y / A, AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK 1 Established in 1912. Voi. 16. NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT 05412488 _ _ _ _ MEET ÎQitUuui ÌHntvrpnsv No. 50. - SOCIETY NEWS Halsey, Oregon, Thursday Ap il 19, 1928 HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Mrs. Mary Smith of Halsey Bride of Charles Weber I J E ith e r Seefeld, Reporter. " POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County From O u r Regular C orrespondents Coming as a rui prise to th- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rossman D Taylor spent the greater part The 31st anniversary of the il drove to Albany Friday evening of Wednesday in Albany on a buei- manv friends of tbe bride was the founding of the order Neighbors of aunounc'm eiit this morning of the Last Wednesday afternoon Mra. and took in tbe wrestling match at neie trip. Woodcraft, was fitting celebrated marriage of Mrs. May Smith of Karl Bramwell was hostess to the the Moose gymnasium. Mrs Donna Cross has announed by the local order last night when Halsey and Charles R. Weber ol members of the women's mission­ Elta Bramwell spent the week ths recital of her class in musio its members and friends gathered ary society of the Church of Christ Brownsville, tbe wedding taking at the Odd Fellows hall. After a Mrs. Clarence Evans of Lake Creek end in Salem where she was the at Shedd tor Thursday evening, p'ace in Albany Wednesday after- A pril 20 at tbe Methodist church brief routine of the lodge work in bad charge of the lesson and Mrs. was the guest of relatives. nocn. Bert Minckly shipped a double in that city. which four candidates took leading Arley Cummings led the devotional' Mrs. Weber is well known in Last Sunday Thelma Dolge and parts, someone unlocked the doors, exercises. The lesson topic was deck car of sheep and Iambs tv ¡Halsey in which vicinity she has threw the key in the waste basket “ The Deparment of the M inistry.” Bodine and Clark of North Port­ R ith McMahan arc unpsnied Mrs, .lived tor a number of years. Mr. Fur of Brownsville to C tsoadia on and the entertainm ent part of the Mrs. W. H. Robertson, accompan­ land last week. Weber te a prosperous farmer ol (the Brownsville neighborhood. Rev. Cain, a former pastor of the a pleasure trip. evening ab'y conducted ty Mrs. ied by Rbetta Armstrong, sang Donna Cross, ushered in. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sick-ls and - It is understood that they will “ Lead Thou Me.” During the Halsey Methodist church, but now A piano solo by Retta Armstrong afternoon the mite box with the of Summit, visited frieuds in Hal four grandchildren spent Sunday' make their home on Mrs, Weber's headed the program followed by Easter offering was opened. $18.78 sey last Sunday. with Mrs. Sickels’ mother, Mrs. far a west of Halsey. the address of welcome, pleasingly was in the box but several more Miss Beulah Miller spent tl e Hinton of Benton county. delivered by Clara LaFollette. Wan la Veatch has been confine i Frank Hay Dies at Salem members are to contribute. Dur­ week end in Salem and while there Following this, living pictures ing the social hour which follow­ was a guest at the C. P. Bishop to her home the past several day* were introduced to the audi.nce by ed, the entertainm ent committee, home. with a fever but is reported to be Funeral services for Frank Hay the unique way of song, this part composed of Mesdames Bramwell, Mr. aud M-». Torn Richmond improving at present. ware held Monday afternoon at the being done ia solos, duets, trios, George Taylor and J. A. Miller, and son Beldon and aiece, M irie Georgina Clark returned tu her W right chapel in Hariieburg at 2 and quartets and lent a fascinating served a lap supper. Twenty-three Richmond, of Gardner and Grace h o s e in Halsey Sunday evening o’clock, with Rev. Ted Milzner in atmosphere to the exhibition of the members and four children were Caldwell, student at U. of O. were from Lebanon where she visited charge of the services, Burial was pictures. Those lending voices were: present. guests at the home of Mr*. Rich­ relatives for several days. in the Masonic cemetery. • • * Blanche Morris, Sarah R obertsor, mond’s uncle, Curtis Veatch, Sat Mr. Huy died at the hospital in Mrs. Robert Montgomery of Salem la t Saturday at the age of E. D. Isom, Dana Rossman and Friday afternoon a group of urday. Cari Isom. Me Ifor 1 has been spending the 48 years. He was we'l known in members of Vine Maple Circ'e, Chancy S ckels was lookii g week in Halsey on a visit to her Halsey where be formerly lived “ Springtim e” Frances Louise Neighbors of Woodcraft, met at the after business transactions in Al­ mother, Mrs. M. Miller, and other One sister. Mrs. Glenn Hill of Eu­ Patton. "Long, Long Ago,” Nellie home of Mrs. Fayette Lake and bans Saturday. relative; an 1 frien Is. Isom, Blue Bells of Scotland” organized a Thimble club. Mrs gene, and a brother living at L an­ • Blanche Morris. “ Red Wing” Ella Lake Elliott was elected president, To cook, to bake, to darn and Robert F 'em in ; and Wayne caster, survive him. Rossman. “ Old Gray Bonnet” Mrs. Ella Rossman vice president Veetch drove down from Eugene mend, D. C. Rossman of Halsey drove Claia LaFollete. “ M ammy’s Lul­ and Mrs Blanche Morris secretary- In tbe 4H club, clubs you kuow Friday and spent the evening at to Salem for the body Sunday. laby,’ ’ Ada Corcoran.“ Baby Face" treasurer. The club members will We all recommend. tbe home of the latter’s parents, E. D. Isom. “ Little Black Mus­ meet the second Friday afternoon Mr. and Mie. S. C- Veatch. Church N otes tache” Horace Armstrong. ‘‘Solo- of each mouth and any member of S. C. Veatch returned from his Sew, sew, ever go, never stop to moo Levi,*’ Dana Rossman. the Circle is eligible to join. It is Methodist Next S inday : anch netr Cottage Grove Sunday, shirk. “ School Days,” Roberta and Lyn­ anticipated th at tbe greater uum- 10 a. in., Sunday school a rter hiving spent siverai days den Bramwell “ Roll Them, Boys,” ber of tbe lodge members will join Learn, learn always know; evtr 11, preaching. there. He is preparing to build a glad to work. Fern Rossman. “ Alice Blue Gown” at the next meeting’ which will be Preaching 2:30 p. m. new barn to replace one which was 6 Melba Muller. “ In a Little Spau- at the home of Mrs. Clara LaFol­ 6:30 Epworth League When all the girls are gathered wrecked by a wind storm sometime ish Town,” Cuma Munson. “ Star lette on May 11. 7:00 p, m. preaching. »go. ’boat Spangled Banner” Domra Moss There baa been a large atten d ­ Duiing the social hour those pres­ B. R. Barker, vice pre»ident of ance at tbe meetings which will and Elaine Straley. “ Good Night ent passed the time with sewing For some fair pur;>oee without doubt Ladies,” Donna Moss. Good and conversation, and the hostess, And they are reen, needles in hand the University of Oregon, accom­ continue all this week. panied by Mr». Barker, viaited ia music of solos, duets, trios ui d An exhibition drill by twelve assisted by Mrs. Elliott, served a You know something's planned. little girls was neatly executed and lap lunch. Mrs. Mary Allan was Achievement day is coming soon. Halsey last Sunday at the George quartets. When things are always in a boon, Starr, Cliutou Davis and E. B. resembled a fairy scene as they a complimented guest. There have been 12 additions to Girls are plotting and a scheminy, Peoland homis. flitted to aud fro in tbeir little tbe church. The present personnel of tbe club white frocks. Tbote partio ip afeg j jg Mesdameg Elizabeth White, Ella To gain tbe goal of which they’re Last Sunday there were 108 at A. M Biown and Mr. Simpson in this were : Leila Gansle, Vivian Rossman, Clara LaFollette, Mary dreaming. of Cottage Grove were Halsey v¡si- i Sunday school, * * * Frum, Phyllis Holt, Fern Ross- Smith, Lake Elliott, Louisa Tay­ tirs for a brief time Sunday while J . S. MiUer pastor. FAYETTEVILLE man, Coralea Moody, R^uie Alford lor, Blanche Morris and Anne enroute to Poitlaud. They w ere1 A birthday dinner was served at joined here by Mr- Brown's son, j Church of C hrist: Donna Moss, Elaine and Geraldine Lake. 10 a. m. Sunday school. the Cottage Sunday in honor of Frank, who expects to enter a * • * Straley, Jean Sturtevant, Roberta 11:00 a. m. morning w o t s h i p Nevin McCormick. Places were Bramwell and Frances Louise Pat­ tra le school in th at city. Monday evening the members of marked for twenty-one at the At 12 there will be a bapt'smal ton. the Gypsy Rover Camp Cookery Elden Croes received a post card service. beautifully appointed table. A Elizabeth W hite read a paper club and tbeir leader, F. Buford from Sydney, N, S. W , Sunday 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor, on the founding ot the local order, Morrie, met with Cedric Moody. sumptuous dinner w as Berved. n answer to a letter he wrote in No evening meeting. its promoters, charter members, Following the business meeting tbe Mr. and Mrs. McCune enter­ February, staling his radio had C. Adrian Sias, pastor. officers, its healthy growth and bovs eejoyed ice cream end wafers. tained W. W. Yantis and daughter picke t up a concert broadcasted in benefits, in a brief summary. * * * Laura of Salem, J. K McCune of that city at that time. The pro­ S h ed d P erson als Coialea Moody’s recitation, “ Six Portland and Mr and Mrs. R. Y. gram sent by Mr. Croat tallied with SPOON RIVER Times N ine” was done in her usual McCune aud two daughters of the log of the broadcasting station Mrs, Jess Cross will present her The members of tbe La France winsome manner. Brownsviil- at a dinner Sunday, in Sydney. T h at's reaching out music pupils of Shedd in a recital Sewing club held their last meeting The banquet room and supper Last Sunday the home of Eliza­ quite a ways for entertainm ent Saturday night, April 26, at the at the borne of tbeir leader, Mrs were under the able supervisou of J. N- Elliott, Saturday afternoon. beth Barton was the scene of a gny Mr. Cross picked up the program M ethodist church. M 's Dana C. Rossman. Mrs. Nora Coleman and Mrs. R. E. oarty when she entertained at diu- one morning during the breakfast Virginia Dickson is reported to Bierley were complimented guests Messrs. and Mesdamts J. W. Bar­ hour. have the three-day measles. Mrs. O. M. Thompson is visit- tbe afternoon. Fruit salad, ton and Fred Harris of Albany and In a letter received this week bv S C H O O L N O T E S for wafers and argel food cake was C. E. Barton of Corvallis, ing at the home her sister, Mrs, C. a friend in Halsey from Rev. Rob­ • • • served at the close of tbe meeting. Edited By Wilm» Wahl ert Parker, former pastor of the S. Davis. PEORIA Phelda and Elda Stubbs are now There are six girls in this club Methodist church here, but who, Wednesday afternoon of last with hie family, is now living at employed in this vicinity. The senior class gave the assetn and for this last meeting it was The Shedd high school hoys and hly program Wednesday. The planned that each one was to re week Mrs. W. A. Muller extended North Bend, states that bis daugh­ girls baseball teams played Browns­ epood to roll call with an original opening oumberiwas a song by the ter Irene will play over station Continued on page 8. poem and following are tbe verses: ville boys and girls teams at Shedd assembly. Friday afteinoon. The Brownsville “ Essay on Kissiug,” Carl Sper­ 1 girls won 20 to 21 while the boya ling. “ The Husband's M istake,” a When you've been working. won 4 to 7. Both teams were even­ quartet by Hope Hussey, Carl Isom And you're tired and feet like REMEMBER, Ö0M — ly matched in playing ability. 1 1 CAN FLY JUST Mary Smith and Keith Hayes. shirking, A FLYFR’J HELMET LIKE LINDY — “ The W ill” a reading by Edith You return from school DOESN'T MAKE A KOOS, Marshfield, 206 8 meters, IF YOU’LL LET Smith. “ Ojas Crlollof ’ a piano To find work awaiting you, FLYER, ------- - Friday during the children s hour ME ----- - - ------ duet by Nora Coldiron and Mary What a joy to go to bed ( sure he between 6 and 7 o'clock. Rev, Smith. "T he Civil Righte BUI” a And fall asleep to rest. jcAn fly - Parker states they enjoy many dialogue by Mac McCord and 2 ? ' things on the coast but also mus c Charles W right. “ Tbe Curfew,” a Some like fat very much many other advantages reading by Charles Wright. Song Some like lean common to the valley by the assembly. ‘ AHous'tnaids But I just like Miss Bessie Bond formerly of Soliloquy” a reading by Esther gtilc h 'it , tr.ight Halsey, but who for the past sev­ Seefeld. “ Essay on G irls’1 by Hen- And g, ilcb it neat. eral years has been living in Los ry Kirk. The high school song by Then our work with others Angeles, is visiting friends and tn» assembly. We will compete. relstivo; in .Halsey She expects The junior and senior Eogliih to make her home in Albany. class have their semester ihemes . . . Guy Perrin, Genevieve Watson and >n. Three, those of Nora Coldiron, A D1«hl , f ' ,r ch“ rch Enid Veatch of Roseburg spent tbe Hope Hussey and M«ry Smith were * ark®d nn er a ire In a little closed Ford; week end in Portland with Miss seut to te Santiam Forestry Re­ Just a parting word. W alaon's parents and ether friends serve. The subject of the theme and on tbeir return Sunday stopped 4 was: “ Forestry Protection. How it over for dinner at the Curtie Veatch learn to Happy are tbe girls who Is Handled: Who It Pay«.’’ home near Halsey. sew, More Lessons Needed DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR PINE GROVE COMMUNITY PLAY IS WELL RECEIVED Last Friday evening a targe num­ ber of people were present at the re*entation of ‘‘A Poor M arried Man’’ at the Piue Grcve school house. Those taking part were Lloyd H Fairfield, who had one of the lead­ ing roles and took the part of a college professor and was the poor married man; L'oyd C. Hughes played the part of Dr. Graham a country physician, while Grace Pbsrssou was cast for the role of bis winsome 18-year old daught.r. Miss Pehrsson also had the part of Rosalind Wilson, a college report­ er. Grace Kirk took the part of Mrs. Iona Ford aged 48, and was some mother-in-law, with Agnes Chandler taking the part of Zoie, her charming daughter. Billy Blake, college student and former lover of Z >ie, was well taken by Tom C. Logan. Lleyd F. Hamilton played the part of Jup iter Jackson the colored servant of Prof. G ra­ ham, and list b it not least was Socrates, the beautiful Collie dog of Mrs. F"rd The parts were un­ usually well played aud those taking part received many words of praise. A rong those from Halsey who were present were Adah Nelson, Hope Hussey, Leila Gansle, L. I) Taylor, Tom Miller, James Mc­ Williams, George Cross, Mrs Nora Coleman, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gansle and Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Lake ÏI P eoria N ew s (Kntarprla* Correspondence) Rev. Roy Metcalf and Mr. end Mrs. J ti. L u n ar returned from Medford where they had lepn to attend the district conference of tbe Southern Methodist church which convened in that city last week, Sunday. Mrs. U m a r's daughter, Mrs. J. E. Waibeck, better known here as Grace Clark, accompanied them home. Mrs. Roy M'dcalf and children visited Mrs. Perle Cummings d ur­ ing the absence of Rev. Metcalf at the district conference last week. Mrs. J. S. Laitiar, Mrs. J . K. Walbeck and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lamar attended the funeral of Mrs. Georgia Forder at the Meth­ odist chnrcb iu Tangent, Monday. Wheat farmers in Umatilla county welcomed a fall of snow lest we-li. j / V ■ New! Q uick-D rying ENAMEL Made by LOW E BROTHERS. Design­ ed especially fo r wood­ w ork, fu rn itu re , metal v.ork, toys, etc. Dries ready to recant in fo u r hours. Comes in beau­ tifu l, s trik in g colors. I lows freely and w orks easily. Produces a durable finish. Com » in a n d g tt a color card. H ill & C o m p an y Halsey, Oregon