Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, March 01, 1928, Image 7

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Improved Uniform International
one day, HILL’S
Lascara-Bromide -Qui­
nine tablets knock a
cold. Leave you feeling
fine. Look for red box.
— In
L e s s o n fo r M a rch 4
For seven generations the National
Household Remedy of Holland for kid­
ney, liver and bowel troubles has helped
make life brighter for suffering men and
women. Begin taking them today and
notice how quickly your troubles wil'
vanish. A t all druggists in 3 sizes.
LESSON TOPIC—Mark 3:13-1»; 6:7-11.
GOLDEN T E X T - a o y . Into a ll the
world and preach ths gosp el unto e v ­
ery creature.
PRIMARY TOPIC — J esu s Choosso
T w elv e H elpers.
JUNIOR TOPIC—The T w elve A pos­
t le s and Their Work.
IC— Jesus' Call to Service.
IC— The T rain in g of the T w elve.
I. The Twelve Ordained (Mark
Jesus, knowing that ills earthly
career would be cut short, made pro­
vision for the carrying forward of Ills
work after He was gone by calling and
ordaining the twelve. Before doing this
Prospector Tells of
Ho spent a whole night In prayer
Real Cold Weather (Luke 6:12). The burden of ills
The recent news story front Aluskii prayer Is Indicated by what He Im­
about the reindeer freezing In a coM mediately did. From among His dis­
■nap of unusual severity hus been ciples He chose twelve, whom He or­
.verified by naturalists, who say that dained for a twofold purpose.
1. "That they might be with Him”
animals o f the kind used by Santa
(V. 14).
Claus before the advent of the air
Fellowship with the Lord Is not only
plune frequently froze to death when
feed was scarce and they lost theli the highest privilege of a disciple but
protective rolls o f fat. But now comes the indispensable qualification for w it­
the Seattle Times with a story of nessing for Him. Personal associa­
another color, i t concerns the late tion with Jesus Christ—the Interaction
D iin Patterson, famous gold rougher, of personalities—the Impact of His
who In 1900 experienced weather tlint personality upon ours Is the essential
n ig h t be called really chilly. Dun’s preparation for Christian service.
2. “ That He might send them forth
supply of kerosene ran out one day
and he mushed Into camp for a sup to preach” (vv. 14, 15).
To proclaim the good news of sal­
ply. On the way back to his cabin
It became so cold the kerosene froze vation to the lost world was the su­
Solid so solid he put It in a gunny preme mission of the disciples. Their
sack and toted It home on his buck, credential for this mission was the
lie left the chunk outside his cnhln enduement of the power of the Spirit
and during the rest of the winter —“ To heal sickness and to cast out
when Dan wanted a little oil he Just devils” (v. 15). Concerning those who
went out and chopped a chunk off the were to be Christ's messengers ob­
block and melted It down.
(1) That twelve were ordained (v.
14). This was the beginning of the
S ta r-G a zin g Fish
A curious fish which has eyes on the process by which the triune God was
fop o f Its head Is known as the Star to make known His grace to the whole
world, therefore He sends forth the
number of men corresponding to that
purpose. The number twelve Is the
product of the heavenly three and the
earthly four Indicating the purpose of
the triune God to reveal Himself to
the four quarters of the world.
(2) Their characteristics, (a) Men
of average ability. They were not
from schools and colleges, yet men of
mental capacity and eiliclency. This
has been the history of the Christian
church. Not many noble, not many
wise after the flesh are called (1 Cor.
1:26). (b) Middle ranks of society.
They were not chosen from among the
rich, neither from among paupers.
The most efficient workers are those
who are able to sympathize with the
common people, (c) Diverse tempera­
mental gifts. They were so grouped
as to have Impulse and leadership-
reflection and questioning went to­
gether, and among them were found
men of practical business ability.
II. The Twelve Sent Forth (Mark
1. They were sent forth In pair*
(v. 7).
Two reasons may be assigned for
this. (1) A cheering and comforting
companionship for the workers.
(2) Confirmation of testimony. In
No mother In this enlightened age the mouth of two or three witnesses
would give her baby something sht every word shall be established. Peo­
did not know was perfectly harmless, ple would more likely believe that
especially when a few drops o f plain which wag verified by two.
Castoria w ill right a baby's stomach
2. Supernatural authentication of
and end almost any little 111. Fretful­ their mission (v. 7). He gave them
ness and fever, to o ; It seems no time power over unclean spirits. He en
Until everything is serene.
dued them wit i power to work mira­
That's the beauty of Castoria; Its cles, In order to demonstrate their
gentle influence seems Just what If divine commission.
needed. I t does all that castor oil
8. Their maintenance (vv. 8. 9).
m ight accomplish, without shock tc
They were to depend wholly for
the system. Without the evil taste. their support upon the I-ord who sent
It's delicious! Being purely vegeta- them. Having received the message
able, you cun give it as often as and the power gratuitously they were
there's a sign of colic; constipation; to give them out In the same way
diarrhea; or need to aid sound, nat­ (M a tt 10:9)
ural sleep.
4. Contentment with hospitality
Just one w arning: It is genuine (v. 10).
Fletcher's Castoria that physlctaDf
According to M a tt 10:11, Inquiry
recommend. Other preparations may was to be made upon entering a city
be Just as free from all doubtful drugs, as to a reputable place to stay. Upon
but no child of this writer's is going being directed to such a place the
to test th e m ! Besides; the book on missionary was to be content
care and feeding of babies that comes
5. The responrlblllties of the hear­
w ith Fletcher's Castoria is worth its ers (v. 11).
weight in gold.
Judgment was to be pronounced up­
on those who rejected their message.
6. Their message and work (vv.
12. 13).
They went out and preached that
men should repent Matthew adds,
“ The Kingdom of Heaven Is at hand”
(Matt. 10:7). This means that the
kingdom promised to Israel was at
hand, that the Messiah was present
and ready to set up His kingdom. In
confirmation of this messnge they cast
out many devils, anointed with oil
many that were sick, and healed them.
j o r
all your walls
For sleeping rooms — formal
parlors and reception halls —
dining room ana living room
— for the library — and for
public buildings. Properly
applied it won’t rub off.
W rite to us or ask your dealer
for a copy of our free drawing
book for children— ' ‘The Alabai-
iine Home Color Book" and a
free color card.
A G irl S to ry
Charlie Chaplin told a New York
reporter the oilier day a girl story.
Girls are more beautiful and more
•—practical than ever,” he began.
‘A girl named Montmorency sat in
a moonlit California rose garden with
a young mao named Fetherstonhaugh.
Fetherstonhaugh bent over her and
said In a passionate voice:
‘Miss Montmorency—Augusta, If I
may call you so—I am not rich lu this
world's goods, but —’
‘‘With a slight wave of her cigarette
she silenced him.
‘That w ill do, Mr. Fetherston­
haugh,* she said. ‘No 1’ ”
W r ite to us also for our beau­
tiful f r e e b o o k “ A rtis tic
H om e D e c o ra tio n ” by our
H om e Betterm ent Expert,
Miss Ruby Brandon, Alabas-
tine Company, 222 Grandville
Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.
A l.b a.tin e— a powder in white and
tints. Packed in 5-pound packages,
ready for use by mixing with cold
or warm water. Full directions on
•very package. Apply with an ordi­
nary wall brush. Suitable for all
in te r io r su rf a c e s — plaster, wall
board, brick, cement or canvas
O v e rc ro w d e d M oscow
More than 70,(XX) residents of Mos­
cow, Russia, live In houses unequipped
with running water and even without
sewerage, as a result of the great re­
cent growth o f the city population.
Last year homes for 100,000 persons
were b u ilt but the city Increased by
480,000 In that period.
M a k in g It S hort
In a heated Hollywood controversy
between picture men, oue of the pro­
ducers present said :
“ I can cut this short In two words
—Im Possible.”
The Cream
of the
One Saturday Mrs. It, was leaving
her home to go downtown shopping.
Two ladies with suitcases were going
up the walk toward the house of her
next-door neighbor. Mrs. IL hap­
pened to see her neighbor walking
quickly toward the street corner
where she Intended to board a street
car. Thinking that she would be dis­
appointed If she missed the guests
who at that moment were on her
porch, Mrs. R. called to her neigh­
bor several times without muktng her
Finally, by hurrying, she eaught up
with her and somewhat breathlessly
delivered the news.
“ Shut up, you fool! Shut up!” said
her neighbor In an angry tone. " I saw
them coming, and I was trying to get
away before they saw roe. I had
planned to visit some friends In the
country tomorrow, so I would not
have to get Sunday dinner myself,
l'ou don't think that 1 Intend to stay
home and cook for them, do you 7”
Fortunately, the street car arrived
In time.
(B y R B V . P H F 1 T Z W A T K R . L> D , Pesa
’ “ “ » « s o f Chicago.»
<©. 1Ï2&, W estern Newspaper Colon.»
30c. A ll druggists.
Makes Life
Sw eet
Mrs. R Was Pract'cing
A rt of Guest Dodging
F o r C o ld s, G rip or In flu en za
a P rev en tiv e, ta k e L a x a tiv e
BROMO QUININE T a b let., A S afe and
Proven Rem edy. The box b ea r, the
sig n a tu re o f E. W. Grove. 30c.— Adv,
Experience Is like a light hung at
the stern of a ship.
Many a luxuriant head of hair is
due to tk« mellowness of the soil.
The tongue o f a woman Is her
, word—and she never lets It rust.
A Ioan widow Is one who lias money
out at Interest
are the
Brand of Paul Whiteman—
“It was but recently, when I started to act as master of
ceremonies with my band a t theParamountTheatre,that
1 realized how vital perfect voice condition was to a
performer. I Katie always been a consistent smoker
and fortunately, Lucky Strikes were my favorite brand,
I like their toasted flavor and, best of all, I can smoke
as often as 1 like, without fear of irritating my voice,
which is becoming a great
asset in my work.”
“It’s toasted
No Throat Irritation- N o Cough.
such B eauty
Q uality
for so little money !
the perfected
P O B . F a c to ry
Children Cry for
C astoria
J ot Epilepsy
Nervousness &
S leep lessn ess
God’s Overflowing Love
There Is such a thing as putting
ourselves In the way of God's over­
flowing love and letting It beat uix»o
us till the resiionse of love to Him
comes, not by struggle, not even by
deliberation, but by necessity, as the
echo comes when the sound strikes
the rock.—Phillips Brooks.
zdtk for Sample
Being Right W ith God
The man who Is right with God
doesn't hare to have a big Income to
be happy.—F- B. Meyer,
R e d u c tir m
Lom P rlcei
T o u r in g
C oach
R o a d s t e r (J-fMUZ.) 485
rww.Me 525
R o a d s t e r «eu* •cal
C oupe
C a b r io le t C ou pe
C h a s s is
A ll p r i e « /. o. fr. /acforji
“A Quality Car at the Lowest Price
in Our History”
i f T r ^ lr ^ M 81 8USCCSS of th*
Whippet Is due not only to
Rerfuc rioni
its remarkable g ^ io^^ance qualities, but to the pleasing appear-
ance of each of its body types.
In n s l l t n n r i H L “,«!ir,!e/ P? d f t “ 7 an t- ,t p|rks UP from 5 to 30 miles
In 11.5 seconds; Its BIG 4-wheel brakes will bring it to a stop within 51
feet from a speed of 40 miles per hour. Above all, It assure« you trans­
portation at m inim um cost, ft holds the A.A.A. Goast-to-CKast Econ­
omy Record with an average of 43.28 miles to a gallon of gas. Place
your order now for early delivery.
IrOw iii’d eU v S ^ rn i ° fH r h 1“ 4 3 V h ,p p e t and you wil1 thril1 a t ,ts livelin ess.
T O L E D O , O H IO