agriculture HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY Voi. 16. No. 52. PIANO RECITAL FRIDAY NIGHT WAS MOSTjUCCESSJUL Halsey, Oregon, Thursc'ay May 3, 1928 Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County the S. S. Lamar home Stturday. “ The Shepherd of the H ill«” W ill Sunday morning he address d a large congregation at the M. E Be Shown Here Next Tuesday church and held third quarterly Out of the pages that have thrill­ The piano recital by the pupils conference at the close of the ser Halsey Enterprise and McCall Miss Nettie Spencer of Corvallis, A. F. Shere aud Frank Ksmuer, of Mrs. Jess Cross given at the vice. A number from Lake Creek magazine toth one year for I I 50. formerly of Halsev, spent several ed millions come Harold Belt c h a ra c te rs - to th in g an Alexander Aeroplane Co. Christian church last Friday night and Pine Grove attended. Mr. and Mrs. Jers Cross, Mrs. E days here ’a=t week visiting frien d s.' * r'8hl 8 Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. El- "” ,ve 1,!on« “ tl,e trail machine, landed in a field adjoin­ C. Miller and Tom Miller were e,joyed an audience th at taxed the du n C r > . and' Mr and Mrs. E. A. “ 1 8 ,,obod.V ttnow? *,ow ° ld” ’ ,0 ing the east city limit'« 1 «st Fruloy getting and standing capacity of U. of 0 . Summer Session June 1 Albany visitor'« Monday. P. LaFollette drove to Springfie d ‘hrill-packed romance, afternoon A valve slicking was Esther and Louise Setfcld ano t ie huildiug and brought us again To July 17. and spent the d .y with relatives ^ . e ’Till be a treat for Halsey the cause of the forced landing Edith Smith of Halscv drove to t> tue fact that an adequate meet­ vie fans, the tinest story of your which was accomplished with the Eugene and spent the d iv there. ing place for all com m unity gath­ Mr. and Mrs W. Thomson o Halsey, which was represented best liked author, plus tho peerless greatest of ease and comfort. erings is sadly needed in Halsey by four students at the Universit Ruth McCornack of E ugene was Halsey attended the funeral of Mr. After a moment nt lubricating With beautiful plants and flow­ of Oregon summer sess’ons las the guest over the week end cl her Thomson’s brother, Henry Thom­ beautv-spot of the West, plus a . . , . ,, , . oast of screen favniites that find the valve they ag »in took to the air ers, lamps and three pianos, the year, will eend an even larger num sister. Miss Gladys MrCornack of son, w who died an Eugene hoapit-' ho d ie d s at t sn bospit e.’ch character exactly as you pic­ ar.d resume 1 th e'r journet south. rostrum presented a pltasing sight ber to tbs summer eession in Eu Halsey. al, Monday. Burial was io the tured it. This wonderful (icture is I’hey pronounced the field in which from the audilo ium and as the gene and Portland this year, ac Mr. and Mrs J. F. Scbedtler a r­ Leiburg cemetery. secured for Halsey try Mr. F. L. they landed as an idea* landing program began the assembly room cording to preliminary interest rived home Wednesdav from Wolf Owing to the change in lbs train Dorman at quite an added expense tiehl and wi,h little experse could was darkened tnus producing « down by teacher», students and Creek where they had been on a and stage schedules effective Sun­ it is yet a first-run production. be made perfect and to enhance its soft light glow from the severs others. Those who attended from visit to friends. day, May 6, express will have to N i doubt it is the most talked of desirability it is in direct liue with be a t the express office nt 10 a m .| floor lamps on the rostrum to fall Halsey last summer are Joseph 11 Dorothy Ternan of Portland ar­ photo play ever produced. t.lie north aud sou'll airway. on charming costumes and pleas Miller, Lyman W. Patton, Nettie rived in Ha'sey Wednesday and instead of 10:30 as heretofore, ac-i iog faces of the performers. Spencer and Mary E Veatch. wilt visit her mother, Mrs. J. C. cording to an announcement mad« Oakville Farmers Install Modern by C P . Moody, local agent, today. Odd Fellows Attend Convention Each number was gieeted with f t e University of Oregon sum Bramwell for a few days. Sanitation enthusiastic applause and in every raer school this year will be held Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Moody and Don’t forget the clubbing offei Last Saturday evening a number instance it was merited. The work from June 18 to July 17, offering of the Enterprise and the M c C lu re children o f Halsey and Mr. and of the members of the Odd Fellows Septic tanks are utuoag the mod­ of the instructor made itself plain over 200 courses in 16 departments nagazine, both one year for $1 50 Mrs. George Scott ol Harrisburg, lodge of Halsey attended the tenth ern improvements tli it are being throughout the recital and was of and in seven professional schools drove to Cascadia Sunday on a Either new or renewal subscrip sem i-annual convention o l ihe or­ added to rural homes in this neigh* high technical order. The duets, pleasure trip. They report a good ions count. ganization ol the Linn-Benton dis­ borhooJ. Several have been iu - trios and quartets were very good, Track M eet at O.S.C. May 12 lime. The road to Cascadia is said str.lled during the past few months trict. The truck in which six race horses as was also th e uumbers in which to be in excellent cenlition this One at the home of Donald Davis The convention convened at 2 The second annual Oregon In were being taken from Coos Bay to yrar. nine and twelve pupils performed was completed last week. o'clock in the afternoon with the ncouvei-, Wash., broke down terscholastic track and field meet, ensemble. On Friday evening Herb Wie- usual routino of business following An upiary cou-iating of 90 stand here aud the outfit remained in Clever costumes appropriate to to bo held at 2:30 Saturday alter- doeft anu bis incomparable Bruns­ At 6 o'clock a banquet was served of beef on the Waddell farm near Halsey over night. the title of selections rendered, noon, May 12, will be broadcaft wick orchestra are going to play a here is expected to yield a good Albert Miner has returned from benefit dance for the Albany Amer­ in the Artisan hall during which was cleverly carried out in the by KOAC, college radio, direct supply of luney this year. Mr. special music was rendered by the rudimentary part of the program. rom Bell field on the kollegecam Raymond Wash., where he spent ican Legion band at the Albany Waddell says the continued cool Halsey orchestra and a solo by pus Each event will be described tie past several month?. For the armory Quite a number of the weather is not favorable to the Miss Marjorie Walker. as it is run off, progress of the present he will make his home with young folks of Halsey expect to P e o r ia N ew s largest quantity of hooey, but the In the evening a good program fleet toile, aud points by schools nis parents near Crabtree. attend, quality is good. was given. The Hals?y orchestra p of P o rt­ Mrs. Lou Mason motored to Cor­ are good for a like number this They reported a light frost ia the home with ber sou, Otis Taylor of land. educational value, according to vallis Monday. Foster neighborhood iast night. year. Corvallis, has bem seriously ill Those present from Halsey for some of tbe p'om iuent speakers, Bernard Finnigan of Eugene D. E. Walgamot of Brownsvibe with a severe cold and heart the program and banquet were but Ibe benefits deiived socially F a y e tte v ille Item s visited his mother, Mrs. Alice was in Halsey Monday arrangirg 'rouble. Her sister. Mrs. Southern, Miss Adah Nelson, Fred Rubins, are fur-reaching in bunging tbe or registration of strawberry and Is tie-lpii.g io nur-;e her. Dunn Sunday. L. D. T a ' lor, A. E, Whit heck, and people from differs:.t localii'es into (B y an E n te rp iise R ep o rter) ganoerrv pickers for the comb g Mrs. Dick Duncan and children Mrs. P J. Forster is reported to Messrs and Mesdames F.G. Gansle, a closer relationship and better of Potter Station, were v is itin g Ernest M ixwell of Klamatl euson. He anticipates a large cri p be some better following a second C.G. Hamer, B. M. Bund, Jers oiider°tanding of each other. Falls arrived bom) Monday m orn­ tnd long season of work, friends in Peoria Monday. The (Dteitaiuineot at the hall operation at an Eugene hospital t ’ross, C. P. MooJv, A A. Tussiug ing and is spending his vacation at Friday afternoon the members of Friday uigtit , resented by n group J. W- and J. S. Lam ia and Geo. last week. Her daughter, M's l Karl Bramwell. the home o f his parents, Mr. and the H tlsey Women’s Study club of T a llin u ii p e o p le was well receiv­ Githens attended Masonic lodge at Prisión Newton of Portland is 'i 'h Mrs. G. V. Maxwell. expect to go to Brownsville where ed by a well tilled house. h'ir and Mr. Forster has be Shedd Saturday night. S h ed d P erson u ls "__ they will be gucets of the Browns- M. 11. Achesou, candidate for The W C.T.U. members sirveds Eugene a good part of the t Mrs. E lla Lamar left Thursday ille Women’s Study club at the county lecorder of Linn county in dinner to the school children in the since Mrs. Forster has been s ’ " (Enterprise vorrespondent) for Tacoma, W ashington, to visit home of Mrs. Hattie Overton. the primary election, was present hospital. basement of the Methodist church George Musa ol tho Sandrldge her new granddaughter, C harhn and gave a short talk. Mr. Achesou Friday. A program was given in W- A. Falk who is quite a fan. fliitrict has commenced work on The regular meeting cf V '- 1 Gibson. grew to manhood iu the Oakvilie the afternoon and the essays were •ier of Percheron horses and who the razing of the old Masonic hall Maple Circle, Neighbors of W in- Mr. and Charles Logan and son community and is now a resident has a number of fine animals on Lis ci aft was held last evening with 26 The new bridge across Sodom ia and dcughter, Thomas and Selma, read. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and farm at the present lime, intends present. Two candidates were ini­ now completed and work on a new of Albany wiiete the family has and Arlene Lam ar were Coi valln- • have entries at the several tiated end another bailóte 1 on. bridge over Butte creek has been liv e d for some time son Russell and Mrs. J. E. P a iu te i visitors Saturday night. Members of the “ Thimble Club’’ county fairs again this coming fall. District manager, Marie Dobish. commenced. Beulah Carothers w in is attend­ droie to Portland Tuesday to visit with their leader, Mrs. H attie their brother and uncle, Ernesi District Attorney Lewelling ac­ of Lebanon and Mrs. Goldie Ac' ing high school at M aur o, Oregon Leonard Wilson has constructed Stockton, held a mealing Saturday Miller, who has bc-eu in poor health companied by M s. Lewelling aud mao, a'so of Lebanon, were p> spent the week end witn her moth­ new fence and cleared the right- afternoon at the R. L. Jackson their three sons, were Halsey visit­ ent and each gave a short t for some time. er, Mrs. Jessie Carothers. if-way for tbe new market road east home. Ascording to reports ihe Dr. and Mrs E. G. Margason, ors Sunday. Mr. Lewelling, who During the social hour ice ere of Shedd. J. W. Lam ar and daughters, Ar­ girls are progressing nicely in the and Mr. and Mrs. F. Peck and son has made a remarkable record dur. and wafers were served. Henry Halverson drove to Port­ sewing club work. lens and Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. ug his present term of office, is up of Portland and Mr. and Mrs E H land thia week to visit h;a brother J. 8, Lamar were Corvallis and A meeting of tho women's mis­ For County Recorder. Margason and daughters Doris ano for nomination on the republican ''e rl, who ia just recovering from a sionary society was held at the Philomath visitors Sunday. Being a native son of Lin June and soil Donnld of Sbedo icket at the primaries severe attack of blood poison. home of Mrs. Glen Curtig this a f­ Mr. aud Mrs. J. R. Frady and were dinner guests at the home oi County and qnalified to render lh' Friday evening, May 4, a meet­ ternoon with Mrs. S. I*. W illiam ­ most accurat» and efficient service, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frady m itored Mr. and Mrs G V. Maxwell Sun- Mrs. O. M. Thompson, who baa ing of the Halsey Gun club will be I ask for the nomination for Couo- been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. 8. son io charge of the mission study. to Eugene Sunday to see Sylvia day. neld id the council chambers for The young ladies branch of tbe ty Recordot at the republican pri­ Davis, for the past several weeks, Frady who is in a critical condi The junior chosr of the United the purpose of selecting a site for mission work will hold their regu­ t on but they report some symp­ maries, May 18, 1928. has returned bomd. lar monthly meeting with Maxine Piesbyterian church of Albany un the new club bouse. Every mem­ M. H. ACHESOX. toms for the better. Mrs. Del lliuson and daughter Willett Saturday afternoon. Mem­ der the leadership of J. W. Barton ber should be present as plans for "born in Linn; educated in Linn, ready Rev. H . E. Sbartgle of Milton, will present their Easter Cantata the new club hous; as well as bius of Oswego are visiting in Shedd at bers of this branch are making to serve Linn. ” Oregon, wan an overnighn guest at at the United Presbyterian church for material will be presented. the horns of the former’s parents, blocks for a q u ilt winch they ex­ (Paid adv. by M. H Achesou ) pect to use as u means of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold, this at Shedd Sunday morning May 6 part of their linauciai obligation. Gets Diplomatic Post week after spending several weeks — Benton County Independent. at 10 o’clock. with Mr. Hinson’s parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A H Fiouegau ol He Renew» Youth and Mrs. Fred Hinson of Spring- Oregon City and Mr. and Mrs. R. field. P Finnegan of Portland were din Jam es Tail, proprietor of the ner guests at the home of Mr. and Shedd barber »hop, spent the week Mrs. J. E. Painter Sunday, Mrs. C 'A C H year we have the pleasure of welcoming into end in Portland. A. H. Finnigan >’ Mr. Painter's *— business and social life a new group of young folks The Shedd baseball nine defeated sister. Other guests at the Painter who have just completed their high school education. tbe Albany nine on the home dia­ home Sunday afternoon were Mrs mond Fridav aflernoou. 'I he scoie Preever, Mrs. H art and R Barker These graduates bring into active being an added im­ w as 13 to 11. of Albany. AIRPLANE MAKES LANDING HERE WITH EASE, FRIDAY HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES OUR NEW GRADUATES Miss Frances W illis has Just been appointed United States vice consul In Chile. It Is the highest diplomatic post ever ailed by a woman In the service of the United States. The regular meetiug of the Women’s missionary society was held at the Cottage Friday after­ noon. One of the interesting fee- lures of the afternoon was the ex hibit cf dollsdressed in their native garb. The dolls were sent by Mrs. Ada Dunlap, formerly of this place but who is now a missionary in Egypt, to Mrs. R. G. Hamilton, who displayed them. Mrs. J. C. Dawson aud Mrs. Hamilton gave interesting reports of the Pretby- terial held io the new Laurelhnrat church in Portland ou April 11-12. petus. a new life force that carries onward with force that none can deny, the business and the social activi­ ties of the community, N O T IC E There will be no evening services at the Methodist church Sunday T b e E p w o r th Le ag ue m e m b e rs w ill Each line of endeavor into which this new energy is injected feels the onward urge and in the strides of progress made, show s the great value to the ctmmunity at large which this vital force brings. go to Albany in the evening and join with the League members in their services there. Youth-power, as exemplified by the new graduates from our schools, is the basic hope of this community s future growth and prosperity. :J Ernest L Scho'l, who is a can­ didate lor state representative from L 'nn county on the republican Or. Cart Doppler, sclvollst of Vieti t'c -et at the coming primaries, was no, Is coming to the Uniteli Slates to a Halsey business visitor W»dn»r- tell of his experiments In tlie renewal o f youth. day.