/ Halsey fBxitvrpnsr agriculture horticulture LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. A ''' Voi. 16. easier church services No. 48. Ha'sey, Oregon, Thursday f p t’ 5 1928 DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County l The Vo'ga Boatman Will Be Shown P e o r ia N e w s The ARRANGED FOR AT M. E. E v a n g e lis t, R ev C ox, W h o Is RUSSEL NORTON HAS WRIST Here Next Tueiday BROKEN CRANKING A FORD Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eagy of i ds the V ug i Boat m in which C o n d u c tin g R e v iv a l a t M . E . C h u r c h I'ine Grove were business vritors — will be the Theatre Anorarlion at Russel Norton is c a ir ji- g h s in Peoria Tuesday. City Hall next Tuesday night right arm in a »ling today as a re­ Rev. Metcalf and family were WiBiam B >yd has one of the inn*, sult o f a disagreement with a Ford Harrisburg visitors Monday. dramatic roles o f h s screen career last night about half past ten The A striking contrast bi tween the Jack Allen nf Portland spent the car refuse.1 to start and Russel de­ splendor and ths rq u lo r of ore week e rd visiting hia brother-in- cided to crank it and the engine law George Githens. war Russia has been tyuiboliz d | back tired, the crank h tting ! iin n this remarkable picture. Mrs. Leighton Biyne and fami­ on t he arm. ly visited with hor mother, Mrs. Norton was taken to Corvallis was also m ade by a pup I of this Alice Barcus, Sunday. where Dr. G arnju’t set the broken school. This was made ly Paul Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brattair* ‘ions, I he breik is ah >ul half way Q i i at by. spent the «eek end visiting their between the elbow and wrist. M r. and M is. Taul B i«rley and daughter, Mrs Raymond S.enson, But young Norton war not the fa m ily spent last S unday v is itin g and family at Toledo. Spoon R iv e r S p a rk s only one to soff f her s ster, Mis. B uford Morris. ’he axles was troken. Atioti er Thursday and while there looked their dinner guest Tuesday Mark after a number of business trans­ Clayton, recently from La Porte. The nutation at the Rebekah ar was sec urvd und Norton was actions. They were accompanied Indiana lodge has been post( oned from th taken to Corvallis. Mr. Clayton was born second Wednesday to ihe fourth by Ava Falk. and raised in Peoria and finished Wednesday of th is m o n th . it.lv James VanNico spent Wednesday high school in the game class with S C H O O L N O TE S The barn dancs to h iv e been at the home of M argaret and Kob- Mrs. La n ar’s oldest daughter, Vi­ I ------------------------------------------- :iv n by tb s A m e ric a ) Legion at crt Carey. vienne Clark of Albany, and after. Edited P> W ilm a W a h l be a rm o ry in A lb a n y i e x t W ed. Clarence Giliette, wife and two wards attended O.S C. from which neaday lias I een postponed u n til sons diove to Salem Friday. Mis place he secured a position in the M o th e r - ! Leave y o u r k id d ie s a t later data Gillette will remain in that city for , east and has been there for several th e f r r e n u rs e ry w h ile you e n j >v Irene Q limby h i 1 as her guest several days for the purpose of se- years. th e s tu n ts nt th v HiDev High Thelma Knighten of Pine Grove iver the week end Grace M cHirgu, curing medical treatm ent. The S chool C a r n iv a l F r id a y , A li! 6. of Brownsville. Mi,s Mcllargu« rest of the party returned home attended church in Peoria Sunday The high rcliool student body and visited with her grandfather. is teaching school near Sw.et Saturday. held a meeting Wednesday and the Home this winter. Chris Sorenson, Earl Ringsdprf George Githens. •fBccrs for th e c n n 'n g v -ir w re Mr. and Mrs. J W. L itn rr and and Charlie Straley and their fam­ M r. and M rs. Cl irk C h a sta in o u m iiiiit* d. ilies and the Misses Mamie Falk Mrs. J. S. Lamar attended Eastern Mi. nod Mrs. John Chastain, a id The seniors have secured a speak­ and Doris Howard were dinner Star lodge at Brownsville Monday Mr. ar.d Mrs. J nr. Crockett were er for commencement exercise» on guests Sunday at the G. ]• Rike night. guests last Sunday at. the hom i oi May Sft Dr D. V . Poling of Al­ home. Ray Barnes near H arri--hurg. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Githens bany will give the address A very forceful and eloquent speaker who is meeting w i'h Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn VanNice and son, Rouald, were business Mrs. Hettie Sailor of Seattle has See those funny, funny clowns marked success in his religious endeavors as evangelistat and daughter Betty Jean, and Mrs. v sitors in Albauy Friday. been in Halsey the past week on a at the carnival on Friday the G'.li. the Methodist church in Halsey. He has a message for all. The entertainm ent given at the Vadura Green spen. Wednesay in visit to her mother, Mrs. M M. Don’t tnirs it! school house Friday night was a Albany where Mrs. VanNice and Ward. Mrg David Froman an The charad e s have been select, Mrs. Green represented Charity decided success. The program was other daughter, is also here from ed for the high sciio il p 'a y ,"A aro n Grange at the Chamber of Com good and attendance large and the ' Albany. B oggs, Freshm an.” Practice will missionary society readied a neai merce. h> atartad on it next week. T hepoaltiv clinic held at th» city Mrs. Edna Geer, county uperin. Edna Falk who has he n working sum for their treasury. D. C. Roetmr.n and W C. Sickels Paul Q uim by spent lart Sunday h ill Tuta lay afternoon by Pro’. Merle Githens and I ida Gregory tendent of schools, and Ihe h e a lth at the C. E. Gillette home returned Grubb was well attended. Sever*1 were looking after basin■ i-s trans­ at ihe C. L Falk Jr. home. of Shedd, attended the entertain­ n use. visited the grade schools in to her home Friday «pscimena of d¡sensed poully were actions in Albany Monday. Mrs. George H ares and son K ritb this c:ty Wednesday. Among those from this commun­ ment at the schorl house Friday oi Halsey spent Tuesday in Albany. examined and poultry owners told Mrs. A. W. Dykstra and Mae The senior class is giving their night. ity attending the pie social at the what to do io prevent the same Smith of Halsey spoat Munday in Mrs. J. E. Jacobson of Florence last assembly program next Wed­ J. W Lamar was a business vis Brandon school Saturday evening trouble in the future Albany. was a guest of Mr. s n j Mrs. C. I’ nesday. They would like to see a were Henry Falk and family, Doris ¡¡tor iu Albany Tuesday for Lamar Mrs. Mary E. Allan And daugh­ large crowd of parents and fr ends Moody of Halsey Monday night. Claire and Clarence Higbee tf & Lamar Howard, Willis Henry aud Grace ter, Mrs. Browne arrived in Hulsey present. M rs A n n R o b ie s of Lebanon it Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cummings, Lehanon were guests of 11 e r aunt, Kirk, aud Webster Falk. They re­ today noon from O ikhind, Calif., Mrs. Thomas Ardry, Lucile Hern Mrs. E. C. Milier of Halsey last visiting in H ilsey for a Kw days at port a good time. N O T IC E Mrs. Allan will make her hone the home of her son. Fred Rubin«. On account of this being p'e- Mr. aud Mis. Oreu Frutn and don and brother, and several others Thursday. with her other daughter, Mrs. JJ. Am putting in Fiigi laire system F. Luke. Mrs Browne expects to Esster praye' week, the Tliimblo Marie Teuland of O. S. C. spent daughter Vivian, of Halsey visited from Lake Creek, attended th_ at the W. R. Kirk home Sunday program given by the missionary the week end ¡a Halsey visiting at o ’ refrigeration and will eirry Iresh visit in Halsey and Albany for club meeting Io have neon held at society at this place, Mies Lucile 'h e E . B I’eiiland and Fre 1 Rabi nr a i 1 sm >ke 1 in ? its W. M Burbank afternoon. several days and may d'eide to re­ the home of Mrs. If F. Lake F ri­ ta k in g part in the program. day afternoun has been postponed homes. E. E. Carey aud family drove to The pie iocial given at the Bran main north. for one week and will be held < n Eugene Sunday to visit their aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goltra and don school house Saturday evening The pupi's of the Powell school P e r s o n a ls J j S h e d d Mrs F. W. Robinson who has been chiluren, Coenia and Bob of Al­ was well attended. $19 6-5 was te will present a two-act play at tfe April 13. seriously ill at a hospital in that bany spent Sunday in Ilalsey at a llie d from the sale of pies, a -hool house Saturday evening a, (EoterprlM CorrMPondenee) Mr. and Mrs. Ole Kayse? who city. They found her somewhat The pupils of the Shedd grade the H- F. L ike home. C. M. M oody of H arrisburg is S o’clock. Everyone is invited and have been spending a two week’s va- improved. school were examined Tuesday by W o r k was commenced on the ce­ spending a few days in Halsey at the ladies are asked to take baskets . cation in Halsey at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Harding of the county health nurse. fi r.ner’s mother, Mrs. William II. ment side walk in front of Frances 'th e home of his son, C. I*. Moody. and the men their punes. Washington were guests at the M The wind storm the latter part E. Gray’s property on First s t r u t While here he is also attending the On the evening el April IB » fine Wheeler, relm tied to their home at B. Harding home from Thursday of last week did considerable d am ­ the latter part of the we k. This revival meetings at the Methodist program will be given at the Pine Silverton Sunday. While here they until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ age in Shedd. One of the old straw will be a decided improvement over church. Grove community hall, when a papered the rooms of the Wheeler ard H arding and little daughter, sheds east of town was completely the old board walk Charles Gansle Dolma Falk, one of the students three-act comedy, will he presented home and also made a number of also of Washington weie also guests demolished. is doing thç work. at the Brandon school for the third by the people of th a t c o m m u n ity . iother improvements. at the same place Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. E.D.Farwell were Mrs. G, T. Rae of Engine has time this year lias made a j effect Sunday. Brownsville visitors Monday. been visiting her sisters, Mrs. W, ■core in the county examinations, The Shedd Campfire Girls will F. White and Mrs. E. A I*. La- each time making a grade of 100 Ruth Houghton ,>er cent. One other pet feet score serve a hot merchants lunch F ri­ Follette of Ha*»ey this week. day noon at the church. All the students of the school ars back at work again after ab­ f KAO f f TWO If! sence due to measles. ALWAY5 BRINGIh UP Evaogslilt Cox will have charge of the Easter services at the Meth­ odist church 8unday. Two ad- dresses will be given, one during Suu lay schio’, and one to the pub­ lic congregation. There will be special music and Miss Alberta Koonti will sing a solo. The revival meetings are going well and a great deal oi interest is te itg expressed. A cordial invita­ tion is extended to everyone to at­ tend any or aJl the meetings. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Let Lis Build This Community Upon Good Will Paw’s Tender Spot DISAGREEABLE SUBJECTS WHY CAN 1 TOO RFAD SOMETHING’ BESIDES C a R D O F THANKS We take thia means of expressing o ir appreciation to the friends and neighbors and also the members of Charity Grange and I. 0 . 0 . F lodge for their many acts of kind- nese during our recent bereavement in the deaths of our loved ones, Walter and Opal Barnes. Also for the beautiful floral tributes. Louise, Lynn, Chancy and Lewis Barnes. Mr. and Mrs Chancy Shekels Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sickels Mr. and Mr.. C- O. Hamer Mr. and Mr». R»y Baines Miss Rutb Houghton of Westfield M. of the class of 1929, who was Mabie Barnee elected chairman of the Judicial board —one of Smith college’s highest hon A. L. Falk »pent Sunday even- era. She also was elected to Phi Beta Kappa recently. ing at the L. R. Falk home. s ca OMMUNITIES built upon a foundation of good will C toward all, a sincere effort toward honest dealings with our fellow m?n, are the communities that will en­ dure long after others founded upon a less liberal appli­ cation of the golden rule have passed away. It is the earnest wish of every true member of this community that it shall grow and prosper. Each on