• AGRICULTURE } HO RTICULTU RE I i« « « m dairying WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY LIVESTO CK 1 Established in 1912. Vol. 16. No 43. Halsey, Oregon, Thursday March 1, 1928. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORS M £tT ? _ IN THE DALLES APRIL 19 22 f t ^ H O O L N O T E b Edited By W ilm a W a h l We AU Get Such Ideas MOW IF I OHLY KNEW SOME HOCUJ-POClM WAV TO TURN TH' CIH0ER5 BACK INTO COAL AGAIN I'D BE ALL SET — Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County in I Mrs D Taylor, Friday Saturday of last week. FI d Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein of OREGON OUTLOOK REPORTS SHOW UPWAROFARM TREND Salem were gue. ts at the B. M, Plans Have Been M ade For Big Miller home south of H«lsey Sun Agricultural Situation Showing a Gathering of Young Folks Hope Hussey was ubseut from duy. General Improvement school last Friday afternoon. The members of the ‘‘U Go, I Accordiug to present indications Mary Smith was absent Monday. The general ag ric i’tu ial e itn t- G o,’’ club are planning to give a the annual Christian Endeavor Mamie Falk was absent Monday convention to be held in The Dalles dance in Mason’s hall at P.oriaon lion in Oregon is improved, I t s April 19-22 will be one of the fineit an 1 Tuesday and Nellie Falk was gross farm income being higher the evening of M irch 10. ever held in the state. The church­ absent Tuesday. Mrs. Dorothy Tinick who has than at any time since the peak in Last Tuesday night tbe glee club es of that city are tnakiug sp'endid been in Halsey fur several weiks 1919 2Ü, There is au increased act­ and several of tbe orchestra mem- preparations for the entertainment ass:stiug in tbe cate of iier mother, ivités in farm lands and an increa « of the convention, and the civic bers attended a party at the school Mis J C. Bramwell, returned to in number of farms. With in ­ ert a-ed efficiency and adjustm ent clubs and the city itself arj giving house. The group first went to the het borne in Puillaud Sui d ty. of production to market demande, their backing and the use of the picture show. Supper wa3 served Miss Lillian Reynolds returned inorease of farm in oom " is indicat­ m unicipal auditorium for the ses­ in the basement of tbe school to Monmouth, where she is attend­ bouse at 10:30 after which games ed for some time. sions indicates. This assures ade­ ing the state normal, Sunday after­ were played. C attle prices are expected to re­ quate convention facilities. noon after spending the week end The Halsey basketball teams main fairly high for some time to Much interest is being expressed in Halsey with her mother at d ccme, but new operators are cau­ in the parade which will occur on played tbe Shedd teams at the hall sisters, tioned in starting at present high Fi iday afternoon of the conv. ntion Wednesday night Both tbe local Mrs. J. C. Bramwell who has prices for lireediug stock. Sheep It will be a great demonstration of teams were defeated, the boys by b< en confined to her bed for two are increasing throughout the world a score of 13 to 11 and tbs girls 2 Christian youth, and the order in months as the result of a stroke of but market demand is expected to to 0. which the counties will march in paralysis, is slowly improving. be good except in occasional years. Tbe school gave an hour pre- the parade will be determined by She can now move the foot w hich gram last Wednesday morning in The Dairy situation is favorable the order in which they attain was paralyzed a little, and is also with increased demands for prod, houor of W ashington’s birthday. their goals in the present registra­ able to read some. There were several visitors at the nets, vv ithout correrponding nation­ tion campaign. Washington coun Mrs. Fred F»lk and t wo children chair. 8 he is at l.er home in this assembly. The program follows: Next Wedueeday evening the al increase in production, though ty which bas already attained its were visitors at the C. L Falk, Sr city now. "Yankee Doodle’’ by tbe School members of the Neighbors o, Wood­ high quality of butter m ust be pro- goal, will bave tbe honor of bead­ home last Sunday. Mrs. A, M Snodgrass of near craft will hold their regular meet­ duced. IJltle alarm need be felt Minuet by pupils Mrs. Coleman’s ing the parade. Earl Smith of Twin Buttes ig ie- Shedd, was a visitor in Huleey ing, at which time there will be room. over shipment of cowa from state Rev. Mr. K. W Practorius, na ported to be ill at the home of bis Tuesday. Trio, E lta Bramwell, Retta Arm ­ initiation and balloting ou nan.es. as they are being fully replaced tiocal evangelical church secretary parents with chicken pox. Mrs. B M. Mdler has had a s te r Something new is being planned with better ones. strong aud Beverly Isom. with headquarters in Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bierly and bouse guest the past week, Carolyn for the social hour and a coveted Reading, Muriel Lake. Ohio, will come especially for this two children spent Saturday eve­ Dodge of Canby. Theme, Retta Armstrong. dish supper will be served. Eveiy Halsey Business M en Active in convention, and will be chief con­ Quartett, Mary Smith, Nora Cold- ning at the Fred Falk home. Curl Isom was promoted to the member is urged to be present. Interest of W elfare of City vention speaker. Other speakers iron, Wilma Wahl and Esther Mrs. Fannie R ff of Portland is office of Corporal in the national Mrs. D. C. Rossman left Tuescay will include Paul C. Brown of Los Seefeld. in Halgey for a few days on a visit guards last Tuesday evening. for Medford, where she was called In to lay 's issue of the Enter­ Angeles, Dr. Norman K. Tully, ’The Stars and Stripes Forever,” to her mother, Mrs. M. M. Ward, August Tcedten e er, from Wil­ by the death of her sister-in-law, prise will he found a page adver­ pastor of the First Presbyterian Glee Club. and other relatives and friends. lamette spent tbe week ei d visiting Mrs. Hugh Porter, who died at tisement by the lending business church ot Salem and Rev. Walter Sang, Vivian Frum, Leila Gansle bis mother, Mrs. Rose Toedteineier her horn» In that city Sunuav. men of Halsey, We «re proud of Miss EniJ Veatcb was the guest L. Myers of Eugene. The singing ‘The U. 8. A. Forever” Glee Club of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cur­ Wayne Veatcb, who is attending The announcement of Mrs. Porter's th :R community page aud feel th a t will be led by Fr-.f C. H. Hohgall Reading, Pearl Falk. tis Veatch, S undat, returning to school at Eugene spent the week death came as a shock, as she bed each lueiu?8B house » h , t signa­ of Eugene and Miss Lulu Aydelott ‘America," School. her school duties at Roseburg in end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs been in tho best oi health. She. ture is a part, are proud too. of th at city will preside at tbe The rest of the dav was a holi­ the evening. When we first came to Halsey in company with Mr. Porter, visit­ Curtis Veatcb. piano. The convention will begin day. Esther Seefeld, we were impressed with the unity ed at the Rossman home last win­ on Thursday evening and end on Mr. and Mrs. W E. Head and B :rt Stevens of tbe Albany Music ter. Assistant Reporter. of purpose so manifest here and Sunday evening, and ils program daughter Ethel and Mr and Mrs. Shop was a Halsey business visiter which is one of the city ’s beat will be full of things which the D. C. Rosaaaau and family aud An inquest disclosed th a t the Will Yaple and daughter Frances Saturday evening in tbe inte.eet assets. l h # im prtssiou grows young people like such as addresses wreck of the train bearing Presi­ of Eugene were guests of Mrs. of the I r inch store at tfce Morris C. P. Moody and fami'y started io more from month to month. convention siuging, conferences, dent Co.grave of the Irish Free Florence Leeper last Sunday. (Live to Monroe Sunday in the Pharmacy. The page will Lie published once Roasuian'car, and w hen just on the banquets, convention picture, pa State while on his recent visit to Tbe officer« and degree team of Francy1 Howard of Albany wa» etch month and is a good will other ride of Laucasler run out of rade, etc. There will also be sight Canada was c fused by a switch be­ Purity Rebekah lodge are busy in H lisey yesterday an I visited the greeting from the City of Halsey ga?. Rossinis thought Moody seeing and other outdoor recreation ing kneeled open by a sleigh dr.w n practicirg the ritualistic work of Enterprise during the lime spent t > every man, woman and child, would walk hack In Lancaster and between sess:ons, ai d tbe o'd his­ by a runaway team. the order as they are going to here. He reports business quiet in assuring you of their untiring ef- toric reminders of the early pio Mrs Florence Bii him of Lee< s Brownsville March 13 and put the the valley but was careful not to get gum» elixer of life for ihe old fotls to be of service to you in every neer days with which The Dalles E ,g., lias giveu up $50 000 left by bus but M tody sat tight and Ross­ work on for the Rebekah lodge of include Halsey when be said so. way possible in tbe upbuilding of is so intim ately connected, wi 1 le her lute husband, to remarry. man capitulated. Moody says be that city, your community a rd its trading Miss Gladys Me Cornack of the had an enjoyable tiip. of interest to the visitors. Ludgirg C nter. Greetings. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mailer and Halsey high school has been at her and breakfasts in Tbe Dalles homes Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Stone of FETCHING AND YOUTHFUL Fern Rossman drove to Drain Sat­ home in Eugene since Sunday with will be given the delegates who de­ Thornton, Washington, are visiting W. C. Elmore, aud her sone, I,. 1). urday evening and visited at the a severe cold. Mrs. B. M. Bond sire it. There is no limit to the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R l’ycer who is an electrical engiueer, borne of Mrs. Muller’s and Fern's lire been sub.-tituting at tbe school number of delegates who n n y go Evans in the LakeCieek neighbor­ and H Dean Tycer, The latter s cousin, Ted Barker an 1 family nn this week. from a city and no official qualifi­ hood. Mrs. Stone is an aunt of in the civil se.vlce. it| Sunday evening when they re­ cations are necessary in order to Muriel Lake spent Saturday Mrs. Evans aud a sitter of Mrs. "G rum py” will be shown at the turned to Halsey. become a delegate. night aud Sunday in Albany. She Woodward. The Slones are con­ city hall Friday evening under Ihe Mrs. M. M. Ward, who fell a woe accompanied home by her sis­ tem plating a trip to southern Cali­ auspices of the Thursday Study few werks ago while visiting at the ter, Mrs. HI mo G ladhart, and fam fornia soon to spend a few months club. Members of the Albany high (2/iU rc/i ^ Y o tic e s home of her daughter, Mrs. David ily who spent the evening at the with their daughter, Mrs. E. W school drama) club will take part, >! Fronian of Albany, 1« steadily im- La>e home. Sewall, and family at Downey, with Bob Stevens in the leading Methodist Next Sunday : proving nnd is now able to walk a pan. Mrs. Jenna Gill of Santa Monica, near Loa Angeles. 10 a. in., Sunday school little by holding to the back of n California, was the guert of Mr The cooked feed tale last S atu r­ John LaRue, accompanied by hi. 11, preaching. day sponsored by toe parent- little frierd, Wellington Bond, 6:30 Epworth League “S*C called at the Enterprise office W< d- teacher association brought $12 72, 7:30 public services Rev. Miller nesday and the former renewed his which will go toward thsir pledge J . S. M i 'l f . pastor. subscription for another year. The toward the new couminuDity hall. S m ile a n d t h e W o r ld S m ile s W i t h Pine Grove Church two, with years intervening he Miss Georgina Clark was the Sunday School 2 p. m. tweet: their ng> a, seem to enjoy guettof Mrs. Genev eve Kendall of Preaching nt 8 p. m. -------------------Y o u -------------------- one anothei’a company, and after North Albany, for luncheon last Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 TRUER statement was never made. Test it leaving this office hied themselves Monday. p. m. out for yourself. When you get up in the The moving plctu-e show Tuea. to C lark’s confectionery to blow Rev. Metcalf will preach March morning, get up with a smile, meet your family day evening was well attended, and themselves for a soda. 4. and your friends with a smile—see what a big im­ the one next Tuesday, 'The Cal­ Twenty-five members of the local provement it makes in your day. Church of Christ gary Stampede” with Hoot Gibson I. O. O. F. lodge were guests of Sunday school, 10. in the major role, will undoubted­ the lodge at Harrisburg Saturday The Crabtree Sunday school has ly draw a much larger crowd. Smiling will get work done quickly and efficiently. i evening and exemplified the ritual- challenged us to a contest. Will A three-act dram a, "Beads On Smiling is so much easier to do than frowning, , ¡stic work, with George Lauhner n we take them ou? Well we aren't a String,” is being advertised for i he frown of determination may well and profit­ I charge of tbe degree team ami L. the ones who would tay ‘‘no.’’ Th Saturday night. March 10, at the ably be replaced by the willingness to serve. W Pstton fillirg the Noble Grand yourg peoples class has set a goal Charity Grange hall. The caat is office. At the close of the lodge of 25 to reach by March 18, when composed of home taleot and is Smile at Neighbor Jones and he w ill smile at jou. ; session a banquet was served in The vogue for printed fabric» for our meetings etart. under the auspices of Charity season's spring and summer honor