/ AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK E stablished J in 1912. Voi. 16. / 'iititlsry Enterprise No. 38 TELEPHONE MEETING LAST M r. Ed Jewett Writes of Life Odd Fellows Home. NIGHT IS WELL ATTENDEDl Halsey, Oregon, Thursday January 26, 1928. DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County in P e o r ia N e w s I t e m s ! Getting Hotter • W W W VA Portland, Oregon, Jan. 17,1928 W ill Incorporate and Put System Dear Friends and Ouetime Neigh In Adequate Condition bore of H alsej: WW t (By an Enterprise Reporter) M r, aud M rs. J. S. I.a-rar were business visito rs in Shedd F rid a y afternoon RtSIDENT OF PEORIA DIES AT HOSRITALJN POSTLAND Mrs. Geoige Githens Succumbs After Lingering Illness Well I was just wondering if you The meeting of the delegates sc- still remember old E l, and would Funeral services for Mrs. George leeted by the different rural tele­ I he W o lieu's missionary society like to herr from him again. It Githens, who died at the Emanuel phone lines term inating in II -Isey, wh ch was to have met with Mrs. hospital iu Portland la«t Wednes- met last night and the meeting has been almost two years since 1 O jie B ialtain, met with Mrs. J .8. left there and while I hear from l.iy »ere held at the Pine Grove ealied to order by M ajor Clark. Lamar cn account of the illm ss ol church Sunday afternoon. A large Henry Zimmerman was selected you regularly through the E nter­ Mis. B rattaiu's mother. There numbi r of fi ieuds were present to as permanent chairm an and Eldon prise you do not hear from me quite was a good number of membere so often. pay their last regpecta to one, who Cross as secretary by the delegates present and an interesting me ling Well, to begin with I am quite i i lib*, had always been ready and whose meeting it was and a report «as held. 1 lie study hook war well, doue less, or had more, as I w iling to lend a helping hand to from each was called by roll. finished and a new one selected, to anyone who needed it, aud who Following the roll call reports of believe I have described things fie taken up at the next meeting, with loving words or kindly advice the delegates a general discussion here iu previous letters I will not Mr. and Mrs J. K. F. ady and had helped many a one over the followed in which those interested describe them again as there has Mrs. Fruit were Albany visitors rougher road of life. Rev. E. J. but who were not delegates, were no*, been much change, of course one day last week. H irper, pastor of the Methodist there is sr me change in the person­ allowed the privilege of the floor Mrs T. I. Marks of Halsey was church, South, of Corvallis, was in nel iron time to time, one dies and Among these were A. A. 'fussing, a visitor at the J 8. Lamar home charge of the services. BUriel w: ■ C. Carlson of Ash Swale, Aubrey another comes in his place Thursday. in the P.ne Grove cemetery. Tl e fussing of Brownsville each advis- During 1927 there were 15 deaths lb s rev.val meeting at the M.E. tl ira. tributes were many and weie ed corporative methods in handling s i° the Home and about the same ofcurch siutli, is well attended. very lovely. the situation. Delegates Curtis number of new arrivals among the Rev. Patterson of AT F ailu n ) is as­ Minnie DuLas I.a mar was h in Veatch, C. R. Evans, J. S. Nice- adults. No children have died the sisting. Rev. Metcalf fifed RvV. in Missouri, July 27.J878. When wood, Chancy Sickles, W. R. Mc­ past year, I think more have grad­ Patterson's pulpit Sunday m orning. s ie was six years of ace, she in Mrs. Horace Armstrong's moth­ lem were week end visitors at tiu Callister, P. II. F reerkseu, \V P. uated or been taken out than have company with her parents, came J 8. Lamar has taken his brother er, Mrs. S. J. Chenoweth, of Oak­ W ahl and A. G Waggener gave been received so their number is » Fred Falk home. 1 1 Dp-goj and settled near Peoria, k V B L im i , to »hi home of bis land, Oregon, and her sister, Mrs. tentative information on material year ago, I don’t know jii6t how Wehster Falk was a Sundiy via- daughter, Mis Nannie GiLhs, ii where slu has spent nearly her costs and durability of different many there are now hut it is aboui Ralph Kueozliof Roseburg and Mr itor at the b o nie el bis parente, woods for poles and the preserva­ thirty children and 57 men and 12 Armstrong’s sister, Ilel n Arm- Mr. and Mrs, Falk, Mamie and A bany, so that he could liavi ’ hole life. On April 8, 1896, she b tier care. Mr. Lamar had tin vas married to G eorge G itb e n s , tb j tive methods tried out. womeu ranging in ages from 3 strong, also c i Oakland, are visit- Howard accompanying him | ilu just before Christm as and rec wedding taking place a t th e South Corporation seemed to l>e the years to 97 years. * * * Well ing at the Armstrong home in Charity grange held its regular nit ly took more c >ld. .Vletbodist church at Peoria, w est practical system .o adopt and here it is Monday. I went to church Halsey this week. Meeting Saturday night. A large Besides her husband, Mrs. Gitli- by a vote of 12 for to 6 against and three time* yesterday so didn’t Mrs. Emma Knighlen has re Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. number attended not only of mem ans is survived by three children, 3 absent, the question carried and have much time to w rite hut will uyle Saylor of T ang nt ware guests turned to her home in Albany u’t-i bera but also visitors from olbei klrs. Neva Knighteu of Pine Grove, Chairm an Zimmerman appointed a | try and finish up now. spending several days at the honn it the Karl Bramwell home in thia granges there being come from Al- Russel of near Peoria, »n I Merle, of her son, A L K nighteu, whoii committee of three composed of C Well, I guess I bad better go city. who lives at home. She is alto bany and Brownsville. The vifieer» company with his wife have beei H. Koont-z, Bert 8. Clatk and Geo. hack to Christmas. We had oui Mrs M. M Ward who has been of both Charity and Calapooia survived by her father, one brother in Portland. W. Laubner to arrange for the tree on Friday, the children fur­ visiting relatives in Brownsville granges were installed. The juve­ and three sisters. necessary legal proceedure. Mary Gibbs of Albany was an nishing the program a cantata, ind Crawfordsville the past week niles of Charity grange h Id tbeii vw» v w i As soon as this committee has ■ ‘Helping Santa Claus” also sever overnght visitor Sunday at the •w »' >r ten days returned to her home meeting at this time and also in- fiini.-hed its task the selection of al musical numbers which were so fi ime o( her uncle, J 8. L u n ir. | S h e d d P e r s o n a ls > in Halsey the first of the week installed their (flicers. officers will be made at a meeting good they were called over to the Mrs. R ihy Dorsey who has been Gladys Wilbanks has been spend Way no Veatch was home from to be called by this committee. (By ar. Enterpiiae Reporter) I. U. O. F. Temple to be repeated ing tbe past several days in Albany hi the hospital iu Corvallis is now college at Eugene this week end, We believe the action taken before a large gathering there. it home aud seems to be im prov­ viaiti g friends and relatives. Ine VV. C. T. U h e l i a i a i l i - returning with his sister, Enid ing. last night to be the best and that Everyone received presen‘3 aud liq io r m is tin g S m J » t with Rev Retta Armstrong of the Halsey who stopped at her home for « in a very short time now our tele­ Rev. M e tca lf, w.fe and d a u g h te i M o.M eekin an 1 R -v. H ir t o ff ijia t had a fine time ali receiving a big schools spent Thursday and Friday short tim e Sunday evening enroult phone system will he on a par with and Mrs. J. 8. Lamar were county mg. stocking full of candy and uuts, a if last week in Albany where she to her school at R lsehurg. any in the county. seat visitors Srturday tie for each of the men mid some­ took the eighth grade examination I he 1 idies aid soiisti serve I a Little Dorene Bierly, daughtei thing for each of the women while it the county ecbool superintend­ Among those attending the fou hot lunch in the church bisem sot of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bierl*, whe the kiddj-a had all they could car ent's office. Her average of all her has been sick for some time, is e al of Mrs, George Gitbens at kYednesday noon ry Christinas m orn’ng, while the examinations was 94 2, which is Pine G-'ove Sunday, from a dir- Mrs. Carrio Reichart of Marion, m uch im p ro ve d . adults each got a two dollar bill considered excellent for half vear’i Edstcd Ey W ilm a W a h l tance were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gitb- Iowa, is visiting her cousin, Mr*. Mrs. Paul Bierly and two non«, and more candy, then the superin. work. -n so f Corvallis, Mr and Mis. Jack S iphtt flu m p ion, while enroute Leonard and Donald, spent Iasi The score for the basketball dent passed around a box of cigars Fresh smelt at the Halsey Meat week with Mr». Bie-ly's hrothei Allen and Mrs, Pearl Liggett ol io Los Angeles to spand the r u t ol game at BePfountain last Friday and another box from our barber, market every day and family at Blodgett. Mr. Bier­ Portland, Mrs. N innie (J.hhs and the winter. She ba, also been in night was, the boys 49 to 13 and aud another on New Year’s day, Mary nud M iria Evans of tbe ly and John Q-itiuhv motored to daughter Mary and Mr. and Mrs •'ea’tle and Portland visiting r.-la- the girlu 51 to4, Bellfountain w a ­ so we looked more lik«> a club of Lake Creek community tim e been Blodgett and brought them lionu Dalton Gibbs of Albany, and Mr ives and lri«nds. Thia ia her first ning both. The hoys team was ret rp int fiction will be ning by a score of 16 to 15. The ren, Cart and Catharine, were Sun­ “ Eine, Meeny. Meiny, Mo Cord and Karl E lliott. The girls reading, Kenneth Workinger; flag daughter Hazel sp. u i Saturday and kept, thus enabling 'he people of team was accompanied by a large day evening callers at the M. teaui was composed of Bessie Rey I'hompson borne. In the afternoon drill by room; essay on “ Pins,1 Sunday iu Eugene where Hazel Halsey and vicinity to read the number of basket ball fans. nolds, E dith Smith Muriel Lake, Mr». Hanson and daughters, FaiUi underwent an operation at the Donald Neal; piano solo, Leila I ‘test fiction at a nominal cost The F. D Coveil and C. E Frances Norton, Lucille Plielp", in 1 Rose Alice an ! Henry Halver CJansIe; song, “ Billie and Me’ Northwest hospital. This was tbe Read bis ad for prices. ■ lid h art families of Albany spent were visitors at the same home. W anda Veatch aud Nora Coldiron. fourth operation she has under- pupt'e of room. Admirers of Peter B Kviie’r Sunday al the H. P. I. ike botne. Mrs. Foote visited Mrs. Kizer’s gon-i. John Jacksou baa rtahinglad Lis stories have a treat iu store, for the room last week. Jack C ornett drove to Portland b trn, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schick and film production of big great book, Buys Undertaking Business The freshmen entertained the Mr. and Mrs George Fruitt aud “ Biced of the Sea, ’ will he shown Monday with a load o f hog«. Mr. Lilian! of Eugene called at school last Wednesday with a very Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy hive re­ the Shedd school M md ty and or­ The undertaking business of W. little son, Buddy, of tbe Browns­ next Tuesday evening at the cilj interesting program at follows. A L. Wright conducted in tbie city ville neighborhood, were viaitoia hall, and undoubtedly will Le turned to I heir home in W ishing- ganized team , th at will »ell the pianologue by Beverly Isom, read, under the able management of Mr. al the Chancy Sickels home W d- ‘on after visilim» here f. r several Ladies H >mo Journal and Country greeted with a crowded house. ing by Prentice Isom, piano solo D. C Rossman, wag purchased this nesday. Dorothy Dunean Is The locxl h?ys basket ball lean weeks at the h one of the latter'» Geutlman. by Errol Gardner. mother, M«e. Dora Davis. m-iness manager, K atherine Pogh morning by Mr. Rossman who will Theodore Falk a’ d fimily of Sa- went to Albany Tuesday evening Mrs. Coleman’s room will enter­ continue the business under the M rs. K a te C io f t , M iss T - m p a leader ol the “ ReJa” and Lotui tain the school this Wednesday name of Dana C. Rossman. Erock and Mrs. C har'e) Gregory Pennell leader of the “ Greens.” with the following program: Song were A lb a n y visitor* Saturday. Ralph Dannen of Noli was a by the pupils, “ Jolly Folks” ,read- Of all Col. Charles A. Lindbergh s The Enterprise St.00 a year Mr an d Mr«. K. I). Farwell and business visitor in Shedd Thursday, trophies, undoubtedly lie will prize »on Otis spent Saturday io Albany. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Sprenger most the Congressional Medal of Honor that was awarded him. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnold and are in Medford where they wero Hoffman of Philadelphia la here seen Fred Croft were Albany b u rin es called by the illness of the latter'., engraving lhat medal. visit ir» Friday. sister, Mi«» Cooke. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVI T IES MVWZAWVAMAWASAVlS ¡SCHOOL NOTES Engraving Lindy’s Best Medal Federal Taxes Growing Less While State, County and City is Increasing Ogden L. Mills, undersreretary and but comparatively little lower of the Uuited States Treasury, says than than in the record high year that “ the tax problem in the Uni­ 1920. During 1926 federal taxes ted States today is no longer one were $1,488,000,000 leas thsn in of federal, hut rather of state and 1921, and at the same time state aud local taxes were $1,415,000,U00 municipal finance." We have all been gratified with higher. In other words local fax the continued reduction iu the coat expenditures offset federal saving«, of running the federal g ivernment. Such statistics ar these leave no But it is not grnerally realized that need for comment, they speak flu so fast have the expenses of state ently for themselves. The voters and c mnty government increased have absolute control over tbr th>t they have consumed all the municipal and state governments federal government bus saved. Mr and they can effect a reform. Ac- Mips states that, as a m atner of tion and not words will count. Tax iact, our total taxee iu 1926 were | reduction is a civic and personal higher than any preceding year, duty aud the great instrum ent of *ith tbe exception ol 1920 and 1921 tbe vote should be used to that end. Grange Lecturers to Meet February First to Third at Corvallis for School Grange lecturers from all parts in preparing interesting programs of Oiegon who went to O A C. las-t throughout the year. Dr. I). V, year for a short courts in program Poling of Albany will dernonftrate method, wiil return for the second how to lead group singing Preti- annual session next Wednesday to dent Kerr and Sta ta M«»tar George Friday, announces Mrs. Minnie Palmiter of Hood River are on the Bond, state lecturer, who with the ' program. extension service will be in charge As. C, J H urd, widely known A more exteuaive program fsa- marketing specialist who was in luring demonstrations of commit, charge of lbs school last year, b»e n'ty dram a work, recreation plane, died since th at ti a t, Paul V.Maria together with round-tab'« discus- director of exteoeio'«, will be in eions has been prepared which it icharge of the Campus end of the is believed wiii ue«i»t t!.o grarg ea! arrangements.