Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, May 31, 1928, Image 1

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gaiety iZnterprisr
Established in 92.. V oi-17. No 4.
ACHIEVEMENT DAY a REAL Oregon State Grange to Meet
SUCCESS FOR COMMUNITY At Rainier, Ore., June 5 to 8
Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
Halsey, Oregon, Thursday May 31, 1928.
Halsey Young People Who Are to
Graduate From O. S. C. on June 4
Growing Demand for Oregon NINE GRADUATES RECEIVE
Wheat for Eastern Flour Mills
The proiq ects nov ere that tie Address By Dr. D. V. Poling W a;
TheOregou State Giangeie call­
Well Rece ved.Both by Class
j j southern section east of the Mis-
ed tJ meet at Rainier m annual
siseippi river will be looking to
And Audience
session, Juue 5 to 8. A joint session
with Washington
Washington Grange
Urange will
will be
be I ° re3on State Agricultural Col | in this school is divided into two Oregon and the northwest for their
Dr. D. V. Poling, pastor of the
held at Longview on the 6th, and le«®' Corvallis, May 31. (Special) groups cl study, one to fit the etn- milling wheat the coming fall and
Every tiling eeemed to favor
.. 1 . .. I is - represented
____- . -- • - .1 I. by
— f four . dent
lonf Ini
a specialized
. aoiei ivml r | rtfessiuna!
Inna ; winter. A ’rcady the grain division First Presbyterian chcrch of Al­
Achievement Day in Halsey last ou the 9th a meeting will also be students in the graduating class of work sft-r graduation, and tbe of thia departm ent has h id irq u ir bany delivered the adlress to the
Saturday. The weather was ideal, held at Longview of tie executive 1928 which totals more than 500. other for the profession of home ies from Nashville, Tennessee, snd members of the graduating class nt
the crowd of people congenial, the committees of the State Granges of Halsey students receiving degrees 1 making aud related fields. Miss from Louisville, Kentucky, saying he commencment exercises Friday
exhibits good and the sports clean. Oregon, Washington, Idaho and at the annual commencement ex- pebrason has bail work in the de- that owing to a short crop of t oft ■veiling at the M ’tho list church.
What more could any one wish for? Calitoruia. In the Oregon State ercifes June T are Pearl Pehrsson, partlu-iit of clothing, textile and wheat they are looking to the west
Dr. Ruling in his address brought
The day was started off with th Grange is said to be spirited con­ Virgil M. Corbin, Douglas It. Mil related arts; foods and nutrition; for their supply, says state market mt tne salieut point l i n t to sue-
’ parade at 10.30 in which clubs and test for master between George A ler and Truman Robneit.
The household adm inistration; instilu- agent Seymour Jones, and asking :eed one must use self denial, t h ’t
busines houses participated. After Palm iter of Hood River, preeent graduating class is composed of I t on economics; and home econo, about conditions in Oregon, l'he the really great »nd worth while
circling t i e business section, the incumbent, and M S. Shrock of those who have “ survived" four i mica education. She has also speut Louisville correspondent says:“ We hings and the oner we appreciate
line of march led to the school Milwaukie. C. TV. Craft of Forest years of rigorous work during six weeks in the homo manage- are haviug a serious shortage in are not what come easily but are
house where B’. Buford Morris took Grove would like to succe.d M. C. which their scholarship has been ment “ practice" housj where she the coining crop of Red Winter what we, ourselves, have strived to
a number of moving pictures after Glover of Boring as overseer. Ber­ kept high to meet the requirements and several other women had full wheat and are anxious to aC|Uaint obtain aud have won at the cost cf
which those in the parade disband­ tha J. Beck of Albany for secretary here The college does not grant a charge of the house, including the ourselves with the source of supply having given up some special pleas­
and Minnie Bond <>( Eugene for
ed and judging was in order.
of similar wheats which are avail­ ure.
degree to anyone whose average is care of a small baby.
A platform had been erected on lecturer, have no opposition.
He uleo spake ol our body as
Miss Pehrsson has been promi­ able in the west that will do to take
less than a ‘‘C , although he may
the campus on the north side of the
house wherin we dwell and tlu
have accumulated suflicient credits nent in Y.W.C.A. work, ia a men tbe place of winter wheat or mix
of exercise, ri'lit foods, and
school house, and here a number
Miss Pehrsson earned her degree her of the Art club, chairm an of therew ith.*’ Tne Nashville corres­
Celebrate Annual Flunk Day
temperanc« th it we might be pre­
of boxing and wrestling matches
of bachelor of science in home eco. the carnival dance committee and pondence is s i m i l a r .
pare I to copj with any phase of
took place. A girls’ volley ball
The Seniors celebrated their an­ nomics. This is one of the largpst on the waffle breakfast committee,
Worth Bass who has been em­
game between the upper and lower nual flunk day Monday by going schools in the college and has 68 and a member of Alpha D tlta I i
ployed near Palisade, Nevada, ar­
classmen was also plajed duriug to Idylwood and taking Supt. graduates in th isy ear’s class Work social fraternity.
Superintendent Lytnin V\. Pat­
rived home Tuesday.
gave certifica'es of award to a
the morning.
Patton with them. Games were
Mrs. Lyle Saylor a n l
At noon a banquet was served at played and the swings were in use
number of grade pupils and
daughter of Tangent were guests at
the city hall to the members of the the greater part of the day, even
school pupils in spelling,
the Karl Bruniyiel! home Tuesday.
various clubs, the leaders, organix-
und alter.dance Nix
the staid and venerable instructor
Wayne Robertson, who is em­
ers and club workers with ninety
girls received their
of knowledge was carried back to
ployed by the S 11. K itss company
prerent. At the same time a bas­ his boyhood days and enjoyed the
ball and one boy
of Portland rpeut the week end in
ket community dinner was enjoyed
day as mudi as the rest. A picnic
Halsey at the home of his parents,
by about 300 people from Halsey dinner completed the pleasures of
For the second time the members
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ro’ ertaon.
and the suirounding territory at
Ihe senior class won the Patton
He returned to Portland Sunday
the day. Carl Isom and Elias Rob­
silver loving cup for the highest
the Halsey hotel.
bins took their cars, ta ing with
scholastic average for the year. As
The speaker of the day was Prof. them Nora Coldiron, Edith Smith.
Fiauk Gansle has been haviug
juniors, they were awarded the cup
Robert H. Danu, of the School of
Mary Smith, Esther Seefeld, Hope
Mr. Corbin has earned the de­ college No other school of forestry some work done in the o llie at the last year. Their average this year
Sociology of O.S.C., and who de­ Hussey, Carl Sperling, Henry Kirk
gree of bachelor of science in elec­ is situated in the heart of such a Arrow garage. Drawers and cabi­ wae 786.57 out of a possible 1000
livered an address at 1:30 o'clock.
and Mr. Patton.
trical engineering. The school of laige body of commercial timber. nets have been built in and ith er with the (-opboiuoreH a close second
Races and a baseball game between
Iu tne evening the juniors and engineering is the second largest in Many of the graduates take ad­ improvements made which will
with 755.49 points.
the high school acd the alumni seniors followed their usual custom
the collegp, and its courses are vanced work iu eastern institutions make it more convenient. Charles
completed the program for the day of raising their class flags, the
The bronze medal for the best
considered as among the “stiBest while others go into the comroer. Gans’e is doing the work.
and the second annual Achieve­ former an a pole near the Halsey
essay was won by Esther
to he had. Belore specializing iu cial d'-id or elite: government ser­
Mrs. Lucy Pray, a resident of
ment day for Ilaleey ended after garage and the latter ou the arid
Seefeld. Hope Hussey and Mac
electrical engineering, Corbin, with
Halsey for many years, left the
being voted one of the red letter leading from tLe I 0 . 0 . F. hall to
McCord each received honorable
the other 93 graduates of this freshman debate squad.
latter part of the week for Monte­
days of the year.
Mr. Robuett has earned the de­ sano, Wash., where ahe w ill make mention for their egeays.
the city water tank. The junior school, spent a year on general
The judges for the parade were flag only remained up about an
Those receiving basket ball let­
foundation work given to acquaint gree of pharmaceutical chemist. her home with her son, A. J. Law-
Megsrs Pugh, Springer and Zim­ hour when it was removed by the
were Bessie Reynolds, Muriel
beginning students with the fields The closing feature of his work will. Her daughter, Mrs. M. B.
Wanda V aitcb, Edith Sm'tli,
merman. The prizes were awarded ruthless seniors, but the “ green
of electrical, mechanical and civil here was a comprehensive three- Morrow of Seattle spent last week
Phelps, Frances Norton,
as follows:
and gold’’ of the seniors proudly engineering and industrial uite iu day slate exam 'uatloa given by here helping her pack.
Nora Coldiron, Herman Kooulz,
Floats—Rose Standish 75 cents; waved on high, even though the which they may major in this the Oregon board of pharmacy.
Prof, and Mra. F. M. Maxwell Francis Leeper, Dick Hussey, John
Orin Fruro 50 cents; S. P. Band juniors enlisted the services of s houl. Graduates in engineering Tnough this is recognized as oue
of Draiu, arrivid here Tuesday Quimby, Colly McCord and Henry
honorable mention.
James McWilliams Tuesday after- are in demand to take positions for of the most difficult pharmacy ex
evening for a short visit at the Kirk.
O rganizations— Daisy Sewing noon, and all strived valiantly to further training or for immediate aminations given in any s'ate,
home of Mrs Maxwell's sister, Mrs.
Earl Elliott received his base
club 75 cents; Linn County Sheep tear it down, but there it waved work in tbe big industrial corpora­ rarely h is any student trained
Karl Bramwell. From here they go
ball letter.
club 50 cents; Pollvanna club hon­ until Wednssday morning when tions. Coibin was a member of the here failed iu it. The work in
to Yachats where they will have
Eighteen pupil« were neither ab.
orable mention.
Elias Robins quietly took it down. varsity wrestling team during his pharmacy may be taken either as charge of the summer tourists
nor tardy during the year, an I
a three or four year course. Grad-
Cars—LaFrance Sewing club £0
sephomore and junior years.
cabins for a couple of months which certificates were awarded to Donna
cents; Grasshopper Sewing club 25
Mr. Miller has completed a four uates are fitted to become pharma- are owned by Mr. 0- E. Newport
Grade Schools Picnic
Moss, Frances Louise Patton, Jean
cents; Rainbow club honorable
curriculum for the degree of cists or contiuue professional train ­ of Tangent.
Mrs, Kizer and the pupils of the
Roberta Bramwell, Vi­
seventh aud eighth grades will go bachelor of science iu forestry. He
With emphasis quite foreign to vian Fruro, Charles Reeves, Arthur
Clowns—Cedric Moody.
to McKercher’s dam near Craw­ as one of 17 men being graduated
his usual quiet manner, President Idoss, Elaine Stralev, Billy Kirk.
The club work was unusually fordsville in the morning for their in foreetiy this year. Miller has graduates this year. He is a mem- Coolidge Wednesday vetoed the Fredrick Robins, Alice Sturtevant,
has the advantage of practical lab-j her of Itho Ciii. national honorary
good and the exhibits were well annual picnic, while ttie pupils in
otatory work in Urge foiestry ! pharmacy society, and of the McNary.Haugen farm relief bill, Donald Bramwell, Pearl Falk, Jen ­
arranged. Miss Helen Cowgill of Mrs. Colemau's aud Mrs. Cross
as was expected. His strongest ob­ nie Nicewood, Gertrude Robin*,
).S-C. acted as judge and haJ un grades will enjoy an outing at thè traeta OWt,»4 and controlled by the phinuacHUlical association.
jection was against the equalisa­ Ruth Sturtevant, Nora Coldiron
loubtedly a hard task. The sew- Bryant Park in Albany.
tion iee, but characterized several and Charles W right.
ng and embroidery was well done
f, aturea of the hill as out of keep
Those receiving certificates in
Preparations are being made to
md the cookies and biscuits looked
ing with »ound business policy. spelling for maintaining an average
celebrate the golden wedding anni­
Mr. aud Mrs. E. B. Penland and Lack of the required number of
iery tempting.
Koontz and Cleona
of 95 or better, were June Layton,
versary of Mr. and Mrs. E, B.
Mrs. Robins, spent Mon­ totes prevented its passage over
The first grand prize for boys
Smith were Eugene visitors last
Vivian Em m , Leila Gansle, Ione
day afternoon in Albany on a bus the veto.
vas awarded to Charles Falk, and Penland on June 13._____ _____
Mdler, Eloise Smith, Kenneth
Mice Sturtevant won the girl’s.
Rev. Green of Salem, a former iaess trip.
Workiuger, Reiiia Alford, Elaine
Church Note»
Mr. and Mra. C. P. Moody and
Mis» Sturtevant won first grand
pastor of tbe Methodist church of
Straley, Linden Bramwell, Walter
children »pent Sunday in H arris­
prize last year also and this year
this city, was visiting old friends
Poole, Alice Sturtevant, Dorothy
burg where they visited the form­ Pine Grove Church
resigned her rights to it in favor of
Corcorn, Rlietla Armstrong, G il­
b-ire today.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
er’s father.
Ione Miller.
bert Hayes and Howard lu ttle.
Preaching nt 11 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Bulord Morris
Vine Maple Circle, Ne ghbore ef
C. C. Jacksou of Halsey cele­
The two Inez V. Fieelsnd prizes
To receive a certificate in arith ­
Gilbert Carey will preach.
drove to Albany this nfternoou to Woodcraft will hold their regular
of $5 each ware won by Ioue Miller brated the 76 anniversary of bis
required sn average of 90 or
attend the funeral of the former s meeting Wednesday evening. A Church of Ctirist:
birth at his home in this city last
an 1 Paul Quimby.
aud the following students
10 a. m. Suuday echool.
uncle, Fred Blount.
good attendance is desired.
The two club priae* of $2.50 and evening. Hie two eons. Tom and
this eversge: Ione Mil-
GoI Jia Welle will give a short
How about the commercial club
Mre. T. M. Bennett and daugh­ talk at the beginning of Sunday ler, Lti'a Gansle, Eloiee Smith,
tl.5 0 each were awarded as follows George, and hie daughter, Mrs
Msrtha Hockensmitb, accompanied and the voluuteer fire departm ent ter, Mre. Opal H'gbae and ite lat­
with No 3 receiving a ribbon.
Vivian Erum, Linden Bramwell,
echo d.
by their families, spent the evening that were going to be organized in ter's »one, Clair and Clarence, of
11:00 a. m. morning woiebip and Kenueth Workiuger, Reine Alford,
Spoon River Bach dor Sewing club with him. Ice cream and cake, Halsey this spring.
near I^hanon, were dinner guest« communion service.
Elaine St raley, Billy Kirk, Rbetta
Doris Howard, leader
Irm a E. Shotwell of Los Angeles at the W H Roberteon home last
which tbe visitors brought with
Goldia Weill will epetk, Special Armstrong, Fredrick Robins, Don­
1, Milton Elliott; 2, Charles them was served late in the eve­ was a visitor in Halsey th il week
ald Bramwell, Dorothy Corcoran,
B erley; 3, Cl a lesFcIk.
and while here visited the echool*
Don’t forget the clubbing offer
H»yes, June Layton, Lila
12 o'clock bosket dinner.
• * *
in which she wae formerly a teach­ of the Enterprise and the M 'Clure
Howard Moss, Ivan Smith,
7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
Daisy Sewing club— Halsey
The birthday ol D, C. Rossman er.
magaziue, both one year for 11.50.
Alice htuitevant,
Goloia Welle will »peak. Special
Mrs. D. If. Sturtevant, leader
was the motive for a number of
Either new or renewal subscrip­ music. Union »el vie >. Best eeate Walter Foote, Earl Perry and
I, Alice Sturtevant; 2, June Lay- friends to give him a surprise party
John Smith.
of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hocke»- tions count.
to first coiners.
ton; 3, Delma Falk.
Friday evening, alter the com­ smith of Route 1, was graduated
Today witnessed the closing of a
The mesibera of tbe Pot.yanna
C. Adrian Sias, pastor.
very eucceasful year of echool, ami
Rail bow Sewing clu b —Vine Gro\e mencement exercises. Those tak­ from the Corvallie high echool thie club desire to express ihetr appre Methodist.
books will he put away for a rest
ing part were Messrs aud Mesdames
Grace Kirk, leader
cialion to those who loaned them
of three month« while the young­
10 a. in. Sunday echool
1. Robena Hughes; 2, Gertrude
11:00 a. in. preaching .
ster» will enjoy a vacation, and all
Tueiday evening Mr. aud Mr*. chairs, dishes and table« for their
Mre. Harold Muller, Mrs. W. A.
will ba ready to return in the fall
Nichols 3, Dorothy McLaren.
7:00 Epworth Leegus
F. G. Genele and Mr. and Mre. C
Muller, and Merton Muller.
for another year of work.
P Moody drove to Eugene and
Grass Hopper Sewing club—
Ice cream and wafers and a large
The high school picnic <*'.11 bs
Prayer meeting Thursday« 3:00
the wrestling match be­ Milton Elliott, Luella, Ardelle,
held at Triangle lake tomorrow.
Grass Hopper school______ dee orated b rthdsy cake were served
| Charles and Edna Falk.
tween Joues and Wild Cat Pete.
at a late hour.
Continue? on page 8.
Good Weather and Cheerful People
Made the Event A Success
From All Angles