Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, February 16, 1928, Image 1

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    Ifa te g îcntcrprûiV
E stablished in 1912.
Voi. 16.
N o 41
P e o r ia N e w s I ( e t u s |
Halsey, Oregon, T hursday February 16, 1928.
Not Functioning Right
D evoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn C ounty
S chool notes !
By W ilm a W ahl
L ast Friday was Arbor Day and
the school gave a program in the
afternoon. I t was opened by the
singing of“ Amerii%’’by '.he school.
Carl Sperling read a paper on the
“ O rigin of Arbor D a y .’’ The th ird ,
fourth, fifth and sixth grades gave
the “ A lphabet of T rees.’’ “ How to
m ake a W h istle ,” a reading by
K en n e th S m ith. “ C rim inal T re a t­
m ent of T rees” R ichard H ussey,
"T a lk in g in T h eir S le e p ,” Ells­
worth G ardner. “ N ative Trees of
O regon,” a them e by Nora Cold­
iron, The girls of Mrs C olem an’s
room sang, “ M tde of W ood.”
“ W hatD o We P la n t? ’ by Russell
N orton. “ Age of Trees’’ by Ken
neth Sm ith. “ V alue of N ational
F o re sts’’ by E sth e r Seefeld. Song
by the high school, ‘T his Arbor
D a y ,” “ T rees” a poem bi Eloise
Sm ith. " T h e Twig T hat Became a
T re e ,” by E a j I E llio tt.
The school then passed out into
the yard and C harles W right and
Iv an S m ith planted a rose bush be­
side Uhe school bouse. T he program
ended by the singing of ’’America,
tha B eau tifu l.”
The P arent-T eachers association
held its reg u lar m eeting at the
school bouse Friday n ig h t. Th*
following progam was giveo.
“ W e’re T enting T o n ig h t” song
P iano d u et, P hyllis H olt and
Linden Bramwell.
T hree act p la y , “ The A n tid o te.’
Song, “ E enie, Meenie, Miuie,
M o,” by pupils from Mrs. Cole­
m a n ’s room.
Reading, K enneth W orkiuger.
Song, “ Fussy Old Maids from
L y n n ," M a ry S m ith , Hope Hussey
and Beverly Isom .
Violin d uet, K enneth Sm ith and
W aiter Foote.
R eading, “ T he Village B lack­
s m ith ,” from the K irk school.
Dialog, “ S top—G o ,” llene A l­
ford and Frederick R obins.
Mrs. K izer's room gave the a s­
sem bly p ro g ram last week. After
> F a v e ttv v ille Ite m s
W • W ’W' A /W S
(B y an E n te rp rise R eporter)
The Pacific Co-oyerative Wool
Grower* is the largest o rganiza­
tion of its kind on the N orth
A m erican con tin en t and handled
over five m illion pounds of wool in
1927. The n in th annual meeting
of the association was held in p o rt.
land a few d a js ago and elected
E. A. M cCornack of Eugene, pres­
id ent; James M. D avis of P ullm an,
W ashington, vice president; S D.
D orm an oj O ntario, O regon, secre­
ta ry .tre a su re r, R. A, W ard, m an ­
a g e r , reported a gain of 616 new
m em bers during last year, and 156
since Ja n u a rv 1st. Increased bus­
iness is expected th is year.
N ext S unday the H alsey Gun
Mr. and Mr* Eichelherger and Club holds it* th ird tournam ent
sons moved to their new home in since its organization some three
Salem Tue>d ty.
m intha »go. Several members of
H. F. Couey s >Id a registered the club are showing rem arkable
Jerssy calf to U A. M arsh of A l­ cleverness at the tra p s and the
bany M onday.
t iiirn a u ie u t Sunday promisee some
Mr. and Mr’. E lm er Leho and surpri es.
daughters of Newport nre visiting
Tho event in which the contest­
Mr. L elin’s sister, Mis. O. H. ants com pete for places ou the
From an.
O regoniau Telegraphic will he (he
one of the day.
Mfss Dale M cKinley of Eugene
George G ithens attended the
com m unity meeting at Riverside
S a tu rd a y evening.
J . W. L am ar was a business vis­
itor in A lbany last week in the
interest of L am ar & Lam ar.
Mrs. Alice Barcus is not 1111-
proving in h ealth as fast as her
m any friends hoped she woold.
made a short visit nt th e home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F
M cK inley Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. N V Slielhy a id
daughter, R uth and Mr«. Shelby's
m other; Mrs. Ada B uchanan ol
K ro x Iiutte, visited at the h o t t ie
of Mr. and Mrs M cKinley Sunday
Mrs. W ill Apperson and son of
The Dalles visited the form er’s
m other, Mrs. Alice Barcus, last
Friday afternoon Mrs. J. S. L a­
m ar and Mrs. Fay G ithens a tte n d ­
ed a special m eeting of O. E. S. at
Shedd, and in the evening another
special meeting of the same order
was held nt which tim e Mr. ant)
M is. J. W. L am ar and George
G ithens were also present.
Tractor Demonstration
A dem onstration of Fordaon
equipped with H am ilton tran s mis
glon, will be made at the R £ .
Bierly place, southeast of H alsey,
n e x t T uesday, February 21.
Those interested in seeing high
priced perform ance at lower cos'
are urged t o a t’end. Douglas Motor
Com pany, H arrisburg, Oregon.
W ork On Telephone Lines Begun
This week saw the work of re
construction of telephone lines
w ith ’n the city lim its begun The
first work was the line carrying
the heavy load ot ru ral lines from
the city lim its to the central office
and as soon as th a t is completed
it is expected the other lines will
receive atten tion.
The com m itt.e is moving the
work along as rapidly as the
w atber w ill pci mil.
the program the high school stud­
ent body held a meeting. The high
school intends to give an “ Apron
and Necktie Social’’ to raise funds.
Ibe high school is also going to
give a play to saise money to put
in their com m unity building con­
trib u tio n .
Several pupils of Mrs. Cross'
room have been absent the last
week. Marie G orm ley has been
absent all week and five others
have h ie a out for a day or two.
Mrs. Cross’ room had charge of
the assembly program this W ed­
nesday. The first num ber was a
Linco d exerciae, valentines by the
room; p >em uy K enneth W orkiu­
ger. The last num ber wss valen­
tine plav.
T he seventh anil eighth grades
t loklthe county tests last week and
five pupils, Alice S tu rte v a n t, Ret-
ta A rm strong, R u th T uttle, G il­
bert Hayes and Lila Phelps made
grades of 100 per cent.
The senior class play, “ R uth in
a R u sh ,” will be giveu at the city
hall Friday night. A short sketch
taken fiom it was given before the
assem bly W ednesday afternoon.
The Halsey O rchestra will furnieh
T h is new photograph of Mrs. Cal­ music between acts.
vin Coolidge Is one o f tile few profile
E sther Seefeld,
views which she has approved and
A ssistant Reporter.
perm itted to be given to the press.
W v«
WILL BE _ 12412867
(By Special Correspondent)
W. G. Abraham attended the
auto stiow in P o rtland last week.
Rev. Meicalf sttended the re­
vival meet in ” at Tangeut Friday
Rev. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and
daug h ter L orraine and Mr. Mode
were C orvallis visitors Monday af
ternoon. Mr. Mode went over to
consult a physician in regard to
his d a u g h te r’s health.
Fred W alteis of Eugene visited
at Mrs M. M. F ru it's home S un­
day. W hile he was there the flue
burned o u t causing flames to shoot
out inside the house. W ith the
assists nee of neighbors cvervtbinp
w it ta ’/ e n care of and no damage
resulted, except c bad scare.
Mr. a n f Mrs. Hoffman have re­
turned from th e ir trip to Culiform»
E lliott M cW illiams of Portland visiting in A lbany at the home of and d ’d not find a location there
spent the week end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. F .oinan, fel th at suited them but bought a
his parents, M r. and Mrs. D. S on the floor W ednesday and pus meat m arket in Salem and moved
M cW illiams of H alsey.
several severe bruises but it is be­ their household goods to their new
ho ne W e lnesdav.
Mise Adah Nelson of the H alsey lieved no hones were broken.
high school left F rid a y evening for
Mr and Mrs. C. P. Moody and
We lue-day evening at the M E
Portland on a visit to her parents. two children and Mr. and Mr, church the Priscilla club gave ii
She returned to H alsey Sunday.
and Mrs. D ana Rossman and Fern program and supper. A shprt plav
Mrs, B. M. Bond recently cele­ were dinner guests last Sunday ai was rendered entitled “ Station Y.
Y .Y .Y .” O ther num bers on the
brated her b 'rth d a y and among the th e H arold M uller borne.
m any gifts she received was an W A N T E D —-A u old hay cartiei program were readings bv Mis*
electric Crossley radio.
with four good wheels and fram e, Meda Brown, Veva Fay Couey and
Lois Je a n Moore and music by the
lor iron track. H alsey G arage
The members of the Halsey or­
O rchestra.
chestra went to Shedd W ednesday
evening of last week and played
‘‘Prohioiiiou’' was the subject of
for ibe program for the Priscilla
the lesson given at the silver tea
Beverly Isom and E lta
ny the members of ti e W C .T .U ,
From O ur Regular Corrc'pondenK
Bramwell also took part.
it their regular m onthly meeting
Milo T aylor, editor of the
W ednesday at the home of M rs.H .
Tuesday evening th e members 3 . Pugh. Mrs. J. C. Brown gave
Brownsville Times, and II. F. Lake
of the Halsey E nterprise, speut of the P ast Noble G rand club gave he scripture readittg, giving out a
Friday in Eugene where they a t­ their second annual din n er with lum ber of references to be lead.
tended part of the srasiona of the the fam ilies of the members as th> Mrs. Pugh served refreshm ents
honor guests. For thia pleasant :onsistiiig of chicken salad, hot
editorial conference.
affair the 1 . 0 0 F- hall was used buns and b u tte r, wafers, tea and
Mrs W. H. W heeler celebrated
Dinner was served a t 7 o’c'oek li­ ■offee. Ib is union has pledged five
her birth lay M onday of last week,
the dining room which was p re ttili
rees for the C hildrens Hume Farm
and to help h er o le b ra ta . her son,
decorated with big red valentines
Ole K ayser, and bis wife of Silver-
Fifty-six people were present foi
ton drove over an 1 took her to C ot­
the d in n er.
Halsey Alphabetically
tage Grove on a pleasure trip . They
D uring tile social tim e whicl
returned h o n e T hursday
tb e ’s I’l ice bo ists of being in evary
followed the following program war
way; one of the modern barber
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Steinke given: piano duel, G eorgina Clark
shops of today.
and sons Lloyd and C harles and and H erm an Koontz; dialog, “ Stop
Thom as Judson of Salem . Mr. and G o,’’ R»ne Alford and Frederick Bram w ell, postm aster of our l.ttle
town, sees th a t our m ail gets
Mrs W. A. Sweet aud Mr. and R obins; piano duet, D onald and
distributed around.
M fs. F. E. Roberts and daughter Lindon Bramwell; reading, "B id-
Jla rk ’s Confectionery serves young
Lucille of E ugene, and M r. and die’a T ro ubles,” Mrs. E D. Isom:
and old, ice cream when It's hot
Mie. Joa E llic tt and eons ware duet, "A n U m brella built for Two”
and candy when it’s cold,
dinner guests at the P. J . Forster E lta Bramwell and Beverly Iscm ;
□own off Second street away and
home Sunday.
recitation, " I t Pays to A dvertize,’
First, too, H offm an's up to date
Friend« of Mrs. Ellen G u llifo rd W ellirgton Boud; piano solo, “ S i­
m eat m arket aw aits you.
a f- r ner well known resident of lent N ig h t," G ettrude Robins; Eldon Cross, most nim ble and
H alsey, received word this week of recitation. “ The A nsw er,” Corulea
quick of m ind, is the best book
her death at Prineville last S a tu r­ Moody; reading. The Boy w ith the
keeper th » t Orin can find.
day after an illness of jo st a week hole in his p a n ts ,” Mrs. Colem an; Frutn’s yellow w arehouse, by the
aa the reault of a stroke of p a ra ly ­ tong “ C hester” Roberta B ram ­
railroad trre k , has hav and grain
sis. W hen a resident of th is city w ell; paxaphoue duel, Mr. and
service th a t's never flack.
she lived on what is now the John Mrs, B. M. Bond.
Gormley will buy your egg;, your
P o tter place. She was a member
T he playing of games completed
cream, your veal s r d be is sure
of the M ethodist church.
th e pleasant evening.
to see you’ll get a square deal.
(C ontinued on page 8)
Mrs. M. M W ard who has been
H ill’s H ardw are ba* a very bu«y
crew th a t’ll sell you even “ gas”
or repair your shoes.
If your liorhe or wagon needs at­
tention, Salasll will serve in his
shop of ample dim ension
Jack C orcoran's work in cement
or brick, in term s of vulgar
slang ¡s sim ply ju st “ slic k .”
Koontz am! com pany throughout
the years have been patient with
the custom er’s arrears.
Lawyer lussing work« nearly d.i\
ai d night to keep the peoples’
affairs all sirs ghteued right.
M ortis' Pharm acy lias won its sue
c ss through B uford’s jo v ia h y ,
should we m F confess.
No hungry feeling can long w ith­
stand the fine cooking of Mrs
R eynold’s special brand.
On knowing autom obile, and their
parts (ia isle's a man after any
Farmers and dairymen o f Wlscnnsln have honored the memory o f Henry
one's heart.
Krum rey, cheesemaker and dairym an o f Sheboygan county, founder and long
P ro f.l’atton ngrees edu catio n ’s fine
president o f the Wisconsin Cheese Producers' association, and who launched
the co-operative cheese m arketing movement In the Badger state. The bronze
repeats “ As the twig is Lent the
tablet on a granite bowlder, shown atxve, baa been dedicated at Plymouth,
tre e ’s in c lin e d .”
W'la, and another like it was placed on the campus o f the U niversity of
Q uite q u ain t is P earl's agate shop
$ S O C 1E T Y N E W S
Memory of Cheesemaker Is Honored
M rs. Sophia Thompson Dies.
Mrs. Sophia Thom pson, a Shedd
aesidem t for m any years, passed
away at her home F ebruary 10 a f­
ter a very short illness, at the age
of 74 years.
She is survived by four sons,
John of Los Angeles, C alifornia;
Henry of Chicago, Illinois; O tto of
Shedd, Oregon and C harles of
Portland, Oregon; one sister, Mrs.
Dora Burineister, one brother H en ­
ry Schultz, th irte e n grandchildren
and two great-g ran d children and
many other relativrs.
F u neral services were held a t
the M. E church a t Shedd Febru­
ary 12, Rev. H art officiating. T he
pallbearers were W .W . P oland, Ed
Z im m erm an, John D uncan, Roh’t
Arnold, Will P orter and Peter
Mrs, Thomgeon was a m em ber
of the O ak Plain G range.
M 's H»l Howard of A lbany was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. C.
Sickels, Friday and S atu rd ay .
Frank Belle, form etly of C orval­
lis, now an electrical engineer in
C hili, and who is now on hi* su m ­
mer vacation, was a guest at th e
George S ta rr homo lis t W ednesday
Sunday visstors at the Johu W ili-
bauks home weia Mr. and Mrs.
f’heo Hcflich and Mr. and Mrs,
D. 8. Davis o, A lbany.
u n til know y ou'll not find a n ­
other anyw here you go.
Rossman attends to m ortuary work
and usually is most d elig h tfu lly
S kirvin's business o i a firm basis
run, makes his warehouse for
him leap a tidy sum .
1'aylor, the head of the hank it a l­
ways there to see for certain you
am treated fair.
Usually Dr. M arks is ready to a n ­
swer soon any call sent to biin
by you,
Voices steady on the phone daily
keeps Mrs Leeper fro m c a lc h isg
any napping sleep.
W orkiuger with R usty’s aid man-
ages so the H alsey G arage work
does not overflow.
X anthic and red is the indication of
B urbank's public service elation
Zippers by S tu rte v a n t store are
so'd to ward off pneum onia,
such illness and colds.
Wins Skating Matches
The photograph shows Irvin g Jaffes
o f New York, who won the 1 ,K)0-me te r
and 2m ile races nt Oslo, Norway, In
the International skating matchee. Jaf-
fee did the 1,500-meter course In 2
minutes 27 second, and the 2 m ile In
5 minutes 52.3 seconds. He Is a mem­
ber o t the. American Olym pic team
which w ill go to SU M oritz,