Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, April 12, 1928, Image 8

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Continued from page 1.
I w ith the subject aho displayed
Dainty Spring Dress Goods
In the Latest Materials
and Smartest Patterns
Warm Spring days great blue skies! Away
w ith all the old winter things! First come to
Koontz & Company for brand new prints—then
to home fo r a busy day of sewing—and presto!
A brand new frock fo r so little . Here are floral
prints, modernistic prints, tiny prints, large
prints, fru it p rin ts—in dozens of lovely shades,
all colors fast.
K O O N T Z ’S
delicious lunch at email tablea late
I ¡0
evening. Each table was
e ' decorated in keeping w ith the East.
number of drawings and pictures er spirit. The place cards were in
obtained from the state lib ra ry , the form o f small chick».
ft was decided during the business
The in v ita tio n list included Mea-
aeaaiea that the club m em bers. dames A ’ a Eastburn, Roy East-
would set ve a lunch on election burn, Kennelh Payne, Ro^e Dong-
day. 9100 raised during the year ' las, B. Peebler }. A. Lawrensou,
eg part of the pledge for the com- and F- M C linton and the Misses
m unity h a ll was deposited. Fifteen Margaret Hurst. Helen Thompson,
member» answered ro ll ca ll w ith Lucile I.awrenson, Eller, and Jean
current events. Mrs. M ary Irv in g Baker and T hyra Peebler, all of
of Portlaud was a complimented Albany, Meedaraes M- B. Cole and
Kenneth Coburn 0, Eugene, and
At fo ur o’clock the hostess in ­ Mesdames Harold M uller and Fay»
vited her gursts to the din ing room. ette Lake of Halsey.
• • *
Small Ch'nese parasols were used
for table decorations, w ith a m inia­
The members of the Gy psy Rover
ture lake form ing the centerpiece. Camp Cookery club met at the
The place cards were stn -l! Chinese home of their leader, F. Buford
ladies aud were the handwork of Morris, last evening- The boys
the hostess.
Noodles, creamed are progressing ra p id ly and are
chicken, salad, wafers, Chiuece now m aking biscuits. They plan to
nuts and tea was served.
make a demonstration on achieve­
* •
ment day. The personnel o f the
Mrs. Elm er Lake, of Salem, who club is B luford Moss president,
was a guest o f her sister. Mrs. Bu- Cedric Moody vice president, Ken.
ford M orris lust week was the honor netb W orkinger secreiary, Charles
guest at a “ shower” at the Morris Reeves and A rth u r Moss,
home on F rid ay evening w ith the
guest list made up of form er A l­
Notice is hereby given that the under­
bany friends. One of the diver- signed, as Executors of the Last Will
8IOD8 of the evening was au Easter and Testament and Estate of Delos Wes­
egg hunt by the honor guest who ley. deceased, have filed with the Clerk
instead of finding eggs, found many of the County Court for Linn County,
Oiegon, their Final Account aud the
d a in tily wrapped packages ccn- Judge of said Court has fixed the 24th
taing both p re tty and useful gifts. day of April, 192S at the hour of one
Conversation and music were other o’clock p. m. at the County Court House
in the City of Albany, Linn County,
Oregon as the time and place for hear­
ing objections, if any, to said Final Ac-
L ittle Chickens,
Big Chickens and Young
w s Wealey,
l G. Wealey,
McDaniel Monument Works, 119 E. 3rd
S t , Albany. The entire stock of mon­
uments and markers to be closed out
at greatly reduced prices as 1 am go­
ing out of business. A12-m3.
y af 22 29-Apnl 5-12-19.
FOR SALE—Jersey Black Giant egg*
t : per 15. E. A. P. LaFollette. Hal-
sey, Otego*»
FOR SALE—Baled oat hay, contains
small per centage of vetch C. R
Evans. Kt. 1, II ilsev.
FOR SALE—Ore used Fordson tractor
in A 1 condition J150. Whiteside Si
l.ocke. Corvallis, i >r.______ M29—A5
FOR SALE—One full blood Jersey cow
8-yrs. old, freshen Oct. 2, no papers.
One high grade Jersey cow. 8-years
old, freshen Oct. 18.
One full blood Jersey cow 10-years old
Huy with confidence. Our used cars w ith
an O K, that counts are thoroughly
reconditioned and refinished. We are
just installing our new duco Duco
plant which will enable us to give you
better used cars for less money.
1927 Chev Ton Truck and cab S45C.00
1927 Star Coupe, like new, only
run 4000 m ile s .............. ....$ 4 95.00
1927 Chev coach, rnotoi recon­
1924 Ford truck with cab and
stock bodv, Ruxtell, starter,etc$225.0O
1924 Overltnd to u rin g ............. $ 90 00
1921 Chev-touring.....................$ 60.00
bantiam Chevrolet Co., 1st at Baker,
Albany, Ore. Phone 720.
‘quality—alwavs at a saving
Albany, Oregon
“Pay-Day” Overalls
Choice of American Workmen
With the Union Label
Made to our specifications of
staunch, durable 2.20 blue denim— the
standard of workmen who demand the
best in Work Clothes.
Cut big and roomy all over,
triple-stitched; six pockets, bar-
tacked to prevent ripping. Jack­
ets w ith engineers’ cuffs to
match. A ll sizes including E x ­
tra Sizes— overall or jumper for
men at—-
Dana C. Rossman
Lady Assistant
Halsey Meat Market
freshen Mag .20, no papers.
One Sattley’-cream separator No. IS.
One rural mail box. C.W. W right al2
I k . b o u ... . . . . . a . .OU.l.Dd IO T.b.U U ll.iO < U i-lM U I.
All 1 alls answered day or night
Phone 255.
Halsey. Oregon
Sirloin Steak, per lb.
T-Bone Steak, per lb.
Pot Roast, per lb.
Rib Beef Boil, per lb.
Hamburger, per lb.
Loin Perk Chops, lb.
Pork Shoulder Roast 20c
---- " I O
G eo . H o ffm an . Prop.
cih&^leaner far.
■ B ■
èveryRoom in líourlíome w ill dq kuna
iffth e n ^ C
TUESDAY. APRIL 17, 8 O’clock
‘The Y a n k e e C lip p er1
A th rillin g page from the most glorious era in American his­
tory when romance and adventure rode high in the rigging
of white-winged greyhoutds o f the sea.
vacuum cleaners
D r a m a tic , T h r illin g a n d
A b s o rb in g
F ind out today
W h ic h o fth e s e
^ ¡ ¡ Q h t^ e iq h i^
The greatest picture achievement o f the year.
■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■«■»■■■■■■■a
F o u r D ep en d ab le
Chick Feeds
From Start to Finish Use Hodger.-Brew <ter
Feeds You'll Use the Best.
We Repeat—
Hodgen-Brewster Plain Chick Mash
ing with liquid milk.
speedy cleaners
When in trouble call Halsey
Garage and have them tune
up, and make the necessary
1 epairs on your car.
Federal and Fisk Tires
in Stock.
answers YOUR needs ?
oiling. Probably the best vacuum clean-
er yet perfected by inventive genius.
F. G. Workinger
1. PREM IER JUNIOR, smaller
size than the Duplex but
of the finest quality through
out. Ideal for average-sized
PREMIER PIC-UP, a midget in
H f i t 1(5 size but a giant in cleaning pow­
C d
for feed­
Hodgen-Brewster Chick Scratch Feed—an ideal
grain feed for chicks.
And Remember A ll these Mash Feeds contain
Cod Liver Meal and Minerals. They are
complete feeds.
Our U>28 Chick Feeding Circular gives fu ll instructions for
using these feeds. W rite for your copy. It is FREE.
Hodgen-Brewster Feeds are Made to Make Good.
They Do!
Hodgen-Brewster Feeds
Fed the Hodgen-Brewster Way W ill Bring Success.
S c h u ltz Bros. W a re h o u s e Co.
Phone Shedd. 8F23 or w rite for delivery prices
warehouse at Fayetteville.
Postoffice Shedd. Oregon
1. P R E M IE R -D U P L E X , large capacity
bag, ball bearing motor and brush, * needs *n o 1
Halsey Garage
Hodgen-Brewster Milk-Grain Chick Feed —
An ideal dried milk mash feed!
Hodgen-Brewster Wisconsin Milk Chick Mash—
For modified all-mash feeding.
O ill
T lita efficient
flo o r-p o lish in g a tta c h m e n t
adds m uch to you r
cleaner and costs but little .
ideal for cleaning autos
and as auxiliary.
Candy for H e r-
A dainty box o f any o f the
popular brands of candies
in our well assorted stock
would make a most appro­
priate g ift to your best g irl
- sweetheart or wife.
The g ift would be doubly
acceptable if purchased at
C lark’s where none but the
best is carried in stock.
Clark's Confectionery
> « « •
S tates
power C ompany
During A prd O nly
Electric coffee, made at the table
by the Hot-Drip method, in this
attractive, nickel-finished HOTPOINT.
much to your meals and subtract but
little from your purse.
on|y j o L