AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Voi. 16. high school carnival a SUCCESS IN EVERY WAY iztttcrprtGV No. 49. Pine Grove Items (Enterpn»« vorrespondent) Halsey, Oregon, Thursday 12, 1928 3 DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County 1 HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Alford Arrows ISCHOOL NOTES ' ' * -------- ■ — I Mabel AHender was a ie v etc- Mrs. Elden Cross was an Albany W D. McLareo and Doro­ Mt.. H A R itch.t, ol A lb .n j d,„ , io lh , , isbtll g„ Je „ Edued By W i l l i , « W « h l Well Patronized By Public thy Mrs. were Albany visitors Saturday. visitor last Saturday. was io Halsey this morning on a ford school last week. Who Enjoyed the Many P. H. Freerkseo, deputy assessor, business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Miner of Crab Mr, and Mrs. A, F. Robnett and Mrs. Kizer has bean reelected f ir Thrills Offered tree called at the Pehrsson home was calling on the taxpayers of Mrs, L, B. Rossman of Eugene daughter, Doris of Eugene, Were the coming year to teach the 7th Halsey Monday, Sunday. is visiting in Halsey at the home Sunday afternoon callers at the J. a „d 8th grade«. The carnival given by the high Rev. aud Mrs. W. E. Cox were of her son, D. C. Rossman. Nora I'ehtsson who is teaching F. and E. D Isom homes. B'hool Friday Dight was the most The high school wishes to thank at Banl's, spent the week end at dinner guests at the Bob Miller Rev, and Mrs. J. S. Miller and Mies Alberta Koontz has been successful stunt the school has put I”.’ *“ the patrons of the community for home Thurs day. a ._____ the Pehrsson home. confined to her home the past week the evaugelists, Rev. and Mrs.Cox, their splendid cooperation with our on this year. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Quimby and Mrs. Fay Githens and son Ron­ with a severe attack of tonsilitis, were dinner guests at the J H. carnival. The net receipts will te At noon Friday the festivities Rickard home one day this week. son Paul visited at the Chancy ald, attended church at Pine Grove opened with a street parade featur­ clcse to $60, part of which will be Am putting iu Frigidaire system Mrs. E. D Isom visited her sis­ used to defray school ex; eases and Sickle»’ home Sunday evening. Sunday afttruoon ing the usual“ plug uglt-s,"clowns, of refrigeration and will carry fresh Mrs. Curtis Veatch and daugh­ and smoked m atte W. M Burhink ter Mrs. \V. C. Sickels Thursday part to be added to our savings Mr. and Mrs. N.E Chandler and and characters usually making up of last week. Mrs. L. E. Bond and ter Wanda were guests at the Beulah such demonstrations, and in the i daughter visited at the Laurence Mrs. Mary Irvirg of Portland daughter, Mrs. Vera Howard of fund. Miller home Sunday afternoon. Zimmermon home near Shedd Sun­ • evening the main show was held . The county health nurse vislttd has been a guest at the home of her Albany, were also guests. In the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cross of daughter, Mra. Lyman Patton, the at, in and around the school build­ day. school Wednesday with Mrs. Edna afternoon they all drove to the ing. Eunice Sylvester spent the week Albany were Sunday evening visit­ past wrek. Geer, the couuty superintendent, home of their brother and son, There seemed to be plenty for end with her parents. She has ac­ ors iu Halsey at the LaFollette She re orted the students in ex­ Mrs. G. T. Ray who has been Frauk Bond, each pupil to do in the way of cepted the Summerville school, home. cellent beailh, noting a case or ▼railing relatives in Halsey during Visitors at the C. A. Curtis home entertainment and they did it. where ehe is now teaching, lor the two of b»d teeth and ndbiioids. She Mr. and Mr» E. E. Gormley the past week or ten days relum ed Sunday were Forrest Tandy and Boxing, wrestling, doll rack, hot next school year. and Heine Alford spent Sunday to her home iu Eugene Sunday, family of Yoncalla, Landis Phil- also complimented the grade teach­ dog sandwich stand, ice cream at the home of Mrs. George Alford ers on the splendid uiscipliue in The women’s missionary society Remember the spec’al price of pott aud family of Noli and Verne their rooms. parlor, beauty parlor where several of Peoria met for the regular busi- of Irving. 85 cents a year for the Delineator Philpott and family aud Mrs Crow, staid business men got their (aces nees meeting at the home of Mrs. E. C. Miller has received word The school play “ Aaron Bogg«, also Wilma and Lois Falk. lifted and came out looking really W.D. McLaren Thursday afternoon that his aunt, Mrs M. E. Miller of Is stiil on. Subscribe or renew j our Freehm an” to be given alo u t May A car containing three men from nice and prosperous and began to with Rev. aud Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Harrisburg, who has been ill for subscription now at Koontz's store. Scio turned over at the crossing «t 4th, is under way. An excellent smile wiuningly. The senior class of the Shedd A'ford s atiou Friday evening de- cast lias been chosen and practice Meodames J.S,Lam ar, J. W. Lamar, some time is improving. Taken in all the carnival was George Bayne, E. E- Hover and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Griffith of high school will give their class molishing the top and windshield began Thursday. good and reflects credit on those Alice Dunn present. Eugene, visited iu Halsey last Sun­ play, “ Mystery of the Third and injuring one m an’s shoulder. Due to the revival services at the who managed its affairs. Last week was'lvieit our school” day at the home of the latter's sis­ Gable,” at the W.O.W. hall iu that They were on their way to Marcola. Methodist church, arrangements city Friday evening, April 20. week at Piue Grove and the teach­ ter, Mrs. E. C. Miller. Herbert Tandy and children of have been made to add a fourth [r: Shedd Personals er offered a prize to the side that The Mountain States Power C '\ Venita spent Friday night at the period to the afternoon during this Mr. and Mrs Bert Clark drote time play practice will be held. could get the most visitors to come to Lebanon Wednesday afternoon is making an unusually good offer Chester Curti» heme. (Enterprise Correepondence) This will enable those th at wish to to school. Leaders were Margaret for a visit at the home of the letter's on vacuum sweepers thia month of Mrs. B, E. Cogswoll is iu Port­ Mr. and Mrs.G.V. Maxwell were which you should take advantage. land this week serving on the elec- go to the services to do so. Heinrich and John Patapoff, with father, William Curtis. Albany business viritors*Saturday, the first named winning by 10 A vacuum sweeper will save the tion board in her precinct in that Mr. Pdtton is planning to ut- Mrs. C. P. Moody, Mrs. D C Mr. and Mrs, W. H. McConnell points. Members of school board price of itself in preserving your o ty. tend the meetimr of the echoulmna- wete business visitors in Albany visiting were L. E.Esg v, clerk:Mrs Rossman and Mrs. Harold Muller Hoor coverings alone, to say notl - ters club ut Corvallis Saturday. Ï1 drove to Eugene Tuesday and sper t Saturday afternoon. Church Notes ing of the convenience and savirg W- D. McLaren and P. A. Pehrs- The seniors are planning tk* Miss Willota Churchill, daughter eon directors. Mothers visiting the day visiting friends and rela­ in lime. Church of Christ program for April 18, and if their of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Churchill, were Mesdames Heinrich, L. E. tives. Ten a. m , a placa for you in a assembly is as goo I as they have Charles Stralev, who has been Last Sunday Mr. and Mis and Mr. Rey Farm er, son of Mr. Eagy, Floyd Nichols, A.L.Kuight- employed as clerk at the D. H. fine Sunday «chool class. Last been in the past, the school is in and Mrs. Farmer, were married en, John McNeil. Others visiting Chancy Sickels and four grand­ Sturtevaut »tore the past year has Sunday was a gala day, 119 on for a treat, Monday afterncou. were Mesdatnes N. E. Chandler, children of the Charily grange com resigned to take a poeition with lima for ttie count. Eggs aud offer­ Rev. Miller and Rev. Cox, the The senior class play ‘‘The Mys­ Charles Nichols, Fay G ith n s , An munity were visitors at the W. C lb * A'.hbuy Raking Company. He ings came to |9 1 .48. Come help us vaugelist who is holding revival Sickels home io Halsey. tery of the Third Gable’’ will le drew Dobrinin, Will Patapoff, K.E- will have charge of the route from hold that attendance over the lOO meetings at the Methodist church, Mr. and Mrs. F. Buford Morris presented at the W. 0. W- hall Hover George Chandler aud Grace Albany to Newport. Mrs. Stralev mark, we must heat Crabtree gave a talk yesterday during the April 20th. Reserved seats will be and Pearl Johnson and Richard and son Bobby drove to Salem Sun­ and children will remain in Halsey Bring your Bible-«, they count. regular assembly petiod which ia day, taking to her home in that on sale at Shoen's store. and Flora Mae Chandler. unt'l the c’oeo of school when they Sermon by Mr. Sias at 11, baptis­ held every Wednesday. city, Mrs. Elmer Lake who has . Calls Circle, Neighbors of Wood­ will move to Albany to make their mal service at closn. Christian En­ craft met at the Woodman hall “ The Yankee Clipper” Coming been visiting in Halsey at the home. deavor at 7 p. m Will join with New Train Schedule Announced Morris home. Tuesday night with Neighbor Stel­ M- E. church in their evangelistic Friday evening a number of the ‘‘The Yankee Clipper” a th rill­ Effective Sunday, May 6, in line Cora Toedtemeier of Willamette la Blackerbv of Salem present. members of the Eastern S tar living ssrvices. there were six added to Mrs. Peter Troutman was initiated ing epochal picture of the glorious spent the Eas'er vacation with her in Halsey are planning on attend­ the church last Sunday moroiug. with the Southern Pacific program to conatur.tly improve train service into the order and at a late hour days of American supremacy on motbet. Mrs. Rose Toedtemeier. ing the district convention at C. Adrian Slag, minister. tba high seas, will be shown at the tlie fallowing changes will be made Louise and August Toedlen eier and refreshments wore served, A pleas­ Brownsvilie. This district com­ Methodist Next Sunday : City Hall next Tuesday night. effective: Casey Jones of Oregon City wire ant evening was had by all. 10 a. m ., Sunday sellout Wcc, Boyd and Elinor Fair who also week end visitors at the rime prises the Shedd, Harrisburg rod The schedule of the ’ Caeca k ” Brownsville lodges. Several grand 11, preaching. scored so decisively in ‘T he Volga home. trains 17 and 18 will be shortened Notice To Stockholders lodge officers are to he present 6:30 Epworth League Boatman’’ which was shown here one hour between Portland and The apron sale and E ister egg Among them will be Mrs. Barnes, 8 p, m. preaching last week, have the leading roles. San Francisco. Notice is Hereby given that a meeting sale held by the P. N. G. club last who is grand worthy m atron, Mr. Services for Sunday, a talk to ot the stockholders of the Halsey Tele­ The villian is W alter Long, while Saturday was very successful, net­ The Coacli special will be oper- and Mre. Wayne Stanard gtand ttie children of the Suuday School, ated daily leaving Portland at 10 phone Company and those wishing to Junior Coghlan has an excellent ting the club about $55. Toe lucky worthy patron and grand marshal 11 a.m, ‘‘The Lord's Second Com­ a. m., north hound reaching Port­ subscribe stock, will be held Monday, role, th at of a wharf rat with a number on the quilt was 131 aud respectfully, and Delphia Hocken- April 16, 1928, at 7:30 p.m., in the coun­ ing; 3 p.m. 35th chapter of Isiah; land at 8:20. hatred for wemeu. Read the book was held by E. H. Robins. cil chambers. Halsey Oregon. smith grand chaplain. 7:45 p. in. ‘T h e Journey of the sent you and then enjoy the pic- Halsey Telephone Co. The regular tneet'ug of thp par­ Soul After D eath.” turization re x t Tuesday. By Board of Directors. The RnterpriM $1.00 a year ent-teacher meeting has been post­ There has keen nine additions to Peoria News poned from Friday evening of this the church so far. All the services week to April 29 The program (By an Entarpiiae Reporter) were good. The Evangelist is no will be in charge of the boys and ordinary preacher, you will mies (By Special Correspondent) girl’s club. H C. Sey nour, state much if you do not hear him. Mre. J W.Lamar was in Albany Tues- clup leader, will be present ai d Cox is a splendid leader of song day looking after interests of La­ address the meeting. and we have the best of m u re. A mar fc Lamar. corJial invitation it extended to all. Mrs. Jess Cross and Miss Gladys Mr. and Mrs. J.S . Lam ar had as J S. MiUer. pastor. McCornack spent the week end at the home of the latter in Eugene, their guests Tuesday, Rev. and Pine Grove Church Mr, McCornack coming to Halsey Mrs. H. M. B ran h 'tn of Eugene Sunday School 2 p. in. far them Saturday. On Sunday Rev. Brahham was a neighbor of Preaching at B p. m. r. and Mrs. Elden Cross, Mrs. E. Mrs. Lam ar’s when she lived in No Sunday School or church Use this convenient, coordinated California. A. P. LaFollette and Jess Cross services April 14. Ail Invited to service to Pacific Highway points Mrs. Cuma Munson and sister, attend at Halsey, drove to Eugene and brought them Mrs. Millie Taylor and daughter, Now you have the choice of traveling via borne. Joan, were Albany visitors Tuesday. Q u ick -D ryin g Southern Pacific by rail or highway. Dependable Enid Veatch, who is teaching The womr.n’s mi sionary society trains and motor-coaches provide frequent serv­ school in Roseburg, accompanied ield their regular butiness meet­ ice at convenient hours. If you wish, go one way some friends as far as Eugane Sat­ From O ur Regula/ Correapondaoit Made by LOWE ing at the home ot Mrs. Jessie Me by train and return by motor-coach. urday, coming the rest of the way BROTHERS. Design­ alone, and visited until Sunday Laren when plana were made for ed especially for wood­ Buy 10-Ride Tickets Mrs. Lyman V»’. Patton was a work, furniture, metal noon at the home of her parents, the food sale to be given at Eugene. for use on the motor-coaches and good for 60 charming hostess Thursday after, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Lamar and work, toys, etc. Dries Mr. aud Mrs. Cortis Veatch, near days. Save money with these low fares. Mrs. Mae Abraham were at Browns­ noon when she extended the hos­ ready to recoat in four Halsey. She returned to Roseburg hours. Comes in beau­ Daily service to and from Salem, Albany, Port­ ville Monday to attend a special pitality of her home to the mem­ on the Southern Pacific Sunday tiful, striking colors. ber« of the Thursday Study club fur meeting of the Eastern Star. land, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg, Grants Pass, I noon. Flows freely and works their regular meeting. Medford, Ashland and intermediates. easily. Produces a Mrs. Stella Ulackerby of Salem The club is studying China this Clean-Up Campaign M ay 1 ,2 durable finish. spent several hours in Halsey year and Mrs. Patton carried out Com e in a n d get a Wednesday morning enroute to May first and second ere the a decorative scheme in keeping with color card. Springfield to attend a big initia­ dates for the city annuel clean-up. the topic. Large Chinese paraso's tion meeting of the Neighbors It is urged that everyone do their were suspended from the ceiling in C . P. M oody, Agent of Woodcraft. While here the was part toward making a clean sweep both the living end dining rooms, H ill & C o m p an y a visitor at the H, F. Lake home, of all refuse. Get ail rubbish out Mrs. C. P. Moody had the lesson ‘ Phone 226 Halsey, Oregon and also spent a hr ef time with on the curb line so it will be handy topic, "Bronzes and Carvings of Stiver-gray Motor coaches leave and arrive Norlh 10:33 h 5.15 p , Morns Ph’cy Mrs. J. C. Bramwell who has been for the street cleaners. the Chinese'* and in connection ill for the past three months. By Order City Council. Continued on page 8. By Train or Motor-Coach N ew! SOCIETY NEWS Pacific ENAMEL