ÎEntettjrtse agriculture horticulture livestock Established in 92. Voi. 17. No. 1 MAY DAY CEREMONY 8IG SUCCESS AJJSPOON RIVER 4.11 Clubs Take Part i" Celebration and Exhibit Handiwork of Their Members A Urge crowd gathered at the to witness the May Day and Club program which was scheduled for 10:8o but on account of the inability of Mrs. > Edna Geer the couuty superin­ tendent to be present at that time, was postponed until the afternoon. Mrs. Nora Coleman, club organ­ izer, spoke of the club work, its aims and the good work accom­ plished by clubs in this part of the county. After inspecting the work of the club and the final reports signed the ceremonies of crowning the Queen of May took place. Marga­ ret Harding, aged 5, was crowned queen with M argaret Car3y and Betty Jean Falk, aged four, as her attendants. Eloise Babcock, 6, crowned the queen. Betty Jean Vannice, aged 3, was flower girl, Jim m y Kirk was leader pf the procession and Jimmie Van- nice and Lawrence Gillette crown bearers and nearly all of the little folks near that age were in the procession. After the program was over rac> s and jumping and throwing contests were eujoyed by the boys and girls. The Spoon River Bachelor Sewing club and the Pollyauna Cooking club had a stand in charge of Miss Georgina Clark which nette i $4.12 for the clubs. Dinner was served in cafeteria style, everyone having brought well-filled baskets. About 115 were present. Guests were present from Row land, Braudon. Center and Halsey. Kirk School Saturday Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County Halsey, Oregon. Thursday May 10, 1928. Fayetteville Items ercises at Monmouth Friday. ’, G, McCune motored to Mon­ mouth Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Jack Hickman. H. W. Davis of Willamette was a terent visitor at the home of his brother, W. B. Davis. Ernest Maxwell who came home from Klamath Falls has accepted a position io a store in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Ira St. John, eon Raymond and daughters Wanda and W ilm a, were Corvallis visitors Sunday. H. G. Pugh was hurt quite bad­ ly Thursday evening wtien he fell from the horse he was tiding in­ juring his shoulder. Mr. and Mis. W- H. McConnell entert lined at dinner Sunday with the followiug as guests: Mr. and Mrs. Bear of Brush Creek and Mr. Bear’s mother, Mrs. Sarah Bear of Indiana, who is visiting her son, and Mr. and Mrs W P. Moore and daughter Lois Jean. The junior choir of the United Presbyterian church of Albany and their leader, J. W- Barton, render, ed their Easter cantata at the Unit­ ed Presbyterion church in Shedd Sunday morning to a large and ap­ preciative audience, they tbcv went to Oakville aud sang. Among those attending from Albany were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris, Mrs. Edna Barton, Mr. and Mrs. V. L Calavan. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES S O C I E T Y N E W S Mrs. W. H. Robertson an 1 Mrs. Jess Cross were Albany visitors Monday. Mrs C. P. Moody, Mrs. Will Muller and Mrs Harold Muller of Halsey spent Saturday io Eugene visiting friends. Mrs. Marietta Palmer is reported to be quite ill at the home of her son, Lim an Palmer of the Lake Creek community. Mrs D. C. Rossman and daugh­ ter, M 's Harold Muller, drove Bellfountain Tuesday and spent the day at the home of the former’s brother, B. C. Porter. Last Sunday a aurobei of Halsey people took advantage cf the fine weather to drive to Cascadia. Among tho3e spending the day at the mountain resort were Dr. ar.d Mrs. T. I Marks, Mr and Mrs. B. M. Bond and sou aud the form er’s mother, Mis lames Drinksrd, La­ velle Palmer, Mrs. Nora Coleman and daughter Ernestine, Charles Munger and tbs Thomas Ardry and G E. Ardry families. Mr. and Mrs. Feyette Lake, Mur­ iel Lake and E. R Robins drove to Albany Friday evening where they were guests at a surbrise parly for Mrs. Ralph Hyde. Sirs Lake remained in Albany until Monday and on Sunday accompan­ ied her son in-law . C. R. Goltra, and family to Newport and South From O u r Regular C oireipcnJcnli Bt ach on a pleasure trip. The rest of the party returned to Ha'sey Friday night. I Friday evening the buys of the Mrs. Clara LaFnllette will le Gypsy Rover camp cookery club, hostess to the members of the accompanied by their leader, F. Thimble club Friday afternoon. ( Buford Morris, enjoyed an outing W. T. Morris and wife of Port- , ° n ‘he hanks of the Calapoola near land spent Saturday in Halsey at Halsey. The boys made biscuits the home of the former’s niece, and hot chocolate over a camp tire. The hoys in this club are Keoueth Mrs. Dana Rocsman. Workii ger, Cha-les Reeves, Arthur On account of the high school and Bluford Moss and Ccdr C being given Friday evening the Moody. regular meeting of the Parent- * * * Teacher association will be held PEORIA next Mouday evening. The lovely co u n try hom e of Mrs. Bernhard Galster a well known ¡Harold Mu,1er was «he -cene of a resident of the Sweet Home section giy crowd Friday afternoon when purchased a new late model John Mi*. Muller entertained the mem­ Deere tractor from Hill & Co , and bers of the U Go 1 Go club. Vases took del,very Tu-’iday. filled with Macs added to the at­ Interest this week has centered tractiveness of Ihe rooms. The around ihe high school play hostess had arranged a number of "Aaron Boggs, Freshm an,” to be couteits for her guests and a great presented at the city halt Fr day deal of fun was derived from them. evening Rehearsals have been A lap lunch served by the bo-ters held during the past two weeks aud qjawpletcd the pleasant afternoon, the plsy promises to be the lest Fourteen club members were pres­ ent Mrs. D. C. Rossman and yet. Mrs. Josie Smith and daughter Mrs F. Buford Morris of Halsey guests of Hs(-ey went Ip Albany this were co m p lim * en ted * * morning to attend file tuneral of PINE GROVE the foimer's sister, Mrs. Martha The Kroweldeen club members McBride who died in that city on entertained their husbands and Tuesday evening. She was veil fam lies at (he Russel Gitin, m borne known in H d ey wuere she h id Saturday evening. Stunts, games, visited often. x -t cards and music marie tQe time pass pleasantly and quickly until Miss Nelson’s French I and II near midnight when ice cream was j classes will Rive a Fiench program served. Mr. and Mr* Frank Smith S C H O O L N O T E S ' this Wednesday, the regular assem­ w d the Mii-ses Margaiet lleinrich, bly day. The program is as fol­ Robena Hughes and l.ora Stewart, Edited By W ilm a W a h l lows: Amérique; dialogue, par Le and Messrs Albert Heinrich, Collin Doc’ZOr Setfeld et Facteur des [T sp on River Sparks Carver, J. (’. H 1 ¡Urich, George R h v . 1 hendore Mi’zner has con­ pastes Veatch; Marie et Petit Ag- sented to preach the baccalaureate neu; Aloneite; P etit Garçon Bleu: Gitbens and Robert Hover were (By Special Correspondent) C. L. Falk Jr. took a load of sermon for the senior class at the M.delon; Petite Bo-I’eep; Reste other fr’euds * present. * * Christian church on May 20ib. lambs to Portland Monday. E DOMI ■ ■ I'1" ■ M• r*el1 • '• • LAKE CREEK The class right program la s been Mr. aud Mrs Curt s Veatch vis. A delightful lawn party was 1 eld Barnes Circus Cuming! planned. Nora Coldiron, the senior ited at the L R Falk home Mon­ at the J. W. Evans home Friday having the highest average for the The all new producti ;n of the day. afternoon wtien Mrs. I.edgerwood, tour jears will deliver the viledic Al. G. Barnes Circus is coming to Attendance Contest Closes Sunday Gilbert Carey of Salem spent tory address on that night. Her teucher of the Lake Creek school, Albany, Thursday, May 17. The contest closes with Mother's Saturday here at the E E Carey scholastic average was 95 2. Es­ Advertising ageuts representing her pupils aud a number of the pa­ Day services. The morning cervices home. ther Seefeld with the second high­ Al. G. Barner Circus have been trons tf the tcliool, met for the will be merged and will include a Ernest Gourley and family were est average of 93 4, will give the pogfing pictorial circus bills in this I annual .school picnic. Games and number of specials in the way of guests at the H. L. Straley home salutorv address. Hope Hussey is ' vicinity announcing the coining of refrtslim erits added to the enjoy­ music. The orchestra will play one the class poet and M-ry Smith the ¡this excellent show, and advertiee- ment of the af’ernoon special number. After church we Sunday. This school closes May 11. Mis Charlie Bierly who has been on prophet, will tell of thesem or class j men(g wi]| be found in our columns are all going picnicking—don’t for I.edgerwood has been reelected lor the sick list is reported to be im­ as she sees it in future years. Chas, this week The management of the get your basket. another year, thus making four Wright will give the junior class Al. G. Barnes Circus announces the Every one not having Gowers proving now. years in succession. Sunday morning will he provided I Guests at the W.R. Kirk home some advice. Henry Kirk as the following features this year, The monthly cocial and business at the church door. Be there at j Sunday were Mr. and M'S- Joe grumbler, will tell of soms of the > ’ The all new spectacle, entitled meeting of the Epworth League trials of the high school course ‘Aladdin and the Parade of Gold,’ 10 o’clock. The mother of the Kirk of Portland, was held at the home of Mr. arid Edith Smith will read the will ol j n which approximately 1,000 peo- R. L. Snyder of Portland visited largest family present will receive Mis. Robert Sisk Saturday evening the senior class. Mac McCord will 1 p e take part, including the Chi- a special bouquet. 1 he youngest his daughter, Mrs. Merwyn 5 an with about twenty-five members relate the history of the class of nese beauty, Lola Lee Chong; the mother present will also receive Nice he’e last Wednesday. and friends present. Tim short 1928, and Carl bom will sirg a two Mastodons, Tusko and the one. Everyone come and bring a Mr. and Mia, G. J. Rike and business eessiou w as presided ovt r vocal solo. There will be e th e r1 M>ghty Tusko; K linkhardt’s equc-i friend and alao your Bible. Every Harlie and James Rike were Sun­ by Miss Florence Sisk and was fol­ musical numbers on the program ¡trian midgets, fourteen tiuyhorse- point will be needed on this final day visitors at the C. L balk Sr. ncluding eongf by the class, a vo- |U8n from Bavaria; Sail Marcus, lowed by a social hour, durii g day. The goal is 170. Crabtree home. :al quartet aud a trio. the $16,000 equine sta r; the’ zebra which game’, music and etuui» is about 100 points ahead. Next The Misses Nellie, Mayme and Everyone is working hard to gel round-up, with the largest herd were pleasant diversions At a lute Sunday we will go to Crabtree for Pearl Falk attended the ehower ready for Achieve nent day. | in captivity in America; and many a free dinner and afternoon ser­ g yen for Mies Hope Huasey Satur- Saves 165 Lives Mrs Coleman’s room took the I ^ r novel features and perform- vice—if we win. day afternoon. American aud for­ C. Adrian Sias, pastor. last of Mrs. Geer’s tests last week. *uce8 K,ven Sunday visitors at the Merwyn eign artists, also animals from a 1 Don’t forget the clubbing otfei VanNice home were Mr. and Mrs. Her entire 6th grade received cer­ parts of the world. of the Enterprise an d 'th e McClure L R. Snyder and the former’s Bister tificates. In order to receive a cer ’Two performances are given tificate the pupil must make an magaziue, both one year for $1.50. Ruth Snyder, of Salem. daily —the afternoon show starling average of 95 in arithm etic and Either new or renewal subscrip­ The Misses Doris Howard, Nellie spelling, Kenneth Workinger, a st 2 o’clock, and the evening per­ tions count. Falk, Grace Kirk, Mavme and 5th grade pupil, received 100. in formance at 8 o'clock. The doors Ju lia Spence, 6, at the lisk of Pearl Falk, and Willie Falk a t­ every spelling test. Rene Alford are open one hour previous for tl.e her life saved her 4-year old bro­ tended the Epworth League con­ who is also io the 5tb grade ree iv- inspection of the zoo, aud for tl e ther from drowning in Lake Micb vention held in Albany Sunday ed a certificate; 4lh grade pup:ls children to see the two mammoth receiving certificates were Mary beasts which require speciallv con- igan. evening. Aon Perry, E'aine Straley, Linden J. R. Templeton took his father, Bramwell, Billy Kirk and Freder- strucled railway cars for their tran s­ portation.” A. M. Templeton, to Junction C«tv ck Robins Study Club Thursday afternoon for medical BSD ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B IB treatment and during their absence Will Serve Mrs. J. R. Templeton visited at the W. R. Kirk horn». Clarence Gillett and family and bis father and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Carey ai-d children attended the B wedding of Mary Carey and Shirley (4 B At Library Room Vorrey at Salem Sunday. The newly-weds will make their home near Silverton. W ilfred W hiling of London, Brig ° 11:30 to 1:30. C. G HAMER INAUGURATES STAGE LINE TO SWEET HOME \\ ill Conduct Regular and Scheduled Bus Line From Halsey to Sweet lh»me Beginning thia week, Charles Q. Hamer inaugurated a schedule of bus transportation from Halsey to Sweet Home via Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Holley. The time cards give arrival and t|eparture of the bus and also the tariff on transportation and culls (or connections with all Southern Pacific passenger trains at Halsey. This is decidedly a great advan­ tage to those from the Calapooya Valley t iw us and no doubt null bo well patronized. A lf o r d A rro w s < E nt«rp rla« C orrentioudeni«) Mr. a id Mrs. A F. Robnelt and daughter Doris, i,f Eugene, spent Sunday afternoon at the J. F. Horn home. Mrs. B. E. Cog-well attended church in Eugene Sunday m orning ami spent ihe day with her son, Philip, a student at U.of O. Mrs. Robert McKee of Eugene and Mis. Guy Roberts of Toledo, visited at the home of their p ar­ ents, Mr, amt Mr . Michael Rick­ ards. Mr. and Mrs. E D. Isom atten d ­ ed the funeral of Leo H arris of A 'izriia in Albany Sunday after­ noon He was 4 Mm ol Mrs. M y Troutman of Shedd. Sunday afteruoon callers at lie C. A. Curtis home were Mrs. Wm. 'Curtis and son Da'e, Mar. Jay Cur­ tis ami children all of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and daughter Doris, of Lake Creek uml Herbert and Atvia Tandy ot Elmira. HALSEY THEATRE Cafeteria Lunch E lection Day May 18 DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY TUESDAY,MAY 15,8 O’Clock U n k n ow n S old ier” I The Rev. end Mrs. Miller, Mrs. E Brendon end Mrs. A. Foote of Halsey attended the Holiness con­ vention at Sweet Home Tuesday. ‘Seeing the World’ Comedy. B B B B B B Prices 10c and 25c. B B B B B B B B B B B B W land, w ith some o f the medals he has received for saving the lives of his fellowmen. W hiting has saved 105 persons from drowning without assistance. hour Mrs. S ’sk, assisted l»y Mrs. Thomas Ardrv served refreshm ents. ♦ ♦ ♦ FAYETTEVILLE Tlie McCormick elan served an elaborate dinner at the Cottage Sunday in honor of Mrs. I G Gibson's and J. A- Cousy's birth davs The table was centered with a large angel food cake decorated with cir.dles. Among those seated around the table weie Messrs and Mesdamer W. It McCormick, N. McCormick, D B. McWilliams, R. C. McCor­ mick, II F. Couey and children, J G Gibson, J A. Coney, amt Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, M ’ s. Emma Gregory, Augusta Eckstein, Leola McCormick, Boyd I h r if i, R. W. and Donald McCormick. * * * Miss Hope Hussey whose wed­ ding is to be an event of the near Continued on page 8 QiuiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiirr Mothers’ Day CARDS CANDY STATIONERY Give her a box of Candy all for herself. M o rris Pharm acy Ui inmut) miiiil GLOBE Sun. Mon. Tuea. May 13-15 Lon Chaney in “ Laugh, Clown, Laugh" Wed., Ihu r., F ri. May 16-18 “ Beau S ab reu r” with Gary Cooper - Evelyn Brent Saturday, Only, May 19 Dolores Del Rio in “ Gateway of the Moon"