grandfather, General Robert E. 1 Published Thursday at Halsey. Oregon Lee, on Stone Mountain, Georgia. H. P. and A. A. LAKE Clofbtlde Mirabella, 15, made Publishers her debut aa a grand opera etar in Entered at the postoffice at Halsey “ The Barber of 8evilie” in New Oregon, as second class matter. York City, H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E $1 a year in advance. Arrearages 12‘4c a month. Stops when time expires unless continuance is ordered. Advertising 25c an inch; no discount for time or space; no charge for composition or changes. Announce­ ments of entertainments, food sales, etc , whose object is to raise money, charged at regular advertising rates Announcements of religious meetings, not exceeding four inches, free if copy is received before Tuesday. is is General Motors Helen Norris, a paralytic moun­ tain girl of thia state, has written a radio play which was produced try ststiou KGO of Oakland, Cal. roving Ground Uuila Bustabo, 11-year-old violin prodigy, recently made her debut us soloist with tbe Chicago Civic Orchestra, winning high praise. Barbara Chisholm, 14, was ac­ claimed the best girl rider in the At the P. l'.A. m estirg held at United States at a recent hone th e school ho"se Friday night, the show in Aiken. S. C. n ceasity of a larger gathering p'aca was most forcibly felt. A town so conveniently located and surrounded by such wideawake ru ral districts as Halsey, is indeed f irtunate and a building sufficient­ ly large enough to accommodate these districts in their joint meet m gs is the dire needs of this city, uud it is hoped th at by the coming fall such a building will he a re a lity , 'file progressive sentim ent TUSSING & TOSSING LAWYERS Halsey and Brownsville Oregon Allphin’s Auction House Broadalbin S t., Albany Auction Sat. April 28,1 p. m. w ill leud its support Io th a t end. In a miuority report opposing the firm relief measure, Congressman] Clarke of New York last, week turn ing a neat alliteration, declaring] th it the hill would ‘‘hamper, b in -j tier, hum iliate, humble and ham- ] sirin g ” the law of supply and de­ ni m d. It's going to bo hard on some of ( le candidates who have been fixed ornam ents in W ashington so long, to leave their happy home and Muscle Shoals long enough tu go back to their form er place of abode and shake band« with the boys and smile a t the girls. Sandiuo has annexed an A m eri­ can gold m ine dow n th«'** in N ic ­ aragua and took f ntr U S. citizens p r -oners. W e 'll h ive to write him a note yet, A go d m any ladies are great adm irers of Secretary Work, th in k ­ i n g he is such a lovely bridge F urniture— live stock — will be sold. If you have anything you Want sold, bring it in. F urniture sold at private sale anytime. Farm machinery sold at all tunes Your Vision Is Above Price Once GONE, no am ount of money can isplace your eyesight. It is the must priceless ot all your pos­ session*. Far too precious to be tossed around on the bargain block. W hen your eyes need at­ tention come to a Reliable Optom etrist Then you will tie sure to get ex pert optical service at a fair and square price, Years of service to the public lias built a reputation for dependable service and FAIR dealing. You will enjoy having your eyes exam ined and fitted here. Harold Albro, Jeweler and O ptom etrist, 313 West Hirst Street Albany.Ore. F o r C o n g ress A birdseye view o l th e 1245-acre Proving G round m a in ta in e d by G eneral M otors to assure th e q u a lity a n d value o f its cars a n d trucks. 1. E n tra n ce to th e Proving G round. The group of buildings includes complete experimental and service shops, engineering offices and comfortable living quarters for resident and visiting engineers and for the driving crews. The Proving Ground person­ nel numbers more than 200 men. 2. O If the farm ers ever get as excited ov r farm relief as the politicians are, look cut I Oregon Day Program May 1st Boys and Girls luw of Alton, Illinois, is six fjet two and one-half ¡lnchre tall and wjighs nearly 200 pounds. Robert E., 1th, sged 5, un- 'e ile d th e e m v e d head of fits g re a t­ 4. T he ’’b a th -tu b ." A depressed concrete roadway which is filled with water at varying depths to reproduce flooded roadway condi­ tions. N a 1245-acre tract near Milford, Michigan, They involve every phase of construction and convenient to all its car and truck divisions, performance: power, speed, endurance, accelera­ General M otors has the first and largest proving tion, braking, steering, handling, riding comfort, ground for automobiles. fuel economy and so on. In three months a car Here tests are made and facts determined to or truck covers more miles than you would a degree impossible when cars and trucks are drive it in three years. 4 tested on the public highways. Here each new The Proving Ground is another example of model of General Motors must prove itself, how General Motors is serving the public. It is point by point, before it is produced for sale to also your assurance th a t when you buy a G en­ the public. eral Motors product you are getting all possi­ More than 135 different tests are applied ble quality and value a t its price and the a d ­ to each car te sted a t th e Proving G round. vantages of a policy of continuous improvement. fittest- At the age of eight, Robert Wad- 3. T he h ill-te s t road. Test hill grades at the Proving Ground range from 7.26 per cent to 24 per cent. The grades on public highways seldom exceed 7 per cent. Here each General Motors car must prove its value A physician declares that titJ aie Du* probably to the survival of the be mining mure prevalent, A program ohserviug Oregon d ay will be broadcast by KOAC th e evening of M iy I, from 7:30 to 8 o’clock. "O rganization of the Provisional G overnm ent,’’ is the s iliject of a talk by I)r. J.B. H orn­ er, professor of history and director o, Oregou h isto ric il resecrch at the college. A ppropriate readings anu musical selections th at are of Oregou or by Oiegouians round out the program. T he 4 -m ile high-speed loop. The largest in America, made of concrete, with turns banked to permit continuous high­ speed operation. In addition, the Proving Ground has two concrete straight aways 1H miles long, as level as a billiard table, and miles of brick, tar, gravel and dirt roads which reproduce every driving and weather condition. W .C H A W L E Y Republican Candidate for Renounna- lion and present Chairm an of Corn m ittee on Ways and Means of the National House of Representatives, a native son of Oregon who has "No Interests to Serve but tbe Public In terests" and who is CHEVROLET. 7 models, $495 to $715. Bigger and better than ever before. 4-wheel brakes. Longer wheel base. Still more power­ ful engine. Luxurious Fisher Bodies. Shock absorber springs. New hood. New Duco colors. New instrument panel and other improvements. ALSO truck chassis: Vi-ton, $395. 1-ton, $495. Clean, Capable Experienced Faithful, Successful. Read his record of Successful service in Voters' Pamphlet. • (I'aid adv. by Ronald C. C ’o v er.) PO N T IA C . 8 models, $745 to $875. The lowest-priced quality "six.'' Improved from radiator to tail light. For example: 4 wheel brakes, new GMR cylinder head, increased power, locking device, more luxurious Fisher Bodies. Finished in Duco in new colors. OLDSMOB1LE. 7 models. $925 to $1085. The Northern L ife Insurance Company of Seattle, Washington, announces the appointment of Entirely redesigned by General Motors, the new Oldsmobde has earned the title of "The Fine Car at Low Cost," Longer, roomier, more powerful—and the last word in styling. Fisher Bodies. 4-wheel brakes. P. A. Matheny O AK LA ND . 9 models. $1045 to $1575. The All-American Six. Advanced engineering and precision construction. Longer, lower and more beautiful. Bodies by Fisher. Every con­ venience. 4-wheel brakes. New Duco colors. Harmonic balancer. B U IC K . 16 models, $1195 to $1995. The largest value in Buick’s famous history. Beautiful low bodies by Fisher. Getaway like an arrow from a bow. Vibrationless be­ yond belief. Famous 6-cylinder "Valve in­ head” engine. Sealed-in chassis. CAD ILLAC. 26 m odels, $3295 to $5500. "W hat,” General Motors asked last year, "can possibly be done to improve Cadillac?” The result is embodied in the new models now on display, representing the high-water mark of Cadillac's long history. Sumptuous bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 color combinations to choose from. FR IG ID A IR E —The Electric Refrigerator. General Motors has applied the processes which have made the automobile available to every family, to the production of electric refrigerators. Frigidaire is the refrigerator made by General Motors and it is now the world’s largest selling product in its field. L a SALLE. 16 models. $2350 to $2975. This beautiful car was designed as com­ panion cat to Cadillac. Has V-type 90 de­ gree 8 cylinder engine which has made Cadillac the standard fine car of the world. Built in Cadillac factory. Continental in ap­ pearance. D ELC O -LIG H T Electric Plants. Provide the conveniences and labor-saving devices of the city for the farm. Electric light and power plants, water pumps, etc. Used in mors than a quarter million homes. For thè conven.ent purchase o f these pro du ets. G e n e ral M otors oBers th è s ta n d a r d low -cost G M A C P ian . D istrict Representative fo r Albany, Oregon Special Representative State Savings and Loan Association GENERAL MOTORS “ — CLIP THIS C O U P O N — P. A. MATHENY “ E v e ry th in g in Insurance" Phones: Office 20. Residence 531-R. 140 West 1st Street. Albany. Oregon GENER \I M o to r s tDept. A), Detroit. Mich. Please senJ. without any obligation to me, your illustrated information about the particular General Motors product or products I has e checked at the right—together with your booklets "The Prosing Ground” and "Principles & Policies." Num e « — Addrtss CHEVROLET □ OAKLAND □ CADILLAC □ PONTIAC □ BUICK □ FRIGIDAIRE □ L a SALLE □ DELCO-LIGHT □ OLDSMOB1LE □