GRAIN RATE QUERY IN CHICAGO ENDS 1 Idle since December 15. the Pelican Bay lum ber mill, the largest pine-cut- MAJ. R. Y. STUART SERG. DONALDSON Ing plant in Klamath, resumed opera­ tion last week with two shifts. Ap- proximately 150 men went on the lutn- [ ber company’s payroll. W itn esses A gree F a rm e rs ' B rief Resum e of Happenings of The proposed national park of Sil- Reduction of $ 2 2 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Un ' ver Creek Falls in Marlon county is ■ M a rk e t Best W hen B u y e rs the W eek Collected for lik e ly if B alanced Budget I disapproved by the departm ent of the I A re P le n tifu l. Interior because the area Is too sm all | Our R eaders. is M a in ta in ed . and too Involved in private holdings, says a report from Acting S ecretary Chicago.—The m iddle w est’s opinion W. J. Gooding, representing Els- W ashlngton. D. C. A »225.000.00b E. C. Finey to Senator McNary. of freig h t ra te s on grain and its pro­ m ann Bros, of Boston, last Monday tax reduction cannot be had a t this Five thousand dollars will be spent i ducts has been expressed to th e In­ bought four M alheur county wool clips •ession of congress If a balanced bud­ In road construction work in the F o rt j te rs ta te com m erce com m ission, em ­ for 35 cents a pound. g et Is to bs m aintained, in the opinoin Rock d istrict of the D eschutes na- ’ pow ered w ith special congressional The Shevlin-Hixon company a t Bend of ad m inistration tax ex p erts who tional forest this summer, according au th o rity to re-m ake them in the in­ has recently put on a night shift with to inform ation from R. L. Fromme, ' have studied the March 15 tax re- te re s t of the grain grow ers. four band saws and the mill is now forest supervisor. Roads to be con- j cepits. The ra te investigation, authorized running a t near capacity. A ppropriations already made by structed «Hi he prim arily for fire pro- l by the Hoch-Sm ith resolution th ree congress, they contend, would make Donald Newton, 4-year-old son ol lection purposes. years ago, was com pleted in Chicago such a reduction unsafe, and appro­ Mr. and Mrs. Leon Newton of Haines S aturday. On May 22 th e investiga­ Four persons were killed and 335 j priations for flood relief, estim ated at was drowned in a septic tank on tie tion will be resum ed a t S eattle. L a te r others Injured in 1920 traffic accidents »40,000,000, will force a substantial Tom Smith property at Haines. In Oregon during February, according Maj. R. Y. Stuart, formerly head of sessions will be held a t P o rtlan d and shaving down of the original figure A special train arrived at Crane to the monthly report of T. A. Raffe- the information service of the forestry Los Angeles. recom m ended by the treasury. j Monday night carrying a consignment , ty, chief of the state traffic squad, j service of the Department of Agri E verything is w rong w ith the grain In view of these disclosures, tre a s­ If bills before congress are passed of 1200 Idaho cattle for the feeding Two killed were pedestrians, the other j culture, who has been appointed chief rates, a sym posium of testim ony taken ury officials plan to go back before Sergeant Michael Donaldson, an out and grazing lands of H arney county. two were occupants of autom oibles here shows. T hey a re too high, th e forester. congress with revised figures th at standing hero of the World war, will Chicago, Buffalo, P hiladelphia and involved in collisions. The contract for erecting the Lapine probably will rail for a reduction of receive »10,000 bonus and a life in school building has been let to John Boston grain bureaus, and spokesm en between »180,000.000 and »200,000,000. F. A. Banks, chief engineer on the come of »200 a month in recognition J. Cunningham of Bend. It will re- for th e farm ers of K ansas, O klahom a Receipts have come In virtually as eg- Owyhee project, has announced th at of hia services. and N orth D akota, claim ed. I place the one destroyed by fire Janu bids for construction of the Owyhee tim ated by the treasury, th ese experts ! ary 6. M alad ju stm en t fs th e freight ra te say, but the congressional appropria­ dam n ear N yssa will be opened June 111, asserted K ansas City, D uluth, New tions have exceeded the estim ates. A half million honey bees ordered 1. This dam will be 360 feet in height, O rleans and St. Louis rep resen tativ es. "B ut th ere will be tax reduction at I recently by Mead Honey company of the highest Irrigation dam in the , this session,*’ a spokesm an said, "ju st 1 Salem are en route from California, j United States, and will impound 600,- | W ashington. D. C.—H arry F. Sin­ The rep resen tativ e from M inneapolis thought rail com petition w ith G reat w hat It will be depends on w hat con­ according to a telegram received last 000 acre-feet of water. clair has given orders th a t the records L akes steam er c a rrie rs would benefit gress does.” These opinions were ex­ week, At a special school election a t Fir- of his private secu rity holdings are the northw estern w heat grow ers. pressed despite the belief of P resident i Governor P atterson, In a prodam a wood last week it was voted to sus­ not to be revealed to the senate Tea­ All w itnesses, w hether they spoke Los Angeles, Cal. Final p rep ara­ Coolidge and m em bers of congress tion Issued at Salem last Thursday, pend school for one year and tran sp o rt pot Dome com m ittee. for “p it” trad ers, elev a to r operators, tions to move a well-equipped, organ­ th a t a »225,000,000 reduction still Is the children of the district to Sandy urged the people to join in the observ­ The com m ittee was so Informed by railroads, farm ers, ex p o rters o r mill­ possible If congress cuts down on fu­ ized and financed arm y of workmen ance of American Forest week, April gram m ar school, the board of th e la t­ Harold Kenwell, cashier of th e Sin ers, agreed th e m ore individuals or from fuur strateg ic points on a 10 mile tu re appropriations. ter school agreeing to hire a fourth clalr Consolidated Oil company, who 22 to 28. concerns th ere a re bidding for the The present 3 per cent tax on a u to front down Into the flood devastated O perations at the Flagstaff mine, teacher. The vote was small, being explained th a t was why he had not grain w here It Is grow n and sold, the mobiles yields the treasu ry about »68.- area of the S an ta Clara river valley brought the record w ith him In re­ m ore money th ere will be in th e farm ­ n ear Baker, closed a num ber of years, only 12 in favor and 5 against. 000,000. The house, against the wishes was made Monday. Seventy thousand dollars will be sponse to a subpena. Financed by a »1,000,000 fund appro­ will be resumed within a few days e r ’s pockets. of S ecretary Mellon mid the president, expended soon by the Southern P a­ “I asked Mr. S inclair for th a t per­ Several w itnesses argued th a t the voted to repeal this. A move Is on priated by th e Los Angeles city coun­ on a large scale, it was announced cific company In the passenger sta ­ m ission and It was refused,” Kenwell price of the export w heat—the surplus foot to resto re half of the present tax cil, more th an 1000 workers, under recently. tion yards at Eugene in the extension said. “ You know the record Is Sin­ crop— fixed the price on all the w heat ■—Oi a rate of 1% per c e n t—to the the leadership of C. E. Bessler, will The new high school building at bill as one m eans of m eeting the man and operate approxim ately a mil­ R eedsport was dedicated with appro­ of passing tracks, E. L. King, superin­ c la ir’s personal property, and I can­ grow n in the U nited S tates. O thers lion and a h alf dollars' worth of tra c ­ priate cerem onies Sunday night. The tendent of the division, has announced. not rem ove It w ithout his consent." W hite House demand. contended th a t the E uropean price is Two additional tracks will be Install­ The com m ittee w anted to .examine predicated on the fu tu res quotations A nother suggestion receiving favor­ tors, steam shovels, scrapers and o th ­ building replaces the one destroyed by ed and the old ones rearranged. the records to see If he now held any In th e country. Som e th o u g h t th e able attention in prelim inary consid­ e r equipm ent in th e move to wipe out fire a year ago. L ast week a rock w-as unearthed C ontinental T rading com pany L iberty farm er was directly benefited by ra te erations of the bill In th e m ajority all vestige of th e d isaster th at took Roads between LaPine and Silver ranks is one to abolish th e house pro­ a toll of more th an 450 persons lost Lake are im passable and there is no ' near Sw eet Home, w here highway bonds. reductions; others, am ong them the vision for a graduated tax on sm aller and caused losses variously estim ated chunge of getting through the m arsh, i blasting is going on, which caused A lbert B. Fall, form er secretary of railroad spokesm en, a sserted ra te s Incomes of corporations and to in­ In the several millions of dollars on according to word received at K lam ath curiosity among the valley residents, the interior, will tell his story of the played a p a rt in the grow ers’ prosper­ The rock is of a dark blue substance Teapot Dome lease a t his home In El ity only in relationship w ith o th er mer crease, perhups, the corporation levy March 13. Falls from Paisley. and when a m atch is touched to It the Paso, Tex. The first sector was marked oft by of 11% I>or cent proposed by th e house chandising factors. At a recent survey taken In Bend, substance burns. Some of the rock to 12 per cent. The p resen t corpora­ four of the hard est hit citrus growing Ju stice Jennings Bailey of the Dis­ comm unities, S an ta l ’aula, Piru, Bards th at city Is shown to have a t least 70 has been sent aw ay for analysis. tion tax is 13 % per cent. trict suprem e court granted a motion dais and Fillm ore. A fter th is section more fam ilies than were there a t the Official figures covering tax pay­ of H arry F. S inclair for the taking of is cleared up th e "arm y” will move end of last sum mer, and 30 of these ments front January 1 to M arch 20, a deposition from Fall, who Is too on until every acre touched by the came since Jan u ary 1. were released by Clyde G. H untley, 111 to attend the tria l here of Sinclair scouring w ater from the broken St. To speed up the repair work on the collector of internal revenue for Ore­ on April 4. Old Oregon T rail highway between gon recently. The total for this year F rancis darn has been gone over. La Grande and Pendleton a double was »1,310,820.26 as compared with Miami, Fla.—Five policem en, In­ HARDING IN Q U IR Y E NDED shift was started la st week a t the »1,352,521.65 for the sam e period of cluding Chief of Police Leslie Qulgg, B R IE F G ENERAL NEW S rock quarry at Meacham. W ashington, D. C.—U nless Great 1927, or a decrease of »41,701.39. Records Show No Sinclair Bonds Held w ere held In th e county Jail w ithout B ritain Is prepared to sign an agree­ Official retu rn of Spain to the J. C. Leith announces th at he will The E astern Oregon P rincipals' and bail following sen satio n al develop­ by Late President. m ent lim iting cruiser tonnage on a league of nations has been announced. construct a new w ater system and S uperintendents’ association will hold m ents in a grand ju ry Investigation oi Marlon, Ohio—C harles D. Schaffner, basis acceptable to the American gov­ W illiam C. Sproul. form er governor power plnnt for his electric light sys­ Its annual m eeting In I-a G rande Sat­ two m ysterious m urders, one of w hich ernm ent th ere Is virtually no chunce of Pennsylvania died at this home tem at Gold Beach. He will spend urday, March 31. Among o th er Items executor of the esta te of the late occurred two and a half y ears ago. P resid en t W arren G, H arding, has an­ th a t W ashington officials will agree n ear C hester, Pa. »60,000 on the Improvement. of business will be the aw arding of the nounced th a t an exam ination of his Chief Quigg, L ieutenant M. A. Tib- to discuss reductions In battleship ton­ Frank Clark of Florida was nom inat­ Salem 's high school will graduate eastern Oregon Interscholastic track records by' a special Investigator of bets and D etectives John Caudell and nages and arm am ent prior to the ed a m em ber of the United States 259 seniors next June, according to anil field meet. Union is expected to the senate public lands com m ittee has Tom N azworth are held on first degree scheduled 1931 conference of the ta riff commission to succeed Edward J. C Nelson, principal, a gain of eight receive the meet, as It Is h er "turn." definitely established th a t the late m urder charges ln connection w ith the W ashington treaty powers. P. Costlgan of Colorado, who resigned over the class of 1927. The class in­ One man was drowned and another president possessed none of the »3,- death of H. Kler, a negro bellboy, al­ The B ritish suggestion made S atu r­ recently. Is In a hospital suffering from severe 080,000 w orth of C ontinental T rading legedly a victim of th ird degree m eth­ cludes 103 boys and 156 girls. day a t Geneva th a t th e W ashington R eports on employment from all Eugene held Its annual spring style gashes on his head as the result of com pany bonds Involved in the T eapot ods. The indictm ent alleged Chiet tre a ty powers reach an agreem ent to p a n s of the country Indicate a general Qulgg conspired w ith the o th e r offi­ an accident near A storia when the Dome oil scandal. reduce th e tonnages of all battleships Im provement In the present situation show last week. Several blocks of the cers to keep the negro's death secret. autom obile In which they w ere riding main business streets were roped off , Mr. Schaffner said th a t W illiam F. built in the future to som ething un­ may be expected soon, according to The fifth policeman, R. L. Wood, a crashed through the guard bars, Allen, acting special Investigator for der 30,000 tons, to extend the life of th e regular monthly employment bul­ and traffic suspended while thousands mounted the tilted span of an opening the sen ate com m ittee, Investigated detective, was held in Jail charged existing battlesliliw from 20 to 26 letin of the United S tates employment of people thro n g td the streets. w ith killing Victory W. P arneli, a car­ draw bridge and toppled into Young’s the late president's records. years and to reduce th e site of guns service. George M. Rusque, a Spokane archi­ river. penter, in Novem ber, 1926, w ithout on capital ships from the present limit P resident Coolidge in a special m ess­ tect, has been selected by the school provocation, according to th e indict­ The Big Creek & T elocaset Railroad U. S. Judge Ousts Striking Miners. of 16 inches to 13% Inches arouses no age to congress proposed th at the board at Burns to draw plans for the m ent. company has filed application with ! enthusiasm in state dep artm en t or U nited S tates tem porarily set aside new »75,000 high school building to Columbus, O.—S triking union m in­ In retu rn in g the indictm ents, th e the In te rsta te comm erce comm ission naval circles. ers occupying company-owned houses grand jury declared It had discovered Its m onetary claims against A ustria be erected in th at ctiy this year. for perm ission to extend Its line from Naval officials view the English In order to enable that country to bor­ at m ines in the eastern Ohio district, “an alliance betw een police and m em ­ The good w eather of last Sunday T elocaset, Union county, for 11 miles proposals us an attem pt to Insure con­ row additional capital for economic re­ brought out the first golf players on ln a southeasterly direction to Beagle which th e operators wish to operate bers of the underw orld.” tinuance of British superiority in cap­ construction. tho new Mill City course. A large Creek Junction, according to informa- on a non-union basis, m ust move to ital ships. British battleships were m ake room for the non-union men, gang of m. n also turned out and work t ion received by the public service superior to American capital ships at BRIDG E LEG AL Federal Judge Benson W Hough ru l­ LO N G V IE W Sacram ento Valiey is Flooded. nas been started on the fourth green. ; commission. th e tim e the W ashington agreem ent ed recently. Sacram ento, Cal.—A woman and a , More than 200 R otarians and their John W. Davis, Nationally Known The annual run of suckers is under was signed. Tile completion of the baby were reported drowned, 400 ref­ Lawyer, Holds Case Closed. Rodney and Nelson, the latest British ugees were homeless and North Sacra­ wives were tn Albany last week to way, and Joy reigns in the ran k s of Coolidge Says Again He Won’t Run. capital ships, last year th ru st the B rit­ mento and surrounding territory were w itness the chartering of a new club K lam ath Indians. Up W illiamson and P ortland, Or.—Any effort to p rev en t W ashington, D. C.—P resid en t Cool­ ish fh'et fat ahead of the United States under w ater as rain swollen floods ln Albany. Hank Manny of Seattle, Sprague riv ers teds of thousands of idge, In reply to a resolution passed by judicial process the construction district governor, presented the char­ fleet in actual effectiveness. these sluggish fish are moving, while swept down from the hills. Frantic ter. by the republican state cen tral com­ of the Longview -Rainier bridge would redskins with spears, hooks and other Inevitably fall, according to John W. calls for m otor boats have been sent j Searchers found the lifeless body of ap p aratu s are hauling them out by m ittee of Wyoming, declined to ac­ Davis of New York, ex-sollcitor-gen- up and down the river as more than W IL L D IS TR IB U TE S H E E P cede to the com m ittee's w ish th a t he George W. Barker. Butte Falls banker hundreds. The sucker is used as 600 persons are reported Isolated tn j be a candidate ln the 1928 presidential eral of th e United S tates and n atio n al­ Western Washington Conference Re­ homes burled to the eaves tn water, j and capitalist, who disappeared last food by the K lam ath tribe. ly know n attorney, ln an opinion re­ race. Monday. He had shot hiinslef with ports More Purchases. F our of Salem 's pioneer fam ilies ceived h ere as a resu lt of his review a gun taken from the bank at the time are to be honored In th ^ renam ing of Olympia, W ash. — The w estern Senator Ferris of Michigan Dies. of all issues ln the bridge m atter. T H E MARKETS he disappeared. city stre e ts under an ordinance Intro­ W ashington sheep conference here The opinion U declared to su b stan ­ W ashington. It C. Senator Wood- Portland The first rase of infantile paraly- I duced before th e etty county last certified orders for 1750 sheep to be bridge N. Ferris, democrat of M k h l-| tia te th o se subm itted by local a tto r­ W heat—Big Bend bluestem , »1.47, They are Baker, Simpson, distributed as foundation flocks on gan, died of bronchial pneumonia. It sis in Jackson county for m onths re- 1 week. neys before Mr. Davis was retained. hard white, federation, soft w hite and suited in tlie death of Jam es W. John j B reym an' and Ford. The proposed farm s in Lewis. King and Pierce coun­ Is expected that tho death of Mr. The ex-solicitor-generaL. w as selected w estern white, »1.38%; hard w inter, ties. The conference reported the F erris will decrease the dem ocratic son, 25. Sam s Valley. The Sams Val- | change In the street nam es is in line by a com m ittee composed of F ran k n orthern spring and w estern red, pure base of 600 sheep on previous strength in the senate by one vote. ley school has been closed as a pre- with the renum bering of houses M. W arren, p resident of th e P o rt of throughout the city, now- ln progress. »1.32. orders from Grays H arbor anil Lewis Governor Green of Michigan, who has cautionary m easure. P ortland com m ission; John H. Bur- H a y '— Alfalfa, »18@18.50; valley Caught by a cave-tn in the mine in counties, making a total of 2350 sheep the power of appointing his successor. A fter repeated w arning to boys and gard. chairm an of the com m ission of tim othy, »18018.50; eastern Oregon ordered since th e start of the move­ Is a republican and Is expected to ap­ which he believed he had finally girls on ro ller skates to keep out of public docks, and E. B. M acN aughton, struck his fortune. Marvin J. Vincent, the business district. Chief of Police tim othy. »20.50021, ment to establish the sheep Industry point someone from Ills own party. chairm an of the port developm ent B u tterfat—50c. 51, was killed more th an a week ago McCredle of Medford, clamped on the In w estern W ashington. com m ittee of the cham ber of com­ E ggs—Ranch, 19024c. in th e Jump-Off Jo e section of Jose­ lid tig h t, barring all roller sk aters Tlie conference decided to ask all merce. Hickman Gets Stay of Life. C attle— Steers, good, »11012. assessors to enforce the deg tax, San Quentin Cal. William Edward phine county. The body was found from business stre e ts under penalty Hogs — Medium to choice, »7.90® which Is generally ignored. It waa Hickman, sentenced to death for the about 15 feet under the surface of the of a rrest and having th eir skates con­ Portland Wholezale Grocer«' Merge. 9.00. em phasised th at many dogs would kidnaping and slaying of 12 year-old j ground in a position w hich Indicated fiscated and kept ln storage tn the P ortland, Or.—T hree big firm s of Lam bs — Medium to choice, *»12® either have to be killed or controlled. Marian P arker in Loa Angeles, will j th at the m iner had been caught while police station until called for by par­ this city are in process of consolida­ 14.00. ents. not linng on April 27, the date aet for i on hia knees working. tion Into one gf the larg est w holesale Seattle. Lindy Receives Congressional Medal his execution. Mrs. H enry L. Benson, widow of San Quentin p r$ o n Eugene Is to have a rodeo July 2-4, W heat—Soft white, w estern white, grocery estab lish m en ts of th e P acific W ashington, D. u Colonel Charles authorities were informed by the su­ Ju stice Benson of the state supreme the first there in 10 years. Much coast, with a capital of »3,000.000. The A. Lindbergh has received from the prem e court th at hearing on hia ap- ( court. Is to construct a modern two- equipm ent and stock used in the Pen­ »1.44; hard w inter. »1 35; w estern red, com panies going into th e m erger aro »1.36; northern spring. »1.38; blue- hands of President Coolidge the high peat could not be reached by th at j story concrete hotel building tn Salem dleton Round-Vp is to be used and Allen & Lewis, Mason E hrtnan & Co. SSt recognition of personal aehleve- time. i at a cost of (25.000. Work on the riders who have gained fame in the stem . 81.53; dark n o rth ern spring,- and Lang & Co. Combined annnal »1.54; dark hard w inter. »1.51. m snt th at the nation can bestow —the ----------------------- ------. stru ctu re will get under way soon eastern Oregon event will take part. sales of these firm s a re betw een »15,- Hay — Alfalfa, »24; tim othy. »28; congressional tnedal of honor. Lowden and Smith Win North Oakota. Announcem ent was made last week An initiative petition Bled tn the P. S , »24. 000,000 and »20.000,000. Fargo. N. D T hirteen votea for | Roseburg fire insurance agents of state d epartm ent laat week would B u tterfat—52c, Canada Divorces Showing Increase. Frank O Ixiwden in the republican na “ m eeting called for April 9 and 10 make It unlawful to fish for salmon E ggs—Ranch, 22025c. Churches Pray for Good Government. Ottawa, Ont Divorces granted In tional convention and 10 for Governor ln Roseburg to perfect the organlxa- with seine or traps In any w aters of C attle— Steers, choice, »11012. Chicago.—S tate prayer day for good Canada In 1927 showed an increase of A1 Smith In the dem ocratic w ere pledg ■-----— _ state association of recog­ 'loo of a Oregon. or tn any w aters over which H ogs—Prime. »9.2509 35. >3 per cent over 1926, statistics com ed by the North l>akota electorate tn nized fir« underw riters, sim ilar to as the state haa control. The proposed governm ent and religious guidance a t Spokane. piled by the dominion bur»an of els sta te wide presidential preferential : soctatlona tn W ashington and Cal if o r law would become effective January the April prim ary was observed In C attle—Steers, good. »11.25012.00. tlstlcs reveal. 250 M ethodist churches throughout prim ary. | ma. 1. 1929. Hogs—Good, 89.10Q9 15. Illinois Sunday. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST TAX CUT DEPENDS ON APPROPRIATIONS FLOOD AREA TO BE REHABILITATED BRITISH SHIP PLAN RECEIVED COLDLY SINCLAIR REFUSES j TO PRODUCE RECORDS MIAMI POLICEMEN HELD FOR MURDER