IDLE ISLAND By *a< tgäfli ta vi» ramo«at -,t ■,o,i a b.ian « * auirw «* yortma. t-.a-w •i.iiaa w«r» a « z in * }c u r« « a rw « c ..i* «r ..curart s r i u . n * «*? did ; .ir tb.i.'a ta ‘.-.a *17*07 «n.t eh* m M t r aou tay ili» -,t in * li.ta.L ' •« rwwtlao* ta nmt, la trarr- i. -n a » ni H a s*r-i ,'ia jra w tn r* n t «a .-.jar.anr n ry > .* » ¡3 * ia r « haaw . an o«er maat «ad o r r tio i «na .anta: ad t tr i.iL-. ta -.0« a »« 'ïtf* V < *?3 0 > T h * tuntu a *3 * **v*>m** *♦’ 4î^j»*H»a. C * ; «*•»0« * H»A «sftaVta > « z î a u M n .a g «n« »—-.r« 1 w o , m F V •**< * r * • • * •wW< *««r 2*T* ii*rt4 *-« -4,* • '4 i < 4 t«*v hEititR i«a l«*rT d ifo ’ MF tf lt flV * ‘ AV * '*»” / tn? aun? Af t a * jr» r îy n»»f:u - ihgg« r^ioa F a««, and ia tt a; pea.*« w in * - j « a - -rid. «» v k -* «n «*’>. < ,*-/ "” • < b»w«4 irroadt - lm « J ta * » l i i amt mm- » » a w .rt a f uaeedowed U acrarina. —ha Ímn4 EomtiAaal L«t- «H* *MM *V* '»ft« V / ft. f j,« «p J1«^« a v tr 'M t, mdVdont tn gfaa aa O «■r*. ft ta id!« am a4, -ha » a r id of » .* went w in* -js* taU b.t ^A*T ’t< M •»* **4i>f.v» ««ni «.id »A4y rarrnfxmrbtn. ka« «n..? y .’igh aaataxatarv ao laager warkad ta«zr*4 VFzift. 17.« f\av.'ar a/t ' . . « n « ' * * ■’ '4T. *.oc as we epeag of w -.rv •h« imin ! ’’.ma tnara w»a iaa nm-a E»«ry ah * » ir-rt, tee •h* wsrk -ig foe a lirtag, «0« earaed u r xeavp. • a ¡«wax, - aa unzA I a 4 a , C-raa i«a i tatr.nafa t * a n rs in * E’ »r7 ir.a ta ta- C H A F T T F Ä H — Gvta»r.xiw117 rv* «-»»»• *«n*M 9 v f tcaasM «h* gnr • . a u k * nr tnoioh^a tn virgin. Axat- fa ä ia a »h« m 4 takaa w.u» s«» »ta* » -.» i f iAr-..'r.< at a i t iA fr, ai.-.-w, am • # f.".vw r h * v-oag. « 4 felt «anne nav Serrtad— " ».x..*y, a Hungs ont aired foe ran an. »«Bar»«» tn» * aan«« nt ftntitfaa tn» » ’ -'■» t e e > r c . r e |i* 4 ggnynt nasuta. f«», • a ,1 rt, w*a a - w i j j thee«, alw ays at •h * Xnn4*y Magazir.«, an •»*? »h* ro ’ "Bsfto f* ft w«a a k is w a aatna H u t • ’d in g n g lc » . ) m fcc.ans ’»« » , . « »Ark. > i r - * | h» R«w T ,rn at laot, at.ta a'"n iAz.Aiad n r upon Hk* »: anzie ilk * a • n' »h.» ' « th a k i v a a n <.cw taa., altana airo antÀtlno arA for Foe fifty ja a ro atm kad ;re a Z « d at A*'»7.-z,rir.» (»»bAre ar'noan >r»f k '•'■••» i< rh* «'.>1.4 V .4 närähän w a r «aa taatan tjtao w*.«r. »,-.« «» t .». o n ly " B j i v e r * k f f l ’ al of ail th * »null expe«iT«d- tm ma: A-w afldzuae of tu r 0 « »h« k:raaaw »ms «tav» «h« «i>»y «, Hat nauratan «*ah ar.d « M M a f ter«. onea around Evergreen, sim hart onr v h ic lt c o Q ta ia s p r o v a j -.»1.-1— 5 ri« » . *A ■ « « ft ».'•/■.•,» h «« w ,y .-.«r,»a *:a:.-A«d ti.air at laot ffb* raa to H«> -ioor »*»»»i«4 »• m ># ip with ta * aick, mourned w ith the »HA4 fc.i|zv»M< aand. m nm fanne E ia d v "Bavsr" hasaa »/ l i taklata f'tr O a ataaao fa a ttt naf.aom. f a r ’«d. wept aoar H u dead. Sb* kept t i ld * n roaal azaab fa tb * a tilin a ** tA*m of :**r, t r r v g two m * whi » v , AJao kottiaa e< i t 03d ¡ ',0— Lruxg-jta. ?. 7 « » a>r«Mb» r«4zrr» Hm B»*J Jirm a r« r:*d g ra a tlf whan ah* saw eoeryhody*» children while stcdken • avr'»'! 7 ««4 « t4 ^ , 4 f/t M, - , w rji» aa Uaua aa.-» w X«rw Mjeufiarars ot gjoaa^»n.'jan,1mrat •» «' Iz-^raar Af a«ai f/ ,r z * d bar fa u * f u l l went »hopping, pigyed bn-tga, nt «*,4 Hm far'adAT* eptorltlno t t bar door f u i tignr >4 ttnafnutut fUmUitrg tn» anrra«4«r, « m had I« *» « pray tz, more children. *■■*’ tìs-t fcendl? TjestJcn Su.» t i u fall nt An [.'nm«r.»a.ftan » monatar of a man ''•'■•n faine, »n4 window« (T aa 4 '.pan Aiirarfr.» närvä« h ,at Ja»»-«d 1» » c* -i’e 4 . ’ T m*i=«ty. o-rar aod zm.idts » lib a toft r4 brlatlln» orasgeaiolored And foe a ll iheee things, aa Auatal- » a rh« » izM m » h *r Annfa’M r y « fr trz r^ e a Ksorp yuij- luaich wtxue yuu eaa. B een •» «— a ;»4«4 rxzdy. »»4 wlm» Hm loaaitobia mlry gars In aervtce. »be waa paid fz*»rd, ar.n a grant abrzk nt brlatlln» M r»« »ftavsoea» t i l t AB eftWaUtft»» _ _ _ MsriaJ Kaar i—1 Cai CapaiLea at ccce. f/a-an Iita .f up/z» bar, »lm »«rapted W inter apples, potair«». orar.g»«', -,rad hair, and a grant round In k ’nzt h«r w t f e h Ka1 4 ? B o g a a U c r t ha-re j e d r- o - « ,* ? f c r fr »:•» a -«rra.» >ry. I f ab* mrmt raot. f a r * Ilk * a giant orange, with pink «z.AAvh«», je llle * and «anned tra'.r tllmri »»« ’ h« »AB* Af «•iztatghf w yeaci. In veajed boxes, a t aii ir jq ot.a » '.n d maka H,at raai a apart I f rlmmad pale blue eyea. 3 exes. Look f i r the a a v e od every box. har larder. She bad a charge account •^ » I I «h* M l pMI/zOoMl "Hallo." be brxzmed again, with a at the Pier grocery store, but rmr fe * n , ■ «.•>« m i x »/, trito ratlramanr. Hm arila | »7,0014 ba a lururtoua on*. Partiapw— j monthly hills were rendered, not to fr» ’h« <:tz>fcm U M * «h« frznk4 k«v who a t.a o t-a a a n ,«» » »^od lin i* ' br,zad pink »mile of » re a lm * "H hullo," atammerad Gay. her, hut to the adm inistrator aa was M *»«» « f grneeri«« »A4 faaitag :»!»»4 , 4 iniaoaaa ml»bi inrk anma fig h t "fzzbatara" ha abmyted. “Auntal- ««*«W b*7 i»fra«r,«4 «7.« uy,« • '»»I •■■n.nlant tnr an ornaot Hmu»b 11»» miry «aya lobafers.** Auntalm lry had her own bank ac­ >'•'»»»■»• '■» Ra " ’«At tl* »ftWMtt* »nd glt.g «pirli, A drani'jra parbapa, "Ah, yea." a fleeting remlnlarent arraogtng tim, g a a i.f nn « k *..« * In ' count, too. Il was a small hank ac­ •muM.-rmnf ra rta ln lf, or a r m i-a h , lira »mile for tb * Lobarer man of her fan- »h* ’ " la nait »n;Ss/ari i a ra fn ilt I count but like the wlzlow’» oil a id C o o k in D o g » •M a ! W a n t S a p p ile d el»» "Ton are th * Dibater m a n r meal it n erer diminished, but rather • k * ei'z«»d «nd 1/z'ked Hv* flnnra at,A "W h a fa your dog's name?” Lay, moat ardant nf fraa a,,ni adro- P-.gar Ksha. m uilonx're alrm xa " T in T h a t’» rne. I.umley Imne graw a little, curiously, now and than “Ginger." cala*, dwrrylo» H,ou»b ah* did Hm j How many?" and muslctaa. M id a t a «linnet to Ita nucleus was her Identical hank * • ' < * ' * 4 • *w rt fzf pz*Xz«f»4 •'/rip "Does Ginger b lte T New Y o rk : Hha told him to bring her a lobster account of thirty years before, whan »A4 h*»»*4 |f, saada t/raat, opanad a "No, Ginger snaps."— Stone Cutters' tw te* a week. "W e hear lea, of Koriea shout th * •to was obliged a fte r a aerare Ill­ Journal Jar Af p f'k * « conceit o f movie actresoe«, put non* “Lobsters,” he shouted, “run about ness to give op. once and forever, all t '.r >r.» fiz«» > ;„,« .»ao «bast th * conceit of movie a c to r* fifty or sixty rent»." actively rem unerative labor. T a »> •>,« «»» »n flirta v i H y rested ta Do«» W e*kneaa D etract H ere gona, then, to supply a long-felt I.umley aald 1,1a woman would boll No one, however, conaldered Aunt f»«i » merdai r»«'i|/zn tn her ao tlrn o w ant From Your G ood Looks? ibem for her without extra »barge. aaanL almfry an object o f charity nor did “A movie actor, on tig return from He frowned portenloualy. "S h e ll boll «he »0 consider herself. She did Mr>« arranged h«» mzzdaaf (upper no B*n Freti'taccz C alif — " A te a t twe ehat h!s vacation, went about w ith h i, them, that la, long aa she's able. »he could. She received what ehe • Ita f »otf took u tn iha wall M »f f,/ * » ! rundown sleeve, roiled up so a , to show the Hhe’a— expecting." .a h**zth. J wifferwd an muck with iho mr.nttv » m , », iz «, i „ 4 4„wn b i * bulging bicep* on each arm. He hackAch* aad pals "Expecting?” Gay echoed faintly. IA« t,»t rt,» vrlK tllng. «dr.klln « "W hy. It la aodallam ," Gay cried la my aid*, and « 4 waa very proud o f theta. H e got ail IfA V t o f m»hf h if it r/xl/ffv/J llftift fn "Tup. Incraaael" Hl» facetious enthnalaatlcally. “T he very prtnc ple sot gat aay relief hla friend * to feel how hard they grin waa Illuminating. Ih« t, »,» »h/r«a4 w b *r* hA#f» »A4« of a'zclallam, applied, effective and «atfl I took Dr were. "Oh. how nlcef" «Bl »».« i.lgtit ai »nrtmr In lttrn lU tn l- practical Ptarca’i Favori t* “Gosh, what a muscle ft a friend I t »h» Mark « •» m tlU n tti. tnm»n tn "W ell, yea. Cnexpected. Very. i n t e r iptloa. A Rut Mrs. Andover dr«?w herself up wonld say. “How did you raise it? w k » • > «> Of Ih« »Udine ta f» <4 a I!e«n married twenty year* onor Noth few bottles of tha coldly. "Not by any meant,” she said Bowing?" IlghthAMa« « ••frlillg h t, 'PrwacrlpUoa' was In doin'. AU of a sudden—yup. ateroly. “ Such an Idea! Socialism "No," the actor would answer. "lx « permanane bene­ “!< »,,» »Alf ir, h«ra«ir. ”1 lika» there you are I— She a sheered," he Is one of those new fangled noUon» fit to ma and I am come* from hugging girl adm irer« f t I' lm «!»>, I toma Attotolnritf la a rolonteered cheerfully. **Hb*'s afeerd hrought over from Ituvsla or o r e of l i a i to recommend t.»», la a kl»,4. awa«(. «,»»» "Oh, tell her not to ba frightened," • • • . H e — "W hy do you want to aing Wabb, 1141 Lacuna 8 t mia fra « 4 " Gay comforted. " It often happens. with m e r She— “T o help share the w itb the fam iliar and much loved • Obtain thia famous 'Preseviption" ««»>«»,b artnf 11,»» H,af »1.« h»4 And la there a boepItaJ on tha 1» responalbillty." parapfiernalla o f her profemnon about how, ta tablets or liquid, from your la n n r t»n r»t »n rnnrh aa taan f»« nin^r drugglat. or w rit« 5 r Pierce, Prasl h»r. end with all of her pretty p»,- otnrf I,t Oar naw imrna, aha laff »»« “She wzzn't go to no hospital. She daat la v g lld r Notai tn Buffalo, N. T A friend who Is never in need la a sona! poaaeaol'm» to soften the rugged tfby I a i m «l»4nw, a»4. r« p of »»„p ways »he don’t truat these newfangled fur free medical advice. friend Indeed. , I» hat ha»4, want op at o»>a io at nuraea, hlgbty-tlghty. She'd rather austerity of her surrounding», Gay vinta atfUahing ,4, If,a ngf,,a „1 tha trust to the women cornin' In, the old •«Hied down With comfortable an tld - LR>o’t let the meek Inherit the petlons o f long and lovely lei.ure for Too many men who have good l leaa way." a>»lrar»t ftmn H m » lowaat a(»p Rha leisurely work. Every day she went »arth. They’d ruin IL fm » 4 II mnrtaat at,,nigh at«,»» |ha are unable to make good. " I f I am here then I I I be glad to not tnr a long walk through the ahi»- aialr» boi »laa» a»4 fraah. all f», t,ar help, I f I can,” Gay offered ganarnuo — ►ring little forast that backed the cot. Ilki»« 'fhara « aa a larga tlra«4 o» I f " I waa in the hospital for live kb» Couniad Aecompiltbmant Iba End tare, and down to the rocky ahore Iha l»,„1lng a»4 lo Iba l.f l, a ohaly mot,tha during the war, In training, of U fa . and as strength returned, her spirit apfM nl«4 halhfoom. T iia ha4ronm and I'm not a bit hlghty-tlghiy." of adventure quickened also Each »aa larga a/i'1 rh a a rtiillf bright In • •mp»rin» r,miinaa nf rnarringa, turned "W ell, now, that's real neighborly day she fared farther, always with f«ri.lahlng, a ha4, a» Ol4 haraan a » l« ty » »,-htlHra baari atri»» lo tb» mlaa. First-rate. I'll tell my woman greater Joy and dally daring steeper »onnnorl» a»4 Iwo amali rh a ir, maleb ttrum m ln» Bogara of ttomanz«. you aald so. Sha'II ha countin' on ye." cllffa and rougher walls of rock. In» M»rrt»ga, G ty arguad, « a» »ot 4« "Gh, I am quite expert with baMea. Comprising In all aome seven hun­ Ila» naturai anargf antnawhal ro algnad for tb * ambitiona worker. F ix I t was the only thing they had time dred a c re , f t,, |,la n d had originally »l'rf*«l b» Iba lo»» alaafi. I l a / , atrian iba ro„i[,l»> . ht, for Iba aalf aatlotlan to teach ua before the w ar ended lie t-n occupied exclusively by three bar t.fl»a npatalr» a»4 »»paa4 !«•«» lo aa/'ap^ aa/nf«, war la „rar." lay berted w ith tha aoi- ii<> zre. ant« an I hla boats, and settled down f»or» work, aarap* from i|,a rii» , Bini , H * r who did »,4 noma bark. And " I am not going to have an affair e \ . C’ r a " n'1 P ^ re ro u s Hay a Brat paaal,,» ,4 grlaf a,«,» „ Jh w it h th e lohater-nian, a fter all, dear fish and lobster traffic. Incidental to Ha» dal»»», »,4 a N4W Torka» b f aided Into a pbllo«opli|,-«J raflaatloo He la not aa »tern and allent aa 1 ex hla sailing trade, i n , children had b lr l b , h a d ha. „ina o»a b f labor Work that parbapa a flar all It was Imitar so pected. Healdea. ha la expecUng." married, cottages sprang up !□ th . «a» bar ,|all» bread MI,» ro n n i.d »a- that aba waa »,4 doroavlla, not the woods and the wild growth every year • o«ipl|»l,i»»»l Ih» and <4 Ufa, a „ r,« M lyjm for humdrum bon,a Ufa. That at CHAPTER HI was pushed farther and farther back H» arani ra w .n l W IIb I l o , Hai»»» pari»,ira roriBrno-d bar In bar ,1» to make way for gardens, orchard, • bara «aa »o Inlaraal aa lo ona'a |Wm larmlnnllon to Hra aion». Aion», but and lawns. Midsummer waa gala time for all Raaalob, from wbanra o»a a»»«, nnt lonely. Fra*, but not unlorad. (he ih llly little Islands of the North, Others came to the Island, some m, from «bai fam llf II»» bad «prilli» Ah, If ,ui the »,««) and Idle lalarid livery day the Community house on holidays some In service, and m ,r. Tb» tola point of paraooalllf lo har should ",m a a fresh ewskenln» fw Hie hay shore beneath Gay'» grassy rled. and remained. The early teach « a a m ia: "W’Iml la lm do|»»f W’hal bar atHlad affa-Ilona I hill elope waa open for bridge and tea, e r . of the little public school grew ha» ha dona?’* "Linnlay Lan», for Inalanra," aba and »very Halurday night offered Its old In labor, and retired to private Tb» ilaaib of bolli parani» |» qulak thought wblmatrally “l.nmlay Iba New England ahore dinner, followed life, but did not go away. D.bster aimaa»loii bail thrown bar u|xin har ,baler man A »tarn and allant na by danrlng to the strains of a real n p l * r s came for a season, and f/T * *t«-V * own raaonrraa al tb» aa» of »«,»„ lure, bronz.ed and bearded " Hod for life. Later, as modem Jatx orrheatra with »axopbone accorn laa» III» laal nf t |,a family fund« Hha amlled tn heraelf na aba turned panlment. playing (be popular aong venlcnce, added comfort to Wand f ’ i ««1«-’ «»F tb» Inaura»,-», all had ».n,« (» ,„ , He. many who were engaged In '.a r final raar uf pra, il, al praparatlon fm lea or professional work In P e rO n d lllk»«..rh. I» whirl., «Hb n ,, |n<.„„ built permanent homes near th * ta w «ruoiialr bla»,Ini ,1r|nn» nf naranatly ry landing, and crossed th * U y ta and», aha bad aiudlnd alano», their work In the morning. » -4 o»i f Ir la t rapii», and al III» Barn» lima roniliniad t<> their Island homes at r.?g-• ’ bar rlaaaaa In ari ulular Ih» basi i» H, 1, foal ,.»a«ca There 1» no telling how nU rb an an »leiiil I STB, inking considerable fur­ While many of , he |*uw x.«-aw v r a o lii a Irta h i« tlque place uiny travel befora It cornea t an im n r ,tt tlons of Wallace had g-,rm Sr. .. yarn niture with them, among which were " I rw (n i ip work but I am »„In» tu Io real In Hie bands of an appred »eyeral pieces which had been handed feaslonal Work and remtevH ! • v a -v |>nl»t," ali» aald. ■an. t a .f o t.h ifK alive collector or a niuaeiim. Ilecent »•ales, many also rew.i a«4 «« » a * rm tti Ih» a ir lr llr «larlral Work alia ly a pine ilreaaer was Importad from down from generation Io generation, d a m a n d o a tl» a r and the pin» d re over was one of tho«e aland, where they bad - .,r c « 4 Inni baan ,.|ill»a,| |„ a, rapi ». tirai England with aome English furniture piece«. N o « it hgg an honored place Intermarried, so Ih« , t o t f »».1 -a« o o u n f o r o in g m g liraail nnd bnllar work aha ralla,! Il 'Ih a dresser atuek out Ilka a Bore In Hi» collection, ami may finally he nai ve population was ..» *« 4 «p m . ali» hait »rad,iati» «orbad awa» from thumb among iha English pie. e«, and • t t d g h trd ««•t her hy tie» of k -«4 w o rtrr ^.» returned Io the descendants of th» II. «allin» Imu lillu»» mora in bar lb» dealer rjulrkly »l olled It. I he d a tm it^ . •¡(g original owner«, who arc residing In and oftentimes by baa*, a aa*w«c» o. Inala and bar taiani, »nd al Inai, w h » n wood, Ihe hardware, ilia workman a Middle Western city.—From the An Intrirat« that only t»a auvs» w-.-oaw «im waa alila, ahnndmiln» li alto»»«h»r aooft a Ina bricht •blp. Iha Style, «11 proclaimed It Amer tlquarlan. forms of rela'iz/askiw » w » g m o III», k and « Itila r o p la » nf a iri» fl» ban A wealthy collector purchased ff» •• n I it ht nicht a rk n *> w 1 olgamawt. uraa, fn, awd « n / 'M * Umidiir, for mora adrancad »ludf American family had «.me to England nrv merely In e p t; occasionally thev down gzsd'vaiiy ta a alow how vad*y thraai.’ ” For Ih# dannila linai uraa of aarnin» a r* ludicrous. In England the other - "pa of emerald grant, nn Hz* bay a lirin», aba bad a ram unaralir» roa day the Raiford city council eialttrd sb*rw A wavtor road t»d frota lb * «aallnli with Iha adrrrtlaln » Imu»» nf 1 n iin g N u -iin Conti Eating a gcin. landing heyi od (Iva c » p « « in » h"v»M llun ilm m and Moray, fur whom aha The nival of tha cygnet or young Th» question under municipal 4» ■ nd th a n at th * band, turned back­ illd n m t ambulai painiin»» In brighi »«m i la a greatly aairwniml delicacy hale wns whether Raiford wanted to ward along th * shore. Hut leading tba «■olin» ai Ilia lr orilar. Tiia work nai and "awanplla" ar« maintained for hav» an exhibition hall. Th< •re (dher way. Into the forest, wvra awly only pulii tary wall, b u t » m «urlali lii the fHltenlliq of Ihe.c bird« A royal Io h«v» a rpnaldernhit (1lfT»*r*n, «• dwindling trails. In the for>1<>g<,I<,14,x<,,4.I fX.>X4,X,>x..,j.... P ine D resser F in a lly G o t B ack to A m e ric a . Ota naita u-liu/ /cjg.