t • nof ,fle hearing of , Dd the AGRICULTURE “ « object,1)r, treb j not,G„| •he County bounty Court l,ha°J- horticulture DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY livestock L ibi , an'l there !L, I'ninietrator. Established in 1912. Voi. 16. O McNARY FARM RELIEF BILL FAVORSCO-OPERATION No. 46. Halsey. Oregon, Thursday March 22, 1928. Famous United Artists to Be Heard Over National Broadcast Network Would Organized Selling to Avoid Dodge Brothers, Inc. in associa- tioo with Joseph M. Schenck, Flooding of M arkets kind and go to ited. '9er' HMM ■ Id » ¡S C H O O L N O T E S ; iiiiiiBiua Neighbors oi ' For h o w , IF IT WILL ONLY BEAR FRUIT ? president of the United Artists Seymour J< ues, state market corporation, will again transform j ,eDt, says. “ By the courtesy of^the nation into one vast radio V, S, Senator McNary we have a ( broadcasting studio on Thursday Cipy of his ‘Agricultural S urplu3 (evening, March 29, between six and Control Bill,' and the favorab’e ( seven o’clock Pacific standard time report thereon made by the senate when one of the Itrgest radio aud committee on agriculture and for- J iences ever reached will hear the estry. Important changes are made ( voices of the world’s most famous in this bill from the provisions of motion picture stars, the bill passed last year and v e t o - I n a radio hour program that ej by President Coolidge. The fairly captures in c lin a tio n , the committee report says: I listeners in, running iuto the score I ‘The present bill propose« tw o ’ of millions, will hear alternately distinct and separable rem edies— from New York and Hollywood, first, loans to co-operative associa-1 where Charles Chaplin will deliver lions at a low rate of interest, as a seties of humorous anecdotes in frequently suggested by the secre­ various dialects. D. W. Griffith U- *+ $ tary of agriculture, Mr. Jardine; will talk on ‘ Love and M arriage’’ and second, in case of the failure John Barrymore will do his famous of tbs first remedy to accomplish the purpose of tbo act, (he making musical accompaniment. Norma of marketing agreements providing Talmadge will discuss "M odern Edith Smith, Esther Seefeld and The Gun Club is planning for a that losses on transactions author­ Fashions and how Hollywood is Adah Neison spent Friday evening c;„b bouse and as soon ae a pernia- ized under the agieements would bringing Paris to C alifornia." aud Saturday and Sunday in Al- „ent 1< cation is stcu rid will build, be absorbed by the commodity Dolores DelRio will make her debut bany where they attended the older Freeb h aii|,nt a, , he Halsey Fish whose producers receive the direct iu this country as a singer, render­ girl’s confer-nee m arket. E ither sliced or whole. benefit. Both methods are direct­ ing a Spanish song with violin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. G ladhart Mr. and M'S. Walter Duff and ed towarJ promoting orderly m ar­ cello and piano accompaniment; aad daughter , Gwendolyn and Mrs C. M Walter left today for keting and, in case of tariff-pro­ and Douglas Fairbanks, who will Giorian Zell, drove out from Al­ Yankton, Ore., where the two tected commodities, m aking the act ae master of ceremonies, and iD addition to introducing the above bany Saturday night and remained women will remain ftp soins time tariff effective," stars, will give a talk on "Sports until Sunday evening at the home in the hopes that the change will of Mrs. G ladharl's father, II F. benefit Mrs. Duff’s health, while Shock Absorbers Hold M eeting and athletics," Mr. Duff will retu 11 home in a f w From New York, E. G. Wilmer, Lake. The Button Buster gathering last days. The second cooked food sale ol Thursday uight was well attended President of Dodge Brothers, Inc., C. H. Koontz left for Porllanc the parent-teaehei association was comee before the micrcyhone in an and the evening's entertainm ent this morning on a business trip. fall of thrills. The amusements answering message of appieciation held Saturday and a little over HO Mr’. Inez V, Freeland of Ione, were good, the feed was good; the to the nation for their tremendous was taken in. With what was formerly a teacher iu the Halsey realized from the former sale the sport j extra good; social atm os­ interest io the "V ictory" Lour schools, spent today i i Halsey on association will have more than phere good plus and the seriously broadcast last January. a visit to friends. Sho is »lowly enough to pay their pledge on the Paul Whiteman and his band, solemn ritualistic work of the or­ reentering from Ler recent acci­ community hall der carried out in a most im pres­ also broadcasting from New Y'ork, dent at Shedd. Superintendent and Mrs Lvman will repeat hie success on the sive manner by the officers. Music | V A ’ W /v y \V .,V * W v < V lW .''< . W. I’atton aud two daughters by the Benatit Tofen orchestra was ‘‘Victory’’ hou S h e d d P e r s o n a l« | The famous United Artists 6tars spent the W-tk end in Po'llantl one of the delusions of the meeting 1 will gather at the studio bungalow where they were guests r f relatives • w / i e«ew> lA/v. -w v'. a (E n te r p r ise C orreapood en ce) : of Fairbanks, which will he trans­ Mrs. Elden Cross left on the The Shedd high school piq ¡Is formed by radio technicians into a afternoon train last FriJay for will present a rlioit program and ! a soundless broadcasting chamber, Hillsboro for a two-day visit at the basket social Friday cevuing at the j aud from here the lines will run home of her mother. Edited By W ilm a W ahl Woodman hail. directly to New York. Mr. and Mrs. O'e Rayser ol Sil­ Doctor Chaney was unable to The American History class has The program is ths result of verton have been visiting in Halsey been having a series of debates, negotiations which have been since last Thursday at the home 0, preach heie last Sunday because o’ the first of which was “ The United carried on for over three weeks by the former's mother, Mrs. W- II illness but expects to cor e next wire, telephone, and peraoual con­ States should adopt free trad e ." ference between executives in New Wheeler. Saturday, they iu comp­ Sunday. Those on the affirmative side wire York, Detroit and Los Angeles, and any with Mrs Whee'er made a trip Calla Circle, Neighbors of Wood Mary Sm ith, Jennie Nicewood aud involving representatives of United to Eugene. While here Mr. Kay- ct&ft, held a S t Patrick's party at Mtc McCord; negative, Nora Cold­ Artist, the National Broadcasting ser bus been doing some work on the hall Fiiday evening. Mrs. iron, W ilm a W ahl and Frances company, the American Telephone Stella Blackerby, organizer, was and Telegraph company, aud the Wheeler house. Norton. present and gave an interesting Dodge Brothers Sunduy Mr. and Mrs W. H. The second debate was: “ The Through the cturtesy of the Robertson and their nephew, Sam talk. Later a banquet was served United States should adopt a Cheek Neal Ctffee company, who in the dining room. Hull, drove to Cascadia. They re­ double standard of cu rren c y .'' Tire yielded the Maxwell House coffee Henry McDowell anu Otis Far- port quite a large crowd of v'sitors affirmative debaters were Charles hour to Dodge Brothers, an hour well went to Saudv Sunday and W right. Muriel Lake and Carl was obtained that is ideally suitable there. The roads are said to be iu returned with a large amount oi from a lime stand point for all very good condition. Isom, the negative Hope Hussey, sections of the cotntry. smelt. Mr. and M rs. Clark Chastaiu Edith Smith and Nellie F alk. Mrs O M Tompson is very ill The last debate question was: Revival Meetings Attended spent Sunday in Albany at the and has been taken to the home of James Crockett Louie. “ The United States was unw arrant­ Mrs- C. Sebure at Brownsville. By Large Audiences Cora, Louise aud August Toed- ed in acquiriug her Island Posses- Mrs. Scott Churchill accompan­ s io n s ” Affirmative, Ruth Sturte- A growing interest is manifest t-m eier, and a friend, Agnes Tuson, ied hv her daughter YVilletta and vaut and Daniel Wesley; negative in the heart-gripping misaagee of Willamette, spent the week end Eaeice Thompson, were here ap­ John Quimby and Henry Kirk, from the Word of God delivired at ti e home of Mrs. Rose Taedte- plying for schools this we k Mr. Siaa and Mr. Shelly enter- by J. M. Shelly, the evangelist at meier. Mrs H att entertained the young tained the student body with a the church of Christ. A fine choir Mr. aud Mrs. C. L. Falk, Jr., people at a St. Patrick party at the number of musical numbers aud a each night is led by Mr. Sias. aod family were guests a t the Mike cottage. After playing garnet re­ very interesting talk by Mr. Shelly Special music is given each night, lliuicli borne at Coburg Sunday. freshments were served. who is assisting with the rev val much of it coming from Eugene. Marie Vaughn was the gueal of meetings now being held at the Tuesday night a delegation of 16 Mrs Rose Toedtemeier Friday and C h u rch N o tic e s Church of C hrist. was present from Junction City- Saturday of last week. In last week’s notes an error was Tonight Gail Bash of E. B. U. Bert Stevens of Albany was in mid« iu the report to the school will play a cornet solo. Mrs. Knott, Halsey Monday on a business trip. Methodist Next Sunday 10 a. in., Sunday school reporter thus omitting the name ol instructor in pantomime will give II. F. Lake and daughter Muriel 11, preaching. Frances Norton who should have a pantomime. This will be high and Elias Robins drove to Juuction 6:30 Epworth League been credited with t We same grade school night. C 'ly Monday evening to see Ben Don’t forget that the Methodist *s that of Esther Seefeld in the Friday u iih t Vincent Monterola Hur which was shown at the Riaito church ot Halsey begin their re­ college entrance exam ination. will offer a saw solo. Saturday a theater. vival m eetngs the first Sunday in male quartet of local talent will Mrs. Kenneth Coburn of Eugene next month. appear for the first time composed Want Ads to Help You Rev. Cox will be here Monday, spent Friday in Halsey at the home , |of Messrs. B .F. Morris, E D . Isom, the 2nd to do the evanoelistic work. of her brothe-, F. Buford Morris. On nearly every farm it some Carl Isom and C A.Stas. There will be no service« next piece of machinery or tool that the Trum an W. Robnett of Halsey is Sunday—remember the S 3 . con- owner has no use for anil that ’lest C rabtree— 92 lait Sunday. one of the 41 seniors in pharmacy, Suuday evening as ths cougrega- rat ne else would buy or trade Let's hop over the 100 this Sunday at Oregon Slate Agr cultural col- ttcu will join with the Church of for i: Itjwas only known. ! -everybody — "L et s Go Mr. lege, who are preparing to take the , Christ io their revival. fo bring buyer l t d seller to­ J S. Mider. pastor, Sheily will bring two of his best exam ination for licenses for regts- gether to Hie mutual benefit of tered pharm acists in Oregon June p ine Grove Church both irv using want ads m the messages that d ay ,“ The Scriptural I nterprise, the c«st will be small Sunday School 2 p. m. H e art,” and "T he Conversion of- 5, 6, and 7. Oregon laws require •n I the benefits remunerative to Preaching at 8 p. m. » pharnaacista to pass this examina­ an Italian Army Officer.' Full you. Try it once. Rev. Mttcaif will preach. tion before practicing. bouses will greet him that day. „i.h rntMIIIIINH'l» , X Mar’s Little Plant Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES MRS. W.W. BARNES DIES AT her HOME IN OKLAHOMA ■ T he members of the Neighbors of Woodcraft held another of their pleasant meeting;: last evening. Three new members wire initiated int« the o der aud two more names balloted cn. Committees were appoioted for the anniversary meeting, April 18. On the first of April the first lodg» was institued, with a membership oi seven, and now the membership has almost reached the lt'O.OOO mark. Au open meeting is being planned tor the anniversary. Ella Rossman, Ella Moss and Ethel Armstrong fo’ tn t lie bar quet com­ mittee, and Donna Cross, Anne Lake ar.d Lila Miller are on the program committee. During Hie social hour last night a covered dish supper was served I in the dining room, Plates were ' laid for forty. | F u y e tic v illc Ite m s | ®-V\Ar' •A V 'W V ' V \A A -v W ,W ^ i (By Special Correspondent) A pleasant e e n itig was sp r t at ihe Greenback school house Fiiday pupils gave a program and-pie social. The fol­ lowing program was enjoyed by all evening when the Instrum ental music, Willard and Meda .Brown; drill by the school; »ecitation "S pirit of Arbor d ay ," Stanley Mi'ler, tong, T he Daisy" Ytva and Elm or Coney; instilm ent- il solo, Fiances Blown; recitation, Seth Bayne; recitation, Dicky Pimm; song, * Beautiful Doll.’’ Bertha Browr., recitation, ‘The Little P lan t,” Alice Jane Workinger song, Old English nursery rhymes. Ruth Brown; Health Story, pri. mary children: recitation, Frances Brown; two songs by the older pupils; solo, ‘Tnat 0 J Irish Mother of Mine, Mrs. !.. Bayne; McLaughlin ol address by Supt Daughter of Halsey People; Funer­ al Sunday at Charity G rar.gj Hall Mr. an 1 Mrs, Chancy Sicke'e rictived a message Monday, that their daughter, Mrs. W .W - Barnes, h id died at her home neur Carrier, Oklahoma, Sunday morning. The body will be brought to Hal- ,i‘-v u:,J fuueral services will be held at t harity Grange hall next Sunday at o’clock. Buriel will bs in the Alford cemetery, Opal Bickels was born in Benton county, June 7, 1895. In March 1913 she was married to W. W. Barnes at Albany and she and Mr Barnes immediately went to house- keeping on a farm iu the Rowland district southeast of Halsey. They resided here until 1915 wlieu they moved to Oklahom'*, locating on a farm ne t-Carrier. Since leaving Halsey 12 years ago, Mis Barnes had returned for one visit. This was nine years ago. When quite small Mrs. Barnes joined the Charity juvenile grange ami later joined the st nior grange, in n ho la she still retains ber mem- hership. Mrs. Barnes is survived by her husband and four cl il,Iren, Louise, Lynn, Chancy and I e t s D , all of whom are living st Carrier, her parents, Mr an 1 Mrs. Chancy Sickels, cne brother, W. C. Bickels of Halsey, and one sister, Mrs. C. G. Hamer, also of Halsey. M rs. L. Hathaway Dies Fuueral services I r M'S. Lew 11 »thaway of H arrisburg, who died at the Mercy hospital in Eugene Saturday evening, wire held at the Methodist church in Harrisburg futsday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Dr. D V. Poling of Albany w asiu charge of the services. Buiiel was in the Masonic cemetery. The largo number of friends pres­ Coivallis. Then the selling of pies ent as weil as the unusually large which netted $11 55. Th.is pra- gram was given fot the Little Pris- num ber of beautiful tieral tributes, cilia sewing class , testified to the high isteem in Mr. and Mr’. F . D. Pimm and 1 which the deceased was held, childien and Mr. aud Mis. J. A M yrtle Hathaway was a daughter Cauey were r?eent dinner guests at , f Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cross- the home of Elizabeth Barton. nan. She was born J u re 22, 187 1 Rev. D. S. Sharpe who lias been Wanekae, Wii- On May 1«, conducting evange'i t c visitation: 1390, the wat married to Lew campaign returned to his home iu Hathaway, the wedding taking place at Wanekae, where tuey con­ Multnomah Thursday morning. tinued to live for a while, and after Tne annual congregational meet­ living at other places in Wisconsin ing of the Uoited Presbyterian came to Oregon, locating iu the church was held at the Cottage H arriskuig neighborhood. Thursday evening. Following a Mrs. Hathaway was active in lodge bounteous dinner the following circles and was a member of the officers were elected for the comiug Eastern Star and the Royal Neigh­ year; chairman \V. H. McCon- nel, clerk W alter Moore, treasurer bors. Besides her husband she is sur­ R. Claire McCormick, all tiiree re­ vived by three daughters and three elected; tiu-tee George V. Maxwell sous. 8. S. superintendent K. G Ham ­ ilton, sec -treas. Eva Maxwell ju n ­ • VSAZW | A lf o r d A r r o w s | ior supt. Kate Croft. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McKinley (Enterprise correspondent) and children were dinner guests at M r. and Mrs. F. H- Porter of the H. F. Coney home Sunday. Eugene were Sunday evening call­ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workinger, ers at the A. E. Whitbeck home. Mrs, Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sunday afternoon callers at the Workinger and duughter drove to E. D. Isom boun were Mr. ai d Albany Sunday and spent the day Mrs. A. F. Robnett and daughter, at the J. G. Gibson homo. Mrs, Doris, of Eugene and M r.snd Mrs. Cox remained fur a lunger visit. Warren Isom and children, Pbebe, Mrs. Naucy Bryant of Portland Wade and Babbie of uear H trrie- arrived at the home of her daugh­ 'burg. ter, Mis. Edith Cuuey Tuesday. A fourteau pound so« was born Mrs. Pimm of Philom ath is a guest at the hom e ot te r s u Frank Pimne. Mrs. A. Dunlap and two daugh- ters of Brownrville, and Mr and, Mrs. S.P. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs H. Holstein and M S. Coon ol Oakville attended communion services at the United Presbyterian church Sunday. to Mr. and C. A. Curtis Sunday afternoon. His grandmother, Mrs. C. H. T and, is cirin g for him. Mr. and Mrs. Janies G oollin of Horton and Mrs. Wii ard Ingram of H arrisburg spent Sunday at the Chester Curtis home. Mrs. E. D. Isom, Gladys Will- banks and Mrs. L. H. Armstrong attended a meeting of the Rebekah lodge at Brownsville Tueedsy Jim McWilliams was a Portland night, business visitor Monday. Deo Rolf* spent th« week end and Gilbert Csrey of Portland is vis- part of this week with bis father, tting rel-tives in HaL-ey this week j°b h H Te.