I lint kuu J t&iterprise AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Vol. 16. No 42. Halsey. Oregon. Thursday February 23. 1928. HALSEY GUN CLUB ENTERS ¡ S C H O O L N O T E S Ì D C OREGONIAN’ S TELEGRAPHIC Good Show ing is Made bv M em bers o f Local T rap Club Sunday. Edited By W th n* W ah l ft7hen Hunters Disagree fUON !? way MAN V A M P / / /6Î/E55 1 I THEY fc t A I KNOW OF dairying WOOL. MOHAIR r o i LTRY -4 Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County : d Lion KACKS ] SCHOOL play PLEASES b S O O C C IF I E T f ù Y N E W S ? £ , HIGH W|THCL[KRCOM|CORAMA From Our Regular Correspondent« » W ork o f D rum ntic Coach The senior play given last Friday Mrs Harold Muller and Mrs F R eceives High P ra ise ngiht grossed 136.90 and expense Buford Morris were hostesses to th F rom A udience account $10.90. me nbers of tne Thursday Study Interest in the Oregonian Tele­ Bluford Moss who fell out of a club at th * beautiful country home ‘‘Ruth in a R ush,” a comedy graphic trap shooting contest, now swing last week breaking his leg, is of the form ir on last Thursday dram a played by the senior class being participated in by the gun getting along nicely. afternoor. At one o’clock an elab of the Halsey High School at the clubs of the state, is growing keen Bessie [Reynolds and Frances orate th:ee course luncheon was city hall Friday night, wae greeted and the local club is doing Its ut­ Leeper who were elected delegates served, the guests being seated at with a capacity house and deserv­ most to make a good record. three tables. A doll dressed in old edly, too, for it was we ll played. I t was with reluctance the Ore­ to the Oregon State College, made rose colored silk and with powder Complimentary remarks were gonian put on the contest this year the following report: We left for Corvallis last Friday ed hair of colonial days, formed the heard on every hand as to the as interest heretofore had not jus­ centerpiece for each table. Or. each ability of tbe players fro n im pul­ tified the time incurred in such an morning b / auto arriving there at side was a beautiful red taper in a sive Ruth to the rerions and over- undertaking. This year the clubs 8:30 a. rn. We first went to the clever rose shaped ho’der. From zealous station agent and arm of are starting out with renewed life registrar's office and then to the places assigned us during our stay. the centerpiece red ribbons extend the law by proxy. and prospects are bright for a At 1 p. m. the exposition official­ ed to each plate term inating in an The splendid work of Miss more pleasing and exciting race. artistic valentine place cird . Red Gladys McCornack, dram atic in- Besides the three high men in ly opened at the men’s gymnasium can ly he tris strewn over the tables structor in her seliction of players last Sunday's event we mention with a program of music and added further to the St Valentine for the different diam eters and her C. P. Moody, Jess Cross and Tom speeches. Dr. James C. DeVoss, of spirit. coaching shows 1 very prom inent­ Hover who broke 22 birds each; Sau Jose state teachers college gave U 3 a very interesting address on, Following the luncheon the reg ly in every gesture and posture W ilbur N orton 21; Jam es McWil­ liams and Frank Gans]e each 20. ‘'Value of expectancy.” At 8:00 W. C Sickels and family visited The latter, however, has not Car­ ular businesa meeting was held w.th of actors and actresses So well a conference was held for women at the Chancy Sickel* home S atur­ rie 1 mail continously as be se-ved Mrs. Addie Moody, president of the balance 1 was tbe cast it is unfair in the women's building with Dr. club presiding. The members de­ to single out any one character ae postmaster of Monmouth for nine | F a y e t t e v i l l e I t e m s | Kate W. Jameson, dean of women, day night and Sunday. cided to put on a canndy Friday for special praise. years during this time. • *VW> \W O presiding. A t the same lime a con­ Mrs. John W illbanks spent sev­ evening, March 2, and a musical The stage setting for th . first act W. C. Sickels made a business Friday evening March _’3. The ference for men was held in the eral days last week in Albany where (By Special Correspondent) was tasty and clever, the next two she was the guest of her parents, trip to Albany Tuesday morning. latter will be presented by W iliam representing a dep it waiting room S. M. Couey and Clay Stewart men’s building with Dr. U.G. Du­ Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Davie. Lester Bond of Albany spent Garr, daughter and two sons of and was anything but pleasiug to bach, dean of men. piesiding of Oregon City were ovei night vis- Mr and Mrs. E. McCornack and Sunday in Halsey visiting friends Albany who are masters on the the eye but, of course, who ever At 7:30 p m the demonstrations iters at the Fred Gentry home dsughter, Ruth, of Eugene were and relatives. and exhibits were opened at all of Xylophone. Home talent will in- saw a waiting room th at was, and Wednesday. the guests of their daugther and the buildings and “ A Night at an Several rooms of the M ttbodlst tersperse program. The proceeds one could not help but feel the Mr. and Mrs. W. B, McCormick In n ” was put on by the college sister, Miss Gladys, over the week parsonage have been papered by will be used t> pay the pledge for clash of the stage properties with and daughter, Miss Leola, and J. students at the Workshop Theatre. end. th* women of the church the past the new community building and the charm ing uctresses an I beauti­ G. McCune of Shedd and J. Ken­ Mr and Mrs. George Knapp and ' weak Admiuistration building for the library. The business ses­ ful gowns a n l the deboniar and neth McCune of Portland, were At 8:30 Saturday morning all Stanley Knapp of Eugene speut sion was followed by a program. courtly actors who graced the Last Sunday Mr. and Mr». Otto dinner guests at the McCune home delegates assembled in the m en’s Sunday in Halsey. While here Loe, Mrs. Mary Blodgett and Mrs. Mrs. As r Eaatburu and infant boards during thsse two acts But Sunday. gymnasium where another address they were guests at the W illiam Dorothy Miller of Aloany drove to son of Albany and Mrs. Elmer th a t was what helped to make the Mrs. H. F . Couey who has been was given by Dr. DeVoss who H. Wheeler home. Halsey and visited at the D. 8. Me Mur son were com plim m te J guests. play realistic. ill is convalescing. Her sister Mrs. spoke on “ The Story of Philogo. Club members present «ere Mes- The members of the Parent- Williams home. The Halsey orchestra enteitaiued J-otlie Pate of Albany came up pity.” At 10:00 separate confer­ Teacher association will hold a daines Laubner, Mooly, Patton, between acts with pleasing num ­ Mrs. F. Buford Morris and ..... ton Monday evening and is assisting ences were again held for high cooked food gale in the library J Bobbie m .kkt. are spending .i; , dava Drinkard, Bond, Rossman, W. A. bers th at receive 1 the hearty ap­ „ , „ . several in caring for her. school men and women. Muller, Hamer. M. H. Cummings, plause of the audience an 1 helped Saturday, February 26. The pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workinger; From 1:30 to 4:30 we visited ceeds will go toward (he buildiug in Salem at (he home of the form­ Wells, Kendall and the hostesses. in ta k e the evening's entertain ­ er's sister, Mrs. Elm er Lake. Mr. who spent the week end at the most of the buildings in which the fund of the community ball. Mrs. Curtis Vwatcli will be host­ m en t very e n jo y ab le . Morris took them down last even- home of their son, George Werkin- educational exhibits and demon­ ess to the club members uext On account of ‘‘Grum py” the ing. ger and family, returning home strations wero being carried ou. play which the dram at club of the T h u rsd ay at the homo Mrs Morns. ello. whipped cream cake and * * * Mrs. Bert Clark returnded toiler cocoa was served uy Doris Howard, Tuesday. A t 7:16 Saturday evening a bas- Albany high school are putting on home in Halspy Wednesday from PIN E GROVE Edna Falk, Ardells, Luella and Mrs. Dick Duncan and infant ketball game was played A the | | 0 Halsey on (be evening of March Thursday afternoon of last week Fraucis Kirk. son, Charles William, came home men's gymnasium tetween U.of O. ' 2, under (be auspices of the Tburs- Lebanon where she spent a week at from the Albany general hospital freshmen and college freshmen. day Study club, the Pine Grove the home of her parer ts, Mr. and a number of the ladles of the Pine Mr>. J. N. Elliott v : s a charm ­ Monday. The.high school delegates were community club meeting lies been Mrs. William Curtis, who accom-^ Grove neigbboibood met at the ing hostess of Tuesday evening Mrs. O. H. Froman went over guests of the college at parlies in 1 postponed from th a t evening to a pauied her to Halsey and spent home of Mrs. Floyd Nichols and when she extended the ho pitalily organized a sewing club to he of her home to the members of the to Newport Saturday where she the men's gymnasium and the w o-; wee|( later, M .rch 9, as several the day here. The city hall was filled Tuesday ‘t,lowu 88 Ike Kroweldeen c'ub, LaFrance sewing club and a num ­ exnects to visit for a week or ten men s building from 9 to 11. 1 his Halsey people are io appear on the evening with movie fans, and it is loose present were Merdames L.E. ber of complimented frieuds. The days at tbe home of her mother, elided the fifth annual educational program at the latter place. exposition of the college. Mrs. Flora Lebn. The Misses Mary and Maria safe io say that no one went a»«jr E»gy, W- D. McLaren, Johu Me- time was spent in playing progres­ Wilma W ahl, Reporter. Evans have returnded to their disappointed for ‘‘The Cohens and Xeii‘ A‘ L- Knighton, Ray Hover, sive Rook, with Esther Scefeld and home at Lake Creek from Portland Kelly»” was undoubtedly a good jn d GeorBe McNeil Mrs. Nichols John Miller being awarded the first $ C /iU r c h ^ V o tic e s Shedd Cops Both the Basketball where they spent a m osth during picture. Next Tuesday ‘ Tarzan ' ervei1 » delicious lunch after which priz-s, while the consolation prices the illocss of their sister, Mrs, M. and the Golden Lion” will be filmed hel 8 “e*t8 departed for their homes went to Mamie Falk and Eur| Games From Halsey to meet again F e b ru a ry 29, w ith Elliott, Music was enjoyed daring Methodist Next Sunday : E. Lackey. They were accompan­ and in addition, through the court. the game. Bringing the evening to 10 a. ro., Sunday school The boys basketball team met ied home by their foster sister, Mrs. e»y of Mr. Morris, local manager Mrs. Kagy. a close the hostess, assisted by tbe 11, preaching. up with the team from the Shedd Ella Oleman of TbeDalles and Mr. of the Music Shop, music will also club girls, served delicious refresh­ LAKE CREEK Rev. E. R. M artin, superintend- highschool at the city ball here and Mrs. E. S. Evans and eon be had. ments. Mr. and Mts. Henry Brock ex­ ent of the American Sunday school I last night. Tbe game resolved itself Donald of Portland. Tbe gu«6ts Those enjoy iug this pleasant eve tended the hospitality i f their ning were Nellie, I’earl and Grace union of Oregon, will give an ad- into a snug one right from the be- returned to Portland after spending s S h e d d P e r s o n a ls beautiful new home to the mem- Falk, Esther Seefeld, Mamie Falk, dress on Sunday school work at 11 ginning and stayed that way right two or three daye at the Evans j hers of the I.ake Creek and Itucey Doris Howard, Ava and Edna o'clock. through the seance, and although farm. Falk, Liovd Sperling, John Miller, (B y an Enterpsise Reporter) club, and their husbands, on Wed­ Willis and Henry Kirk, Charles D. 6:30 Epworth League the score stood against tbe locals John Goins of A 'bany and A 7:30 public services. Rev. Miller alien th? whistle blew, they made Parker of Monmouth were p'easant Mrs. Scott Churchill rnd daugh­ nesday evening. Gaines and tijusic ______Continued on page 8 will preach, taking as his topic, it so uncomfortable for the visitors callers at the Enterprise office S at­ ter were business visitors in I.eba- made tbe hours pass quickly and at a late hour dainty refreshments ‘The Beginning of the Gospel." while it lasted th at it wag anyone's urday afternoon while enroute to Wednesday afternoon. Her Name Fits were served by tbe hostess. Forty 7:80 Thursday, prayer meeting game all through with Koontz Eugene on a business trip. Both A number of Shedd people a t­ all set to shoot a basket when the men are rural mail carriers out of tended tbe nieetirg of the Rebekah guests were present for this pleas- J . S. MlHer. pastor. ' referee called time. Tbe score was their respective cities, Mr. Goins lodge at Halsey Wednesday eve­ ant evet.iug. • * * Pine Grove Church 8 to 2 with Shedd the winner. having been in the service since ning. Sunday School 2 p. ro. SPOON RIVER The girls’ team seemed to be 1903, and Mr. Parker since 1902. Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D, Preaching at 8 p. m. Upon her arrival borne from unusually wide awake last night Farwell, is reported to be recover­ Prayer meeting Wednesday at S e g#m0 witfa th0 g liedJ hjgh cbuich Sunday morning. Edna Leader of Ski Jumpers ing from his recent illness. Falk wae most pleasantly surprised P’ schoolgirls and kept the ecore so Charles Thompson of Portland to find a birthday dinner awaiting ! Rev. J S. Miller will preach , jt w#i nece? t0 „ „ Roman Sunday afternoon. Topic: Jhree, _ was a business visitor in Shedd her and also a number o, friends j notations to make it look like any. Great Men.’’ Tuesday and Wednesday. to help her celebrate. Those p ret­ thing. This score was 2 to 0 with Orvel, son of Mr. and Mrs O. erit for the dinner were C L. Falk C hurch of Christ Shedd waving the two. M. 'Ibom psor, has been conlii/ed Jr. and W. A. Falk and their fa m -1 Sunday school, 10. Mrs. Robins and son Elias and to his bed the past severel days il es. During the afternoon Ava We are reaching towaid 100. Come with a severe cold. .daughter Gertrude and Muriel Falk and Doris Howard were visit­ and be one of ea. Lake were Albany visitors last ors. The Shedd schools were closed 11:00 a. m. morning wotsbfp and Saturday. a|l day Wednesday in honor of communion for all Christians. T h em e m lers of the Pollyanna George Washington's birthday. Sermon: ‘‘The Conversion of a col­ cooking club and tbe Bacbeb r eely­ Fresh smelt daily at the Halsey The ladies aid are serving a hot ing club held their meeting at the ored Man.” Special music. Me .t Market dinner in the M. E church base­ ScbooUiouse Friday afternoon. 6:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor. ment Friday noon to wh'ch all are 7 30 happy song service. Plans b a l been made for tbe W ANTED—An old hay carrier invited. Evening worship and sermon. entertainm ent of Mrs. Nora Cole-! with four good wheels and frame Mrs. Laura Thompson and two Wemen'e quartet will sing. man, who is supervisor of the local j for iron track. Halsey Garage »Uss Illldegarde Rchwlnghnramer of daugbtere, Sylva and Eunice, were clubs, and the men hers were very The Harrisburg congregation will dinner guests at the home of Nellie much disappointed when she was Albany, Minn., lived up to ber name probably come over at night, in FOR SALE when »tie won a nail driving contest. The photograph shows t^onnrd Hanson Sunday. Alice Tliomp*' n unable to he present which event Mr Knott has been RHODE Island Red eggs for batch- Stie Is the best hammer swinger Lehan of Montreal, Canada, who Is asked to ypesk. ing. C. O. Hsm er. Phone 16X6 leading the Canadian ski Jumpers at ■pent the day with her friend, El- During the social In ur a lunch, among the girls of the Minnesota School of Agriculture, her record be­ b e l t s Gillette. Be Morltx, Switzerland. .... C Adrian Sias, m inister. Halsey. m8 consisting of sandwiches, cookies, ing ten nails Io seconds. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES