Taise, y Enterprise, Moyer’s Radio Shop R. C. A. Radiolas Halsey,'Oregon, January 10. 1928 announce that this popular car in the stop and offering quality at a low price new model has been improved to in­ The Chevrolet closed models are clude the following good features:— made exclusively by the Fisher Body New and improved enclosed motor, a Corporation, which is part of the Gen-t longer wheel base, A C Oil Filter, A eral Motors Corporation. No matter C air cleaner, completely enclosed dry what your use for a motor car is you clutch, deeper and more graceful rad­ will find Chevrolet will just fill the iator, new non-locking four-wheel bill. Modes designed for family use brakes, steel disc wheels, automatic for the business man, or for hauling stop light, and the enclosed models —each may be seen at their show are eguipped with Fisher bodies room. The new Chevrolet is easy to drive Their sales plan of a small down and start and steer, offering light payment and the balance in conven­ pedal action, thereby making it easy to ient payments is very attractive and shift gears, as it is easy to start and J an ideal way to purchase a car. Located in Corvallis at 234 So. Sec­ ond St., Moyer's are dealers and dis­ tributors of the famous R. C. A. Ra­ diola S$ts for this section. They have a complete line of foremost sets and repairs for all others. They invite you to bring your Radio troubles to them Radio is perhaps the greatest inven­ tion that has been made in the last decade. While it is only in its infancy its usefulness is proven to us every day. From a standpoint of entertain­ ment, it is unexcelled. The biggest concerts, addresses, operas, music of all kinds, baseball and football games all contests of international import­ A Home Away From Home ance are reported as they happen, tc Hotel Corvallis at 203 So. Second All the rooms are comfortably fur the radio fans. There is not a night St. is one of the finest hotels in Ore- nished. with plenty of ventilation and but the radio fan can get any and all They maintain one of the most with either bath or hot and cold water kinds of entertainment that he desires modern and up-to-date dining rooms, The CorvaUis Hotel Coffee Shoppe is In the way of usefulness it has prov­ w ich is meeting with public approval the most popular cafe in this section, en a big Impulse to aeronautics, ship­ because of the service rendered, and an(j the ever-growing and large pa­ ping, etc. It lets the farmer have the it is growing in popularity all the time. latest market reports, and brings the It is far above par, and operated at tronage it receives is due to the fact that it is clean and sanitary through­ city amusements into his home. The very reasonable rates. out — serves all the most palatable best thing about it is that it is inex­ There is no greater necessity than foods, and receives its patronage from pensive and sets can be had and are the modern hotel. With the ever-in­ the city and surrounding territory as within the reach of everybody. creasing number of people who be­ well as from the traveling public. cause of their business are forced to Both local and transient trade has make hotels their homes, the modern learned that this is a place where the hotel proprietor has realized that the demand for excellent food is more public has learned mufch from these than satisfied. You will be more than Furnishing the Lowest Finance as to what constitutes a really efficient pleased if you eat at this popular Rate In America hotel service. Every city that can place the next time you are in Cor, Brands' Chevrolet Company in Cor­ boast of such a hotel as the Corvallis vail is. vallis at 224 No. Second Street is an is sure of such recognition all over the The rates of this hotel, which is institution of Corvallis that is under surrounding country. conducted on the European plan, are the management of men well known The management of the Corvallis very reasonable indeed, and the ser­ in this section for their interest in the takes special pains to see that the ser­ vice compares favorably with any hotel welfare and progress of the commun­ vice of the entire staff of helpers is in the state with rates much higher. ity. They are official representatives as nearly perfect as it is possible to Remember the Corvallis is "a home for the Chevrolet and we are glad to make it. away from home.” Keeney Funeral Home Funeral Directors Hotel Corvallis Brand’s Chevrolet Co. Ball Studio High Class Photography The Ball Studio in CorvaUis at 244 South Third Street is the art center for this section and enjoys an excell­ ent patronage from Corvallis and aU the surrounding territory. They have been the official photographers for the Oregon State College for 17 consecu­ tive years, a remarkable record, the equal of which few if any Studios can boast of. The art of photography, which was introduced by DaGuerre nearly a century ago, has within the period developed from a mechanical trade to an art of science. As regards the photographer of today he must be a person of advanced ideas and thor­ ough training so as to successfully compete with those who are now mak­ ing this profession an art. As this studio is in charge of finished photog­ raphers who have made a life study of this interesting and artistic profes­ sion, they never let an opportunity pass to improve themselves. are admirably equipped to produce anything in the way of modern photgo raphy to please the most critical. In the artistic production of child­ ren’s pictures they have again well merited commendation and have an excellet display including the photo­ graphs of many well known people of this section. The business is under the direction of latter-day business men who appre­ ciate the value of good service as a trade winner and they and their asso­ ciates are always willing and anxious to accommodate their patrons. They have in this studio, which may be termed this section's art center, the latest mechanical devices for the production of artistic photographs and Whiteside & Locke Everything in Hardware Located in Corvallis at 251 Madison Street, Whiteside and Locke, with a modern and up-to-date hardware Store, renders such satisfactory ser­ vice to the retail trade that it is rec­ ognized as one of the leading hard­ ware firms of this section of the state and is under the direction of men widely known in hardware circles. They carry at all times a complete line of Standard and Nationally advertised lines of Hardware. It is a well known fact that there is no one Institution in the community th a t has met with greater favor with the public that this weH known estab­ lishment. By reason of the fact that the management has had wide exper­ ience in every feature of this business and because their comprehensive knowledge of every branch of the trade, this establishment has contin- ued to witness an increase in the num- ber of patrons. This company is known throughout this section as one of the leaders in business. The immense volume of busi- ness their experience of years as a prominent firm in this line, their practical knowledge that has won for them the recognition of the county at large and the patronage of thousands, all to the progress and prosperity of the community in which their es- tabllshment is located. This is farmers' headquarters and is a center for the people when driving to town. The very best of attention is given to the people from the sur- rounding territory. They have a repu- tation far and wide as reliable men in the hardware business and in mak- ing this review of the development and progress of the community It is quite proper that we compliment them upon their efficient establishment. You can depend upon them at all times for ex- pert service, adequate information, courtesy and a stock of the highest quality merchandise obtainable. The management is of the well known and prominent business men of the com- munlty and among the foremost boosters for all propositions promoting public betterment. Their desire to please makes this hardware store most worthy of mcn- tion and we wish to compliment them in this edition on their success in their special field of endeavor. Located at 5th and Jackson in Cor- vallis, Keeney Funeral Home Is one of the most modem and up-to-date in this section, maintaining motor drifen ,.„ 1 —„ , ■ . . . always on duty, and are prepared to render service unexcelled in any city, In a comprehensive review of this kind, embracing as it does the most salient feature of our progress, we cannot fail to devote time to the pro- fessional status of the community and Justly so to a profession which is so essential as that of a modern funeral director. This community possesses an efficient representative in this well known firm, Since the foundation of their busi- ness- tliey ,lave always been most care- ful to give llle 1)661 service. Not only has this accrued to the benefit of the public, but has built up for them a reputation that has spread for miles around. Their establishment is complete from a standpoint of stock, and from it they are able to offer service that is un- excelled in any city. In keeping with the progressive yet reliable policies they have kept in close touch with everything modern in their line of equipment. One particular feature of this estab- lishment is the privacy for the fune­ ral. The atmosphere is more of the home-like, giving it a touch of rever­ ence. In the family room and chapel that same atmosphere prevails. All work is done privately in their most sanitary and up-to-date preparation room. As is well known, they have conduct­ ed some of the largest funerals ever held in this section in an admirable manner, and their excellent facilities make it possible for them to rendor complete service. We wish in this re­ view to compliment this firm on the satisfactory service it is rendering the public of this section. Building Supply Company Everlasting Concrete Products This Corvallis firm, under the cap- able management of John \V Ash, has been in business 12 years and is truly a home concern that manufactures high grade products, including sani­ tary sewer pipe, drain tile, bricks, blocks, and also features re-inforced culvert and concrete chimney blocks. They make a specialty of their fa- mous concrete brick for building pur- poses which renders permanent use and fire-proof class and is offered at prices of little more than if built of temporary materials. In buying con­ crete products you are assured of a permanency that does not exist in in­ ferior materials as there is nothing to rot, nothing to rust, and nothing to decay. There is probably no other commun­ ity of this size in the country that is better equipped in this respect, for this diate needs of the people of this sec­ well known and popular concern has tion. With a broad vision of the fu­ provided modern and scientific tile ture they have made improvements and concrete pipe equipment, with a view to a greater expansion of their service and have been most As the world's greatest authorities loyal supporters in the movement for have proved the recent inventions in a "Greater Home Community." a'l kinds of equipment they have been This is a local concern, manufactur­ lm"ledlately adopted by this company, and t? 'S' coupled with the maintain! ing the best pipe and concrete pro­ “ “ her6 “ One ° f the most modern ducts. It lias the best equipment and expert workmen. is responsible for the very satisfac­ The manager and assistants have tory service rendered patrons over the country and for the fact that every taken a commendable interest in all patron of the concern is also a loyal propositions that furthered public im­ supporter and a consistent booster provements and they have been will­ ing and anxious to aid in the growth for it. and expansion of the community at Nor has the management or the as­ all times. Therefore it has merited the sociates in the company been satisfied popularity and liberal support that it with merely providing for the imnie- received. Miller Mercantile Company A Store of Good Goods This well known Corvallis Store at 228 So. Third St. is one of the leading department stores that is built upon service, offering prompt and courteous attention and full values for your money. A complete and well selected stock of dry goods, ladies' ready-to-wear, and Men's and Boys' clothing is car- ried. in the regular course of business. They are constantly reminded of your appreciation of your unceasing efforts to search the style markets in order to show you the new things first. Their connection with the foremost BPParel houses in America enables them to give you the latest styles as 8000 as they are released. The service of price is brought to them steadily each year many new pa- trons. It is a satisfaction to know that they are able to show their patrons that they are not asked to pay more for their merchandise because they purchase it in this large, fine store, and also to sell merchandise of a bet- ter quality at a competitive price. First they insist that their service be dependable. YOU know that you are going to get value received and cour­ teous treatment when you trade here because past experience has taught you that they are personally Interest­ ed in you and your trade. Next, they leave nothing undone in their effort to provide for you the very best that can be had for the money. In dealing here you will have the advantage of dealing with neighbors Interested in you and your welfare. Thus you are offered the depend­ ability of trading with home people whom you know and who have your choice from metropolitan stock and are served in a most efficient and mod­ ern manner In the selection of merchandise which is offered, they never lose sight of the fact that their customers come Automotive Electrical Engineers to look upon the label the fullest This well known Corvallis firm at the work of men who are well versed ed and that the firm gives a guarantee guarantee of quality, a dependability 236 No. Second St. is the most promi- in this feature of repair work to keep on its work. which must prevail whether the mer- nent Automotive Electrical Engineers your car in running order. They are probably as well equipped chandise is offered at special sale or In this section, and is Manufacturer's The manager of this well known to do this work as any other firm in Service Representative for many na- house realized this when he started in the county. We suggest that you take tionally known lines of electrical auto business and as a result equipped his your next Job to them for a trial, accessories including United Motors plant with all the latest scientific ma- We are pleased in this review to First Class Motion Pictures Electrical Equipment and are the of- chines so that he could turn out work give them the prominent place they Located in Corvallis at 361 Madison in every way, being pleasing to the the finest show houses in this part ficial service station for Delco. Remy that would pass the closest inspection. deserve in the business hie of Cor and Klaxon. Day and night service is He searched the market thoroughly vallis, and we wish to compliment them Street the Whiteside is the finest show- eye, restful to the tired nerves and of the state. featured, also Magneto Service. Spee­ for a battery that would give the peo­ on the high quality of service they house in Corvallis and is furnishing jaded senses. Amid attractive sur­ There is nothing which adds so the people with up-to-date motion pic­ roundings you are entranced by the greatly to the progress of the com, dometer Service and 8-hour Battery ple complete satisfaction and decided are giving. upon the Willard Battery. Service. They have a department where tures. They offer feature productions excellent and dreamy music while the munlty as do live-wire theatres such In the repair department he has they specialize on all kinds of electric and bring the world’s stars of the worlds greatest actors of shadow and as this. They not only bring the great With steady improvement in auto­ stage play the productions of the most stars here to entertain us with their mobiles the auto electrical engineer provided equipment for repairing, re­ work on all electric unite. For Gene­ screen to Corvallis. They merit the liberal patronage of renowned playwrights of the continent delightful has become a necessity rather than a building or recharging batteries. This rator and all Lighting or Ignition performances, but they convenience. With practically every service is a great accommodation for troubles go to them and you are as­ the people and constitute one of the You see romance and fiction, travel, bring added business activity to bene­ car equipped with a self-starter and motorists, for they have learned that sured of the very best workmanship important features of the commercial war, drama, and all the various phases fit the entire community. up-to-date lighting system, it requires their batteries will be correctly repair- by men who know what they are doing organizations of the community. They of life depicted, not only for the en­ In making this review of the onward bring social entertainment to the city tertainment of the public, but for the progress of Corvallis we are glad to under direction of one of the most education and Intellectual uplift as compliment the management of this prominent theatrical men in this part well. theatre upon the good that Ls accru- of the state. Thls theatre has a modern cooling ing thru their efforts in furnishing A Nation Wide Institution The theatre is attractively furnished, Located in Corvallis at 118 So. 2nd stores they are able to buy direct from been the guiding influence of their tastefully decorated and comfortable and ventilating system, ls perfectly ap- all that ls new and fine in motion plc- pointed and is well known as one of tures and vaudeville. Street is one of J. C. Penney Co's. the factories, for they maintain 150 policies and it has brought them trade thoroughly competent buyers. from all the surrounding territory. 954 stores and is one of the most com­ It is a well known fact that there This is one of the valued mercantile plete family department stores in this is no one Institution in the community establishments of the county, which Complete Hanking Service ■section, carrying at all times a com­ that has met with greater favor with maintains many departments and car­ In Corvallis at 143 Second S t . this been noted for their sound, energetic quite a fund for the proverbial rainy plete stock of Ladies' ready-to-wear, the public than this well known es­ ries a line of dry goods, notions and Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnish­ tablishment. a fine line of shoes-This is one of the is a modern banking Institution under and conservative business, command­ day. ing a marked degree of the confidence It ls arranged not only for the con­ ings and a complete line of Dry Ooods. This is the day and age when the department stores of nation wide res the able direction of financiers who of their depositors and the public at nown. venience of the officials of the bank have conducted Its affairs in accord­ Notions and Shoes. Their buying pow­ public demands not only magnanimous large, a condition that Is the aim of but as well for the accommodation of er assures quality goods at prices service, but the best in quality at a There is no more public spirited citi­ ance with the great cardinal laws gov­ an executive board. the public. Real magnanimous service which quantity buying affords, which reasonable price. Thoroughly conver­ zen in the community than the man­ erning banking and finance It has Another feature ls the savings de­ to the public has been the polley of Is real service to the public, a most sant with both the manufacturing. ager of this well known establishment. been a most important factor in the partment, where courtesy and effl- this bank since Its Inception, and thus popular store, which offers the best wholesale and retail conditions of the and in making this review of the pro- upbuilding of this section of the county clcncy arc always In evidence and may the people have learned that It ls the quality at reasonable prices, under di­ country and with a wide experience gress of this section of the state, we who have never enjoyed the confi­ intention of the management that Among the financial Institutions of rection of competent twentieth cen­ in their particular field of endeavor wish to compliment him and direct dence which the possession of a bank they -fiould not only give interest, but tury business men and merits the the management of this popular in­ your attention to this establishment this part of the state there are Indeed account gives to every man, will find show it. patronage of the surrounding coun­ stitution has been able to render a as one of the reliable business insti­ few which can show more substantial this savings department a stepping It is quite fitting and proper in this try. having a vast supply of dry goods, serivee to the people In their line that tutions of the community that has progress than this well known Insti­ stone to success. Many people from the review that we direct the attention notions and clothing for men and wo­ Is distinctly satisfactory. Real value at added to the development and pro­ tution. From the date of Its orgaiza- surrounding country have found this of our readers to this bank as one of men. Being associated with many- the most reasonable price possible has gress of this part of the state tlon up to the present time they have a very desirable place to accumulate the distinctive features of Corvallis Corvallis Battery and Electrical Service Whiteside Theatre J. C. Penney Company Benton County State Bank