Y y ——» AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK ùntiseli ízutcrprisc Established in 1912. Voi. 16. No. 51. GUN CLUB WILL BU1LO NEW Halsey. Oregon. Thursday Ap.il 16 1S28 Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County , CLUB HOUSE THIS SUMMER I f S C H O O L N O T E S | | H A L S E Y A N D V I C I N I T Y B R E V I T I E S Edited By W ilm t Wahl DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY S O C IE T Y N E W S PARENT TEACHERS’ HAVE AN INTERESTING MEETING From Our Regular Correspondan» Mr. and Mrs, C, C. Jackson their disappointment Rev. Shelley 4-H Clubs Furnish Entertainment were county seat visitors Monday. did not preach. The freshman program for this Of Clever Stunts Monday evening a group of Mrs. P. J. Fortier left for Eu Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wednesday was as follows: friends of Mrs. D. C. Roesn an gene Sunday end Tueaday under- At a meeting of the Halsey Gun ‘ Professor Intelligence’’ (extra­ Rossman drove to Albany on a The Club work of Mrs. Nora planned a surprise party in her went a major operation. Club Monday nig’u t, business and ordinary mind reader) by Earl pleasure trip. Coleman, who for the past winter the activities of the organization Elliott aud Ellsworth Gardner. Sunday moruing the annual me­ honor, the occasion being iu honor has been busily engaged in organiz­ Edwin Fortmiller who is running were reviewed and secretary-tress for coroner in ihe primaries, was a morial services of tbe I. O. O. F. of her birthday. The pirty met at ing and supervising 4 11 clubs r>t Piano solo, Beverly Isom. urer Carl Hill’s report of fiuances lodge will beheld at the Methodist the Buford Morris home and went Peoria, Pine Grove, Sp'OU River, Song, "My Wild Irish Rose” Halsey visitor this moruing, in a body to the Rossman borne. read and approved unanimously elass. Mrs. Nora Coleman speut the church. Rev. Miller will preach | An hour or two was spent in Brandon School and Halsey, w. s Starting flat on the boards with weekend at Kings Valley where the sermon, Reading, “ Preutice Tsom. playing games after which wafers given a hearing last Friday night practically nothing but a rheumat- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansie and she was the guest of relatives. Dialogve, “ Too Many Beaux,’* land ice cream was served. Those when members from these clul s lcally afflicted trap the boys had by a group of freshmeu boys aud D. C. McClure, proprietor of daughter Leila left Saturday after­ surprising Mrs. Rossman were furnished the entertainment p u t dug up out of a trash heap some­ Beverly Isom. Mother’s Inn at Tangent, was in noon for Newport for a week end ' Messrs and Mesdames C.P, Moody, of the P. T A. meeting. where, and paid $20 for the privi Violin Solo, "Among My Sou- Halsey Tueeday afternoon on a outing. Oue of the lowest tides of Frank Ganslo, F. Buford Motris, F. Buford Morris, leader of the lege, the club struck out to do i vemrs” by Kenneth Smith accom­ business trip. the year was Sunday but because Boys Cooking club was also present Charles Hamer and H.F. Lake, fjw things in the way of trap panied by Errol Gardner. of so much fresh water pouring in­ s e e with his else?. Mrs. G. W. Laubner spent Wed­ shooting, and their efforts have Mrs. Sayers, the teacher from nesday iu Shedd where she was a to the ocean the big clam dig they During the business meetiug t ke Last Friday evening the tenth been well rewarded as attested in Grasshopper, visited Mrs. Cole­ bad anticipated, was not sucessful. guest at an all day meeting of the nominating committee made their wedding anniversary of Mr. and their parcentage standing at the man’s room Tuesday. The weather, however was nice. Priscilla club members. report and later officer« were elect- Mrs. Elmer Munson was the motive close of the Oregonian’s Telegraph They returned to Halsey Sunday Tbe school did not know that Mr. and Mrs F. G. Reese re. evening. for a numbe.- of their friends to id for next « ear. ic tournament, this being 72 out of they are honored with a poet in turned to their home in Halsey Plans are being made for Achieve­ a possible 75 for 12 high men. Last Sunday, Ole Kajzer of Sil­ give them a surprise party, and it their midst. Linden Bramwell, a After short discussion it was de­ 4th grade pupil, has writteo the Monday even ing after having spent verton was struck by an auto as he developed that the wedding auu - ment day, May 19. The parade committee is composed of Charles cided that tha by-laws be amended following poem entitled, “ The Old the day in Albany and Lebanon. siar'ed io walk across the pate- versaiies of four other couple pres­ Falk, Langley, Moss, VauNice and ent were also on this day. They Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland oi inent from his parked car about 14 to permit of a vice-president aud Mill. ’ Armstrong. Those on the banquet were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rob- Halsey left Tuesday for Berkeley, miles east of Portland, Kayzerwas treasurer, the latter office having The old m ill is running on high. committee are Mesdames l’atton, eon of Shedd, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calif., where they will visit at tbe G rinding wheat, corn and rye. been combined with the secretary. taken to St. Vincent hospital where Grinding wheat on and on, Rossman and Isom on club, and Frady, Mr. and Mrs. Will Abra­ home of their son. Dr. Hugh Pen. James Drinkard was unanimously it is fuuud that concussion of the Singing a song all day long. Elliott, Lanbnea and Gormley f r laud. ham of Peoria and Mr. auu Mrs. choten vice-president aud Eldon Every day the null is grinding wheat, brain, along with other injuries, tlie community banquet. Grinding corn if it rains or sleet; Russell Githens. Others present Cross elected treasurer with the On and S. C. Conner, who lives a few makes his recovery doubtful. His on, every aay, same honors. miles south of Halsey, received a mother, Mrs. W. H. Wheeler, of for the evening weis Mr. and Mrs. The program was in ciiarge of Mrs Grinding corn in every way. Nora Coleman, general club leader, Continued on page 8. Discussion of a club houae was The only time it stops to rest, message this morning telling of the this city hag been unable to visit When the m iller dresses in his Sun­ assisted by tire different club lead­ brief aud in less than a half hour death of his mother at New London, her son as yet on account of poor day best; ers. Nine clnks were represented War Declared With Spain Thirty all preliminary plans were settled, And week days when the m iller goes Ontario. health. on tbe program and four others in away, Years Ago This Month and at this time a beautiful site Saturday evening the Hakey The m ill keepson working every day this viciuity were without repre­ lias been secured and negotiations The "A ’’ students for this six orchestra will go to Harrisburg to Muddy Pig Club, Brandon School, sentation. Thirty years ago this month for the material for a 20x40 foot weeks are Nora Coldiron and Es­ participate in the program at ihe Organized Last Week events were moving rapidly toward The first number on the program club bouse under way. ther Seefeld, The “ B" students Linn-Benton county ^¡strict con­ that short but spirited struggle The Muddy Pig club was organ­ was the presentation of the mem­ In r x months time the treasurer are Jennie Nicewood, Elias Robins, vention of the I O O F. lodge. known to history as the Spanish- ized at the Brandou school house bers of tire 9 c’ubs present and tbe has handled over $1,100 of club Ernestine Coleman, Pearl Falk Mrs. Bert Clark lelurned to her last week. Its members are: Edgar American War, which freed Cuba club yells. This was followed with funds aud has the latest and best and Gertrude Robins. home in Halsey last Sunday, from and Randall Grimes, Jack Under­ and the Philippines from Spanish a recitation by Kenneth Workinger equipment installed. Lehr.non, where sho spent a week wood. Leslie and Omar Falk and rule. of Ihe Gypsy Rover club.Next was The success of the club is due to at the home of her pareuts, Mr. and On April 11, 1898, President Mc­ a piano trio by the members of the I’aul Quimby. Edgar Grimes is team work on the part of every Linn County Sheep Club To Mrs. William Curtia. their local leader. The club held Kinley sent a message to Congress LaFrance Sew ing club. The girls member. Meet Saturday, April 28 E. E Brodie, editor of I he Ore­ their first meeting Saturday at the saying that "in the name of human­ of the Rose Standish Sewing club gon City Enterprise, accompanied Underwood home. if ity, in tbe name of civilization, in gave an initiatiouy drill. A song, Peoria News [L Remember, Saturday, April 28, by Mrs. Brodie, were callers at the behalf of endangered American in­ " I ’ll Swan,’’ by the girls of the is the date of tbe Linn County Halssy Enterprise office Tuesday ( K n t s r p r la a C o rre s p o n d e n c e ) terests, the war in Cuba must stop ’’ Everready Sewing club (Peoria) Thieves Steal Clover Seed On April 19 Congress by a joint made a big hit with the audience. Jack Allen of Portland visited Sheep Club free program, aud fun afternoon while enroute south on a Sometime during Friday night lesolution declared that the people over (be week end with his brother- for everybody. Come without your vacation trip. The girls of the Daisy Sewing c'ub thieves entered the T. J. Skirvin of Cuba ‘‘are, anil of right ought to supper for lbere'11 be lots to eat. W M. Burkank is making some gave a dialogue and were followed in-law, George Githens. Wrestling for the boys; shooting improvements to his restaurant on ware house, on North First street, he free and independent," demand­ with a song by four girls, members Leighton Bayne and family of and fishing for the sportsmen; Second street. He is fixing up an and sto'e three sacks of red clover ed that Spain withdraw from the of tbe Pine Grove Rainbow Sewing Fayetteville attended Sunday flowers for tbe women; fun and ice cream parlor and is also build­ seed. The theft was discovered island, and authorized the President club. school and Epworth League at about 10 o’clock Saturday morning to use tbe land and naval forces of food for everyone. ing a garage. W. F. White is The hoys of the Spoon River Peoria Sunday. when John Banuick, ware house the United States to accomplish The money is to be used for club doing (lie work. Sewing club put on a clever stunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Frady and work, part of it going to the P. T. man, noticed three sacks of Alaike that result, A song by the Rose Standish club Charles Wright, in offering cows clover where he had left the oilier Fred Frady ar.d family drove to A. for Achievement Day at Halsey On April 21 this ultimatum was girls was followed with a reading Eugene Sunday to see little Sylva Remember, Saturday, April 28, at for sale, through the advertising clover late Friday afterenoon after presented to Spain, diplomatic re­ by Ardella Falk of tbe Spoon River Frady who is critically ill at a 8 o’clock, Brandon School House, columns of the Enterprise, made showing it to a prospective custo­ lations were severed, and the Amer­ Pollyanua cooking club. The girls hospital iu that city. and anyone wishing to donate pie, ready sales, he states. If you have mer. ican fleet was ordered to blockade of the Daisy Sewing club were anything to sell use the want ad The three sacks contained ap­ Havana. Du the 2oth Congress The girls belonging to the Ever candv or cake may do so. heard in a song and two g’rls of proximately 450 pounds of seed columns. They pay. Ready sewing club went to Halsey and were worth $126. Oue of the formally declared that a state of the Rose Standish club gave a Friday night to take part in a pro­ Mrs. J. Ackerman and Mrs. stolen sacks had the name of war bad existed since April 21. C h a r it y G r a n g e Spanish dunce en costume. Tl e gram put on by the club members Marie Dobish of Lebanon drove to Francis Kizer on it and the other Regiments of the [tegular Army last number on the program was a (Enterpn»« correspondent) of this section. Halsey Wednesday evening and iwo were marked T. J Skirvin and National Guard were mobilized greeting song to Mr, L. J. Allen Rev. Walbeck and children of John and Ione Miller spent Sun- spent the evening with Mrs. Fay­ at Tampa, Mobile aud in other assistant state club leader, by tbe Horse Defies Man Laws Myrtle Creek arrived here Friday day afternoon at the Fred Falk ette Like. Mrs. Dobish ie district camps in the south, to later con­ boys of the Brandon school Sheep manager of the Neighbors of Wood­ evening for a short visit with rela­ boms. “ You can’t keep a good man stitute the expedition? ry force and Poultry club. craft. tives and friends. Rev. Walbeck down" some one said, neither Can against Santiago de Cuba. Dewey’s Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Waggoner Mr. Allen, through the courtesy served as pastor of the Southern speut Sunday afternoon at the A. you keep a horse down if he wants fleet was ordered from Hong Kong of the O.A.C. extension bureau, Sunday evening about 50 mem­ Methodist church of Peoris, during H. Quimby home. bers ef tbe Church of Christ of to climb. Rex, king of horses is of to destroy the Spanish fleet iu Ma­ showed several reels of club pi- ■ his first year in the ministry. They The Brandon school has been Halsey drove to Junction City Io the kind that you can’t keep down nila Bay. Admiral Cervera's Span­ lures aud one reel showing views returned home Saturday taking busy practicing for the program to bear Rev. M J. Shelley who rec- and shows you why in ‘ No Man's ish fleet sailed from Cape Verde of the grand canyon of the Coir, with them Mrs. WafLeck who has be giveu Saturday night, enlly closed a series of meetings at Law’’ to be shown at the city hall Islands for the West Indiaa about ratio. the in n s time, later to meet its been visiting ¡ d Peuria the past Delma Falk was the guest of her the local church, preach. But, to next Tuesbay. Il’s a thriller. The officers of Hit Parent-Teach* week. doom at Santiago. teacher, Miss Irene Quimby Satur­ er association elected for next year April was a month of decision T h e P o litic ia n s A r e L is te n in g In Helen Lamar attended the high day night and Sunday morning. are Mrs. L. W. Patton prtsident, and preparation and closed with the S' hool circus given by the Corval­ Mrs. A. H Quimby vice president, Wcnda Veatch, who has been stage get for action. On M»v 1 lis high school atudeDtf* in that city Mrs. Fayette I.ake secretary, and absent from school for a week, re­ Commodore Dewey’s victory at last Saturday evening. Mrs. Ball Bond treasurer. turned to her echool duties Mon­ Manila electrified the nation. On Jack Allen of Portland, and Mrs day. July 1 the assault on Santiago by Neva Knighten and daugh* er Thel­ Shedd Personals Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sickels Shafter’s Army uegau; on July 3 ma, Mrs. Ray Hover aud niece of aud two children, Hsroid and Dale, Cervera's fleet was destroy d while Pine Grove, aud Mrs. M arh'a Ab­ (By an Enterprise Reporter) t ) ¡ng to escape from Santiago har raham and daughters, Be-niie and visited at the Chancy Sickels home Mrs. Jesao MarcJS of the Uni­ bir; on July 17 Santiago surrend­ ’r>s, of Potter station, attended the Sunday afternoon. versity of Oregon spoke at the Pres­ ered. The regular meeting of Charity Epworth League meeting at Peoria byterian cottage, Wednesday, on These are the high points iu the Grange was held Saturday night, Sunday evening. art A covered dish dinner was brief hut dramatic struggle which Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brattai n are their first night meeting this year. served. was ended by tbe protocol of Ang- enjoying a visit th's week from Five candidates toott the first and Wednesday eveaing Miss Martha u>t 13, followed by the treaty if second degrees. They were Mr. and heir little granddaughter, Jean Speaker of San Francisco gave a Paris whereby Spain acknowledged Mr?, Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ring- Brittain of Corvallis. Cuba's freedom, deeded Porto Rico lecture on health gt the Woodman Several people from Peoria a t­ dorf, Doris Howard. Six name» to the United States and received hall. Several musical numbers were tended the burial services for Mr. were handed into the juvenile twenty million dollars for the Phil­ also enjoyed. wan at the Pine Grove cei aetary grange for membership, they being ippine!. The members o, the W C.T.U. three Ringdorf children and the Monday afternoon, It was not a great war, but it h«d have planned to aerve a hot lunch J. C. Clay and family of Shedd three Baines children. far-reaching consequences for many to the echool pupils in honor of w#re guests of Mrs, Alice Drew millions of poop'e, consequences their temperance essays. The prize Don’t forget tbe clubbing offer Sunday. which were altogether in the in­ essays will he read and prizes of the Enterprise and the McClure terest of humanity and civilization. awarded. magazine, both one year for 11 50. Piano recital tomorro v night. Site Selected And Work Expected To Start In Next Ten Days