Q/. / s / ' îcntrrpràv AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 92. Vol. 17. No. 2. Halsey, Oregon, Thursday May 17, 1928. DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County HIGH SCHOOL PLAY ONE OF College Military Show Will Lnn County Jersey Cattle Club HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES MIRTHFUL COMPLICATIONS Attract Thousands to O.S.C. Meets at Albany, Tues.May 22 S h ed d P erson als := Tl (Enterprise correspondent) Achievement Day at Halsey Sat- Mr. aud Mrs. K ennett Cross if Misses Philda and Elds Stubbi Good Acting Brought Out by Good The sixteenth annua! military urdav. May 26. Be sure to come - Alba ly were among tbe out-of-town 1 Plans for the 1928 spring cattle ■pent M other's Day visiting their Coaching M akes Play tournament of the college R O.T.C. Halsey Enterprise end McCall visitors in Halsey last Sunday. 1 show of tbe Linn County J'rsey parents, Mr. aud Mrs. H. Stubbs aud the laying of the cornerstone Enjoyable magaziue Loth one year for $1.50 Henry Falk and family and C Cattle Club, were completed Satur- of Brownsville. of the new 1500,000 memorial "A a rjn Boggs, Freshm an,” a union buildi'g being erected by three act college comedy play pre student, faculty and alumni sub­ se ited by the pupils of tbo Halsey scription, will share honors as the High School at the city hall last two big features ou the campus at Friday night, was well received. A O.S.C Saturday, June 2- More than 1C00 cadets will per- fair house responded to the invita­ tions sent out by Aaron but made form on Bell field before e crowd up in enthusiasm, w hat was lacking expected to surpass last year’s in number, of the effnts of the record attendance. The tournament, consisting of students, who with him, put on an excellent evening's entertain- military and athletic events show­ ing actual warfare and drill tac­ ruent. The work and ability of the tics of the field artillery, cavalry, dramatic instructor, Miss Gladys engineering, infantry and field McCornack, me in bet of the high units of the cadet corps, will fur school faculty, showed plainly in uish entertainment for old aud every position, gesture, and charac­ young alike. Among the special ter portrayal of those in the cast events will be the rifle relay races, mounted push ball contests, mass and the p arts assigned. calisthenics by the infantry battal­ “ Aaron Bogg’, Freshm an,” the ion, girl’s musical rope ride, a title character, by Herman Koontz, Gretna Green, jum ping in pairs, a wub a typical unsophisticated lad centipede race, and exhibitions of right from the rural district.'T Iap horsemanstii ■*. Captain H. L. py Jimmie Jamieson” a difficult Beard’s Oregon State band wiji p art, was admirably handled by provide m artial music throughout Charles Wright who shows unusual the day. ability jn impersonation. “ Beau C arter’ and "Pepper Jervis” two students witli more thought for college life than knowledge, were ably portrayed, by Richard Hussey From O ur Regular Correspondent! and Keith Hayes. “ Epenelus Boggs” characterized The last meeting of the year for by Ellsworth Gardner was good as the Halsey Women’s study club also th at of “ Mr. C hubb” by John was held Thursday afternoon at Miller. "Casey Jones, a college the lcvely couutry home of Mrs. C- politician, played by Mac McCord, W. Evans. Large bouquets of was ably handled and some day larkspur were placed artistically Mac will be one of our leading po­ on the porches and in the living litical bosses. room. Fourteeu club members re- "Second Hand Abev’’ by Henrt sponded to roll call with an orig Kirk did not fail to register ap ­ inal poem on Mother's Day. The plause and “ Elyzabethe Maudelia poems ranged from two lines to Feeny,” by Nellie Falk, wa9 very four and five verses, aud a great well done. “ Mrs. Chubb” and deal of unsuspected talent was dis­ "M rs. Pickens,"the two boarding­ covered. Mrs. James Drinkard had house keepers, Lucille Phelps and the lesson, "Notable Women ol Frances Norton, aired college gos C hina.'’ A questionaire on the sip in real boarding house style work of the club for the past year "E velyn Newcomb,” a college- had been prepared by Mrs, T. 1. belle, was the part given to Bessie Marks, Reynolds who filled th i pjsitiou The annua) election of officers with good acting. "Lois H unter,’’ was held at this time Mis. Curtis a g irl’s friend, by Ruth Sturtevant, Veatch will be president for the was very cicely portrayed."Cherry next year, Mrs. B. M. Bond vice C arruthers,” with a changeable president, Mrs, Charles G. Hamer heart was that assigned to Muriel secretary aud Mrs. L. W- Ration L ike and "L oretta Rea” a rom an­ treasurer. tic junior, was assigned to Edith During the social hour a program Smith. * Dollie de Cliff«’’ a vaude- was enjoyed, One number was a V.lle queen, was the part carried song, “ Mother,'1 in which Mrs with honor by Ernestine Cole uan Evans was seated in a chair, and The stage arrangement for the crocheting, with Mrs. Bond seated first act was done in a splendid at her feet. Mrs. Morris was at way and from the auditorium pre­ the piano. “ Ching Chong" was sented a pleasing background for another song which was sung en the students. The Halsey orches­ custume. Mrs. Woodward, in hon­ tra. directed by ftliss Adah Nelson, or of “ Mother’s Day’’ presented interspersed with catchy music the club with a check for $10. The hostess then -invited her which added to the pleasures of the guests to the dining room where evening’s eutertainraent. they found an elaborate lunch awaiting them. The dining table W alter Johnson in Bad W ay was centered with a vase filled with red and white caruations. The same color scheme was carried out iu the place cards and other table appointments. Mrs. Woodward and Mias Evans assisttd the host­ ess in serving. Miss Evans was a complimented guest. 1 be date for the annual picnic of the club has not been decided ou. S O C IE T Y N E W S ^ ♦ ♦ • The photograph shows Walter Johnson, former Washington pitcbei and now manager of the Newark Rears. The ‘‘Big T rain" suffered an attack of Qn while training his team in Florida and it Is now doubtful whether he wtii be able to play for some time. Fiiday afternoon the memb re of Vine Maple Thimble club held thsir second meeting with Mrs. Clara La- Follette hostess. In the absence of Mrs. Elliott, president of tbe club, Mrs. Ella Rossman presided. Tbe committee on by-laws reported and tbe by-laws accepted. Following this three new members, Alma Hamer, Nellie Isom and Dollie Hoffman, were initiated into tbe club Roll call was answered by giving some item in connection with tbe early method of sewing. Mr. and Mrs. B»If Bond and sot. ' H. Falk drove to Mt Angsl ai d J »y afternoon when member« ol Weilingtoa enjoyed a pleasure irip ' Woodburu last Sunday ou a pleas- club e executive committee met to Newport S u tu ay . ure Dip. > > the Albany chamber of com Mr. and Mt«. George Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Thomason of ni‘‘IC9 rooms, u _ i 1 i ‘ ne snow will w in be oe held new on Oil ti e and Milt Sargent enjoyed an o u t-, Albany were gu«6« at the F. p p "- tle show Sun-1 hifin County fair grounds, Albany, iug at Cascadia Sunday. ford Me rris home in Halsey o.i Tuesday, May 22. It will b< Mr. aud Mrs. C. L. Falk Jr. vis- day. o jk ^ lb « second event on the annual ited at the home of tbe la tte r’s sis- i Dou't forget tbe clubbing » «« a . - » q . i ..I , ,, , , ,,, Jersey Jubilee excursion, which ter, Mrs. bweet io Eugene Sunday : of tbe Enterprise aud the McClure, .,, ,, 1 . .. . 4 , ... .will start at Eugene on Monday, both one year for $l.o0. I ,, , , , Mrs. A- G. Waggoner spent last magsziue, „ ... , , i May 21, and t nd late in the week . , . , Saturday at the A. H. Quimby Either new or renewal subscrip-’ iin the northern part of the state, tions count. | . , ,, . home south east of Halsey. I A complete all-day program was Sunday, Chester Sickels and J autborJ, ed starting early iu the Mrs Paul Bierley and Irine and irri„ , o| e ||i b . Paul Quimby spent Saturday in family and Charles Hamer »«d family of Halsey were guests at L a|1(, tbroughout , b(, dtty. Albauy on a pleasure trip. Webster Falk of Spoon River the Chancy Sickels home near In (he morning the judging will visited at the home of his parents, Charity grange. start and will continue all day. At Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kendall of noon there will be a big free dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Falk last Sun­ North Albany spent Sunday in for all, which will he served by the day. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Qansle and Halsey visiting at the home of the inomen members of tbe club, fol­ daughter Leila drove to Slayton latter's parents, Mr an ! Mrs. W. lowed by a short but peppy pro­ gram inside tbe exhibit building Tuesday evening for a visit with U Wtl'a. Ou Sunday evening, May 27, One if the features of tbe day will relatives. a group of young people of U. of 0 . be the jersey co.v dem just ration Mr and Mrs. J pss Cross and Mr i will have charge of the evening by Prof. Brandt of O. A. C. and Mrs. Munger were guests at services at the Methodist church. A booth where Jersey milk will the Harold Muller home west of Wayne Veatch is io charge of the ba dispensed free will give all Halsey Sunday. arrangements. guests an opportunity to learn of Mr. and Mrs. Clarou Gormley of Due to a disease which has been the qual’ty of Jersey milk. Coquil'e were week end visitors in termed by poultry experts at OAC I ’ rof. J, C. K n o tts o f the a n im a l Halsey at the home of the former’s as occidiosia Chester Sickels loet husb a n d ry d e p a rtm e n t of W ash father, E E. Gormley. 275 little white leghorn chicks this in g to n State college w ill be judge The many friends of Mrs, P. J. week. The disease is said to he of the ca ttle . Each exhibitor will le allowed Forster will be glad to learn th a t new aud very contagious. $150 on each animal exhibited up she is improving from the effects of A real estate deal was completed to senior yearlings and $2,50 on her recent operation. this week in which George Maxwell each animal a senior yearling oi Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Matheny of traded his residence property here over to cover expense charges. Albany were visitors at the E nter­ for a house and lot just outside of Awards are made by ribbons. prise office Friday afternoon while tbe city limits of Albauy, and is Each club woman is expreteri to enroute to Eugene on a pleasure moving to th at city this week to take two quarts of potato salad, trip. make his home. two quarts of fruit salad, two cakes Miss Goldie Wells who has been a q uart of Jersey cream end out­ Needlework and conversation oc doing missionary work in Africa siders are requested to bring some cupied the attention of the mem- the past seven years, arrived in of the above mentioned ai tides. bers for the remainder of the after­ noon and at four o’clock the hostess Halrey Wednesday morn’ng on a Meat will be provided by the club. invited her gueets to the dining visit at the horn of her parents, The old wooden side walk in room where they found places at a Mr and Mrs. W. A. Wells. Mias front of the Morris Pharmacy has Wells arrived in New York the first prettily appo:nled table. A de­ been taken up and will bo replaced licious two course lunch was served. day of May. She was home four with a cement one. J. J. Corcoran years ago on a visit aud will be The hostess was assisted by Mrs. h is the contract. Hoffman. Those enjoying this home this time for a year. Mrs. Bert Claik who has been Tuesday afternoon Mrs. John pleasant afternoou were Merdames White, G. Taylor, Morris, Lake, Bramwell who has been confined visiting relatives in Lebm nn since Rossman, Isom, Hamer, Hoffman, to h tr bed ¡ibme January when she Saturday returned home this after­ and LaFollette and Miss Mary bad a stroke d paralysis, was taken noon. Her mother, Mrs. Robert Smith. to the McKenzie River sanitarium Curtis of Lebanon, accompanied Mrs. Hamer offered tbe hospital­ for treatm ent. Mary Smith ac­ her home. The bazaar to have been held by ity of her home to the club mem­ companied her to the sanitarium , tbe Loyal Women of the church of bers for their next meeting which returning to Halsey Wednesday Christ on the 26, has been post­ will be June 8. evening. She reports that Mrs. poned to a later date because of Bramwell stood the trip very well. Continued on page 8. Achievement day le irg on that d ite. Norman Toeutemeier spent last week at Willamette where be visit­ ed liis two sisters, Cora and Leuise, and bis brother August. He re­ turned home Saturday, accompan­ ied by his brether whoviaited here Don’t Forget the Boy or Girl Graduate over the week end. Mrs. Moody wrote to the KOAC broadcasting station asking them if they would broadcast tbe date of Achievement day. She received a letter easing they would be glad to do so aud that it would be broad­ cast during tbe noon program on Thursday the 21 aud also Fiiday evening the 25. A Dudgc coupe belonging to the C. I T. Corp, of Portland an I a truck collided near tiie southern limits of the city Tuesday evening, For Him we have For Her we ha v with the result that tbe coupe made Pearls, $5.50 strand Watches a dive across the highway, hit a (indestructible) Purses telephone pole, rsis’ng it about two Fountain Pens Fountain Pens feet out of the ground ai d break­ Brooches and Pins Leather Bill Folds ing the arm off. Wurkiuger tuned Cameras, Kodaks Wristlets, Bracelets (be wrecked car to Albany and late Kodaks, Cameras Kodak Albums (hat night the Camel Towing Co of RINGS and JEWELRY FOR BOTH. Portland took it to Portland. Eldon Morris, a brother of F. Buford Morris, pissed through Halsey early Tuesday morning on bis way to Bremerton, Wash., after Graduation and Congratulation Cards. four years »ervics iu the navy three years of which was spent in China, GRADUATION WILL SOON BE HERE Morris Pharmacy Mr. und Mrs J H. Seipp of Silverton were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. T. R. Springer. Mrs. Carrie Reichart of Marion, Iowa, is v siting at the home of Mr. an d M rs. O, M, Thompson af­ te r sp en d in g several weeks in Cal. Tbe junior class of Shedd biyh presented the senior class with a farewell party Wednesday evening. At a late hour refreshments weie served, Janet Arnold, w in has hern teaching in Spray, has returned to her home in Shedd where she will spend the summer visiting m r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnold. SCHOOL NOTES L.. Edited By W ilm a W ah l M rs. C la rk S m ith visited in tha grade rooms F rid a y of last veek. Achievement Day ivi'l lie he'd the 26th, this d ite being finally settled upon. The junior-senior banquet will be held at tbe school bouse on Saturday night. The boys of the high school played a game of baseball with the Harrisburg high aud were defealtd 22 to 10. The P.T. A. held a meeting at the schoolhouse Monday night. The French classes gave a program. The high school play giv n last F iid a y n ig h t was v e ry w e ll atte n d el. The student body received nearly $60for admissions. The grades are taking the stale examinations this week. Three members of the eighth grade took tbe arithm etic test and found it not difficult. Bacca'aureate services will be held at the Church of Christ Sun­ day evening. May 20. Theodore Mitzner will deliver the sermon. Class night is to be at the Method­ ist church Wednesday evenii g. May 23. Commencement will alao be at the Methodist church on Friday May 25, D. V’. Poling, D.D., of Albany, will deliver the com- mencement address. Esther Seefeld, Reporter. with the Asiatic fleet. The river Yangtse was patroled the 1200 miles which was navigable with the U. 8. Sacramento on which young Morris saw most of his cer- vice, and barges were used to pro­ tect U. 8. interests and people for Another 400 miles. Morris will he out of the service June 29 and will then come to Halsey to make his home with h ’s brother. Plans are rapid>y going forth for Achievement day and the various committees Are working hard to make it a success. A detailed pro­ gram ami also the names of th« clubs and members will be pub­ lished in ths Enterprise next week. Is Sjscessful Vosa! In tlrtn lc r Mirwin Dant, baritone, pupil of Audia Ramsey Frazee, won first place for boys low voice at the high school tournam ent which was held at the Pacific University Saturday, April 28. Mr. Dant represented the Benton Polytechnic school. He has studied voice with Mrs. Fraiee for two and one-ha If years an 1 has developed a large beautiful voice. Mrs. Frazee also assisted Lydia Marks who represented Jeffereou High and who won second place for girls low voice in the same con­ test. Mrs. Frazie will be remeru- be red as Auda Ramsey, the daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. R tm sef. She attended the Halsey school.