Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, March 15, 1928, Image 2

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E q u a liza tio n Fee to
P re s id e n t Objects
R etained.
State prohibition departm ent opera-
I tlves participated In 77 a rre s ts In I
! February. Fines aggregated ,9025.59.
with jail sentences totaling 810 days.
The officers destroyed 5199 gallons I
' of mash. 2375 ¿aliens of liquor and (
B rief Resume of Happenings of 14 »tlUh
The huge Front street Intercepting
the W eek Collected for
sew er has been completed in P ortland
i and next week construction of the con-
Our R eaders.
R etu rn ed $ 5 0 ,GOO Liberties
S e n t Him by W ill H,
H ays.
' crete harbor wall will be started on I
the w aterfront. O. L aurgaard. city en­
W ashington, D. C. — The McNary-
W ashington, D. C.— S ecretary Mel-
A new American Legion post has gineer and fath er of the ,2,000,000
Haugen farm relief bill, modified In
Ion h as inform ed the sen ate Teapot
' been organized at 1 untington. The project, announced.
an effort to m eet some objection* of
Dome com m ittee th at he received ,50-
name of the pest was not decided
The Coos county court will begin at
P resid en t Coolidge, was reported fav-
000 of th e ,260.000 of L iberty bonds
J once the laying out of a road destined
orahly to (he aenate by Chairm an Mc­
w hich H arry F. S in clair advanced to
The Eugene Shrine club, which has to shorten m aterially the distance
N ary, Oregon, for the agricultural
p a rt of the deficit of the repub.
been Inactive for two years has been , fpom Marghfleld t0 Em pire and the
comm ittee.
llcan n ational com m ittee In 1923, but
reorganized, and George W. Monroe
beaches, according to the assurance
The equalization fee. to which Presi­
th a t he had refused to retain the bonds
is president-
dent Coolidge objected so strenuously
given a large Coos bay delegation
ln exchange for a like contribution.
Bids for the construction of a men s which appeared before the county
last year, rem ains In the bill, but nine i
T he tre a su ry se c re ta ry disclosed
dorm itory were opened by the build court last week.
o th er points rejected against the pre- |
th a t th e bonds had been sent to him
vlous proposal have been met, the re­
A nother ten-mile stretch of the V ale
by W ill H. H ays, ex-chairm an of the
gon State college last week.
. ,
port contends. Chief among these Is
project canal will be let for construe-
republican com m ittee, and th at when
th at no lim itation Is placed upon the
The state highway load I.mit be- tion. Bids will be opened in the office
H ays subsequently called upon him
presidential choice of the admlnlstra-
„ w Bashore, Vale project engi-
Claude R Porter of Iowa, who was tween La Grande and Pendleton, on
to explain the purpose he had declined
live board and th at relief provisions reoently appointed a mem ber of the the Old Oregon Trail, has been raised neer_ on Aprl, 6 C onstruction work
to keep them a s suggested. He added
a re applicable for all commodities In­ Interstate commerce commission.
from 6500 to 8500 pounds.
on t he y aje project jg now under way1
th a t he had re tu rn e d th e bonds to
stead of six "basic" commodities.
Delight Phipps, well-known Medford ion the 7^4 m iles of the canal in th e
T his new photograph of Mrs. Calvin Hay« and sh o rtly th e re a fte r made a
"O ther changes to meet adm inistra­
man, has been appointed d istrict sta te vicinity of H arper.
Coolidge is one of the few profile contribution in the sam e am ount from
tion objections, as expressed in the
fire warden to succeed P. B. Lowd,
Creation of a gcen,c drfve up Roxy views which she h as approved and his own funds.
report, are th a t the bill "assists 1
who recently resigned to e n te r busi- Ann. the m ountain four mileg eagt of perm itted to be given to the press.
Mellon w rote th a t th is w as the sum
perishable agricultural commodities"; ,
Medford overlooking the city and the
th a t he had intended to give when he
th a t relief provisions would be sus- j
W ashington’s birthday will no long-• Rogue riv e r valley, and establishm ent
w as first asked to contribute to the
pended "In case of excessive plant- !
er be a holiday at the U niversity of of a scenic park at a cost of ,25,000,
being raised to clean up the re­
Ing or breeding"; that "unreasonable 1
... , ,
Washington, D. C.—President Cool- Oregon, It was voted by m em bers of backed bv th e cltv a i d c o u n tv
publican deficit. The secretary 's let­
,d<® • l«ne<1 the al,en Property bill.
the faculty at the fatuity m eeting last the aim of a resolution adopted by the
ter, addressed to S en ato r W alsh of
agreem ents" 1s elim inated; that the
The president made no comment on I week.
Medford city council last week.
M ontana, pro secu to r of th e senate in­
provision for state convention machin­
ery to express producers’ sentim ents X n b d ' aH' lieh v S l ^ i i n T X
" a«bl“ S‘on county had a one-day
The average production of th e 479
quiry into w hat becam e of the Con­
as to operation on any commodity is
* ‘‘ ^ “ .‘7 ‘ C °°?
Fore8' Gro.ve. ,IaBt cows enrolled in th e Colum bia Coon-
W ashington, D. C. — The W hite- tin e n ta l T rading com pany liberty bond
elim inated; th at "serial receipts for -«0,^1" » ‘ ” a,(a<' bed
11 * b ' <h | Katurday- The session was held in ty Cow T esting association for Febru- N orris constitutional am endm ent to profits from the now celebrated Hum.
cotton" are elim inated; that "limited d“a n in e n . v s ’
, , ,egl atlve ! ,be F orest Grove cham ber of com- ary was 563 pounds of milk and 23.81 abolish “lam e duck” sessions of con­ phreys oil deal, w as w ritten a fter the
liability for the governm ent" 1. pro- X l 2 i
treasu ry m „ c e .
pounds of fat. F or herds of m ore than
g ress and change the p residential in­ sen a to r had forw arded to him the
vlded; and that It "clarifies insurance
JaU « cords Bhow' th a t during th e 20 cows, the G uernsey herd of F red augural d ate was rejected by the record of h earin g s held by the com­
tloment of J 8W'
1927 tb® « W8« 107 P l o t t e r . Uhlman nf Scappoose took first place house.
m ittee ln w hich appeared the name
An appropriation of ,250,000,000 lo
... "
, r8*U ' “g
r° m
UP in the Yamhill county Jail, with an average of 736 pounds of milk
The vote was 209 to 157, w ith two "A ndy" along w ith th a t of "W eeks,"
be used a , a revolving fund for ad- dlX ‘
i s ” ,PT P8rty
largest num ber ever In the Jail and 31.63 pounds of fat.
m em bers answ ering present.
T his "B u tler” and "Du P o n t.”
m inistration of the act would be p ro I X ? ’ .
* " j*. pr0T' deB
pay’ In one year.
T hese nam es w ere w ritten on a
m eat of claims of less than ,100,000,
vlded under the senate hill. This fig­
City mail delivery was started Mon- zooming ahead in a w ay th a t prom ises necessary for approval ot constitution­ m em orandum o t th e la te John T.
and In claims above that amount, for
ure In the house measure Is ,400.000,-
P ra tt, of New York city, show ing that
80 per cent payment now and the re­ day morning a t Coquille. Eighty-five to set a new record. The report shows al am endm ents.
000. The bone of contention when
The house action, taken a fte r th ree he had handled ,25,000 of the liberty
m ainder later. It authorizes paym ent per cent of the patrons of the office that la st m onth permltB showing a
the bill reaches the floor for debate Is
„-n-. » .1
1 of ,100.000.000 for seized German vea- receive th eir m all tw ice a day from total construction cost of ,1,530,340 days of debate, during w’hich repub­ bonds and had sen t a check for twice
expected once more to be the equal!- „ , , ,
, ... ..
two carriers.
j were issued by the city. T his Is a lican leaders led a vigorous fight th a t am ount of the late F red W. Up-
u • • 00 or thla can A proposal to issue ,50.000 bonds &ain ° f 55 per cent over the Jan u ary ag ain st the proposal, definitely shelves ham , then tre a s u re r of th e republican
credited as most responsible for the
The bill provides for th e Immediate for the establishm ent of an a irp o rt in Perm its and a gain of 36 per cent over the am endm ent for th is session of com m ittee.
veto last session, would provide for
"I know nothing w hatsoever con­
congress, a t least. The am endm ent,
retu rn of 80 per cent of the German Salem probably will be subm itted to February, according to the report,
m arketing of surplua crops through
th ese tran sactio n s," Mellon
funds collected from the producers of property’ tbe ’’«malnlng 20 per cent
, time in less than th ree years, was ed e a rlie r th is session by the senate, w rote, "n o r do I have an y knowledge
those crops by the levying of a fee ‘" m s hw 1
. ,“ ‘ tle ,n e n t ° f election May 18.
T entative d ates for the third annual sentenced to be hanged for the slay- which in th re e * previous congresses as »0 the contributions to the republi­
on their proportionate surplua.
T American cltlxens resulting
can natlonal com m ittee by Mr. P ratt.”
from the world war
A ustrian and daffodil show a t F orest Grove have ‘nK of John Sweeney, guard, during had voted for its adoption.
The am endm ent sought to change
H ungarian properties under the bill been fixed by the executive board of 1 break at the Oregon state peniten-
would be retu rn ed when those coun­ the W ashington County Daffodil asso- «¡ary in August. 1925. The sentence the m eeting date of congress from
tries make arrangem ents for Ameri­ ciation for March 29 to 31.
» as pronounced by Judge K elly of the March 4 to Jan u ary 4. This would
can claims paym ent
Reorganization of the Condon hand ' Iarlon county circuit court, who fixed have abolished the "lam e duck” ses­
took place last week. F rank Hollen FT'day' April 13, as the date for the sions of congress o r those in which
sit m em bers who w ere defeated at
Is m anager, but who is to be band- sxecution.
earlier elections. To conform w ith
m aster has not been settled. Forty
A check for ,9.86 was received last
Los Angeles.—Life Im prisonm ent for
—---------- -
W ashington, D. C.—T ales of horror,
William Edward Hickman and Wllhy F*o u ,e Irrigation Comm ittee Backs «ets of books have been sent for.
week from the w ar d epartm ent by this change the resolution proposed degradation and poverty in the P itts­
H unt was voted by a superior court
Bil1 ,o r Feder*‘ Development.
The new Hood River airport, dedi­ Captain C Y Tengwald of the Med­
burgh and cen tral P en nsylvania coal
Jury which found the two youths gull- I W ashington, D. C.—The house irrl- cated last Monday, had its first acci­ ford national guard company. The ary 24, instead of M arch 4.
regions a re related in the rep o rt made
ty of the m urder of C. Ivy Toms, Los Ka,lon com m ittee reported the Sura- dent when Gordon Mounce, a P ortland sum represented the am ount in the
to the sen ate in te rs ta te commerce
Angeles pharm acist. In a drugstore mPr8 bl" to Provide for federal de- pilot, lost a w heel In landing. His mess fund of Company G when It was biguous provisions in the constitution
com m ittee by its subcom m ittee which,
hoblup on C hristm as eve. 1926. The v°i°P m,'n t of the Columbia basin pro- plane tilted and a wing was ripped. ordered to F ort Stevens and fedeTal- regarding succession of the presidency
In the event of the death of the presi­ recently Inspected th a t area.
ju ro rs were out more than 16 hours. ' ec‘
‘be Pacific northw est.
Five boxes of Oregon straw berries, Ixed, at the outbreak of the world war.
'A reign of te rro r" w as found at
The Jury recom m ended th at len-
Action was taken w ithout a record first of the season, arrived in Port- The transaction which required ten dent and vice-president-elect, and, ln
Broughton, Pa., m ine of the P ittsburgh
lency be shown H unt because of his v')te’ but C hairm an Sm ith announced ] land last week. Initial supply came years, is now closed.
establish presidential succession in T erm inal Coal corporation, said the
,O “' h ’
I , ' ^ t11th e
WB8 «PProved prac- f„ ,m A P . Anderson at W aterloo and
T here were tw o fatalities in Oregon
H unt was under 16 years at th e tim e rlcnlly unanim ously. He said th at pro­ consisted of the Oregon Plum variety, ' ue 40 Industrial accidents during the possible contingencies not covered by report. W omen w ere found by the
com m ittee to be "still nervous from
the constitution.
of the fatal holdup.
■ coding approval the com m ittee had re-
An application of the M alheur Rail- * e ,lt Pndlng March 8, according to a
P a rty lines disappeared entirely in the shooting up of th e ir hom es.” Min­
A few minute« a fter Hickman and l®cted an am endm ent sponsored by
road company to suspend until Juno ^eport P « P ared by the state lndus-
H unt had been found guilty of Tom s’ him self proposing fu rth er luvestiga 30 Its operation as a common carrier 'rlal accldent commission last week, the voting. The proportion of repub­ ers' wives at B ruceton, Pa., testified
licans and dem ocrats was about the th at th eir hom es had been "shot up.”
death, th e Jury brought In another i UoB of ,b e P'°J«ct.
betw een Seneca and H um s was ap- 11,6 Tlc,lm8 were V ictor Klotchkoff.
In subm itting its findings, the sub­
v erdict finding Hickman to have been
Tbe chairm an added th at the com- proved by the public service commls- , W »»tpo«, rigger, and W alter H. Laws, sam e in the supporting and opposing
com m ittee—through C hairm an Good­
sane the rainy night th at Toms m l“ ®8 In substance approved an slon recently.
Rogue River, truck driver.
T here
ing, republican, Idaho—recom m ended
crum pled beneath the gunfire from an‘«ndm ent which has been offered to
H erbert D. Newell, superintendent, ' ^ i h e “ / 0“ ’ (° f 497 BCC,denU « p o rte d
th at the present Investigation of the
one of the bandits.
’be sen ate bill by S en ato r Borah, re-
rep o rts th a t gross re tu rn s from the J
* «»im lsB lon during the week,
bitum inous industry “ be searching and
Hickman was found sane by a pre- PubRcan. Idaho, to p rotect the In
lands on the K lam ath reclam ation
11 present w eather conditions pre­
vlous Jury which condemned him to , ‘®«*ta of his state,
Franklin Mott G unther of Virginia severe In every detail, looking forward
p roject for 1927 totaled ,1.181.670. an
f° r the next two m°nths, C rater
die on tbe gallows for the kidnaping
was nom inated by P resident Coolidge to some solution by legislation that
will put the g reat coal Industry of
Judge Macintosh Starts for Senate. Increase of nearly ,275, 000 over the Laltt' natlonal Park roads will be on«n to be American m inister to Egypt.
and m urder of Marlon P arker.
preceding year.
’° autom obile travel by May 15, pre-
Olympia. Wash — Ex Chief Justice
Fire swept through the business dis­ America on a reasonably prosperous
At a meeting of potato grow ers ot I “ ' X r ^ o h . Mabe“ ’ Ca,r etak er ttnd
M ackintosh of th e W ashington su­
trict of Phoenix. Ariz., destroying
a t 1 rater k “ 1*8 three buildings and causing an esti­
prem e court, vho resigned last week I C lack«mas county at the Oregon City '
»h /
° Pen‘‘d July 2 ln mated loss of ,250.000.
Telegraphs Walsh He Never Qot has announced his candidacy for the < h “ mber of comm erce w i n » last Week
republican nom ination to th e United ,em porary officers were chosen to ,<,»?
* a tt’ r parl ot MaY In
Bonds From Sinclair.
W ashington D C — W illiam M But S U ,e* 8‘‘n a‘e- and plan8
Intensive 4trVB ln an organisation to be named j i»go. snow fall and total precipitation treaty of friendship, comm erce and Heads List of C alifornia D elegates for
la s been 100 per cent less this season
ler. chairm an of t h . republican nation- Pan\ pal* n
* '»
now tilled “ * l,t e r meetlnK
Montana S enator.
consular privileges between the Uni­
than last.
Construction of a ,30.000 addition to
San Francisco. — T he W alsh for
ted S tates and Honduras.
al com m ittee, telegraphed to S en ato r
R esources of P ortland’s 24 commer-
The weddinK of Migg N aacy Ann president l>uoiu assum ed a definite
the W illard hotel at K lam ath Falls,
W alsh of Montana, prosecutor of th e
m ake the hostelry one
X f n i r ^ ^ S X ^
° ‘ 8eBtUe'
• “ ‘»’ «•e
form In California when a group of dry
sen ate Teapot Ikime com m ittee, th a t
odern and commodious in
_____ « a r y of this year M aharajah of Indore will he hets .
M arahfleld. Or.—Robert Green has tb e lllO8t modern
dem ocrats headed by W illiam G. Mc­
he had never received any liberty
Statem ents preM red h / , h 3 hanV A U i
Adoo put a ticket in the field in behalf
bonds or sny co ntributions from Will been convicted of slaying hla neigh- 1 tb e "tate. Is announced by W. D. Mil response to call Of the controller of Darya Mahal
««M ence a t
of the M ontana senator.
II. H ays o r H arry F S inclair at any bor, Caleb Green, at C atching Inlet, l®1’" ow ner of th e property.
tim e. -
I last N ovem ber 21.
hT ra d i- ° n
V o rk s to ck e ,
The m ovem ent assu red a trian g u lar
T he price of dairy cows still re­
H is telegram was In response to '
m ains high In th e Sandy section, as fV'-nmry 23 showed to u l ~
Friday ° f last
8®‘ a dem ocratic fight in the presidential
evidenced at the sale of 82 head on
one sen t to him by S en ato r W alsh
«he hank, for that date T l l T
*“ V0,Ume and * aa prim ary, which will be held May 1 to
This eom pnrej“ : , « ? S
^ r y . S .l e . nam e delegates to th e national conven­
the Vetsch farm near Boring, the larg - 249.880 '
a fte r th ere had been produced In th e
W h eat— B ig Bend blnestem , ,1 42; est sale ev er put on In th is section of
sen ate oil Investigation record a m em ­
3.678.100 Shares, com pared tions. O rganizations supp orting Gov­
»99.938 as reported for December* 31,
orandum w ritten by the late John T. hard white, ,1 32tg; federation, soft C lackam as county. The cows aver 192
xsltn ihe record made March 3, 192g ernor AI Sm ith of New York and Sen­
P ra tt of New York city, upon w hich w hite and w estern white, ,1 3 1 ; hard aged ,115 each, the two highest near­
ot 3,8«3,700 Bhurea.
ato r Reed of M issouri previously had
A "gold strike” out of the ordinary
, 1 2 4 'i ;
no rth ern
spring. ing ,200.
the nam e "B u tler" appeared along w in te r.
Exactly 14 hours out of Mitchell taken root In the C alifornia field.
in Salem
Fol- field. C harles A Levine. W ilmer A
with those of "F red W. Upham." J ,1.25ffc; w estern red. ,1 .2 4 ^ .
iU, tal
„ u tim
u io b er cui
— - recently
- " ‘“ ■j. roi-
The personnel of the W alsh ticket
The to
cut on m
the e n 22 na-
m was reported
"W eeks,” "Andy," and "Du Pont," in .. H“ y
Alfalfa. ,184,18 50; valley tlonal forests of Oregon and Washing
‘»tighter of eight head of Stultx and M is, MahH Roll |anded at as announced contained the nam es of
mothy. ,1 8 0 1 8 50; eastern Oregon ton for the calendar year 192,T w»> .. !
* *°taI packln8 plant butch- the Camp Columbia flying field. Ha­ McAdoo, K athleen N orris, the w riter,
connection with cam paign contrlbu- ,,nl<’«hy.
tim othy. ,20.60021.
I 373.694,000 board feet, with a value of <2. "
l d ,h at ,h8 anim als’ teeth vana. In the famous tran s A tlantic and George Creel, au th o r and head of
B u tterfat 61c.
,8 > .7 3 9 , as shown by report issued ,«
" ' ,’ ,' d witb ’• glittering sub­ m onoplane Columbia. It was the first
p governm ent's w artim e Inform ation
E ggs Ranch, 19924c.
tly th e U nited S ta te s fo rest service
rHS'm b lin g gold A num ber ot non-stop flight between New York and bureau.
L orn Flight Made by U. 8. Seaplane.
C attle Steers, good, ,1150® 12 25
were pulled and la te r sub­ Cuba.
Th> Smith forces here w ere Inform-
San Diego. Cal. — Concluding th e
T his Is a d ecrease of nearly 46 million
board teet as com pared with 1926 mitted t„ a Sal m dentist and jew eler
flret eroee-contlnent flight ev er m ade
Sa 1 l -* R<>Ki8,rar J- H. Z em ansky of
Medium to choice. ,7.75® due largely to depression In the lum
’ lam ination. Both pronounced the
Blasting Powder Fatal to Cattle
• n rancisro had certified to the
ln a seaplane. L ieutenant R. R Dalina,
ber m arket, according to the servlet «u' stin ce pare gold. Local veteru;
M yrtle Point. Or. _ Kills Dement nrW,6 af.y ° f state nom ination papers
U. 8. arm y airm an, with Beckwith
I.;;n b s — Medium to choice. ,12& The 14 natlonal forests of Oregon triang expressed the opinion th a t the M yrtle Point „-m a y o r, has report^,' Sen
lla ie n a , veteran flier, a« paeaenger,
Sn‘nh delegates, headed by ex-
‘ show a cut ot l i 1.884,000 board feet •eth came in contact w ith the gold the loss of seven steers as result of conto|C'r Jam t‘8
arriv ed at Rockwell field here from 14
Fhelan. The papers
‘s the cattle grazed In some m ining th e ir eating blasting powder. The anl
New York city L ieutenant Dallas re- ! ....
. _ M * * ? " '* '
. valued at ,462,283.
i ’ lKnature* of 1199 San F ran ­
m .l . while on the range n ear Eckley cisco democrats.
ported th e distance traveled ua 3300 g1
‘ *’ we«,ern white,
Exactly 548 pounds of milk, with •
Clipping several m inutes from the found t h . powder in an old building
mile« and the actual flying tim e ae 22
' r' * ” ®rn
,1 28; bu tterfat content of 25.42 p,
Muestem. ,"h'e ‘ average" pi^ducthm " oV - r / c X
Cb‘” ,e r
<* A storia
hour« 46 minute«.
iu**e. Co'r" n,ttee Opposed to Each.
Jugo-8.avi. D .bt ^ X p r o v m f .
L k haM w i n Z ,rr 4 5 4 .‘n “ -
“ >* Mar" ,n C“ Un,y “ airy ' “ «>">« ” *
Ing row ngl" n’ D c -—The long-stand-
toria m arathon hike T hursday night, - W ashington. D. C —The
Tom Gurdans Out for Sheriff.
m ent association tested during u ,,
TZ 8ena,e fl- rea,b..,i
the Iake carK° coal case
H ay — Alfalfa. ,24; tim othy. ,28;
covering th e 20 m iles in 8 hours 88 nance com m ittee
the Jugo-Stavl, debt lem etL r,eP° rted ®nts of | be
P° ’nt When oppon'
Pendleton. Dr Tom (¡unions, P en ­ P 8 . ,24
m inutes 66 seconds He » 'a i cloeely
herds were tested.
d leto n 's police chief, and one of the
M r'‘* E«ch of \v
*'appoln«ment of John J.
B u tterfat 62c.
, .
,weased by L. Puuetlnen of Svenaen. m ent for refunding « «,>
ra p to rs of William Edward Hickman,
‘° ‘ n ' “ ‘«•’’state
“* “ ,neniber of tbe
. ____
1 nee- „h o was but 18 seconds behind the m ade during the World war
Eggs Ranch, 32024c.
slons for the American Legion state winner, while W afn e Suokko of Ae-
announced hla candidacy for the re ­
taino^j or
nierc© com m ission ob-
C attle Steers, choice, ,11.6U„ 12 ,0.
convention to be held In Medford next orta took third place. Mildred Lab Indiana Dtm ocrat |n p _ . .
publican nom ination for sh eriff of
' unfav',rable com m ittee re-
H ogs—Prim e. 19 1009 26.
August will be perm itted by the city ana of Seaside won th e women’s htk
U m atilla county
From Long Beach.
c<,n,trniatl°n. T he vote
council only with (he approval of th« ,Dg race from W arrenton to Astoria. prom inent Indiam 1
w »ollen.
'■ P * r t v l i n e . m ..—
Cal . U unlane inform ed local friends
C attle S teers, good. ,1 1 0 1 2 1 0 .
. d*®ocrat.
local legion post, it has been decided Hammering out the eight m iles la d a re d h i.
th a t be would run fur th e office.
Hogs —Good. , 9 0 2 28
j at the request of the p o s t
1 hour 86 m inutes >0 second*
— ... .
: pa.,;“‘.hu
Y- -