1 walsey Enterprise AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Voi. 16. No. 39 DISTRICT EPWORTH LEAGUE RALLY HELD AT LAKE CREEK Halsey, Oregon, Thursday Februaiy 2, 1928. [ P e o r ia N e w s I t e m s ] The Groundhog Thinks He’s the Goat J- W- Lam ar attended a business The District Epw orth League Rally was held at the M. E.church meeting of the building committee South at Lake Creek Saturday aud of the Masonic lodge at Shedd Fri- Sunday. About 60 delegates from *day night. Corvallis, Tangent, M cFarland, Several from Peoria attended the Peoria and Yarnall were in attend district league convention at Lake ^auce. Rev. Roy Metcalf presided Creek Sunday, at the Saturday evening session. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Finnegan Reports from each league were of Eugene visited at the home of heard. Special music was furnish- Mrs. Alice Dern, his mother, Sun- ©d by s tr n c f n r of day ed by Mrt*. Mrs. Howells Howells, in instructor violin at Philom ath college who* Dr. Howard of Corvallis was was accompanied by Miss Howells. called to sea Mrs. Alice Barcus on Short talks were given by Rev. Monday. She has been sick several S H. Shangle of Milton, Rev.J. A. weeks. McKee of Walla Walla, W ashing­ The revival meetings at the M. ton. Dr. H arper of Corvallis, and E. Church South closed Thursday Rev. Patterson of McFarland after night. The evangelist. R ev.Patter­ which a aoc al hour was spent son, returned to his home at Me each delegation entertaini- g with a F arland. stunt or charade, Mrs. J. S Lamar a: d Mrs. Fay Githens attended a neeting of the officers of the Eastern Star at Shedd Monday afternoon. C. W- Nichols aud John McNeil were Aluany visitors Saturday. Mr. Nichols driving home In a new car. «S. «barasi HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Sunday morning Rev. J. A. Me- Rexall Silver Jubilee Birthdav Kee instructed a large class of the sale this mouth at the Dawson drug young people and later preached store, Albany, to an appreciative audience. A new heating and ventilating A basket dinner was served at plant has been installed at the noon after which Q uarterly Con­ Brandon school hjtise. ference was conducted by Presid­ Mrs. J. A. Johnson and daugh­ ing Elder S. H. Shangle. During ter of Pine Grove were busiuess the afternoon a round table was | visitors in Halsey Tuesday. conducted by Rev. J. A. McKee. I S h e d d P e r s o n a ls A model Epworth League lesson Do Dot forget the Rexall Silver and a sermon by Rev. Shangle 1 Jubilee Birth lay sale thia month (B y an Enterpiise Reporter) closed the evening session. I at the Dawson drug store, Albauv. Mr, and Mrs. E. IL Margason A vote of thanks was tendered Save with Safety at the R-xail the Lake Creek people for their and family were guests at the G. drug store during ti e Silver Jubi­ Large home in Brownsville Sunday lee Birthday sale. Fred Dawsott, hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arnold Albany. were transaetj-g business in A l­ Mrs. Joy RoLerts and daughter Lake Creek News bany Monday. | Lucille of Eugene weie visitors at Special Correspondent) J. S. McWilliams of Raisev has bien painting at the Henry Brock home. Who was it th at said the ground M ethodistN ext S unday: hog saw his shadow? 10 a. m ., Sunday school NEW SENATOR 11, preaching. Subject: Sermon, “ Running Life's Race.’’ There will be special music next Sunday. Miss Alberta Koontz be heard in a solo. 6:30 Epworth League 7:30 public services. Evening subject “ Evangelical Preaching.” 7:30 Thursday, prayer meeting J . 8. Mi Her, pastor. Moat recent photograph of Elmer Thomas, the uew United States sen­ ator from Oklahoma. tie succeeded John William Uarreld. Church of Christ Meet with os at 10:00 and enjoy our fine Sunday school under the superintendency of W. H. Robert. son. Sunday school, 10. 11 00 a. m. morning wotsbip and communion for all Christians. Solo 'Are you a friend of Jesus,” by E. Isom. Male trio, “I've Found a Friend ’ Sermon: “ Make a F riend.’’ WORK OF INCORPORATING TELEPHONE LINES GOES ON Final Steps to Be Taken As Soon As Stock is Sold At the telephone meeting held Mary McConnell who is staying at the M S. Coon home spent the last night in tha city hall for the week cud at home. purpose of determining the number Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chilbeck of shares and their denom ination and daughters Thelma and Isabelle to be placed on the incorporation of Vancouver, spent the week end papers was finally left to the com- at the home of Mrs. Ciiidbeck’s m ines previously appointed to fix. un jie, George V. Maxwell and I Several points of m isunderstand­ ing regarding the future develop­ family. ment and pol cite, rates, ownership Mrs. I sOttie r’ate and daughter, and a myriad of questions th at Neoma.of Albany, wsre afternoon can only he settled by the hoard of visitors at the home of Mr. a n - directors were brought to the at­ Mrs. II. F. Coney Friday. tention of those present. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown aud The deleg ites from the different Mrs IL F. Couey spent the even­ rural lines were ready with definite ing at the John Pugh home M oii . reports from their constituents day. and no doubt many will join the Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. Hamilton corporation. I hese representatives aud Sain Hamilton were dinner showed a willingnere to meet all guests at the home of M r.and Mrs. questions brought up with ahsoluie J A Couey Sunday. fairness that tbose in the city could Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Froman and not help but appreciate, and did. 1 he next general meeting will be Miss Elizabeth Birtou were Cor­ vallis visitors Sunday. at t h ' call of the committee ap- Ihe Priscilla sewing club of tho pointed bv C hairm an Zimmerman Greenback school in etat the school a t the January 27tb meeting. house with their leader, Mrs. Olive Lloyd Sperling’s auto was knock- Pugh Friday. e 1 from the highway by a car be­ Ruth Haver.'and and Anca Me ing towed, and was badly damaged Connell came home from Mon­ by the impact. The accident h ap ­ mouth Friday and spent tho week pened last Saturday night. and at their respective homes. Rev. J. S. Miller will preach at the Pine Grove church Sunday of- ter noon at three o’clock. Willie Gallislie of The Dalles arrived in Halssv Wedue day fo ra visit at the A. F. Albertson borne. Mrs. W. II. Wheeler spent Tues­ day night and " ’edr.csJ.iy morniug in Eugene on a busiuess trip. Empire C. Leudon of Brush Creek h as moved to Loinpac, C ali­ fornia, for the benefit of his health. Mr. aud Mrs. J B. Wsggener Mr. and Mrs. Dick Duncan and and children, Heleu aud George, d au g h t'r A nna Marie ami their visited at the W. C. Sickele horns houseguest. Mrs. Fannie Cox of Sunday. Portland, spent the day at the home of Mrs. D uncan's parents, Miss Gladvs McCarnack, in ­ Mr. and Mrs. L It. Wilson, T hurs. structor in the Halsey high school Halsey day. «pent the ws“k end in Eug-ne al O. M. Thomson, accompanied by i the P. j, Forster home in Carrie Reicart and Mrs. Sophia i last week. Ibom pson, spent Monday in A l­ I Guy Hughee editor of the Harris- bany aud Wednesday in Salem. burg Bulletin, was in Halsey last Jesse Walton and his sister Opal Saturday and while her* was a were visitors ai the Charles Arnold visitor at the Enterprise office, home Wednesday afternoon. Wayne Veatch camo home from Mrs. J. M. Dickson, who has Eugene Friday evening. Saturday been visiting friends and relatives morning he motored to Monmouth in Poitland, arrived home Wed­ returning here early Sunday morn­ nesday ing. P. J. Forster was busy Monday Mrs. Mae Robnet bas returned to her home in Shedd from Oak. a orning disinfecting the different His ridge where she had been to visit rooms at the school bouse. slogan seems to be “ prevention” ber mother. The school board of district 37 and the health of the pupils bears held a meeting at the bauk Mon­ out the theory. Mr. and Mrs. Rannel Brock ac­ companied Mrs. Dicy Brock to Eugene Wednesday where she un­ derwent an operation for the remo­ val of her tonsils. Charles W right of Halsey was a delegate from the M. E. church to the Epworth League rally at Lake Creek January 2S-29. Mrs. Laura Woodward receive! a message from W alla W alla Sun­ day informing her of the serious illness of her son and that an oper­ day. ation was necessary. Nothing has The Eastern S tar lodge held its since been heard. regular meeting Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dadd and A special meeting will he held on children visited Mrs. Dodd’s par­ February 10 at which time the ents, Mr. and Mrs Harvey on Sun­ head officers will be here from day. Portland. Mrs. Manlee Spores of Mohawk. Alice Thompson, daughter of Karl W illiams of Portland, Helen Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Thompson, is W illiams and Howard Gilbert of back in school again after having Corvallis, were guests at the C. S. been confined to her home for a Williams home for the week end. week by illness. Archie Hopper is suffering with a broken arm received whilo c ra n k ­ C / u r c /t o tic e s ing a car. I F a y e tte v ille I t e m s j VW% Miss Dale McKinley o f’E'igene sp -nt ihe week end at the home of ber p arerts M \ and Mrs I'. F. McKinley. home for a few days. (B y Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County • (By an Enterprise Reporter) Meeting Well Attended and Raymond Mode who has been ‘Working,at Weudling has returned Very Instructive DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Professor Rowland instructor at O. A. C. purchased a McCormick The Keesling place in east H al­ Deering combine harvester from sey has been sold to J. W. Morgan Schultz Bros. This is said to be the of Halsey according announcement I only combine that will thresh rye­ made this week. grass and clover seed successfully Charles Hamer, William Mc­ Dowell and Charles Gausle drove to Lebanon Monday evening and attended the American Legion Edited By W ilm a W a h l meeting. McGraw Signs Hawaiian the home of her p ire n t. ¡SCHOOL NOTES- Mr. end Mrs. L. G. Sweet, eon I The senior class has been work- and daughter and Mr. Sweet’s fcit- on their play “ Ruth in a Rush tsr, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rob- Ihe first act has been practiced erts and daughter of Eugene were and now intensive work has begun guests at the P. J. Forster home in i on the second act. Elmon G. Miller of Portland Halsey Sunday, Mr. Forster says Keith Hayes has been absent spent Saturday night and Sunday they had a feast of ice cream. from school this week. in Halsey at the home of bis par­ B. M. Bond and C. II. Koontz Daniel Wesley, who was absent ents, Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Miller attended the Masonic meeting in for some time, is hack in school Sunday mooning he was heard in Albany Friday evening. They again the special music service at the ! were accompanied by Mrs. Bond The boys and girls basketball Methodist church. and Wellington aud Mr. and Mrs teams went to Shedd Monday D. H. Sturtevant, who took in the night and played a practice game 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. college show during the evening. with the students the:«. Both of Muriel Lake will be leader. Come. Tuesday evening the Fred Falk the H ahey teams were defeated 7:30, song service with the orch­ home was the scene of a happy ih e score for the girl’s game wa estra of which we are justly proud little surprise party, with birthday 29 to 3. Tha boys score was 12-18 Pantomime and serm on,“ The Ideal anniversary of Delma Falk a? the Monday was the beginning of Hom e.’’ During the pantomime motive. The hours passed all too the second semester of school. The “ God Give Us Homes” will be cung quickly with the young folks play high school is offering a course in by E, Isom and a mixed quartet. iug games acd at a late hour re economics this term. C- Adrian Sias. minister. freehments were served. Reine Alford has been absent from school several days on ac- count of illness, hhe is able to he back again now. Donald Neal is absent from school, Mrs. Gausle and Mrs. Rossman visited in the grades last we-k. There are twelve students on the honor roll this six weeks. Those having “ A'*aversge aro Nora Cold- iron and Esther Seefeld, both sen­ iors. Those with “ B ’ averages are Mary Smith aud Hope Hussev, sen­ iors, Ruth S turtevant, a junior, Herman Koontz, Bessie Reynolds and Gertrude Robins, sophomores and Ellsworth Gardner, Prentice Isom and Beverly Isom freshmen. The student body held its regu­ lar meeting Wednesday. Carl Sper- ling, the president, resigned and Doctor Bumpier of Germany, renowned dedgner and builder of airplanes, Nora Coldiron was elected to take end his latest model o f a plane which w ill be built for transoceanic Hights his place. This giant w ill be four planes In one, w ill have ten motors and a wing spread Esther Seefeld, of 310 feet A ssistant Reporter. Rumpler’s New Four-in-One Plane The photograph shows W illiam T. I.ai. form er U niversity o f lln w u ll »Indent who has been sfgned up by John McGraw, manager o f the New York Giants. Lal, known aa “ Buck" has played baseball several years, lie i Is th irty two years eld and w ill be trie d out as th ird baseman. IDLE ISLAND By ETHEL H U E ST O N T It was a little spot for summer visi­ tors on the Maine coast—a place of rest quite in keep­ ing with its name —but into its quiet atmosphere entered, most unexpectedly, crime, mystery and adventure. Like all of this author's stories, this one has a heroine ascharm- ing as she is amusing. Follow It as a Serial in The Halsey Enterprise Soon