Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, March 15, 1928, Image 1

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Established in 1912.
Voi. 16.
No 45
Halsey, Oregon, T hunday March 15, 1928
Devoted, tv the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
Putting Out the Welcome Mat
Institution Thriving; New Books
Are Being Added
During the fiscal year ending
December 3 l, 1937, the Halsey
Public lib ra ry showed an increase
of 24 volumes for the year w ith
none w ithdraw n. The tu ta l num ­
ber of books now owned is 1480 (
There were 120 volumes borrowed
from the elate library.
On nearly every farm is some
Piece of machinery or tool that the
owner has no use for and that
some one else would hay or trade
for if It was only known.
< Shedd
I ’ ere o n t ils |
lE n ttrp riM Correapoodlenr«)
W'uik on the slough bridge was Present Staff R e -e ltc tid to Guit o
delayed last w ek due to bad
Young Minds in Education
weather and high water.
At the re< ent treating! o f P ■
| Mrs. N ellie Satchwell is the
proud grandm other of a grandson
'w h o has arrived at the home of
To bring buyer a rd seller to-
eether to the mutual benefit i f
1 P c o ria
N eW H I
The total c ircu la tio n was 1460, <’
, i
an increase ol 24 over the previous :
(By “n Enterpnse Reporter)
ystr. The largest o a ily circulation I
was 35 and the sm allest 17, m a k in g '.., ,
, 0 B.‘ rcUi w hohas been
an average ol 35.
‘ for 80 loug> 19 8lowly im proving
The lib ra ry is open F rid ay after- . . I e'.' 80 ' ^ r8‘ M etcali visited
n w n of each week
4 33 o’clock.
from 2:30
to , F8‘. "
>r8ey in the Anderson
hospital in Corvallis Sunday after-
$14.95 was taken in fro u fines, Q°q.?‘
$50 was received as a g if t from the
« meetings which have been
city aud 70 cents was realized from C?n U,Cte at the I*Iee Methodist
the pay e h ,If, m aking the total re- *?'UfCh ° r S° “ e l,,u e ‘ cloaed Sun'
ceipts for the year $75 65.
day night
The expenditures for the year . *
° f 1 tOria peo' le a t'
were $45.13 for books, rent $60, t#nd’ d ‘ he com m unity m eeting at
insurance $15.75, fre ig h t $2, I t -
lre ? rove F f ' Ja>’ n,«llt: AImH
brar.an $26. Total $90 48. Un Corn#llus aDd Arlens Lam ar were
, , . ,
. . .
, on ‘ be piogram.
expended balance carried forward
. .
egg gg
womans missionary society
. . . .
met at the parsonage Thursday at-
Addie M oody is president of the .
, .
V J »1
teruoon and arranged tor a social
board, Alma S. H am er, secretary, . ,
.. , • ’ to be gnen at the school bouse on i
and Mrs. Lauhner, Mrs. McMab in
F riday night, March 30 The main
aud Mrs. M u lle r board memb rs.
feature on the program w ill he a
M yrtle N orton is lib ra ria n .
„ .
. . .
’ ,
p l » y . A ll admission fee w ill be I
Below is a list of the new books ch arge(] w ith ,|)e progr#m
#(jp j
jus pure ase •
per included. The money w ill go .
„ .
tonia by Cather; Lives of G :r s
who became famous by B o lton ;
The Blazed T ail, W h ite ; The C ri-
Baby Chicken, B igham ; Claire
Ambles, T a rkin g to n ; Our Friend
the Dog, M ae terlinck; Galusha—
the M agnificient, L in c o ln ; Penrod,
Tarkington; Voice o f the Pack,
M m b . ll; B,au G e .t., W « » . ; T h .
Governor A l w ill get off
good start if be can corral a ll
Smith vote.
From Our Regular Correrpondenu
Taking the birthday of Miss
Elsie Reynolds
as the m otive
group of her friends planned a eur-
prise party for her a t the home of
Mrs. Nora Colemau Thursday eve­
ning. Tbs hours passed quickly
with games, contests, music and
dancing. A series of events in
keeping w i'h each m onth of the
year had been planned, the most
Uaborate being the one for June
Thia wag j mock wedding w ith tba
different parts being taken by th»
following g irls : the bride, Frances
Norton; groom, Helen C arter; ring
fearer, Bessie Reynolds; flower g irl,
Ernestine Coleman; maid of honor.
K'rth S tu rte va n t; brides maids,
Mary Sm ith. N ora Cold iro n , L ils
h®Ipa and D orothy Cocoran ; 1 es
-’.goes Hayas; c le ig y m a n ,
Hope Hussey; usher L u c ille Phelps;
br>d»« father, W anda Veatoh;
brides m other, Esthor Saefeld;
«room's father,
M uriel
«room's mother, E d ith S m ith ; mi:«
•idan, Georgina C lark.
At a late hour the guests were
invited to the d in in g room where
they found place* marked for them
b e a u tifu lly
1 •«. The la rg e r table was cen-
tored w ith a large kewpia w ith an
orange colored taper oc each side.
The sm aller tables were centered
* itb orange howl» m ied w ith vio-
Concluded on page 8.
to the piano luu d and budget fund. ,
m n x i„r
W ill McLaren was on the g'ck
| i , t the latter part of last week.
P. II. Freerks.n was a business
visitor in Peoria one day iast week s
Elm er Munson of Potter station j(
Pa isad th ru Peoria on his way t " f
A lb ,n y '«
•«»*•’ b u s in g .
. Ross G,b3° " .°» Corvallis was a |
l" , l t ’r ' 1' l e " rl ‘
r . , l „ „ L lo c l n ; C .p p , R ic k , e iw , S(udeoU v w , Loca, th u Ic b
Retires, Kyue; Story of L ittle Black
Satnbo, Bannerm an; The L ittle
Studeul8 froul Ul8 E ll8e"« Bible
Black and W h ite Lam b, H ogan; L " ‘ veraity to the humber of about
Ant H ills and Soap Bubbles, P bil- 40 wer# * uests al l “ e Church of
Seventy books from the
traveling lib ra ry have just
ars was real:zod from
tic k e ti for tho play,
a S trin g ,” g iv ;n by the
range lite ra ry society at
F rid ay afternoon while on their
tii» grange h i l l SaturJay evening. way north from tlie ir home i-j Oak­
Candy was also sold, I rin gin g in land, C alifo rn ia, Mr. and Mrs. W.
$3 more.
A large number of j K. Harm cn arc >u.iunied by two
Halsey people attended the play. friends met with a serious accident
Next Wednesday evening the
Neighbors o f Woodcraft w ill hold
their regular meeting at which time
three new members w ill be taken
in to the order
It is h ip , 1 t i n t
every officer as well as every mem
her w ill he present. D iri ig the
social hour a covered d :»h supper
w ill be served. L ik e E llio tt, Anne
Lake ail i Donua Cross are the com
niittee on entertainment.
»hen I ho car in which tlipy wore
r ding skiddt d on the wet pave­
ment three miles north of Ifal.-ey
and wont into the ditch. Both
women were injured and were
taken to the hospital in Albany for
treatment. Two other cars went
into the d itch about the same ph ce
hut no one was in ju re d .
At the Halsey theater, Tuesday,
Match 20 w i'l he shown one of the
her daughter, Mrs. Phil M a irio n j
of Lebanon.
I he Shtdd high school basket
hall teams w ill play th eir f l na|
games fo r the season at the W. O.
IV. h a ll here, Thursday evening
when tiiev play the hoys and girls
teams from Sc:o. The first geme
w ill start at 7:30.
The regular meeting of Calla c ir­
cle, Neighbors o l W oodcraft, was
held Tuesday evening at which
tim e plans were made for a St.
P a trick’s day party for the purpose
of securing new members.
D octor Chaney w ill preach at 1
the M ethodist church next Sundav. ’
A n ew o f men have commenced
to drive p ilin g for th o foundation (
of a new bridge across the creek
west of .he m ill race.
Mrs. Shelly w ill pantom ime the
hym n “ O, M y Soul, Blras Thou
Jehovah” as sung by M r. K. Isom
and M r. C. A. S lat, neat F rid a y
n ig h t, the opening u ig h t of the
meetings, which continue every
night at 7 :30, closing A p ril 1.
M r. J M . Shelly has m arked
power as an evangelist. Hie mes­
sages w ill be short and stra ig h t to
I he point and b b lic a l.
M r. Sias w ill lead (he tin g ir g
and urges th a t the choir lo f t he
fu ll at every service.
' late | i. lures.
Tho fu ry o f ihe
M r Sias w ill preach at Juuotion
fro n tie r— the circlin g wagon tra ns C ity on Sundays d u rin g tue meet­
j — the speeding arrow — the ll ts h ii g ings. A booster chorus w ill meet
I tomahawk — the s r u r l rifles, w ith every Tuesday and Thursday after
j Ilex, the fro n tie r m an’ s f iie n d . school. Mr. Sias pi ins fo r them to
» te n o i th a t brought prajers bo one of lug things iu the meet-
around the fires of the medicine logs.
men. D on 't miss it.
The evangelist urge prayer, cal a
"B e n -H u r” s te rlin g at the R ialto and B h'e reading. They w ant at
theater, Junction C ity , Sunday least 160— if possible, the whole
offers red-blooded entertainm ent com m unity, (o unite in reading a
to the m any, and Io a rt loveis chapter of the Hiblo each day. The
“ paintiogs in a ction ” posed from books c f Acts have been selects.!
o'd world masterpieces; among to be read, preferably.
Several musical treats a rt plan-
these is ‘ the Last Supper” and
Co ne every n ig ht or yo u ’ ll
Itnhen’s ‘ ‘ H oly F a m ily .”
of them . A treat from
work is e m p lo ie d iu many of the
the Biola and special music eyery
Who Doesn’t Like A Genuine
nniioii. ¡v e in e ra ik, a ju n io r, re
ceived tlie highest grade; M uriel
L a k e , h ju n io r, was second and
Esther Segfeld a senior, t l i i ’ d.
Y. arid
r. and
r. and
r. and
r. and
r. and
r. and
r. and
r. and
r. and
F o rm a lity .
H ypocrisy.
H a lf Hope.
Ouess So.
Lost His Kxper
W o rld ly Policy,
Secret Sin.
Luke warm.
A t Ease in Zion
Kevival is a Keaurrec
the word ’ R e viva l” meant
»gain ”
Every year the “ Pa,ion Cup ’ ia
nwaided the class having the high,
est grade average on scholarship
participation in a ctivitie s, and
re g u la rity of attendance The sen­
ior class stood highest al thn end
of 1 ho first srunpster, sophomores
econd, fie h m e u th ird and and, M »thodiat N ext Sunday ;
jun 'o rs la -t
10 a. in ., Sunday school
11, preaching.
Herm an Steinke and fa m ily of
Subject: ‘ Baptism of the H
Salem, Fred Kobe, t i and fa m ily ol
Eugene, Mrs. W illm e ta N< wton of
6:30 Epw orth League
i ’o rtla n d and Charles Falk and I
7:30 p u b lic services.
fam ily of near Halsey spent Sun­
Wednesday evening Rev. M il
day at tlie I', J. Forster howie in
w ill preach a! the revival meet
llalaey. Mrs F or.te r accompanied
at H arrisburg,
her daughter, Mrs. Newton to Port­
J 9, M U Isr, pastor,
land where no M onday they cel»-
braled the 82 b irth d a y anniversary Pine Grove C hurch
of the la tte r’ s m other, Mrs. Ange-
Sunday School 2 p. m.
The featured attraction at the entertainment to be given by the Woman's Study Club of Halsey at bne Ackley. Mrs Forster expects
Preaching at 8 p. m.
the city hall Friday night, March 23, the proceeds of which w ill go to Library and Community house to return to Halsey F rid ay,
Rev. J. S. M illa r w ill praacb.