HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY, OREGON, APRIL 5. 1028 Building for the Ages Built centuries ago, yet built so well that it will withstand many more centuries, the Sphinx stands as a lasting monument to honeSt effort So may we build, not alone the material creations which go tow ard making up this community, but may we also build good will upon a foundation of honest trading w ith our fellow men, so that it will outlast even the most substantial of concrete erections. To make our dreams of a greater community come true, we must start to build from the very foundation. Confidence in our home institutions, as evidenced by our trade relations w ith them, is the cornerstone— careful and conscientious regard for our credit standing in our dealings, and a willingness to do our full share in any and every enterprise that tends to the good of our community, are the materials we should use in our building, if it is to outlast the ages. Then we will have a Community of which we may well be proud. The following business and professional interests stand ready to serve you and HALSEY F. G. WORKINGER Halsey Garage Gas— Oils— Tires— Repairing HILL & COMPANY Hardware — Farm Implements Furniture VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Lumber — Shingles and Building Materials O. W. FRUM Warehouse Buys and Sells Feeds, Hay, Grain and Wool MORRIS PHARMACY Drugs — Stationery Prescriptions filled Soda Fountain LAKE & LAKE GEORGE HOFFMAN Halsey Meat Market “First Class Meats Only” FRANK G. GANSLE Arrow Garage Gas—Oils—Repairing—Towing M. V. KOONTZ COMPANY Dry Goods Shoes, Groceries, Crockery T. J. SKIRVIN Warehouse Grain, Clover, Rye Grau, bought and sold Good Luck Egg Mash Commercial Printer» Editors “Enterprise** DANA C. ROSSMAN Funeral Director Lady Assistant TUSSING & TUSSINO Attorneys-at-I^iw Offices Halsey and Brownsville HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $35,000 Commercial and Savings Accounts solicited C. G. HAMER Taxi Southern Pacific Stage Halsey to Brownsville Do Your Part to Help Halsey