H a ls e y E n t e r p r is e . H a ls e y , O re g o n . F e l p ia r v . 2 1923 H a l s e y E n t e r p r is e Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, H F and A A LAKE FubWwn F ilte re d at the postoffice at H alsey g m . as second class m atter. Ore SI a year In advance. Arrearages 1214c a m o n th . Stops w hen tim e expires unless co ntinuance is ordered. A d v e rtisin g , 20c an in c h ; no discount fo r tim e o r space; no charge fo r co m p o sitio n o r changes A n n o u n ce ­ m ents of e n te rta in m e n ts, food sales, etc., whose object is to raise money, charged at re g u la r a d ve rtisin g rates A nnouncem ents o f relig io us m eetings, n o t exceeding fo u r Inches, free if copy Is received before Tuesday. fees a rt paying th * coat of the roads. The facta are that we have bought a fine state highway system on tbs instalm ent plan and are paying f< r By Thomas Arkle Clark, dean it tiy co ntribu ting part of what we are saving on tires alone. The balance of the savings in operation It A .S K I. IN was seventeen when he and life of the cara are cash d iv i­ firs t efftered P h ila d e lp h ia hungry dends oo the investm ent in ma Is ■mil utmost penniless. T o th * bout- TUSSI NG & TUSSING Keeping Up With Joneses LAW YERS Halzey and Brownsville Oregon of men, University of Illinois week end. I t could a ll be done slm l'i s h c r - H r a x Ic ii ply nod ye t I d a ,d ig n ifie d way o r they Funeral Directors-Embalmers could spread. T o most o f the fellow s Lady Assistant. a lit t le added expense d id not mean . man who landed him at th * m arket Chapel o r Residence l-'uneral*. nny sacrifice, fo r each hud a gener street w h a rf, he gave alt the money Rhone 95. A lb a n y , O regon ous allow ance w hich w ould easily li* had In Ids possession and consid ta ke care o f the cost. But there were ;ÿ-- cm h!y more than the circum stances few fe llo w s who were having a hard w arranted, "a man being sometimes H u i* to m ake ends meet and who more generous,’’ he explained, “ when J D E LB E R T STAR R could not expect to receive any fu r he ha* hut a lit t le money thuD when ! Funeral Director and Licensed th e r help fro m home. he has p le n ty, perhaps th ro u g h fear Embalmer “ We ought to keep the p a rty down o f being thought to have but 11111*." •o a reasonable cost,” Johnson a r­ L A D Y A S S IS T A N T F ra n k lin lived very fru g a lly a fte r gued. "W e lch und A rn o lJ are w ork B row usville, Oregon ids m urrlcge, fo r he was considerably Ing th e ir way. and they cun t afford in debt und he w anted very much to u n ytld n g e x tra v a g a n t.” get on. F o r his b re a kfa st he hud Johnson bud p le n ty o f m oney; the • •n lj bread and m ilk , eaten fro m a e xtra to s t meant n o thing to him B O B B IN G i heap howl w ith a p e w te r spoon. Bu, T here wus a good deal o f discussion, they begun to get on and to be am B A R B E R IN G und the more sensible members were b ilio u s. and Mrs. F ra n k lin « a n te d to BATHS AN D io fa v o r o f conservatism . live In the same style as th e ir more S H A M P O O IN G " L e t s p u l It to a vote." Johnson piosperous frie n d s were liv in g . So Agent suggested fin a lly . B u t on the vote one m orning ut b re a kfa st F ra n k lin H u b C le a n in g W orks Welch und A rn o ld were io fa v o r o f found Ids tre a d and m ilk in a china A lb a n y L a u n d ry E v e ry Tuesday the more p re te n tio u s fu n c tio n They bowl, and a s ilv e r spoon was a t band hadn't the slig h te st idea where the w ith w hich It was to be eaten. Oo money w ould come from to meet the these his w ife had expended m o re expense, but having lit t le money they than a pound. I t was the same social c o u ld n 't q u ite b rin g themselves to ad a m b itio n as we see in people today, m lt th a t they had llttla. young and old, who w a n t to keep up G ilm an has a c a r— a very respect­ D a n a C. R ossm an w ith th e ir neighbor*. T he y have j i t able-looking ca r w hich he and Mrs. tie money, but they spend generously G ilm an have found adequate to th e ir lest those who know them w ill th in k needs. In his circum stances it I? they have little . ubout a ll he can a ffo rd ; but the The fr a te r n ity was p la n n in g Its an nual fo rm a l p a rty and the su b je ct up­ Joneses next door, who are In no bet­ te r circum stances than G lltr.an, have perm ost was how much the fu n c tio n should c o s t T here was t h * decora­ an elegant new s ix -c y lin d e r ca r which parked in fro n t o f the Jones resl Lady A ssista n t tio n o f the house to be considered, j dence, high hats the modest G ilm an and the d in n e r and the fa v o rs and I car. the so rt o f orchestra th a t should be A ll ca lls a nswered day o r night T he G ilm ans are contem plating engaged, and the “ Im p o rts " and how ! buying a new car. Phone 255. Halsey, O regon they should he e n terta in e d fo r the The farmer, manufacturer and On th , heels of an article in the merchant have been given expres I'u itla n d Telegram comes the te- set vice at lees than freight rates. porl th a t Hoover's name w ill ap- The business, social and reciea peur on the prim ary ballot by pe­ lion circle have been enlarged for titio n . H is candidacy is being the whole fa m ily, and educational bandied by Fred K. fu dd le who advan.ages enlarged. w ill be manager w ith W B Ayer We have opened Oregon to the a rd C. Henry Lahbe as udvisers. m otoring tourist and be lias dis 7 be Oregonian uses a very plain coveted us. and understandable cartoon in a In 1927 the income from these recent issue to express its opinion tourists amounted to about twelve of the present court proceedings < f m illio n dollars. Probably four crim in a l eases. The picture is a m illio n nl tbis was net profit, f irceful one. The caption is, “ T ry­ about six m illio n more were for ing the H 'ckm an and Every Other wages paid the men and women M urder Case.” that served them, and for fru it eggs, m ilk , and provisions that Tb'a is an age of specialization Oregon produces. Ten m illio n dol­ w itho ut doubt. A London photo­ lars in one year and just s ta itin g grapher advertises as his specialty Ten m illio n dollars would pay live the m aking of pictures of widows per cent interest on two hundred weeping beside their dead hus­ m illion dollars, or ten per cent on band’s graves. what the state’ s highways have 1 M T W e s te rn N e w s p a p e r F n fo n .» cost. The to u rist crop alone In s increase of property taxes and their i iiiiiiiiioiiPiiiiiiHDHiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiinmiaiiiiiiiiiiiini'iiiniriiaii In fa n tile paralysis is showing limili iiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiimaiiimmiiiDiiiimiiiHaniniiiiiiitn justified the highway investment. road b u ild i ig programs must be | up in different localities again. Oregon was the first to adopt our revised. Let each of us use our best efforts present sy stem of fix in g the license If we had the roads o f ten years to stamp out th is dread malady. fee at a figure th a t would provide ago, how w illin g ly we would f ay I H ig h e s t P ric e s P a id . Different civic organiz itiuns of for the construction and a gas tax the present fees to get those we the city which subscribed sums for that would provide for rnaiuten now have, and even double the the new c ity hall are going ahead ance, tra ffic regulation and udmin license fees. and raising their pledges, so d o n 't istralion. Now we w ant to cut them down By issuing bonds and using the How soon we forget. let us disappoint them. $13. per ton for land plaster if orders are received before registration fees to pay for them, February 5th. See us for Red and Alsike Clover. A com­ The Three Dollar Auto License we secured the roads for immediate Repairs on Telephone Line Begun plete line of Albers and Lilly’s chick feed will be carried. use, and thus effected a saving in A call meeting of phone users of Teo yeare ago Oregon was m ud. cost of operation of cars equal to bound. T raffic was paralized as the present license fees several the c ity wag held at the c ity ball Monday n ig ht and* the emergency uxuiiiiiiiiiioiininiiitio.....iiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiH iiiioiitiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiim iiioiiim iiT-niiitiiiiiiiioiiiim m iioiiiiiiiii = eooti as the rainy scasou set in. times over. existing in the way o f immediate liiiiiiD in M N io iiiiiM im aiiim iiim o iiiiiiiii..... .. ........................................iiiuaiiiuiiiiiiiaii,iniuiitntuuii»ua> Farmers were compelled to haul I f the licence fees are reduced repairs on lines w ith in the c ity th e ir products to market while the and no substitute provided, the roads were good. A t • time when Oregon highw ay system w ill be lim its taken up aud and about the markets weie congested and wrecked. Construction must stop $290 subscribed on the spot to see the work pushed through pendiug prices lowest. Unfinished roads must rem ain un­ Automobile tires run 3500 miles completed. Localities th a t have completion of the corporation. One Used Samson T ractor with Oliver p lo w s........... $250.CO if you wer# lucky. Broken spring* not yet had their roads b u ilt must I Two New John Deere No. 2 Mowers, 5-foot, e a c h .... 90.00 were common and the cars wore go w ithout them. The counties w ill Two New McCormick-Deering 7-ft. Binders and T. r u t In less than half ti ne. also suffer. The $1 ,.500,000 they trucks, each ...................................................... 255.00 The reduction in the cost o f op uow receive from license fees w ill One New Ideal Deering 8-ft. Binder & Transport T.T 265.00 eratiug a car la several times the stop, 1 he interest on outstanding Two New Simplex 5-ft. Ditchers, each........................... 75.00 annual registration fee, and the county bonds must be raised bv an E. C. M IL L E R FUNERAL DIRECTOR \V o o i W a n te d $1.00 per fleece advanced payment on contract. T. J. Skirvin Seed Company February Clearance Sale on FARM IMPLEMENTS I f? HAILEY STATE BANK H a ls e y , O re g o n C A P IT A L A N D SU R PLU S Your head aches,— Your eyes sm art,— Your reading blurs,— Your glasses need changing,— One New McCormick-Deering 14-6’’ single disc drill 145.C0 One Used McCormick-Deering 8-ft. Binder, tractor hitch, cut 100 acres ....................................... 225.00 Schultz Brothers Warehouse Co. Phone Shedd. 8F23 or write for delivery prices. Warehouse at Fayetteville. Postoffice Shedd, Oregcn .................mastsama 5 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited By Train or Motor-Coach ju s t U B 1 B mu Ê ■ BO 7 » ■ Son Jewelers- O ptom etrists A lbjnv H arvard H ockey Star STATE B A N K — We U A S T B U R N ’S G R O C E R Y 4 th and L yo n s S treet The place to buv good g ro ce rie s at the r ig h t price. On the corner, p le n ty of room to park. A lb a n y. Ip o rtm ille r F u rn itu re Co., fn rn i- A ture, rug*, lin o le u m , stoves range*. Funeral d irecto rs. 427-433 west Firs* street, A lb a n y , Oregon, U O L M A N & JACKSON G ro c e ry — B a k e ry E v e r y th in g in the lin e o f eats O pposite Postoffice IM P E R I A L C A F E , 209 W. F irs t H a ro ld G. M u rp h y Prop. Phone 565 W e nev er close le n n in g s A uto Top Shop— A u to * * t r im m in g , seat covers and w in te r in - closurcs. 202 E. Second. Phone 4lbJ, N. L. Je n n in g s Manager ROSCOE AM ES HARDW ARE The W in ch e ste r Store O A K L A N D — P O N T IA C S Sales and Service Good used cars sold w ith o u r guarantee B Y E R L Y M O T O R CO. A lb a n y, O regon O u r new series Pontiac now on disp la y Insurance A G eneral L in e w ith a t­ tra c tiv e rates. Specializ­ in g in a u to m o b ile and tru c k insurance. J. L. Stuart, Insurance Agency, 110 W. 2nd St., A lb a n y, Ore. phone >33 FARM LOANS at low est rate o f interest. Real Estate Insurance p ro m p t service, courteous treatm ent. W m . B a i n , w ith Lane C ounty Abstract com pany, Albany I f you e n jo y a good meal \ n<\ k n° w a good meal when you get it Y o u 'll be back fo r y o u 'll not forget it. PARAGON CAFE Lc«‘on 1,unch luesdays G E O - M. G IL C H R IS T ALBANY T ic k e t office Bell t in * Stage. A lb a n y to San Francisco, $1.5. 43 H a s k in s & T a lb e rt Sears’ Grocery A Service and Cash Store Ask fo r ptices. Call At Davenport Music House For New and Second Hand Piano*. Pianos For Rent. A lb an y, Oregon LINN BUTTER N e w D e s ig n —V p - to -D a te P a tte rn s . and B u y e rs o f E ggs Measure room—height—length and width and we will tell you ju st the right amount of paper to get. A f a r m e r s ’ C o - o p e r a tiv e LEE DRUG STORE OYER 30 YEARS IN A L B A N Y C o r. F ir s t & F e rry S ts. e P h o n e 70 a ■ a a a a. ■ a b A lb a n y a s i a Wall Paper HALF PRICE for use on the motor-coaches and good tor 60 days. Save money w ith these low tares Daily service to and from Salem, Albany, Port­ land, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland and intermediates. lea i i an J arene ALBANY • iw in v it e y o u r business. S avings and com m ercial accounts. C a p ita l, surplus, u n d iv id e d p ro fits, J100.1100 ■ is C re a m e ry i E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. ’ 122 W est F ir s t S tre e t A lb a n y , O re g o n Buy 10-Ride Tickets C. P Moody. Agent Phone 22ft F lo w e r phone 458-f. VAST ALBANY BARBER SHOP C harles R. G o ltra , P ro p rie to r M em ber o f M a s te r Barbers A sso cia tio n . S p e cia lizin g in Ladies' and C h ild r e n ’s H a ir Cuts and Bobs. W o rk G uaranteed 1029 E ast Second St. A lb a n y , O re. M anufacturers of JU a a w -a a 3 3 a Now you have the choice of traveling via Southern Pacific hv rail or highway Dependable trains and motor -coaches provide frequent serv­ ice at convenient fours. If you wish, go one way by train and return by motor-coach. 5/Z te t& r »y Al o lo t coaches C ut flowers F lo ra l a rt fo r e v e ry Wall Paper H it /An covivnic**/. coordinated service to Pacific Highway points Southern Pacific A Ibany F loral Co. 4 » and ; plants. and s ll occasions A lb a n y C re a m e ry A s s o c ia tio n 30 Days Cleanup on Have your eyes ex­ amined and begin enjoying life again. I". M. French ii'iiimrah a ■ ■ co . 405 West First A lbany baking B U T T E R -N U T B R E A D /:■ • F' The farm er can now haul bis products to m arket any day in the ear, when the price suits him and tie has plenty of time, "(he cost <4 hauling it reduced and the time too. ^ y ^ b a n y . £ / ) i ree to r y 1927 Patterns Complete Home Furnishers Universal £ Cclcnial Ranges —J Better Vision f or the New Year .fa’rk " h.’ ! “ toda>~h M e a s u re y o u r r o o m s t o r le n g th , w id t h a n d h e ig h t, w e w il l t e l l y o u t h e e x a c t a m o u n t p a p e r I'h o to g m p h »hows Capt. J o h n n i Chns*. oue o f the p layers th a t H a r v a ril relie s upon In the h o c k *; sea son. H a rv a rd closed its firs t week o f hockey w ith a g la rin g weakness In lack o f defencemen w ith o n ly one defence p la ye r available. Coach Joe Stubba h a t planned to s h ift m a n ; prospective wingm en to th e point povl'.lvna. Dawson Drug Store A lb a n y . O re g o n . T01' Krnp? 10 ,he >ou'* > e » e xam ined m ,v * * enough, b it no one can te ll. * In a t«w leisure moment», v o u r t * ,, ',’ >ed— v o u r fa ,I,n g - S'-t checked— and w o rry erased from y o u r m in d . 3 ears of actual experience as o p tom e trists has g ive n us a know- W' ” *Mnre >ou of the ' * r y best service. Harold Albro. fe w e le r and O p to m e tris t, 313 West F irs t S treet A l b a n ;. Ore