îîahey Enterprise. Halsey. Oregon, January, lO, 192S H a l s e y E n t e r p r is e Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon w .8 an over night guest of R isse'l Herndon’*. H F and A. A LAKE Fublnhen Wednesday of last week a num* ber of people gathered at the Entered at the po»tuflice at Halsey, Ore­ gon, as second class matter, church and spent a busy day deal - i if up *1 a year in advance. Arrearages 13'4c a month. Stops when tune expires a telephone m eeting of lin e No. unless continuance is ordered. g ,j M y Cuinm illg,. Advertising. 30c an inch; no discount '* _ for time or space; no charge for F rid ay afternoon. M a itin Coin- composition or changes. Announce- mings was reelected presid en t and m enu of entertainments, food sales, j g Nlcewood Wa, elected gecre. ti c , whose object is to raise money, charged at regular advertising rates t ir r - ti e r e ir e r . Announcement« of religious meetings M R , , j not exceeding four Inches, free if • ' copy Is received before Tuesday. j iog *"S w ith her d au g h ter, Mrs. Airs. C. 8. W illtauia aud fam ily for several j S W /V ^ w V w V 6 W Z "W \A * /V \W , days and also Mrs Guy Herman, a sister of Mrs. W illiam s whose < F a y e t t e v ille IU - iiih home is at Cobu'g. ^^lbany^7)irectory TUSSI NG & TUSSING LAW YERS A Carload of Land Plaster Will Arrive about February 1st You may obtain your requirements time of arrival of car a t a price of for delivery at F is h e r - B r a d e n A lb a n y F lo ra l Co. C ut flowers and plants. Floral F art for every and all occasions. Flow er phone 458-L Lady Assistant. I U1 AST ALBANY Chapel or Residence fu n erals Phone 95. Albany, Oregon This plaster has given the best of results through a period of years. Wool contracts handled at present prices on same basis as past season. Brow nsville, Oregon J undivided profits, $100.100. ■ n a A S T B U R N ’S G R O C E R Y (E n terp rise C orrespondence) E 4th and Lyons Street I The place to buy good groceries at the I right price. On the corner, plenty of I room to park. Albany. Horning’s Blacksmith & Machine Shop E C. E p ortm ille r F u rn itu re ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west F irst I street, Albany, Oregon. M IL L E R I Mr. and Mis. C. E Eider and children, Chester and Doris, wen afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. A. Couey Sunday. M r. Elder atiJ bis brother Max recently bought the meat market fro m M r Hoffman at Shedd and w ill conduct the bit iio-ss The So great has been the care in their Huffman« expect to h ave for Cali effort to give the people the most forma soon where they lio p j to wholesome food that their host of cus- locate. tomers have long since learned not to accept goods from any other establish- merit because of their confidence ip Lake Creek News j Dixie Bakery products. (Uy Special Correapoudaut) lu spite of I be front the pussy willows ara in bloom. Their bread Is always crisp ant fresh. It supplies strength and energy and is protected by a sanitary wrapper Their bakery goods are the very best The manager has been closely allied with the leaders in boosting our coun- ty for many years, has devoted untlr- lng efforts and great expense to build- ing up his fine institution and should receive the patronage of the entire people. Fisher Brothers Milling Co. H a y -G ra in -F e e d This well known Corvallis firm with They carry a full line of feed, both M f. Robeit Sli- sold to M r. Underwood who ex­ in the city. This Is one of the most fact well known to the public, Hub Cleaning Works complete blacksmith and machine The work done by this firm is rec- ler Mary, and M r, aud Mrs. J, A. pects to take possession at once. Albany Laundry Every Tuesday shops in this section. They do an ex- ognized by the trade as being of the Couey were recent visitors at Miss Pirns are being made for the tensive business in oxy-acetylene best materials and of the very best Elizabeth Hatton,a. entertainm ent ol a d is tric t league welding and general blacksmithing. workmanship. Their work is used by Mr. and Mrs. L lo yJ W orkinger ra lly January 25 to 30 by the local This is a progressive firm under people all over this section, and users and Mr. and Mrs. J A. Couey Epworth League. About of) dele- able management. In a review of the have always been well satisfied and de­ W . L . W r ig h t drove to Albany to vi it their yatis ami visitors arc expected to business interests of the community rnand their work the next time they there is no concern more worthy of want something in this line, brother-in-law, J. G G.beoti, tvho attend. Rev. J. A McKee of W al mention than this well known firm- In making this review of the on- 1* at the General boepital in that la W alla, supeiintendent of young Here the public has at its disposal ward progress of the community, we I t l i ly . He is reported to be im- p .-oplt g w ork, w ill h av e ch arg of J the services of men who possess a are glad to call to the attention of the J | loving nicely. t ie p rogram . Eev. E. T. S la u d -! thorough knowledge of this work and people the advantages accruing to the Mr and Mrs. L lo jd W orkinger lie -o f P o rtla n d w ill prench S undav obtalned thelr business education in public by the location of this com- I). C ROSSMAN, Local Manager a. i l „ i D „ u , the 5011001 ot experience. pany here, the high quality of the a id M r. and Mis. Gerald W oiking* ® e . H prom the inception of the enterprise firm’s workmanship, and the com-i Lady Assistant t r were Corvallis visitors Munday. S. Shaugli, p re s id in g elder of the quality has been their aim, and this manding position it occupies in the j All calls answered day or night Their daughter aud sister, Mae M E. C hurch S o u th , will d eliver standard has been maintained from industrial world, excelling as they do;» Phone 255. Halsgy, Oregon the beginning. <- — <-> ...... . — ------- I • W oikioper, who recently arrived th e evening address. in their . special field - of endeavor. It is a local concern under the di- home from Phoenix, Arizona, is T he E n te rp rise $1.00 a y ea r. I rection ol men Interested in local de­ ■ ■ ■ ■ B a a B ilia .... ■ ■ ■ ■ much improved in health. The Greenback telephone com­ pany held their annual meeting Monday evenii g at the Greenback school house E. G. Pugh was re elected president and J . T. A li'ler wi.s reelected see i ta rj treasurer Frank Pimm, Gerald Workinger and Otho F'roman vere elected trustees. BARBER *-» Charles R. Goltra, P roprietor I Member of M aster Barbers A ssociation, Specializing in Ladies' and C h ild ren 's I H air Cuts and Bobs. Work G uaranteed 11029 E ast Sec< nd St. A lbany, Oie. , D ELBER T STARR ¡ Funeral Director and Licensed ¡ L B A N Y S T A T E B A N K — We Embalmer I -CV-im nvite your business. Savings and LADY ASSISTANT I commercial aceounts. Capital, surplus, O. W . F R U M Grain baking co . 405 West First A lbany BUTTKR-NUT BREAD Funeral Directors-Embalmers $12.50 a Ton. Hay H alsey and B ro w n sville Oregon Complete Home Furnishers Wall Paper HALF PRICE Universal & Celcnial Ranges "X Better Vision 1927 Patterns For the New Year « u K . ? e, , v,‘" VOB8roP? "’ today; >0Ur eye* e*annued M e a su re y o u r ro o m s t o r le n g th , w id th a nd h e ig h t, we w ill t e ll y o u th e e x a c t a m o u n t p a p e r bui no o n eL n u li* ‘" Ue o ‘" . ,A n V ,, x . - c: nen,,,; ’iour « '« b t checked—and J from your mind. f ,d ,n »f *ra»ed optom onV ,»^«*1 ix p er' ence •» thst wnV K,' en n’ «kn°w. Dawson Drug Store '» ' l-est M re,ce M’ Ure >ou ° f A lb a n y . O re g o n . Harold AI bro, 313 w W* m • nd ° P '0» o r i „ . I We,t Flr»‘ Street Albsny.Ore. I