4R Ifalsry tnttvrprhve agriculture horticulture LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Sh ed d Voi No. 47. P e r s o n a ls i EntarprlM O orrsspooasncs, Halsey, Oregon, Thursday March 29, 1928. DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POUL TRY D evoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn C ounty ROBERT K.STEWART BURIED H A L S E Y A N D V I C I N I T Y B R E V IT IE S FUNERAL OF W.W. BASNES SUNDAY AT PINE GROVE Mr. aad Mrs. Marion . ............ ........... .... . . IS HELD THIS AFTERNOEN Carey vis- ian children in Turkey a short time Lake Creek News (Enterprise Correspondence) c,.k, e .u i.. . s i n . ' ited friends and relatives at Browne ag *, but 30,000 rjm ain, the others Gertrude and Hazel Farwell of Was Early Settler of Linn County; ville Sunday ■ Miss Myria Evans while w orkirg Burial in Alford Cemetery Beside haviag been taken to their own Monmouth spent the week end in Was M em ber of Woodmen Webster Falk spent Sunday at country. Bcdy of W ife; Four Children | about her home Sunday morning Sh> dd at the home of their parents, liad the misfortune to fail and Of the World the home of hie parents, Mr. and Survive Parents F, Buford Morris is making a Mr and Mrs. E. D. Farwell. break her arm. Dr. II. Garnjobst Mrs. FreJ Falk, uecided improvement to his store Funeral services for Robert Kel- The senior class of Shedd high Fuuerul services for W- W. of Corvallie war called and the in­ Amor A. Tussiog returued to 9econd street An additiou has school are planning on giving a Stewart were held at the Pine Halsey Wednesday from Portland on , , , , , . . , i Barnes were held this afternoon at jured arm put iu a cast. built on the north, which will I „ . , , . , play, ‘‘Ibe Mystery of the Tbir,i | Grove church Sunday afternoon at where he attended court for several be?u . . . . , , ¡2 o’clock at tbs C hantv grunge Mrs. George Hockeusmith who be used for the conkctiouery, aud r.ahl«” April Anril 20 Rev. T. Mitzner was in has leeuin Corvallis receiving med­ Gable” 20 Other Other announce-i announce " 0 c'oc'r* Rev. J, S. Miller was day?. ice cream parlor. A uew electric jin charge of the services. Walter, charge cf the services, ru ria l was ical treatment returned to her home Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cress, M ss menta will be made later. frigiduire aud fountain wi'.l he in ,, . .. . . Charlie and Glenn Starr of Benton Alberta Koontz and Martin Koontz in Alford cemetery beside the body here Saturday evening. While Mr and Mrs. Kenneth A rnold' , , ,, , . . . county sang. The pall bearers attended “ ¡1 Trovatore” in Port­ stalled and Hilary will have an! of his wife who was buried in that somewhat im p.oved in health she accompanied by C atharine Arnold ' w u r< , .. ica C'eam parlor that will make I , iw ereN . H. Cumming», J.W. Mor- cemetery last Sunday. is still under the doctor’s care. were Albany business visitors Wed-1 n „ E C haodleriM irlia Cum. land Saturday evening, nearby towns sit up and ta>e not-1 The 1 0 . 0 . F. lodge, of which Wayne Veatch, who is attending Mr. and Mrs. J. S Nice wood nesday afternoon. (m ings, Frfd Heinrich and Fred ice. be was a member, ha 1 chirge of and family weie Sunday dinuer (J, of 0 . spent the week end at the Ralph Malson of Corvallis spent Sylvester. Burial was in the Pine the services at the grave. home of his parents, Mr. and Mr». Ira M.Saxton of Fayetteville William W alter Barnes was born guests at the Robert Sisk home. the week end w ith hie parents, M r.1 Grove cemetery. Curtis Veatcb, south east of Halsey M irtin Cummings and Thomas s.nd Mrs. C. W- Malson. Dies Suddenly Robert K. Stewart was born at in Kansas, April 26, l s9f, and Ardiy drove to the S; n Iv river Mr. aud Mrs. Kenneth Cross of Stanley Satchwell of Willamette Dannyille, Illinois, January 5, Albany spent Sunday in Halsey at died at tbe Album General hospit­ Funeral services for Ira Saxton al last Mon lay. Mr. Barnes had Friday morning and n tu r n e l in Vuiversity spent the week end hera 1857, and died at his home at the home of the former’s mother, the evening with a load of smelt visiting his mother, Mrs. Nellis Pleasant Hill, Friday night follow­ Mrs. E A P. LaFollett, and other who died at hie home at Fayette­ arrived in Halsey last Friday with which they divided among their ville Sunday aftei noou were held Satchwell. ing an illness of several months relatives aud friends. the holy of Mrs. Barnes who died frieuds. Tuesday afternoon at the Metho­ Myrle Thompson, accompanied , duration the last few days of which W. IT Wheeler while doiug car­ dist church, with Rev. H art in at their home near Carrier, Okli. Mrs O. G. Coldiron rc e iv e l a M irch 18.. Mr. Fa'nes h id not by George Bertram, both of Corval­ were very serious, though the end penter work at his home last week telegiam Monday inform ng tier < f charge of the service. A q iartil, been in good health for some time lis, were guests at the home of the came easily and quietly Thursday fell, striking his side on tbe end of the death of her fith o r, U r, De composed of Mrs. L. B. Bayne, former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. night at ten minutes of ten. a limber and causing him to be off Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Couey and W. and was taken worse slu rtly after W itt, at Ilia home in O kta'i n r , At the age of 15 years Mr. Stew- duty for a time. arriring here. He was taken to M Thompson of Shedd over the P. Mooie, sang “ Nearer, Still the hospital whe.e nil nud cal as­ He was 84 years of ago. art camo to Oregon in company week end. L. W. Patton, Balf Bond and Nearer ” aad “ Beautiful Isle of Mrs. Elsio Tier -e if Albauy, sistance was given blit to no avail The basket social given by the with his pareots, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Kari Bramwell drove to Lebanon Sornewheie.” The pall bearers Mi». Florence Stewart and daugh­ W. Stewart. After spending a few Four children survive, 'hey are Tuesday eveuing to attend a Ma­ were Jack Curtis, Ernest Pugh, W. Shedd high school pupils is reported ters, and Mrs, Ella Wallace of io have been a success. $47.95 months in Salem the family cams sonic meeting. Several prominent L. Grove, Lester Miller, Charles Louise, Lynn, Chaucy and Lewis “ ortiaud, Georgu Coon of Benton to Linn county and located in this Masons were present and gave D, Barnes. H-* is also survived by was realized. vicinity, where with the exception short talks. The ritualistic work Pugh and H. G. Pugh. Burial his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James county, Walter amt Glenn Starr, Mrs. Jess Cross of Halsey who is L. Barnes, and two brothers, Ralph ami Mr, md Mrs. Charlie S tarr of of a few years spent in Washington wr s demonstrated by the Scio lodge. was in the Pugh cemetery. teaching music to the echool child­ Mr. Saxton was a farmer aud Barnes all of H dlsdile, O ila , an ­ C orvallis end Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ the deceased has made his home Mr. Huudsaker who has been was a man of sterling character ren of Shedd gave all her lessons other brother, Rsy Barnes of Har­ ward Hoo er of Coburg were among until about two years ago when he on Tuesday instead of both Tues­ bought a sm all farm at Pleasan! working in the interest of th*» N ear and will he greatly missed in the risburg, and one sitter, M able those from a distance attending community in which he had lived day and Wednesday as usual be­ Hill and has since mad.* his home East Relief for many years, was a for many years. He is survived B tru ss ot Albany. tlie funeral of Robert Stewart at visitor in Halsey the hrsl of “ 1P ! by one daughter, Mrs H S. Ack- cause of the f a d so many of her there. Funeral arrangements were iu I’ine U ' ovm Sunday. On November 25, 1885, Mr. week. He made the statem ent, pr in«n of Halsey, end a foster son pupils were ill with the measles. Martin Cummings, Carl Nichols charge of Dana C. Rissuian, Stew art was united in marriage to wliile here that of 130,000 Armen- ! living at Tigard, Oregon. and Russel Herndon drove t • Mon- Maggie Leslie cf Halsey. Mrs. Poultry Clinic Wed. April 4 mouth Saturday anji were tuel by Stewart died December 24, 1899 «->■ i Frank Lynn of f’errydile who was On December 16, 1903, Mr. Stew­ delivering to Mr (jummings a Dr. E. L. Grubb, member of the art was again married, th s time Ed,led By W ilm a W ahl reseaicli and clinic departm ent of young Jersey calf which is to ho the to Mrs. Maggie Settle. the George H Lee company, Oma­ future aire of fits herd. While in Washington Mr Stew- Last Thursday evening was high ait united with the Methodist Florence Sisk who was recently ha, Nebraska, will hoid one of these school night at the revivals which church. He had also been a mem­ interesting and helpful poultry graduated from (lie state i ormal are going on at the Christian ber cf the Woodmen of the World clinics at the city hall in H i sey, school returned to her home here church. Nearly the whole high for many years. Friday. at i: X) o ’clock, April 4. Mr. Stewart is survived by his echool attended. Mr an l Mrs. T, J. Jackson vis­ Ths object of the clinic is to as­ widow, one son, Harry Stewart of The sophomore program for thia West Stayton, one daughter, Mrs. sist farmets and poultry raisers iu ited at the George Hockensiuith Georgia Hover of Halsey, three rec’uc'ng the tremendous lots that home Sniidnv afternoon. week is as follows: step sous, Elmer and Merle Settle Mrs. Charles Poole of Springfield Piano solo, Herman Koontz, occurs every yenr among poultry of Eugene and Pete Settle of Pleas span! Saturday evening and Suu- Telephone conversation by Lu­ from such troubles as cholera, coc- and Hill, one sister, Mrs. James cille Phelps and Bescio Reyuolds. Rector of Halsey, aud six grand cidioeis, roup, brouchitis (llu) day visiting her sister, Mrs. H enry Brock and family. Vocal duet by Lucille Phelps aud children. worms, etc. Rev. Roy Metcalf, wife, son ami Poultry raisers who have sick, Mamie Falk. « w w *w * » Dr. of Veterinary Medicine unthrifty or out-of-condition chick­ daughter were guests of Mr. amt Dialog “ Em erald Oil” by the > P c o r ia N e w s I t e iu n l " ens are invited to bring in speci­ Mrs. Hathaway Sunday evening sophomore g'rls. mens for postm ortem exam ination Piano duet, Ernestine Coleman The Brandon school pupils nrn and receive free instruction» on the (By an Enterpiise Reporter) and Pearl Falk. cause, treatm ent and prevention of giving a pie social Saturday eve­ Mrs. Mary Smith has had as her the trouble. Plenty of specimens ning It will start later than usual In tne test given last week by guest her mother, Mre. Liska, of are needed to make the deiuoustru Mri. Geer, Leila Gansle received Scio, for the past few days. lion highly instructive and educa­ on account of the revival meetinga 100 per ten t both in arithmetic and Mrs. Laura Abraham and son tional; so do not fail to bring your at the Christian church. spelling. specimens. Carl left for Long Beach, Calif, in Am putting iu Fiigidaire system June Layton is ill with the answer to a message that her aunt There will he no admission of refrigeration and will carry fresh charge and nothing offered for sale mumps. was ill. Later word was received and smoked meats. W, M. Burbank at tjie Clinic. Every poultry raiser Mrs. Inez Freeland visited the th at she was very low. in this community ahould take ad­ school last Thursday. Mrs. L. C. Hughes and son Nor­ vantage of this opportunity to become better posted on disi ase ris visited friends iu Portland sev­ There are mvsterious plans prevention. eral days last week. an April frolic to be given iu Mrs. Ruby Dorsey is improving near future. No definite plans The special city tax levies iti Linn ¡SCHOOL NOTES! PO U LTR Y CLINIC Dr. E. L. Grubb, D. V. M. Will conduct a Poultry Clinic At City Hall Wednesday, April 4,1928 after a recent operation. have been made In Linn county there are standard high schools. Several from Peoria attended the 27 f'ineral of their old friend, Bob Stewart, at Pine Grove Sunday aftercoon. Mrs. Lola Shaw and daughter Margaret were Albany visitors Saturday. Rev. M»tcalf and family were Albany visitors Monday afternoon. Mrs. Griff King of Portland vis­ ited her daughter, Mrs. Russell Githens laat week. «J Easter Candies Fill the Easter Basket with these delicious candies for the children’s Easter. Pure and wholesome. " X Ladies of P.N.Gs.Club will hold a F o o d an d A p ro n S ale Bring in your sick or unthrifty poultry and watch a recoznized Specialist make a post-mortem examination and show you how to save the balance of the flock. The doctor will also lecture on the diseases and troubles of swine at the close of the Poultry Clinic. Dr Grubbe is a graduate of Kansas State Agricul­ tural colle e, and former veterinary inspector of the United States Bureau of Animal industry. He has a wide experience in fcomb ding disease among poultry and swine. Admission free F'&n / o a unttl 4 P m - Carnival i Wj Stop Your Losses At Koont: Store Saturday, April 7 county this year range from 8 7 mills in Halsey 'to 81 9 mills in Brownsville. An educational short course teaching how to diag­ nose, combat and prevent the diseases and troubles that are the principal causes of poultry Io3se3. This Service is FREE Extensive line of Easter Greeting Cards. Clark’s Confectionery 2:00 p. m. Big Time For Further Particulars see Morris Pharmacy. We Repeat— When in trouble call Halsey Garage and have them tune up, and make the necessary tepairs on your car. Federal and Fisk Tires in Stock. Halsey Garage F. G. Workinger Where? At H.H.School Houie! When? April 6,1928 At 8:15 p. m. Don't Miss This Carnival And Don't Forget the Time ?.nd Hlace