HALSEY ENTERPRISE. HALSEY. OREGON. MAY 17. lirjS CONFEREES AGREE ON FARM AND SHIP BILLS MAJOR F IT Z M A U R IC E OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST ------------ Both M e a su re s W hipped Into F in a l Form fo r P re s e n t­ ing to P resid en t. Automobile liability, property dam age and collision losses paid by in­ surance companies operating In Ore­ gon during the year 1927 aggregated *947,297.25, according to the annual ' report of the state Insurance commls- FR A N C IS E. BUSH CLAIMS OF RIVAL CANDIDATES CONFLICT H o o v e r and S m ith Lead B a ttle fo r C onvention D e le g a te s . B rief Resum e of Happenings of • ‘o»«r. tu i n n s J Z .. The 1928 cr°D Prunes, cherries tne W eek C ollected fo r and pearg lu Marion county will be far below normal, according to reports O ur Readers. in received from the growers. The un­ satisfactory crop conditions were said The Rockaway-Garibaldi section of to be due to the recent rains and lack Washington, D. C —;Two more out­ Washington. D. C. — Political rival­ standing pieces of legislation troubling the Roosevelt highway was thrown of sunshine. ries, growing in Intensity as the June congress this season—farm relief and 1 open to traffic last Tuesday. national conventions draw near, are Salem showed a building gain last merchant marine development—have bringing to the surface In rapidly mul­ Mrs. Ellen Snedden, 84, pioneer res- month over April of 1927. There was been whipped Into final form fot pre­ ' ident of Coos Bay for 87 years, died a 5 per cent gain over April of 1927 tiplying numbers conflicting and con­ senting to President Coolidge. fusing claims as to the strength of i at her home In Marshfield last week. and a 19 per cent gain over March, Both measures are regarded as more the various candidates for the repub­ 1928. A total of 66 building permits The government has closed a deal or less In conflict with the adminis­ lican and democratic nominations. ! for a 15-year lease fo 60 acres of the were issued in Salem last month for tration program, although modifica­ Hoover and Smith are bearing the *260,118 worth of new buildings. Virgil Wells farm west of Woodburn tions finally made In the senate gov­ brunt of the grand offensives and will for an airway. Roses are in blossom at Seaside as ernment ownership shipping bill are culminate at Kansas City and Hous­ La Grande high school will graduate a result of the fine weather. The believed to make it acceptable at the ton. The commerce secretary particul­ ocean has been very rough and a 91 seniors this week, the largest class White House. Little hope Is held, arly Is challenged by a well-organized In Its history, and. It is believed, the strange variety of sea animal has been however, for presidential approval of opposition. cast on the beach. The huge monster largest In eastern Oregon history. the McNary-Haugen farm bill. While Hoover’s managers have not Conferees of the senate and bouse Winfield Scott Chapman, 78, Port- has been attracting much attention. yet claimed he has bagged enough del­ Many shrimp have been washed on the Jones White bill for develop­ | land’s oldest employe in point of serv­ egates to go over, they contend that ashore. ment of the merchant marine, agreed Francis K. Bush, in his nlnsty-slxth M ajor Fitxm aurlce of the Irish Free ice, and one time city engineer, died all signs point to victory for him when to almost all revisions by the house, State s ir forces, who flew across the at his home last week from heart dis­ Work of grubbing and excavating year, postmaster at Standing Rock, the republicans select their standard which went further than the senate A tlan tic w ith Baron Von Huenemen ease. on the site of new Northwestern Pulp Pa., claims to be the oldest active bearer. His foes, however, Insist they and made provision for encouragement and Capt. Koehl In the plane Bremen. & Paper company pulp mill at Astoria postmaster In the United States, hav­ they will have the votes in convention Fitzhugh C. Lee was nominated by of a privât« lv owned merchant marine j has been put under way by Peterson ing been firs t commissioned in 1875. to block his nomination. President Coolidge as postmaster at There was ilttle serious controversy & Scott who have the excavation con­ Junction City; James W. Dunn at Smith, In one way, has a harder row between the senate and hoese on farm tract. The plant is to be erected by Saint Benedict and William C. Foster to hoe, but his supporters claim a big relief. The bills of Senator McNary the Austin Construction company and at Tillamook. advantage in that his opposition ap­ republican, Oregon, and Représenta' I will cost about *2,000,000 pears scattered. The two-thirds nom­ A provisional estimate of the census tive Haugen, republican, Iowa, were The annual report of Clare A. Les, inating rule which the democrats ad­ bureau places the population of Ore­ 1 state insurance commissioner, made In agreement on the equalization fee here to makes It necessary for the gon at the present time at 902,000 as providing that it should be imposed Kansas City. Mo. — The Methodist- against the census figures of January public recently, shows that new life winner at Houston to capture at least to raise funds when necessary for Insurance policies totaling *91,938,- Washington, D. C. — The senate 733% of the 1100 delegates. At Kan­ marketing of surplus crops. That Is Episcopal church. In Its quadrennial 1, 1920, of 783,389. 418.67 were written in Oregon during adopted an amendment to the tax re­ sas City only a bare majority, 645 general conference, ratified the Idea of what President Coolidge regards as The *375,000 appropriated for Jetty 1927. At the end of the year foreign duction bill providing a graduated 5 votes, is needed for the nomination. unconstitutional, and It seems destined church unification and announced It­ work on the north side of the Umpqua life policies in the state totaled *525,- to 12 per cent tax on the first *15,000 self ready to receive and extend over­ With the opposition to the New to draw another veto for the bill. river will keep the crew employed for 513,3^6.04, as against *493,618,476.10 of corporation income. tures for closer co-operation and union York governor concentrating on a The conference accepted the senate two and a half years. The work re­ j the previous year. Senator Simmons, North Carolina, drive to build up a block of votes provision for exemption of fruits and with like-minded denominations. quires about 60 men. Oregon and the Pacific northwest minority tax leader, proposed the large enough to head off his nomlna- A single commission of 37 members fresh vegetables from terms of the Wallace Wintlar of the Bank of Com­ appear to have been especially favored amendment which was adopted 40 to tion, republicans lined up against equalisation fee. These, however, are was approved to represent the church merce of Eugene has been appointed In the matter of damage to fall sown 38. In all unification discussions. The . Hoover are overlooking no opportunl- the only commodities exempted from personnel of 7 bishops. IS ministers Boy Scout commissioner of Lane coun­ wheat during the past winter. In fact, Instead of the flat rate of 12 % per I ties to do damage to his cause the tea. and 16 laymen Is to be announced by ty to take the place of Lyle Kelling, Oregon shows the lowest percentage cent in the place of 13*4, as proposed An increasing number of republican the board of bishops by May 21. Ex­ who has resigned. of abandonment of any of the principal by the senate finance committee, the delegates are being selected, particu­ penses of the commission were order­ The Burns Chamber of Commerce, wheat producing states, says F. L. amendment provides for a rate of 5 larly in southern states, to contest the ed paid by the general conference. with 32 charter members, was organ­ Kent, statistician. United States de­ per cent on the first *5000, 7 per cent right of Hoover supporters to sit In The action was taken by vote of ized recently at a meeting In that city. partment of agriculture. on the second *5000 and 12 per cent on the Kansas City convention, and It Is 862 to 3. A. A. Bardwell is president and H. C. M. Good of Forest Grove died the third *5000, after which a flat rate a certainty that the republican na­ Prime significance was attached to B. Snowden secretary. tional committee, when It comes to suddenly last Tuesday evening. He will be charged. the church's declaration because like Democrats argued the plan, adopted phoned his wife early in the evening Rifting these claims, will have as much The Union county cherry crop is Geneva.— The Nnnklng nationalist government made a political stroke proposals will be made before the estimated worth about *70,000 or more that he was starting home on account by the house, but rejected by the sen­ work on Its hands as It did In 1920 general assembly of the Presbyterian a normal year and the outlook for a of feeling ill. A few minutes later ate committee, would relieve small cor j Just before the Chicago convention against Japan hy appealing to the church In the United States of Amer­ record crop and good prices this year the Information was brought to her poratlons. ' and Its battle royal for the nomina­ league of nations In a protest against ica at Tulsa, Okla, May 24 to 30. The senate adopted 40 to 34, the tion. j that the car in which he was riding Is said to be excellent. the activities of the Japanese In the The republican convention will get A new 6200-acre refuge and breeding had crashed into a telephone pole and finance committee proposal for a 12% province of Shantung. per cent tax on corporation Income under way four weeks from Tuesday. ORDER CAB S H IE L D S ground for birds and wild animals that Good had passed away. The nationalist protest character­ The democrats will assemble at Hous­ A special election, at which Forest over *15,000. has been set aside by executive order ised Japan's movements as acta of The house bill provides an 11*4 ton two weeks later. Northern Railroads Must Protect En­ of President Coolidge near thd upper Grove voters will be asked to author­ war against China, and urges the gine Crews In W inter. Before the end of the month tho ise the opening of motion picture per cent rate, and the present rate la end of Upper Klamath lake. league to request cessation of hos­ republicans will select the 219 dele­ Washington, D. C.—Railroads oper­ theatres on Sunday, has been sent for 13*4 per cent. tilities by Japanese troops and their The annual "All Girls’ Week’’ of gates who remain to be chosen, while Immediate withdrawal from Shan­ ating In northern and some western The Dalles high school was held last June 13 by action of the city council. states were ordered In the Interstate week at the local school auditorium, A city ordinance now restrains opera­ the last of the democratic convention tung. B R IE F G ENERAL N E W S representatives will not be named un­ The nationalist appeal for a league commerce commission to install cur­ with delegates from 35 schools in sur­ tion of theaters on Sunday, and it is Judge Walter H. Sanborn of the til a few days before the Houston for permission to amend this measure Investigation Into the situation appar­ tains on locomotive cabs for the pro­ rounding towns In attendance. United States circuit court of appeals, meeting. ently was carried out without the tection of firemen and engineers from The monthly report of Clare A. Lee, the council calls upon voters. Of the 870 republican delegates ac­ knowledge of the Pekin or northern November to April In each year. Rail­ Btate insurance commissioner, relative Stockmen from half a dozen eastern died suddenly in his apartment lu St. roads operating in the following states tually selected at the end of last week, Paul. government to April fire losses, shows that the , Oregon counties gathered at John The senate approved the new arbi­ Hoover's managers are laying claim Whether the league can entertain are among those affected: Colorado, loss outside of Portland was *259,647, Day, in the heart of the cattle coun­ the nationalist protest depends largely Idaho. Knnsas, Montana, Nevada. Ore­ and the total number of fires was 73. try, Monday, for the first of a series tration treaties with Germany and to 446, of which 184 are In dispute. Italy and the supplemental conciliation A total of 252 Is claimed for Lowden, on whether Cheng Loh and his chief, gon, Utah, Washlngtim, Wyoming and The Schofield River road being con­ of five meetings held by officers of treaty with Germany. j with his foes refusing to allot him 68 Chang TsoLIn, at Pekin will support California north of Oroville and Trini­ the Oregon Cattle and Horse Rais­ structed out of Reedsport will connect j dad. Walter Hagen succeeded Bobby 0? that number. the appeal of the southerners. ers' association to swell the member­ In addition railroads operating In that city with the North Ten Mile ship of the organisation before Its Jones as British open golf champion, ! In the democratic camp, the claims the more northerly sector of the terri­ Lake district. The road has been com­ annual meeting at Enterprise July 2 winning the title for the third time in behalf of Smith totaled 554>4, or C HINA CABLES COOLIDGE tory described must Install a hood cur­ pleted nearly to the Ten Mile section. slightly more than half the delegate with a splendid aggregate of 292. and 3. Of this total, • Willamette valley fruitgrowers re­ Mrs. W. T. Hobart, American Meth­ ! convention strength. Japanese C ris is B rought to A tte n tio n tain closing the opening between the Robert McKlm, 15, junior In the Ba­ port considerable damage to Italian locomotive and tender. Railroads In however, his claims to 79% are chal­ odist missionary at Tsinan, has been o f P re sid e n t. California were excluded from the prunes as a result of the recent heavy ker high school, died as a result of fn- murdered by Chinese troops, the lenged by opponents. Reed is runner- Shanghai. — The Chinese-Japanese rains. The Date and Petite prunes ap­ j juries received In the junior-senior American legation at Pekin was ad­ up on the basis of the 774 delegates crisis has been formally brought to terms of the order as to the hood cur­ tains. pear to have escaped senmta. damage. flag rush at the school grounds last vised. named thus far, with a claimed the attention or the United States gov­ A. N. Davis, Odell ranclSr, sheared week. The boy was caught under a j strength of 117, of which 81 are in John D. Rockefeller Jr. made public ernment at Washington, D. C„ by the mass of students fighting over pos­ Ita ly L im its P o litic a l P a rtie s dispute. his flock of 50 sheep last Tuesday. nationalist government council of session of the flag and trampled. He correspondence revealing that he had Rome,—The senate, after a speech When he was ready to haul the wool j asked Colonel Robert W. Stewart to China. was taken to the hospital, paralyzed While making no specific request by Premier Mussolini, has adopted the to market he discovered that thieves j from the neck down, and died within resign as chairman of the board of CAM PA IG N IN Q U IR Y ON new electoral law, making Italy a one- had visited his barn and stolen the the Standard Oil company of Indiana. for Intervention, the nationalist coun­ a few hours. party constituency, by a vote of 741 wool. Complete but unofficial figures on Senate Com m ittee Questions Presiden­ cil announced that a cablegram had The total registration in Oregon for results of the Indiana primary fixed to 46. The chamber of deputies has The Baker county court has signed ' tia l Candidates About Expenses. been dispatched to President Coolidge the May 18 primary election Is 317,- approved the measure. an order requesting the state highway j 491, according to a compilation of reg­ Senator Watson’s majority over Her­ Washington, D. C.—The senate cam­ formally calling the president's at­ commission to make surveys for con­ istration returns from the several bert Hoover at 24,057, In the race for paign funds committee in its investi­ tention to the recent clash at Tsinan and asking the attitude of the United Coolidge to Sign Flood C ontract Bill. struction of market roads between i 1 counties prepared by Secretary of the republican presidential preference. gation of expenditures of various can­ Washington. D. C.—President Cool­ Richland and Newbridge and between States "toward this grave situation didates tried an innovation—the candi­ State Kozer The republican regts- idge expects to sign the Mississippi j Halfway' and“ Carson’ ’J. S. Becomes Foremost Lender. created by Japan." dates themselves being called before i tratlon is 222,139, the democratic 83,- flood control bill. It is said authorlta Washington, D. C —American Inves- the committee. In all 13 men, whose Thia action follows closely on the The Greater Medford Highway asso­ | 304, progressives 571, prohibitionists tlvely at the White House. heels of the formal protest made to ciation has been formed by 22 busi­ ! 926, socialists 1316 and miscellaneous tors In the last seven years have.ef- 1 names have figured in discussions of fectively displaced Great Britain from ■ presidential possibilities, have been the league of nations by the national­ ness men of Medford. Its object is 1 registrations 1336. Moline. Ill, Man Heads Trade Body. Its standing as the world's greatest ; questioned. ist government last week In which It to secure the straightening of the Pa- The report of the Pine-Eagle Dalry- lending nation. The commerce de­ Washington, D. C.—Directors of the was claimed that Japan had violated A number of the candidates report­ clflc highway and routing it through men-g Cooperat|Te „ . „ c « , , , , , cover. 1 nlted Stales Chamber of Commerce partment, takigg British compilations ed that they had spent little or noth­ China's Integrity and Independence. Main street in Medford. ,ng , he per1od between June x 1#27 elected as president William Butler of that country's foreign Investments ing. Expenditures In behalf of Smith Mrs. Martha Carothers McBride, 82. and March 31, 1928, shows that 477,- Worth, Moline, III. from 1920 to 1927, inclusive, has set were listed around *100,000, while the House Approves Officers* Relief a resident of Oregon for the past 75 510 pounds of butter fat were pur­ the total at *4.121,000,000. Foreign cap­ committee was informed that Hoover’s Washington, I). C — The house Fri­ years, died at her home In Albany chased for *211,530. This report was ital Issues financed In the United THE MARKETS pre-convention campaign expenditures day passed the Tyson Fitzgerald emer­ Tuesday. She crossed the plains to read at the third annual meeting of Portland States during the same period had a probably could be held within *250,000. gency officers' retirement bill in the Oregon from Illinois In 1853 and set­ the association held In Halfway last total value of *6,836.000,000. Wheat — Illg Bend hluestem, hard Frank O. Lowden, former governor same form In which It was passed by week, which was attended by more hite, *1.64; soft while, western white, tled in the Shedd neighborhood. of Illinois, told the senate campaign the senate. The measure gives 3200 »1 43; hard winter. *1 34; northern Reductions ranging from 20 to 25 than 600 members. Coolidge Signs Highway Measure Investigating committee his Chicago men who served as emergency army prlr :, *1 35; western red, *1 34. per cent for electrical energy furnish­ Highway workers blasting the route Washington, D. C.—President Cool­ headquarters had collected ,64.700 and officers during the World war the Hay — Alfalfa. »19019 50; valley ed by the West Coast Power company for a road west of Waplnltla, In south­ idge has signed a highway measure. spent *60.000. Lowden said his per­ •ame allowances for disabilities as timothy, *190 19 50; eastern Oregon (Peoples West Coast Hydro-Electric ern Wasco county, have uncovered a It requests him to direct all govern­ regular army officers receive. timothy. *20.60 0 21. corporation) were announced in an veritable army of snakes. To date 75 ment agencies to co-operate in the con­ sonal books Indicated he personally Butterfat 44 045c. order banded down by the public serv­ rattlesnakes and a great number of sideration, preparation of plans, and had advanced *12.500, although his Trainmen Indorse ( Hour Work Dey. ice commission at Salem last week. bull snakes have been killed, and the actual constrflction of an inter-Ameri­ campaign managers' books indicated Eggs -Ranch, 200 25c. Cleveland. Ohio Establishment of Cities and towns benefit ting include workers expect to dig out several hun­ can highway connecting all nations of he gave *15,000. Cattle Steers, good. *11.25012.50. a six hour working day on the rail­ Hogs Medium to choice, * 9 0 10 50. I Toledo. Newport, Waldport, Reeds- dred more. Contrary to popular be­ the western hemisphere. Labor Head H its Seattle School Board. roads of America was recommended In Latnbs Medium to choice, ,10 5 0 0 ! P‘'rl' Clatskanie, Florence, Cascade lief. rattlers and bull snakes were a resolution passed here by the Broth 11.00. Washington, D. C. — President Wil­ Locks, Prairie City, Burns and Lake- found living together in perfect har­ Stage D riv e r Who Drove Lincoln Dies. erhood of Railroad Trainmen. Pas­ liam Green of the American Federa­ view. Seattle. mony. The Dalles.—W. N. Wiley, 89-year-old tion of labor In a telegram to Secre­ sage of the resolution was Interpreted Wheat Soft white, *1.48; western Latest reports are that the apple The highest herd average ever re­ Oregon pioneer who drove the stage tary Charles Doyle of the Seattle Cen­ here as a general move In which the white. *1 47; hard winter, *1.36; west­ and pear blooms In Hood River valley corded In Coos county was filed re­ coach which took Abraham Lincoln other three members of the "Big Four" ern red. *1 38; northern spring, ,1.40; this year are the heaviest and most eently with Harvey S Hale, Coos and Stephen Douglas over a 400 mile tral Trades council condemned the ac­ brotherhoods will Join. tion of the Seattle school board in blueatem. *1.68; dark northern spring, regular for several years and that county agricultural agent, showing trip during their electioneering days, *16»; dark hard winter, *1 56. splendid fruit crop is In prospect, says Ben Monson's herd of 14 cows produc­ died here Saturday. Wiley was born demanding that all school teachers C iv il War W id o w s Pensions Increased Hay — Alfalfa. ,24; timothy, *28; Seymour Jones, state market agent, ing an average of 1140 pounds of milk In Wisconsin In May, 1839. He came sign contracts declaring they are not Washington. D. C An Increase In P. 8 . *24. members of the American Teachers’ in his weekly bulletin. and 50 1 pounds of butterfat. to Oregon across the plains in 1860. the pension allowed widows of Civil federation. Butterfat— 45c. Bringing the record price of 70 ceats Construction five miles from Klam war veterans from ,40 to *60 a month Eggs Ranch, 22075c. per pound, the Toledo mohair pool sth Falls of what is expected to be Senate Would Investigate Chain Stores Is provided In a house bill passed by Coolidge Approves Gold Lindy Medal. Cattle Steers, choice. $11012.25. was sold last week to the Oregon Wool the largest lumber manufacturing Washington, D. C. — The senate , Washington. D. C —President Cool­ the senate. The widows would have Hogs Prime, *10 40010 60. A Mohair company of Salem. It to­ plant In Oregon will begin before adopted the Brookhart resolution to be 7* years old and have been mar­ Spekane. taled 15,000 pounds, and because of June 15, It wae announced recently which directs the federal trade com- : idge signed the Joint resolution pro­ ried prior to June *7, 1905, to receive Hogs -Good. *10 50010 60 the heavy percentage of kid hair, wae July 1 next year la the date planned mission to Inquire into the chain store viding for *1504 for the coinage of a the benefits. gold medal for Colonel Charles A. Cattle Steers, good. *11 5001* 1*. considered top quality. for first operation of the ml IL system of merchandising- Lindbergh. METHODISTS INDORSE CHURCH UNIFICATION NANKIN PROTESTS AGAINST JAPANESE GRADUATED TAX ON CORPORATION INCOME