IDEAL W AY TO COOK A SIRLOIN STEAK Improved Uniform International Sunday5chool ’ L esso n T (B y REV 1» H I’lT ZW A TK R . I) D.. P e a « M oody B ib le I n s tit u te o f C h ic a g o .) (© . 1927. by W estern N ew sp ap er Union > L esson for January 15 JESUS AND SINNERS F O R ID E N T IF IC A T IO N LESSON T E X T — Mark 2:1-1?. GOLDEN T E X T — 1 cam e not to call the rig h teo u s, hut sinner« to repent* ■ i a PRIMARY TOPIC—J e su s F o rg iv es Sinner. JUNIOR TOPIC— J esu s H eals and Italian Fascists Get Chance to See World A young Italian who late'y finished his university course nnd means to take up architecture ns a profession has been one of the flisft to benefit by Mussolini's order that every Italian merchant ship should reserve two berths free on every voyage for young Italians desirous of seeing the world. They can choose their route and the extent of the Journey, paying only about IS or 20 lire a day. This brings “the grand tour” within the reach of the professional classes nnd will surely serve us a liberal educa­ tion. “Book and rifle make the perfect fascist,” Mussolini often reminds Ills young followers, and now he adds the traveler’s compass to tbe emblems of excellence.—Chicago Journal. TELL YOUR FRIENDS What You Know about BELL-ANS for Indigestion "Why the hat with the tall feather. Georgette?’’ asked the girl chum, Tricotlne. “That feather must be at least two feet high.” “Our class of 07 girls Is going to 1' IN TERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- have a group photograph taken.” IC—J esu s S h ow s H is Sym pathy anti ”1 still don't understand thut trick Power. B ELLAN S feather.” Broiled Porterhouse Steak. Y oung p e o p l e and a d u l t t o p ­ Hot w a te r “Well, If I chip In, I want to be able ic —J e s u s ' P o w e r to M ake W hole. I Su re Relief (Prepared by the United State« Department and sear each Wde. In lifting It from to pick myself o u t" of Agriculture.) I. Jesus Preaching the Word (VT Here la a phyairian's prescription uaed in m il­ The Ideal way to cook a Juicy, ten­ the pan to turn it, use two forks, and 1. 2). lions of homes for 35 years which relieves croup Tam e Gam e w ithout vom iting in 15 minutes. Also the der steak from a choice cut of beef, do not pierce the surface of the steak 1. The surging crowd (v. 2). quickest relief known for Coughs. Colds and or the Juices will escape and the steak “Been on a bunting trip, e b ! Did such ns the porterhouse or sirloin, Is Whooping Cough. If there are little ones *ln So great was the crowd gathered home, you should never be w ithout a bottle to broil It over a coal or wood lire. will be dry and tasteless. Do not sea you bag anythin?” about the bouse where Jesus was stop­ your ¿ 5 » AND 75» PACKAGES EVERYWHERE of thia valuable time-tried remedy, recom­ "Oh, I got some ducks.” son with salt and pepper until the As many people have to cook with mended by the best children's specialists. Ask ping, that there was no room to re­ "H uhl I’ll bet you didn’t shoot your druggist now for Dr. Drake's Glesaco. 50 pas or kerosene as fuel, this Is not steak Is reudy to serve. Cook it at a ceived them. As soon ns It was noised .cen ts the bottle. One Exp lanatio n em ; bought ’em, most likely.” often practicable. With a stove of lower heat after It has been seared about that Jesus was In tbe house, tbe Gladys—What do they mean by call­ until It Is done as you like It—rare or “I did both. Unfortunately, Just as either type, however, It is possible to ing Mr. Keene an eight-by-ten busi­ I was putting them In my bag, the multitudes gathered The S hirker cook deliciously, provided one under­ medium well-done. 2. What Jesus preached unto them ness man? farmer who owned them came aJong.' A steak may also be cooked In the Commander Fitzhugh Green, who stands the method of handling Juicy, (v. 2). Julia—They mean he Is not exactly tender meats. The main point, says broiling oven of a gas stove. Have He preached unto them tbe Word has established In New York n kind square. the oven well heated before the steak M U S T BE H IS W IF E of travel bureau for outfitting explor­ the bureau of home economics, Is to of God. He always preached tbe sear over the outside rapidly, at a Is put in, sear the steak on each sld< Word before He wrought miracles, for ers, said at a recent wedding break­ as In other methods of cooking, am high temperature to prevent the es­ to make known the will of God was fast “Explorers love exploring, but they cape of the Juices, and then to con­ take the same care not to let tin His supreme mission. Miracles were hate the dull, hard work of getting tinue cooking the meat evenly at a juices escape. Any fat or meat julci not nn end In themseives, but to an reduced temperature by turning it In the skillet or broiling pan Is usual tbentlcate Ills work. The people their equipment together. They're like ly poured over the steak to be servei from side to side until it Is done. entile, some to be healed, and some bachelors In a way. with It. “The mother of eight grown-up out of curiosity, lie gave them that To panbroll a steak over a kerosene Other methods of cooking are bet daughters turned to n wealthy bach­ which they needed, regardless of tbe flame or gas, heat a skillet very hot, ter for cuts of beef that are less ten motive which actuated their coming. elor one evening and said In a men­ grease It lightly with a piece of suet. der, such ns the round or short steaks acing voice: II. Jesus Forgiving Sins (vv. 3-5) “ ‘With your liking for the fair sex The man brought to Him was suf­ It's strange that you have never mar­ fering from the dread disease of pal CORNED BEEF IS ried.’ In one m inute pain from corns Is ended. Oxtails as a Meat for ay, but Ills most deadly affliction was Dr. Scholl's Zino-peds do this eefeZy “ ‘Que voulez-vous?' said the bach­ MADE AT HOME that of sin. This miracle was wrought Tasty Stew Are Favored by removing the cause—pressing end ’A man can love flowers without by Jesus iu confirmation of Ills mes­ elor. rubbing of shoes. They are thin, medi­ Many people do not know oxtails wanting to be a gardener.’ ” sage. cated, antiseptic, healing. At all drug ns a meat for a tasty stew are the and shoe stores. Coat but a trills. 1. Faith coming to Jesus (v. 3). Cheaper Cuts of Meat Are foundation of a very good soup. The The actuating Impulse of the pal­ Mothers, Keep Your recipe below, which has been tested Generally Made Use Of. sied man and the four frlentls who Health Up to Par by the bureau of home economics carried him was fultb. San Bernardino, Calif. — "Dr. provides for making a stew with a (Prepared by the United States Department 2. Faith overcoming difficulties Pierce's Favorite Prescription is good deal of rich gravy. If less gravy of Agriculture.) such a help lu P u t on e o n - t h e * pain is gone/ “What were all those men looking (v. 4). The cheaper cuts of meat, such as is desired, part of the water In which motherhood, I am Though prevented ny the crowd the plate, rump and chuck, are gen­ the oxtails are cooked may be re­ at me for, did you see anything amazed that every W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 2-1928^ from coming to Jesus, they ascended erally used in making corned beef. served for a soup, with some of the funny?” woman does not "Didn't notice anything funny, dear, the outer stairway and let the af­ vegetables and the water in which take It during ex­ Meat from fat animals makes better T he Exp lanatio n pectancy. Before flicted man down through tbe roof. corned beef than that from thinner they are boilpd. When serving oxtail I wasn’t looking at you.” my first child came "Why did she marry Jack? I thought 3. Faith rewurded (v. 5). animals. The United States Depart­ soup, put a thin half slice of lemon I suffered with a she valued her freedom.” No word was uttered either by tbe Th ree Boys N o Boy ment of Agriculture gives the follow­ and n half teaspoonful of chopped continuous pain In “She did. But she couldn't bear to parsley in each soup plate. paralytic or bis bearers. Their ac­ My dad uat to «ay: ing directions for making corned beef my left side. Dr. "One boy's a boy. think of Jack having any."—New tion was enough. Tbe paralytic got Oxtail Soup. on the farm : P i e r ce’s Favorite T w o boys are h a lf a boy, 1 o x ta il Haven Iteglster. 1 tsp. W orcester­ more tliun he expected. He desired P re s c rip tio n And three boys are no boy at a ll.” Cut the beef Into pieces five or els 244 q u arts w ater sh ire sau ce or strengthened m e healing of tbe body and be got bodily Inches square. These pieces should 4 carrots, diced other sea so n in g and I had a fine healthy child, with­ There nre no wolves In Africa, healing plus forgiveness of sins. turnips, diced Stilt and pepper be of uniform thickness so that they 2 2 onions, P ip p a Passes the pains that most women suf­ though Jackals In AbysHnla und the III. Jesua Answering the Scribes out sliced to ta ste fer. Also my strength returned rap­ muy be packed In even layers In the 1 large potato, First Girl—And he said my face (vv. fl-10). 1 tbs. parsley, Sudan are sometimes known as idly afterward». Dr. Pierce’s Favor­ diced barrel. When the meat is thoroughly chopped fine was a perfect poem. wolves. 1. Their objections (vv. 0, 7). They ite Prescription Is a tonic and 2 tbs. b utter S lices o f lemon cooled It should be corned as soon a? Second Girl—So it Is, dear—It's like asked: nervine worthy of the highest praise.” possible, for meat which has begun to Wash the oxtail, cut In short >ne of Browning's. Soil In a forested nrea absorbs (1) Why does He thus spenk? (2, —Mrs. Mary J. Queen. 36» E 4th 8L spoil Is unwholesome and will prob­ lengths, and brown It In Its own fat. “Browning! Why Browning?” All dealers. Large bottles, liquid more water ynd bolds It longer than Who enn forgive sin? ably sour during the corning process. Cook the onions In the butter, add to 11.36; Tablets 11.36 and 66c. “Because some of the lines are so soil In an open urea unprotected by They were entirely right In their Under no circumstances should meat the meat with 1% quarts of water, deep.” vegetation. reasonings that only God can forgive be put lu cure while In a frozen con­ and simmer until the meat Is tender, If you would be somebody In the sins. Their blunder was In not per­ dition. about three or four hours. In the world begin by being yourself. N eeded H e r Law Is strong but easily broken. ceiving Him to be God. A standard recipe Is: Eight pounds jrieantime, cook the carrots and tu r­ ‘I’m so glad to meet your huslmn 2. Jesus’ answer (vv. 8-10). salt, two pounds sugar, two ounces nips for ten minutes In one quart if again,” she said. “He once made an He knew their Inner thoughts nnd saltpeter, five gallons water per 100 the water and add to the meat, with impassioned plea for m.v hand.'' reasonings nnd manifested unto them pounds green meat. When It Is de­ the water In which they nre cooked ‘I don't believe It,” the other worn Ills essential deity In that He had sired to corn only a small quantity Add the potatoes, the sauce, an? the an replied. power to know their thoughts. He in­ of lieef for home use, the brine 1s salt and pepper. When the vegetables 'Believe It nr not, ns you please. He quired, “Which Is easier to say. thy nre soft, thicken the stew with a made in the same proportions, and aft­ had fallen Into a manhole.” sins lie forgiven thee, or to say, arise er the meat has been salted overnight, small quantity of flonr mixed with a and take up thy bed and wnlk? But sufficient brine Is used to cover the little cold water to a smooth paste that ye mav know that the Son of man L IK E C A L IS T H E N IC S pieces completely. In sailing over­ Cook until thickened. Sprinkle with hath power on earth to forgive sins, night, sprinkle a layer of salt quarter the parsley und garnish with slice» He saltb to tbe sick of the palsy, I of lemon. Inch deep over the bottom of the ves­ say unto thee, Arise, nnd take up thy sel, pack the cuts of ment ne thickly bed, and go thy way Into thine house.” as possible, then add salt on top. He was willing that Ills [lower In tbe Prunes Ever in Season If the meat has been corned during Invisible realm should be tested by for Delicious Dessert His [lower In the visible. the winter and muet be kept Into the Prunes lend themselves to man) summer season, it Is advisable to IV. Jesus Healing the Paralytic (vv. 11, 12). watch the brine closely during the delicious desserts that can he made spring, as It Is more liable to s)>oll at of Ingredients on hand In every 1. His healing was by the direct that time than at any other season. pantry. No matter how remote yon method—speaking the Word (v. 11). may be from the nearest store, you If the brine appears to be ropy, the Christ's words are enough. With the command was given the strength to pieces of meat should be removed and could easily make the prune puddlnc obey. That which Christ commands vigorously washed off with a stiff below without having to get a single Proved safe by m illions and prescribed by physicians for brush and hot water, then repacked Item specially, for who does not keep He gives the strength to perform. her supply of sugar, cornstarch, egg« and covered with new brine. The 2. The obedience of tbe mnn (v. 12) Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago brine should be kept In a cool place spices and flavors, and even prunes He Immediately arose, took np his always available? From the bureni ns the sugar In the brine has a tend bed and went forth before them all Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism ency to ferment. To cure thoroughly of home economics the following di The poor helpless mnn walked away “If all women were made to talk rections nre sent for making this ex with Ills bed upon his shoulder. the meat should be kept in the brine lie sign language we wouldn't hear 3. Tbe people were amazed, nnd 28 to 40 days. Plates will be quite cellent and simple dessert: so much of their wagging tongues.1 palatable after ten days In cure Prune Pudding. glorified God (v. 12). They said. “We "That would never do I They'd all never saw It on this fashion.” Meat removed from the brine should 2 cups w ater 2 tbs. corn starch nave broken arms.” 44 lb. dried prunes. 44 tsp. van illa be hung up and allowed to drain thor V. Jesus Eating With Publicans 44 cup su gar 44 tap. sa lt and Sinners (vv. 13-17'. oughly before wrapping or smoking. Accept only "Bayer” package 2 etrg yolka 2 e g g w h ite s F ic kle D am e Fortune 1. The call of Levi (v. 14). Levi 2 tbs su gar 44 tap cinnam on which contains proven directions, A flckle Jade, Dam e F ortune; for was a tax-gatherer under flip Roman We never know by h alf Wash the prunes, and soak then nandy “Bayer” boxes of 12 Tablets government. As Jesus passed by. lie Spanish or Creole Sauce If sh e Is sm ilin g on us or Al»o bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. overnight In the wafer, then cook commanded Levi to leave his business 1« g iv in g ua the laugh. A«1)UU| U th« mark 0, n.y.r M.nnf.rtur. of MonotntlcMMMM of 8«llf»ltc«ci4 Excellent With Omelet them In the same water nntll ender nnd follow Him. An excellent sauce to serve with Remove the stones and cut the prunes O ld - T im e r s in L in e 2. Jesus dining In Levi's house (v. There's a W a y I t ’s A ll in a L ife Tim e In small pieces. To the prunes add the omelet, with boiled rice or potatoes, In an old timers’ parade at Here­ She (to young man caller)— I won 15). It seems that l,evl, when he Observed. In a theater lobby recant- >4 cupful of sugar, the salt, and the or stewed meats, or such fish as cod. ler If you noticed In the paper that found the Savior, Invited many of Ills ford, Va., J. Ludwig, elghty-two, drove ly. a young man holding a band mir­ haddock, or halibut Is known as cornstarch, which has been mixed some jieople were poisoned through business associates to eat with him, a twenty eight year old horse; Nathan ror for his girl while she applied her Spanish, or Creole sauce. It requires with some of the prune Juice. Cook eating chocolates? This gave an opportunity to Jesus lei Gregory, ninety, came next, driving lip stick and rouge. There wasn't any for twenty minutes In a double boiler a number of Ingredients, but It often to come Into touch with these sin­ a horse thirty-three years old. Then of that buck In the gay D0a. In that Mr. Close—Yes, I did—why? happens that many of them will be Pour thia mixture Info the egg yolks came Jere Moll, ninety-one, driving period the young man would have She—Oh, nothing. I was Just think­ ners. add the vanilla and cinnamon, and on hand. The directions for making it 3. The perplexed scribes and phari­ a horse thirty five years old. And Inst been tlelng her shoelace.—Detroit ing liow very safe we are. mix well. Place In a greased baking are given oy the bureau of home sees (v. 16). They asked, “How Is It fame Samuel Gehret, ninety seven, Free Press. dish and cover with the meringue economics. that He eateth and drlnketh with with a horse thirty seven years old. Stand ard izatio n made with the egg whites and the publicans nnd sinners?” two tablespoonfuls of the sugar. Bake Cow Looks fo r Enem y Spanish or Creole Sauce. Store Detective—I'm suaplcloua of 4. Jeans' reply (v. 17). “They that R elationship . In a moderate oven nntll the meringue that woman, she seems furtive. When cows charge, they do so with 2 cup« canned 1 tbe. b u tter nre whole have no need of the pby I- "They say that pity’s akin to love.'1 open eyes; bulls, on the other hand, Is brown. Serve hot or cold. Floorwalker—Well, keep your eys to m a to es » tap. minced clan I came not to call the righteous, “A aob-slster, I suppose." 2 tbs. chopped on the furs, then. p arsley shut theirs. but sinners to repentance.” onion 4 tbs. m inced bam M eats and Relishts 1 chopped g reen or bacon P rep ared With roast beef, grated horseradish pepper or canned 1 bay le a f C u tic u r a O u r F u tu re pim ento 1 tba. flour Boast pork, apple sauce. Husband—I see the women are go­ 44 cup chopped Salt and pepper We never know for what God Is pre­ Roart veal, tomato or mushroom ing to wear medieval costumes at the celery to ta ete Heals Irritating Rashes sauce. dance next week. What are you going paring us In His schools; for what work on earth, for what work In the to wear, my dear? Add the onion to the butter and Roast mutton, currant Jelly. Don’t auffrr with raahea, ecxemaa or irrita­ cook It until It Is tender and yellow. Boiled mutton, caper sauce. Wife (significantly)—My medieval hereafter. Our business Is to do our tion« when Cuticura Soap and Ointment work well In tbe present [dace, what- h a t—Tit Bits Add all the other Ingredients except Rolled chicken, bread sauce. will quickly relieve and heal. Bathe with ever that may be.—Christian Expo- the minced ham or bacon and tbe Roast lamb, mint sauce. Cuticura Soap and hot water, dry and lent. flour, and simmer for half an hour Roi'4( turkey, cranberry sauce. A Golden O p p o rtun ity anoint with Cuticura Ointment. Nothing Ilemove the bay leaf. Blend the flour Ron«t goose, apple sauce. quicker or safer than Cuticura Soap an< Court Offleer— Do you swear to tell with a little melted butter and add Venison or wild ducks, black cur Learn Secret o f P rayer Ointment for all akin trouble«. the truth, tbe whole truth— to the sauce. Cook for five or ten rant Jelly. We need to learn the secret of Irn- Fair Witness—It will be perfectly JaepJfk O intm en t® and 60s- T . k u m t t r gold «very where minutes longer, add the ham or bacon, Broiled fresh mackerel, sauce of lovely. If you really have time to lis­ xirtunate prayer that takes hold of * « Adflrem . “C a u tu r*L a te r atoriM,£>«pt. an> serve at once. stewed gooselierrlcsi od's promise and refuses to let go ten. OrtUnas Skarin« Stick 2S«. ill the blessing cornea.—Timberlake. For Croup What Would You Do? > l » B ell - a n s FOR INDIGESTION CORNS Ends pain a t once/ DSScholTs Z in o -p a d s SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSISTI DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART