowalter of Mc­ more of well packed snow, and the Tillamook County Creamery asso­ is a granddaughter of Mr.and Mrs.
Halsey is a brother-in-
Minnville has been the guest of trees aud wires were bending under ciation, which to a degree is a real C. C Jackson.
Mrs. Balf Bond since Monday. the weight of snow and ice. Except ¡zalion of,countless farmers’ dream«
First Lieut. F. Buford Morris,
of cooperation. There, wo11 over 90
Her brother drove to Halsey last
Corp. Carl Isom, John Quimby, will remain until the beginning of
evening and they returned home have been New York state. Th'ee per cent of the county’s t-tai agri­
R ilp h Smith and Ellsworth Gard- eehool in the fa ll.
together. Miss Schowalter was a days later I was at the opposite cultural production is sold by one
Gladys ard Velva H 'd ley left
ner will leave next Tuesday for
teacher in the Halsey rchools sev­ corner of the state, in Clatsop coun­ man, and standardized production,
this morning for Portland to s |e n d
ty, and there the herds were con intelligent advertising and aggres-
eral years ago.
Stevens. They will be away 15 a week or ten days visiting.
Among Ilalsev people in Albany tentedly pasturing on summer-like give management have develop d
Mrs. Hazel Akerman drove to
nationally known enteiprise d»ye.
Monday were Mrs. Balf Bond, Mr. meadows. The sweet peas arid nae
Dr. Hugh Penland of Berkeley, Eugene yesterday to bring a friend
ind Mrs. Henry Zimmerman, Mrs. turtium s had not yet frosted down There are others, for instance, the
Harold Muller, Mrs. Soodgrass and the air was th a t of May >r regional wool and egg marketing Calif., arrived here Saturday and home.
associations with headquaiters in will visit hers and in Corvallis for
Am«>ug those attending the c m -
and two s<>ns, Mrs. Bert Clark, eastern states
June Layton and Georgina Clark.
“ A fair place in which todw el1, Portland, and in Lane county, an- about two weeks Wednesday, Dr. mencment exercises of the Corval­
Corp Carl Isom will leave for while to be desired, must have in other of the state's outstanding Penland and bis father, E B. Pen- lis high school Monday evening
Fort Stevens Saturday in charge of a Iditiou substantial economic op examples of frrm ers' cooperation, land of Halsey, left for Moro on a from llalsey were Mrs. 0 . G, C< Id-
the advance detail squad of ONG p irtunity to attract the settler a county in which approximately business trip:
iron, Nora Cold-ron, Ione, Currin.
Mrs. Elmer Lake ol Salem was and John Miller, Charles W right,
The high school students and Analysis of Oregon’s agriculture one fifth of the entire cooperative
marketing business of the elate is tbs guest Thursday and Friday of Ruth Sturtevant. Mr. and Mis.
teachers drove to Triangle Lake shows it in favorable light except
accomplished, New settlers, aud her sister, Mrs. Buford Morris. On Balf Bond. Grandm a Bond, and
last Friday and spent the day pic­
ininy long time residents as well, Saturday Mrs. Morria took her sis­ Mr. and Mrs. Underwood.
nicking. Boating and swimming high, but no higher than in many
can look to Lane county as a region ter as far as Albany, and brought
and a basket dinner were features
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Evans and
of progressive production practices her father, W. A. E sslburn home
of the day. At the same lime the Land values compare favorably
eon, Donald, and Mrs. Ella Ole-
and successful farm ers’ marketing with her for a week end visit.
seventh and eighth grade pupils with values anywhere Returns on
man came up from Portland f> r
with Mr. and Mis. Kizer and Mr. capital invested compare as favor
The Charity grange picnic held Memorial day. They were over
“ The new settler, I ecsuse of the
and Mrs. H. Zimmerman in charge ably with returns on capital in
at the Pence grove south of Hair« y night guests af the Misses M " y
advantages and others
enjoyed the day nt McKercher vested in Lite enterprises e'sewhere
Saturday was attended by a num­ and Marie Evans. They togethi r
faces agricultural opportunity in
dam. Bryant P sik was the mecca nd so on.
ber of Halsey peop’e. The big with Mrs. Ana Cass and Mrs.
Oregon's one limitation is vol. Oregon equal to any and superior feature] of the day were the basket Emily Robinson and daughter,
of the primay and third, fourth,
ume, due partly to the inherent io moat
fifth and sixth grades. _____
dinner and the address by Prof Helene, had dinner at the Evans
home ulter visiting the Pine Gro\e
Beattie of U. of O,
17. o f O. G irl IT ina Prize
Attorney anil Mrs. A. A. Tossing
The forty-first annual reunion
of the Linn County Pioneer asso­
ciation will I e lie Id at the city park
in Brownsville, June 13, 11, 15
Wednesdty, Juus 13 will be
Albany day; Thursday, June 11 ie
designated as Pioneer day and Fri­
day, June 15 as Sons and Daugh­
ters day.
The presentation of Queen Re­
becca will he the ceremonial the
first day. An old time fiddlers’
contest will bs staged; prominent
speakers will he heard ; community
singing; b ill games; wrestling and
other sports will offer diversions.
Dancing in the pavilion afternoon
and evening.
Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
Halsey, Oregon, Thursday June 7, 1928.
—= Tl
IUIIGCI ntiUlllbll
DC Held
nc U i f
Reunion to
to 15 II W H A T F A R M S E T T L E R S M A Y
CELEBRATION JULY 3 -4 a . urow ns»iiejuneu to lb
E X P E C T T O E 1N D ,N O R E G O N
Attorney and Mrs. J. R. W yatt'
of Albany were Halsey visitors
Saturday afternoon.
The annual picnic of the Mett O-
dint Sunday school was held at the
W- P. Wahl home today.
The missionary society of the
Methodist church will meet at the
M i. Sid,,.,. 8 . 1 . k V rW .,
Mi» Florence Hurley, of Enter-
prise , Vniveraity of Oregon eo-
ed waa unanimously judged the
winner of the Ediion Marshall an­
nual ahort atory eonteat on her
story, «The Log Line.” Twenty-
eight manuscripts were entered for
the award.
Mr. and Mrs B*U Bond and Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman Patton wtB go to
Portland the first of the week to
‘» e " d «>• Krand '®d«’
the Masonic and E x te rn Star
Charles G .n sls and P. J. Forster
'»< Halsey and the attar . so,,-...
'■ «.
I'»'” « - » '
J ’’ ” ’
Saturday and Sunday at Newport.
. . . . During Mr. Forster’s absence Mrs.
How .bout the c o . m . r c . l c lu b ,
and volunt-er hre departm ent the
Mrs. J E. Jacobson of Cu-hman
business men of Halsey are going
in Halsey last evening and
to organize?
with her children. Johnnie and
C. N. Moody returned to his
home in Harrisburg last evening Joan, who have been visiting at the
Moody home the past week, left on
after having visited in Halsey for
visit to relative! in Lebauon.
several day* at the borne of bis son
John Porter and daughte’’, Mrs,
M ss Mona Bond arrived in Hal­
Robnett, are returning to
sey last v c evening
v v
■ »*(5 from
i . w — Jerome,
- » - Ari
zona w h e.ssh eb as teugbt ethool ■ Halsey from Corvallis where they
for the past two years, to spend the have spent the past nine mouths,
itimmer at her home here.
| «nd w ill again make thia city their
Some of those from Lake Creek
and vicinity who beard Goldie
Wells at the Christian church in
llalsey Sunday were Mr, and Mia.
Percy Dodd and family, Mr. and
Mrs. I,ester Dodd and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey and »on a id
daughter Bessie, Mrs. Woodward,
Mrs. C. R. Evans and the M bits
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Devsney
and two children were guests at the Mary a n l Marie Evans.
Robert Gilson, a well known
Buford Morris home for a brief
insn of l.ebanon, where
time Monday evening while enroute
he has been In the furniture busi­
from Los Angeles to Albany on
visit to relatives. The two men ness f«r the past 15 ) ears, died nt
were classmates at O 8. C. Mr. bis home in that city Tuesday eve-
Devaney is a registered pharm ic st nirg. Funeral services were held
at the Leoanon Methodizt church
in Los Angeles.
which he was a member, at 2
Mrs Nora Coleman an 1 daughter
this afternoon. Mr. Gilson
Ernestine left for Cascadia Sunday
was a brother-in-law of Al«x I owers
morning for a viait of two weeks at
the home of the former’s sister, a formet resident of H*ls®y» • * 'd
Mrs. Bessie Menear. Later they is well known here. He Is sur­
will go to the coast for awhile and vived by his wife and several grown
l then to Kings Valley where they
and Mr. ami Mrs. E D. Isom drove
to West Fir from where Mr. Isom
went on to Oak Ridge to resume
work in the forestry service, and
the others in the party retained
home after Attorney Tuesing had
looked after eome legal transactions
last Sunday.