Z AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK /; Urnkunj ^Enterprise Established in 1912. Vol. 16. No. 37. Halsey, Oregon. Thursday January 19, 1928. HALSEY CITIZEN’S GIFT TO Annual M eeting of Creamery As- CHILDREN'S FARM HOME ’“ 'alion — Heal,hy6ain Taking iim e by the Forelock ---------- I The annual meeting of Ihe stock- A. C. Heyman, who was former- ( holders of the Aloany Creamery ly county agt ¡cultural agent in association was held last Thursday Linn county but who is .now sup- a,'d the business of the pa t year erinteudent of the Children’s Farm reviewed and 6bows a marked iu- Home near Corvallis, was in the crease over 1926. city last Tuesday on business. | The total business for 1927 w as1 While here be related to the edi- 1137,000 00 and of this amount t >r of the Enterprise the generosity (the dairy and poultry men re- of one of our good citizens, Mr. ceived 4301,160.00 for butterfat Oren W. Frum , to the Farm Home. and $'»3,213 00 for eggs. The plant manufactured 810,000 Mr Heyman said that the Holstein grade cow which Mr. Frum give pounds of butter and handled 231, to the Home last summer, freshen­ 500 dozen of eggs. Business in crease over 1926 11 1 3 per cent. ed the latter part of September. The following were elected for During the remaining 91 days of for the ensuiuS year: J. J. Barrett, 1927 the cow gave 1279 8 pounds president; P, H. Freerksen, vice of milk making 112.99 pounds of fat. This would m ike an average president; Wayne Dawson, secre­ of about 11 pouuds of fat per day. tary ar.d First National Bank of Mr. Heyman stated th at the Albany, treasurer. The directors Faim Home was now milking 16 are: J J. Barrett, P. II. Freerksen, cows which at present are supply­ W. B Foster, L. E. Dyer and W. ing the 120 children with a quart C. Stellmacher. DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County ¡SCHOOL NOTESi CHANGE IN PRESENT AUTO TAX SYSTEM NOT FAVORED Edited By W iln m W a h l Back in 1917 the peopli of Ore- Tbe senior class has counuer.ce.1 K°" «nkrad up in a program of work on their play, • R u th in a highway construction, looking to Rush.” The c h a rac te r have been l- e “ 1‘iuiate construction and im- proveuicnt of high standard high- selected as follows: i Mrs. Rrownell, R uth’s aunt. Es­ ways throughout tlie entire state. This program necessarily was slow­ ther Seefeld. ed down during the war, but in Juliet Raymond, Ruth,’* secre 1919 it was taken up with vigor tary a n l frirnd, Hope Hussey. Roth Macdonald Moore, always and has been going forward con­ tinuously sines that time. in a rush, M try Smith. As a basis ior financing the pro­ Susie, a maid, Edith Smith posed program it was decided that Leonard Bruce, poor but aristo­ the funds should tie provided by cratic, Carl Isom. the automobile owner as beiug the Wayne Ashley, rich but uncul­ one who reaped the principal bene­ tured, Henry Kirk. Dwight Lambert, an eloper, Carl fits from improved highways. He is the one who uses the highways, Sperling. Peggy Patton, another eloper, and who at the end of tii) year has saved more in operating expenses Nora Cold'ron. on his car than his license fees and G ilbe rt Lansing a w ri er, Charles gasoline taxes have cost him. Wright. That the vision of the people of Philip Grant, a millionaire, Mac ot whole milk each day and besides the state at th at time was a ttue McCord. they are selling enough cream to Cedric Moody, Aged Ten Years, Is Bert Minckley took a load of Red | Mrs H athaway and Mrs. Thos. Sadie Sodustrom, a ticket agent, oue can scarcely he doubted. Con­ buy ail the butter they need. Clever With Shot Gun Duroc hogs to Albany W ednesdiy Ardry were guests of Mrs. Martin Francis Norton. struction lias goue foiward each The children at the Home are for Ardry and Bond. j Cummings Tuesd ay afternoon. year, until today the completion Jean Moore Foster, R u th ’s sis­ Cedric Moody, the 10 year old healthy and growing Mr. Ileym an of a coistructed system of state Mrs. M- M. Ward, who recently Miss Nora Coldiron of Halsey ter, Muriel Luke. stated and he is very appreciable son of Mr. and Mrs, C. P. Moody returned from a visit with relatives spent the week end with her par­ There w u ears t hat have passed, | P i n e G r o v e I t e m s | house to take care of things while were afternoon callers at A, E Ier association Friday evening was The Button Busters of Ha'sey t i last September, the Class I rail­ | wel1 attended and an excellent pro she is at the home of her parents, Whilbeck’s home Sunday. and vicinity will hold a bust and ways in tliis country are abort over Guests at the Michael Richard NraiD was enjoyed. The society who are ill and whom she is caring ( R n t.rp i-lM CorrMoondenca) initiate a large class of candidates 2J billions o, dollars of earning the home Sunday were Guy Roberts plans to hold a cooked food sale in A telephone meeting was held at for. amount permitted by law the school house Saturday after­ George Githens and son Russel and family of Toledo and Mr. and lhe near future for the purpose of at the Odd Fellows hall Friday The railroads have shown a m ar­ raising money for their pledge for night. January 27, says the High noon. were called to Portland early Mon­ Mr. Robert McKee of Eugene. George Godwin of Buena Vista the community house. I.W . Patton Busterinku‘>, so rally to the evenl velous record of service in tlis face Several Pine Grovo people at- day evening to the bedside of Mrs. presided in the absence of Mrs. S for a good lime and lots to eat are of rucb an ironclad limitation of tended church at Peoria Sunday Githens and later the same eve­ spent Monday night and Tuesday income. No other business is to J. Smith, president of (he society promised. craning. ning the other son Merle was at the home of his mother, Mrs, held under the thum b of iq-elastic John Rolfe, and while there helped Mr. and Mrs George Chandler called because her condition was so regulati m. A democracy is sup­ and daughter were Albany visitors kill boss. low. posed to encourage fair dealing to Join Lusby and Ralph Helece Thursday. John Husen, wife and daughter- all persons and industri»». The called at the home of the former’s Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wallace of Corvallis came over Sunday to* railroads thculd nut he exceptions. sister, Mrs. J F- I’om, Monday of Kiger Island visited at tho A. F. Two short courses designed to men Sponsoren jointly by the Ore surprise Mrs. Alice Dunn, bringing The railroads have no come­ Albertton home Sunday. morning while on their way from eats with them for the occasion, acquaint men of other professions gon , experim ent station and the back. The givernm cnt did nol Springfield to Bridal Veil where Mr, and Mrs N. E. Chandler bnt instead they were surprised as with rural conditions w i l l which Oregon committee on the relation actually guarantee them a profit; they are employed in a saw mill and Agnus visited at tbe Laurence it merely permits them to earn « of electricity to agriculture. The Mrs. Dunn was away for the day, The annual tclepboue meeting they come in contact, are scheduled school was arranged as a means of limited return, regardless of aooil Zimmerman home near Shedd S u n ­ and they had to ret urn l.cme with was held at the A. Whitbeck for the last week in January at O. givirg as much information as pos­ or bad years. They m ust pocket il iy. out seeing her. their loss in poor years with no home Saturday aft r:oo,i. W, P. i A C. During th at week bankers The Linn county bridge crew A launch belonging to Joi Ber­ Wabl was reelected president and i of Oregon and rural electric service sible on the present status and chance of recov> ry in better years. worked on the covered bridge near nard of Oregon City burned just A. E. W hitbeck secretary-treasurer men w ill be on the campus at tbe I tendencies of those farm enterprises Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rossman of tile school house Thursday and above Peoria. It was a total loss, and J. H. Rickard as new director, same time but for separate courses. which may be influenced by the use of electricity. Portland arrived in Hulsey Sunday Friday, estimated at about $2000. The fire Wednesday evening a meeting The bankers’ short course, Jan. Results of studies to date of tbe to spend t few days visiting the Mrs. A. L. Knighten went to was caused by the explosion of an was held at the school Douse at 23-24, arranged under the direction economic application of electric former's brother, D. C. Rossman Portland Friday to visit her mother, oil stove used in preparing meals which a representative of the North of Andrew Miller, secretary of the power on the farm wi'l be given and family. Other guests at the Mrs. George Githens. A. L. Last week a launch belonging to west Stove Works Co. of Portland state bankers association, and the and equipm ent demonstrated. Au Rossman home Sunday ware Mr. Knighten who is in Portland as a Veal of Albany sunk in the river explained their heating system. It college official«, will be featured by effort will he nude to present the Rossman’s mother and brother, witness in a lawsuit, camo home just below Peoria but was raised was decided to install a new h.at- demonstration lectures and also farm er's point of view in regard to Mrs. L. B. Rossman arid Harold Saturday, returning to the raetrop- later. ing plant in the school house and inspection trips. electricity and to suggest a proced- of Eugene, iiis cousin, Dr. and lia Monday. While the Knighten» Carl Bramwell and his uncle, J. the plant which was ordered has Starting od the some day but ure for br'nging about an iocreated Mrs. E. C. Rossman of Portland are in Portland, Mrs. Emma G. Bramwell, made a business trip I arrived and will probably be in- continuing for a week will be a I