2 ^ s e v >£riter£riseiJîal8ej^OregoiLjJarcl^9Ji928 GOOD SHOWING IS MAOE BY HALSEY GUN CLUB MEMBERS Results Below That of the Sunday Before But Satisfactory Plenty of Pow er fo r the H a rd Jobs Everyone who has seen this compact, light weight tractor at work marvels at its power. We want you to see it— watch it in the field or at the belt—you will be surprised at the power of the John Deere Model D Tractor This 15-27 H. P. tracto r weighs only 4,000 pounds— power ordinarily wasted in moving excess weight in the field is applied to the draw ­ bar of th e John Deere. The John D eere is hun­ dreds of parts simpler—it's the tra c to r o f few er and s t u r d ie r parts. Fewer moving p a rts reduce fric­ tion, one of th e biggest power thieves in any engine. Belt pulley is m ounted di- rectly on crankshaft—no power loss. All operating parts of the John Deere are autom atic­ ally oiled and completely housed in a dust-proof case —oiling is positive, d u st and sand cannot get in to cause friction, loss of power, and undue wear. John Deere o n e - p i e c e frame holds all units in per­ m anent alignment. The great power of th e John Deere will sur- you. Drop In and see th is sturdy trac- f irlae or n e s t tim e you are in tow n. Let us arrange a dem onstration. HILL & CO. Agents Hardware Plumbing Harness Members of the G in Club w ho are taking an active interest in Iht »’ate-wide contest being staged by Oregonian, were well pleated with »he result of the event Sunday and whilathe score was under that of a week ago it was good. Usually the better shots are bunched and scores alwaye run higher when this ia done hut Sunday the rail was filled as the contestants arrived. The afternoon was windy but visi­ bility was near p ■ fe t and Ihi club came out of the fray with the hon­ ors going to the same trio wh ch made the clean break the Sunday before, namely: Ll.inkard, T. Hov­ er and W L Norton Club Won Lost T ied H ep p n er_________ 1 8 _____ 0 ______ 0 P o rtla n d _________ 11______ 7_____ 0 Salem __________12______4 ............. 2 C o q u ille _________ 15__ 2 -------- 1 M edford................... 12...........6 .............0 K lam ath _________ 13----- 5 -------- 0 Roseburg _______12__ . . . 5 — . . . 1 M cM innville_____ 12--------4 ---------- 2 B end____________ 10______ 7-------- 1 E cho_____________12____ 6 --------- 0 Pendleton................ 8 . . . . . 9 .......... 1 Halsey . . . . . . ___10----------- 8 . . . . . 0 La G ra n d e ________ 7 -------- 10------ 1 E n te rp rise ____ 7 ... ..1 1 ------ 0 M onitor___________ 8 -------- 10-------- 0 E u g en e__________1 3 ... . . 5-------- 0 Huntington _____10--------- 8 -------- 0 A storia.................... 4 . . . . . . 1 4 --------- 0 B an d o n___________ 9 ----------9 -------- 0 Hillsboro_________ 12----------6 -------- 0 The Dalles.................7 ........... 11...........0 Baker .......................4 .............I l .........0 Prineville _______ 6 --------- 11------ 1 N e e d y ____ _____ 5 . -------12------ 1 Union ________ 1 --------- 17------- 0 Siletz __________ 2 --------- 16------- 0 Arlington _______ 4 --------- 14---------0 T oledo___________ 1-------- 17---------0 I f you sm oke for pleasure — here it is— taste, rich fragran ce and m ellow m ild n e s s . C a m e l is the cigarette that intro- d u c e d t h e w o r 1 d t o “ smoking for pleasure.” Camels “ I'd w alk a m ile f o r a C am el” © 1 9 2 8 . R. J le y n o ld » C om p an y, W lnatoa»5alam , N. C. Loraine ------ attended the funeral of Mrs. i.V Mary who has ------ been ---------- W illie McLaren and l oin I.ogan Ws have been asked to announce Good Frid ty, w ill again lie lima . *.a.o. X«e / P.Iir.er ------- ----- ------ visiting her sou, Lyinan Palmer o, their brother-in-law and ur.cle R. were smelt fishing in the Sandy > that the sermons by Rev. J . Gil Iia, t J st t Ins y > 11 on b r id ay , A, ri I , K. < : (.alee Creek K Stewart at Pine Groye Sunday Sunday. river Satu day and brought home editor of tho C atholic W orld and '»tlwei u u > m an I J p. AAAAZwWl W V • Lake Creek, came Wednesday tf . . D laat week to vi.-it her teice, Mrs. Mre. C. W. Nichols received a a fine catch with them Sunday famous New York preacher, which I ? 1 K • (By an Enterprise Reporter) . . . . L, R. Eagy and family. te'egram Thursday noon from her morning. have heretofore been broadcast O' [ The E nterprise ll.n o a year Miss Edith Pugh visited her sis-1 M fj W|), M cLven and Jaugh. brother, J. w . Richard of Corning, ir, Mrs George Chandler, one day (er Dorothj,( dnJ Gertrude Nichols ( stating that her mother had ist week. were Corvallis shoppers Saturday jdie 1 “Wednesday evening after a Mr. and Mrs.Floyd Nichols and aftelnoon. yery short illness. \ a t R ate vo sons, Laurence and Glenn, ' Mrs. Jane Cummings who lias C h e v r c 'e Mr. and Mrs George McNeil of ere Albany visitors Saturday been visiting in Washington and Lake Creek were dinner guests i f L a b >’* a a r g e s -» other Ea-tern points, arrived here Mr. aud Mrs. A.L. K. lig’aton Sun­ 4 I' !!' r • Monday to visit her neice, Mrs. day. D ELBER T STA RR Mrs. Myrtle McManus of JefTty ’uneral Director and Licensed Laurence Eagy and family, and also her sister, Mrs. M iry Patiner. sqn spent the week end at the E. Embalmer Mr. and Mrs Fred Sylvester and LADY A SSISTA N T E. Hover home. daughter, Eunice, and Grace Brownsville, Oregon Mr. and Mr*1. Fritz Torgensi n Pehrssou were Albany shoppers and Mrs. Flossie Tauu of Albany, Saturday. visited at the I t a \ Hover home cn W hiteside & Locke ! Mary Heinrich who is attending Sunday. They were acconpim ed school in Corvallis, spent the week home by Ivy Tann who h is bten I art! ware, Im plem ents and Sporting Goods. Hudson and Essex Autos end with her parents. Mr. and staying at the Hover home for ipl& M adison Sts., Corvallis. Ore. Mrs. Fred Heinrich. some tim 0. f o r E c o h o i <.al T r a m fo r .c h e n Miss Pearl Pehrsson who is at­ P. A. Pehrson was a Corvallis tending O.S.C. at Corvallis, spent caller Tuesday. JIM H O RNING several days last week with her Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albeibon if General Blacksmithing parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.A.Pehrs- Monmouth spent the week end i t Acetylene W eldiug son. , Fred Heinrich who is also the A- F. Albertson home. Hirst & Adams, Corvallis. Ore. attending O S C. was at his home (Too late for lust week) for several days, E.E.Hover and sou Ruhoitdrove 'S' Mrs. Florence Stewart, Mrs. L. to Pleasant Hill Sunday to viai THE BALL STUDIO H. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. P. F- THE HOME OF A K T IS T lC Evers and daught.r and Mies the R. K. Stewart family aud Mrs. PHOTOGRAPHY Kodak work, frames and copying Elizabeth Stewart, all of Portland, Hover returned with him. She left of old pictures i . . - rvi. - again Tuesday for Pleasant HUI to Third & Jefferson. Corvallis, Ore l and Mr. and Mrs Marion I -ke of help care for her father, R. K. Stewart who Buffered a stroke of paralysis March 10th. W hen you h r ; g your C rev ro let to us for s e rv o Mr. and Mrs. L. E Eagy Iran Ing, the w ork you w ant done is itemized Oi <- sacted business in Corvallis Friday standard re) air ordi .- - a n d the charge for each Mrs. Frank Gibson and infant operation is w ritten in an opposite colum n. sou returned to their home S atur­ day morning. T his order m ust hav« yo tr signature before >iy Mr. and Mr. L. E. Eagy and work is done — a.vl n o additional operations ' family spent Sunday with his par­ W e u s e g e n u in e Glass Inclosures for All Makes of Cars. be perform ed thout your consent. Cor: «©• Chevrolet part« in ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Eagy ol all our repair work quently, yo a ' i v in advance w hat th e jo b !l 326 South Second Street. Corvallis, Oregon Oakville. — part« m a d e by cost — not j.ist on estimate, hut the exact am our u Mrs A L. Knighten called on the Chevrolet Mo­ Mis. Floyd Nichols Friday after­ tor C om pany, and It is possible fo rc t > give you this exact informa* s u b je c te d to th e noon. regular factory test» tion hecau -e we ’ -ive standardized parts an J For Success with the Baby t hicks Miss Eunice Sylvester who is for q u a lit y an d labor charge« f r 30- different o p e .. tions—covet» Make Your Plans Now to Include the use of teaching school near Harrisburg preebion. ing every se » - job possible on hevrolet! spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs Fred Sylvester. B ring your c? t . tn regularly for inspection ai d Mr. and Mrs Willie McLaren; servicing—«i. ’ m i’.e si \ of the hignet! qui lity commence! work for James Porter of wot h m ar ship fct lo Monday morning on a two months We have a complete line inclluding the contract. Alinone Baby Chick Starter, a milk Miss Agnes Chandler who is mash and scratch combined. teaching school at Peoria spent tb* Used by prominent Valiev Poultry men. ■ week end with her parents Mr and First and Baker Streets, Albany, Oregon ■ Mrs Ed C bandbr. Q U A L IT Y A T L O W C O S T I ! Thv Pine Grove orchestra t e d • their weekly practice at Russel Grain Feed |',G ith e n 's Monday night. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I a a z v s a / say ^ / v v . , --------wwwww-w--ww-- PillC G r o v e I t e m s > CHEVROl: ukhoiVinadva what the job will cost when we service your Chevrolet f J. P. Matthews Auto Tops Curtains and Seat Covers Triangle Baby Chick Mashes and Scratches Santiam Chevrolet Company o . W . FRUSI