MANY DRY AGENTS FAIL TO PASS TESTS Carl R. Gray, president of th e Union Pacific system , has advised A. S. Ed­ M IS S JE S S IE HOOVER monds, assista n t traffic m anager in Portland, th a t the com pany has decid­ ed to purchase *5,000,000 w orth of new equipm ent, including 23 model freight Cheering Throngs G reet the Force W ill Be D isru p ted Un* B rie f Resum e of H appenings of engines to be placed in service in the Pacific northw est. P resid en t When He Lands less R e -e x a m a tic n s Are the W eek C ollected fo r A serious outbreak of sm allpox was found a t G rand Ronde in northw est­ in Cuba. A rra n g e d . O ur R eaders. ern Polk county by County H ealth Of­ ficer Dr. A. B. S tarbuck. F o u r chil­ Havana. — On the shores where W ashington, D. C.—A t least 76 per Yamhill county's expenditures In dren in one Indian fam ily and three American forces planted freedom, cent of the governm ent’s prohibition 1928 are estim ated at *551.122.45. This other children, one a w hite girl, w ere President Coolidge landed trium phant­ agents, inspectors and supervisors, com pare* with *668,525.10 sp en t In found to have th e disease. T his Is the ly Sunday amid th e g reatest demon­ have failed to pass the recent civil 1927. , second outbreak this w inter. stration Cuba ever has accorded the service m ental exam inations. Com­ The Bank of Dayton, In Its sta te ­ Jack Glover, 11, L aurelhurst school, visiting bead of a foreign nation. m issioner Doran announced, and, un­ m ent of D ecem ber 81, 1927, registered P ortland, won first prize for the best He was honored as the head of a less a re-exam ination can be arran g ed , a to tal gain of *15,000 in resources essay on “H ighw ay Safety,” subm itted great and friendly country by Cubans he said his force Is th reaten ed w ith for th e year. I by Oregon elem entary students in the of high and low estate, who, led by com plete disruption. Clover grow ers of C lackam as coun­ 1926-27 national safety cam paign held th eir own president, Gerardo Macha­ Doran estim ated th a t the applica­ ty atten d ed a clover conference held under the direction of th e N ational do, poured out a full m easure of hom­ tion of civil service rulings would cut a t th e Oregon City cham ber of com­ Automobile cham ber of comm erce. He age, to the man who came with a mes­ out of governm ent em ploym ent 1500 m erce ro o m , la st Monday. was aw arded a gold m edal valued at sage of good will not only for th eir agents out of a total of 2000, and leave ,15. country, but all other nations of the T otal sales of stam ps and stam ped him unable to continue the p resen t p aper a t th e Sandy postoftlce for the w estern hem isphere. F ay Dinsmoor, O akgrove orchardist, system of enforcem ent. Landing from the battleship Texas, year ended D ecem ber 31, 1927, was lost bis chicken house and 400 hens Doran sta te d th a t he w as m aking Miss Jessie M. Hoover, who I* i *2178.22; a gain of *316.89 over the last week. H e had adopted th e new j on foreign soil for the first tim e since Uncle Sam's milk utilization specialist every effort to give those who had | previous year.- he took office, Mr. Coolidge was m et system of lighting his hennery before for the Department of Agriculture. failed, including some he vaiued high­ Lieut. Col. E. P. Easterbrook, who by the Cuban chief executive and his day in order to get his birds out early, | C harles W alker, B eatty stockm an, ly, an o th er chance. He again sharply has been named chief of chaplains cabinet and taken to the national G asoline lan tern s w ere used. H e re- j criticized th e form of th e exam ina­ with the rank of colonel, to succeed was found guilty a t K lam ath F alls on palace through streets literally seeth tired a fte r lighting th e lam ps, and j a specific charge of stealin g a cow tions, declaring th a t he would have Col. J. T. Axton, who retiree April 6. trig with a m ass of wildly cheering ! by a Jury which deliberated a little th e fam ily was aroused la te r by the been unable to answ er some of th e Cubans. fire. i more th an tw o hours. questions him self. It was a spectacle such as this W ithin a sto n e’s toss of the Pacific T h e N orthw est Society of State Pending word from the civil service American president had never before | H ighw ay E ngineers will hold th e ir au- ocean a t W inchester buy, n ear R eeds­ com m ission w hether it would re-ex­ participated in and recalled to mind ! nual m eeting a t th e M ultnom ah hotel j port, roses are in bloom, according to H avana.—G eneral G erardo Machado, am ine th e B unkers, Doran took step s th e clam orous entry of Woodrow Wil In P ortland, Jan u ary 28, according to Mrs. 8. M. Scott, resident of th a t dis­ president of the Cuban republic, de­ to preyent th e ir discharge from th e son In Paris. trict. The sunshine of recen t days | a recen t announcem ent. clared th a t it was not w ithin the prov­ service by telegraphing all prohibition Moved ns he seldom has been be W ith a yard full of lum ber and a has caused the buds to unfold, she ince of the Pan-A m erican conference ad m in istrato rs to m ake no p erm anent W ashington, D. C.—S ecretary W il­ fore, Mr. Coolidge responded to the scarcity of logs as the cause, th e O re said, and open spaces of th e commons to assum e the role of a trib u n al to appointm ents for the present. repeated dem ands for him after he bur's recom m endation th a t no definite A clean sw eep of th e prohibition gon T rail saw m ill a t N orth Pow der a re turning a brighter green from new judge the N icaraguan problem or th e date be set for com pletion of th e ad­ entered the palace by appearing on has sh u t down and will probably not grow n grass. general policy of th e U nited S tates force in C arolina te rrito ry would re­ the balcony of the Cuban p resident’s m in istration's *740,000,000 new w ar­ W heat is being threshed In heavy with resp ect to in terv en tio n in sm all su lt from the civil service com m ission open again until spring. home looking out over a plaza filled ship construction program was re je c t­ snow a t the F red W. E ppinger ranch states, as th e congress has no such exam inations, D oran explained. ed by an overw helm ing vote by the Of a to tal of 8573 children exam ined with a crowd that threw Its collective In New York, 50 per cent of agents in th e elem entary schools of Marion north of Baker. T he grain could not rights. It would be dangerous, he said, hats Into the air and let out a mighty bouse naval com m ittee. be threshed during the fall because of to establish such a precedent. in service failed. In P hiladelphia, Thum bs likewise were turned down county, only 34 p er cent w ere found ro ar when he waved to them. the rains. It seem s little dam aged by “I desire to regard the Monroe doc­ w here th e sam e percentage of failures With all delegations of 21 Latin by th e com m ittee on an o th er proposal free from defects, while 5642 were the snow and Is running about 40 trin e as rep resen tin g th e noble action obtained, Doran said th a t one of th e American countries here and with by the naval secretary th a t th e p resi­ found w ith defects of som e kind. 1 bushels to the acre. So far as known of a p resid en t of the U nited S tates unsuccessful governm ent agents w as d en t be empowered to suspend the A 66,000-volt line has been built by P resident Coolidge and party present this is the first w heat th a t has been who prevented the reconquest of a g raduate of the U niversity of Iowa the opening m eeting of the sixth pan proposed construction eith er In p art th e Pacific Pow er & L ight company threshed th ere In January. or In whole a t any tim e he m ight deem A m erica a t the tim e of the holy alli­ and an ex-Unlted S tates m arshal. betw een Pendleton and A thena a t a American conference will tak e place In arguing with the civil service It advisable T here was one fatality due to in­ ance. The Monroe doctrine was, and Monday morning. cost of *15,000 a mile. N ext sum m er Fifteen m em bers voted ag ain st the th is will be extended to W alla W alla. dustrial accidents in Oregon during ought to rem ain the common defensive com m ission, the prohibition comm is­ the week ending Jan u ary 12, accord­ policy for th e te rrito ria l Integrity of sioner said he had pointed out th a t It secretary on th e first proposal with Bids for highw ay construction jobs ing to a rep o rt prepared by the state- America. The M onroe doctrine Is not would be literally im possible to re­ one, McCHntlc, dem ocrat, Oklahoma, in th re e counties and a park conces­ recording him self as present. The sec­ industrial accident com m ission. The only com patible w ith the sovereignty place so g reat a percentage of his sion In U m atilla county will be opened re tary 's second req u est was rejected , victim was Jam es R. Stem m erm an, of of A m erica below the Rio G rande, but force from among the asp iran ts to at a m eeting of the state highw ay com­ 15 to 1, McCHntlc voting to support M arshfield. T h ere were 483 accidents is a docum ent giving the g reatest the service from the outside. Though m ission In P ortland, T hursday, Jan u ­ about 4000 such individuals seeking the navy dep artm en t head. reported to the comm ission during force to th a t rig h t.” ary 26. A fter the m eeting four republican j the week covered in the report. C uba’s m em bership in the league of Hl3068 have passed the exam ination, Schenectady, N. Y.—The magic A new high population record was P ortland becam e 77 years old Fri- nations, said the president, does not he a«serted th a t th eir qualities, for th e wand of science, passing over the fac­ m em bers, Chairm an Butler, B ritten of set a t th e state p en iten tiary in Salem Illinois, Darrow of P ennsylvania, and , day, when the city had one of Its sev­ influence C uba’s adherence to Pan- m ost part, did not appear to be very tory of tho General E lectric company when 651 prisoners were registered. here, disclosed to a sm all group of Andrew of M assachusetts, in terp reted All of th e convicts, w ith th e exception eral birthdays. It was Jan u ary 13, A m erican union. He believed th a t the good. th e com m ittee’s action as a positive 1850, th at the legislature of th e terrl- conference would be able to accom­ radio engineers, scien tists and new s­ In favor of "actual iron cf those In the hospital, a re employed tory granted to the city its ch arter plish a b e tte r understanding betw een j paper men a vision of the future of express!« regularly. and a few days la te r the city council th e countries of A m erica in th e way radio broadcasting -a future designed and steel" ships instead of a possible Mrs. E lla Shulx W ilson w as re­ confirm ed th a t ch arter. It becam e ef­ paper fleet.” to bring to broadcast fans the sight of reciprocal aid, m aking such union elected secretary of th e sta te fair B utler explained th at a m ajo rity of fective F eb ru ary 8, 1850, and the first a m aterial and m oral benefit for true as well as the sound of the radio p er­ the com m ittee felt th a t In any new board. A. C. M arsters of Roseburg election was held April 6 when Hugh Pan-A m ericanism . formers. was elected president, H. R. Crawford D. O’B ryant was elected mayor. S itting In com fortable chairs In w arship construction bill It m ight re­ of Salem vice-president and A. Bush port to the house a specific tim e for W ashington, D. C.—The general av­ three Schenectady homes, several R eports re6. (10.260 02 was paid. students between the countries of the H ogs—Good. »909 25. vurl«L COOLIDGE RECEIVES OVATION IN HAVANA E. P. EASTEREROO K COMMITTEE REJECTS WILBUR'S NAVY PLANS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST CUBA FAVORS THE MONROE DOCTRINE RADIO TELEVISION IS DEMONSTRATED GENERAL AVERAGE FARM PRICES GAIN