MOVEMENT STARTED TO HOLD UP TAX BILL DR. E. H. CHERRINGTON Secretary Mellon Approves Delay in Senate Until After March 15. Bert Hopkins was arrested last Thursday, accused of killing Ferdl nand Sanday. near Flora. late Wed nee day. Officers were called to Flora, to miles from the railroad, before daylight, to make the street. Brief Resume of Happenings of W. C. Hobaugh, his wife and three children barely «scaped with their the Week Collected for lives when a barn In which they were living near West Woodburn waa de­ Our Readers. stroyed by fire laat week A collie dog, entering the burning building evident­ The annual meeting of the Oregon ly in search of one of the children, waa Woolgrowers' association will be held burned to death. at Pendleton January 9 and 10. Gold proved to be Santa Claus' When the Canby union high school , o Mr af)d Mrfl H Q resumes work, January 9, It will be In Oliver of St. Helens. In the crop of the new building Just completed. a White Leghorn chicken, which they OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST G. S. FERGUSON HICKMAN DEFENSE PLEA OF INSANITY Another Murder is Confessed by Slayer of Marian Parker. Washington, D. C.—The full fore« Los Angeles, Cal.—Plea of insanity, of the administration will be thrown Jerome Walsh, counsel for William E. behind a movement to delay final leg­ Hickman, said, would be the confessed islative artlon on the tax reduction kidnaper and slayers' answer to the bill until after March 15. charge of abducting and murdering The movement, started by Chairman Marian Parker. ■moot of the senate finance commit­ Walsh, Kansas City attorney re­ Nineteen hundred dollars was Oh had bought from D. J. Sickles of Tank- tee and supported by Secretary Mel tained by Hickman's mother, who tained In a holdup and robbery of the ton for thalr Christmas dinner, they Ion of the treasury and the republican came here to defend the 19-y ear-old Mount Scott State bank, a suburban found a gold nugget about twice aa leader of the senate, will be opposed youth, said that a study of the Califor­ bank of Portland, last week. large as a pinhead. by the democrat«, who already have nia penal code offered four possible Mrs. Millie Michlisen, 64, was killed Secretary of War Davis announces begun to array their forces for a avenues of plea. These are, he point­ ( last Thursday at Lake Grove Btatlon approval of expenditures for construe- •ounter attack. ed out, “guilty,” "insanity,” "guilty Dr. E. H. Chsrrlngton of Ohio, who Oswego, when struck by a South- i tion of an administration building and Taking the stand that poetponement and insane” or “not guilty and insane.’* J* director of the now Anti-Saloon ern j»acjfjc southbound electric train, completion of an electric system at of action until after March 15 would Poultrymen of the lower Columbia | th® (>r*‘*on National Guard camp at W alsh expressed his belief that G. 8. Ferguson of Greensboro, N. C., permit congress to act on a basis of League department of publicity, edu­ cation and research. who h at been appointed a mem ber of Hickman has withheld some informa­ “reasonable certainty," as more ac- ; district will hold their annual conven n Gearhart as part of the program for curute information ou receipts and ex- tion In Astoria, January 4, sponsored j half of the present fiscal the federal trade commission by Pres tion concerning the kidnaping and ident Coolidge. M r. Ferguson is a murder. He said he was convinced pendltures would be available, the ad- ' by the Astoria chamber of commerce. I year, ending June 13 next. that the crime had not been commit­ Democrat. ministration group 1« prepared to put I Industrial expansion in Portland A new church.organization has been ted by one person alone. up a stubborn fight to hold the tax during 1927 hag increased payrolls Incorporated at Weat Linn. Articles Another murder was confessed here measure In the background after con- i have been filed by the Glad Tidings f 1 «59'™ a"d has brought »1,105.500 by Hickman. Under repeated ques­ gross reconvenes In Investments in new buildings, ac Assembly and a new building Is to be tioning by jail officers, he told of Some of the democrats, however, cording to figure« announced by the erected. shooting down Ivy Thoms, a druggist Washington, D. C —Tho state of are determined to block the attempt industries department of the Portland of Rosehill, a suburb between here The case of E. Henry Wemme com- of the republicans by going to the ex­ Alabama Is not entitled to any share chamber of commerce and the Oregon and Pasadena, during a holdup of the treme, If necessary, of launching a ! in the proceeds from tho sale of power 1 P*ny of Portland vs. Ben Selling and Manufacturers association. campaign to have the tax bill taken generated at the Muscle Shoals pro- others, trustees of the Wemme estate, Cincinnati, Ohio.—George Remus, drugstore on Christmas eve, 1926. Organised for the purpose of con out of the hands of the finance com­ Ject, department of Justice attorneys was affirmed by the supreme court once the "brains" of a powerful boot­ Thoms died the day after Christmas. strutting a railroad line from a point Welby Hunt, an Alhambra, Cal., mittee and brought to the floor of the concluded In a memorandum trans- j la«t week. legging ring, was adjudged criminally Just north of Albany in a general east youth, who Hickman said was his com­ mitted by Attorney General Sargent A fall from a high chair into its senate for a final vote. insane and ordered sent to the state erly direction to a point in or near panion in the holdup, was taken Into Rising to the support of the republi­ to the senate agricultural committee, mother's arms resulted in a broken | the elty of Bend, the Albany A East asylum at Lima, Ohio. custody and, according to the offi­ An Alabama delegation recently | arm for the 18-months’old baby of can leaders, Secretary Mellon declared The finding handed down by Pro­ ern Railroad company has filed arti­ cers, made a confession corroborating In a long statement that neither the presented Its claim to a share of tho j Mrs W H. Wyrick of Bridge, near cles of incorporation with the state bate Judge William Lueders is the se­ that of Hickman. sale before the senate committee, ths j Myrtle Point. Hunt, however, taxpayers nor the government has quel to the killing by Remus of his corporation department In Halem. anything to krne by postponing final federal power commission, the army wife, Augusta Imogene Holmes Remus, while admitting his part In the holdup, Yarns manufactured by the Oregon The first of the Oregon soldiers enactment of the bill until after March engineers, and tho department of Jus­ Linen Mills, Inc., of Salem, are pro­ whom he accused of carrying on a denied that It was shots from his pis­ bonus bonds to mature, a block of 15, and that delay will "occasion no tice. nounced faultless by Thomas Barbour, love affair with Franklin Dodge, fed­ tol which killed the druggist. Alabama's claim was booed upon the world-known linen thread manufactur­ »500,000, became due January 1, and eral prohibition agent. The shooting occurred when a po­ loss to the taxpayers or Inconvenience State Treasurer Kay forwarded a draft contention that although the federal er of Belfast. either to them or to the government Following a trial of five weeks a lice officer entered the store during for the amount to the state fiscal government probably may have Juris­ the holdup and opened fire on the two from an administrative standpoint." James Samuel March, widely known agent in New York, After the pay Jury of 10 men and two women, after diction over the river, tho river bed deliberating 19 minutes, brought In a youths. In returning the fire, the pioneer minister and a resident of the ment of this amount there was still belongs to the state. druggist was shot in the chest by Rogue River valley for more than «0 outstanding »28,500,000 in soldiers' verdict of "not guilty on the sole ground of insanity," the only "not Hickman and the officer was wounded years, died last week near Phoenix, bonus bonds. ILLEGAL TAXES RETURNED aged 83 years. guilty” verdict allowed in the charges In the right hand. Elimination-of tolls on the Portland- of Trial Judge Chester Shook. Hunt, according to Hickman, re­ While playing with a .22 rifle last Vancouver interstate bridge on Janu­ Approximately 240,000 Persons to ceived a couple of flesh wounds from Mrs. Remus was shrt and fatally week, the 10-yearold so- of Mr. and ary 1, 1929, was assured last week Rsoeive Tsx Refunds. , ,, . , . Z-u wounded by her husband on October shots fired by the officer. A jail phy­ Wa.hin»»«« , e Oklahoma City, O kla—Oklahoma's Washington, n D. n (. n Refunding of . „ 11- Mre- ulv.„ Belninger „K„. of thq addle Hood when the Oregon State highway com­ 6 as she wag en route to the court of sician who examined Hunt said he River valley shot and killed his 12- political Insurrection, aimed at the legally collected taxes totaling »103,- mission and the ¿oard of Multnomah domestic relations, where she was to found scars made by bullets. removal of Governor Johnstou and at 858,687 and affecting approximately year-old brother. county commissioners reached an testify in her suit for divorce. least two other state officers, reached 240,000 persons, were reported to oon- 1 Mrs. Mary Henderson, who died In agreement for the transfer of the Under the Jury’s verdict It was com­ SINCLAIR GROUP SCORED an unsuccessful end when the state greas by Secretary Mellon. Boker last Monday, at the age of 90 bridge to the highway commission on pulsory that Remus be brought before years, was an Oregon pioneer of 1843, senate brought Impeachment activities December 31, 1928. Tho treasury department's report ' e probate court for a sanity hearing. Grand Jury Charges Conspiracy to to a close by the dismissal of charges covered 12,133 typewritten pages and having settled in that year on Marys Property owners of Portland will Obstruct Justice. voted by house members against Gov­ Included refunds ranging from 1 cent river near Corvallis, pay taxes next year at the rate of 48.8 Washington, D. C.—Harry F. Sin­ BRIEF GENERAL NEWS ernor Johnston. Chief Justice Branson to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Inquests are required on each coy­ mills, the highest levy in the history clair, William J. Burns and five of of the state supreme court and Presi­ Secretary Mellon said the credit cov­ ote killed in Curry county before the of the city, It Is practically certain Colonel Charles A. Lindberg was their associates were charged with dent Cordell of the state board of ag­ ered tho years back to 1925, Inclusive, | »26 bounty on the animal can be col­ The total certified levy for all pur­ warmly received by the Central Amer­ conspiracy to obstruct Justice by the riculture. and "prior years." lected, according to an order issued poses, Including the state levy of »2, ican countries visited after leaving federal grand Jury which Investgated Meeting In a downtown hotel, to Refunds made for 1928 amounted by the county court. 802,522,64, is »17,353,637.86, an Increase Mexico. the shadowing of the Fail-Sinclair oil which they retreated after they had to »68,388,865; for 1927 they totaled Portlund has a population of approx of »1,166,698.65 over the levy of »16,- John E. Richards, 79, first governor conspiracy Jury by Burns detectives thf ',OI,r* Of th,<,r »’ «.781.WI; for 1936 they were »654,- imutely 344,640, according to figures 086,939.30 for 1986. payable this year. of Montana and nationally known po­ hired by Sinclair. capitol chamber by national guards 691, and for 1926 they were »63,528. compiled for the Portland chamber ol The Christmas bird (’ensue, taken litical leader, died at a family reunion No indictments were returned how- men under the direction of the gover­ commerce by Professor Kent of Ore December 26 by the Oregon Audubon at his home in Berkeley, Cal. ever, as District Attorney Peyton Gor­ nor, the senators decided, by vote of Rhinelander's W ife Seeks Divorce, gon Agricultural college. society in conjunction with the Na­ Gavin McNab, San Francisco at­ don held that as Sinclair, Burns and 26 to ltl, that the house of represen­ New York, N. Y.—The marital af A tiny baby bey, weighing but thres tional Audubon society's 28th Christ­ torney, and prominent figures in dem­ four of their associates were being tatives had no authority to convene fairs of Leonard Kip Rhinelander, Itself and vote Impeachment charges. heir to »100.000.000 and Ids wife, pounds, is apparently thriving at Cor mas bird census, was the most satis­ ocratic politics, was found dead, seat­ tried for criminal contempt In connec­ Members of both houses, who had daughter of a negro chauffeur, are to vallls general hospital, where doctors factory In the history of Portland, ac­ ed in a chair In his office in San tion with surveillance of the jury, new charges should not be filed against persisted In meeting despite a series be before the courts again In a separ­ and nurses worked over him a full cording to Willard Ayres Eliot, presi­ Francisco. dent of the local society This year 30 Colonel Bronson Cutting, publisher them. of unfavorable derisions by the state ation suit brought by his wife. Mrs. hour before he drew breath. The investigation convinced the West Salem will have city carrlei persona Identified 64 species in a 15- of the Santa Fe New Mexican, was courts and the mlllatry resistance, Rhinelander, who two years ago do- , — • mile radius from Portland aa compar­ appointed by Governor Dillon to suc­ grand jury, its foreman said, that .................... « . . „ ¿ a abandoned thalr activities abruptly after the senate decision and began | secure an annulment of thZlr m ^ i P“ "‘ W<"" 8"‘em h“* r*H *‘T“d 1,8 m»il ed with 61 species last year. ceed the late United States Senator those named In the presentment had conspired to violate the law. Because More business was transacted In A. A. Jones. to depart for their home., unpaid for rlage on the grounds that she ha,I de ° '’W “ ’'? ° Ut ° f SaJ* m' “nd Portland In November than In any their efforts. celved h|m „„ hw an had only one delivery dally. A gift of »1,000,000 from the su­ of this, he continued, It was felt by The total tax levy for Clackamas l,lh*r roonth last year, according to preme council, Scottish Rite Masons, Its members that even though tho dis­ n,,w “8k" for “ separation on the basis prepared by the Standard of the southern Jurisdiction, to George trict attorney refused to prepare in­ OIL DATA NOW AVAILABLE l,f cruelty, Inhuman treatment and county for 1928 will reach »1.265.359. S xtatetnents ta tist!« company, New York, one of Washington university, was announced dictments, the presentment should be — j abandonment. She asks no specific according to figures compiled by Coun made to the court. ty Assessor W B. Cook and Count) ,tie Orgeat statistical organisations In by the university trustees. W ay Made C lear for Testimony of alimony. Clerk Don J Ryan. The state tux will the world The volume of November F all's Son-In-Law. business was calculated by Standard Will Free Vancouver Portland Bridge, San Francisco A tk a Bridge O ver Bay. amount to »350,108. Washington, D. C President Cool Callee Mexican Oil Bill Approved. Washington. D. C.—A vertical clear­ Idgo has sigued tits bill sponsored by Portland, O re—At midnight on De­ Elk in bands from five to 20 are Statistics as 19 per cent above tho Mexico City. — The senate unanl Senator Walsh, democrat. Montana, moualy passed In principle the Callee to be aeen almost dally by motorists average for the years 19X1-84 and an cember 31, 1928, the Vancouver-Port- ance of 150 feet over 2H miles of which will permit M T Everhart, son bill reforming articles 14 and 15 of on the Roosevelt highway a few miles increoee of four points over that of land Interstate bridge will be toll free. deep water In San Francisco bay is In-law of Albert B Fall, to testify In the oil laws, which have been the below Gold Beach. It Is eetlnuxtixl October. At that time the Oregon section of the specified for a bridge which the board Four fatal accidents In O n«on In­ span will become a part of the state of supervisors for the city and county the Teapot Dotuu conspiracy case source of friction between the United there are between 50 and «0 in the dustries were reported to th» state highway system and be under the con­ of San Francisco want to build, and without incriminating himself. States and Mexico. Hunters Head band. The measure decreases the statute John Mayfield, about 15, was shot industrial aocldent eoujmlaeloa for the trol of the Oregon state highway com­ permission for the construction of of limitations In government fraud I D octor Accused of K illin g W id o w . to death at Imbler last week by an week ending Dooember 22 Workmen mission. The Washington state high­ which would be provided by a bill cases from six to three years and Ixis Angeles. Cal Dr. Charlea M. unidentified assailant. The bullet. reported as having lost their lives way commission will assume control which Senator Hiram Johnson of Cali­ fornia has introduced to congress. opens the way for what the prose, u McMillan. 57, Los Angeles physician, ' Bred from a rifle, entered the front through Industrial accidents are Chas. of the Washington half. tion In the conspiracy trial of Harry , was arrested as the slayer of Mrs. dooc of the bouse and pierced May- Kerr. Marshfield; Henry M Heetkoff. Maupin; Joe L. Poieoo. 8t Helens’ Auto of Missing Couple Found. F. Sinclair and Pull, considers Impoi Amelia Appleby, whoso body was field's head as he lay asleep. Old Grid Rules Are Revived. tant evidence that Everhart declined found sewed in a sack t ear Ban Fern and Alton K. Holman. Seattle A total Marshfield, Or.—The mysterious dis­ New York, N. Y.—After a short de­ Dedication of the new auditorium of to give previously on the ground that endo last week. of 596 accidents subject to the provi­ bate over the changes made early this appearance of a young married couple, the West Linn union high school will h is t «alimony might Incriminate him sions of the workmen's compensation year in the football rules, the Amer­ Mr. and Mrs. Dannls Webb, of Abe- be held early in January, according act were reported to the exon miss Ion ican Football Coaches association ap­ line, Texas, and more recently of Rose­ THE MARKETS to John I. Gary, principal, who an during the week. Two Bank Bandtte Give Selves Up Portland proved a recommendation to elimin­ burg. was partially solved at North nouuces that work on the structure National banks of Portland, with ate the alterations affecting use of Bend when officers dragged a coupe Wheat 11. B. blueetem. hard white, la rapidly nearing completion. Graham, Tex. Two of the four ban dits who robbed the First National capital of w-.- »6.606,000, made »h.Vfll.FVU »2.022.900 the lateral pass and the recovery of from the bay at the foot of Virginia llHI »1 38; federation, soft white, "IUU western WPHiern |o _ . (bees U' . x'.wo-w, innon bank of Cisco, killing (I 8. Bedford, rd white. »1.261»; hard »inter. »12SW- ? T, f n,,t proflt8' "“-I«““ «« recoveries, dur- fumbled punts. The coaches voted in street. The automobile was the one chief of police, and wounding eight hl northern spring. »l » m ; western n-d. , “nd V 11 knn,n' r’,'»d* ,n‘ « tng the fiscal year ending June 30. ,-d »’ -»H- rtR‘,; en^ W" Weduea 1427. uccx’rding to the report of the favor of returning to the 1926 rules driven by the Webbs on the day of others ‘n a gun battle, were arrest their disappearance. affecting these features. when they appeared here Seeking a Hay — Alfalfa. »16 50017; valley day afterneon when a poet support comptroller of currency Of these at his filling station was pulled over rooming house. Neither resisted a r timothy. »n.»0O»13; eastern Oregon earnings »746,000 was paid out In divi­ Vancouver to Get Big Whisky Cargo. H unt fo r Dawn It Given Up. on him by an outgoing truck. /ast. The arrests ended one of the timothy, »30 50021 dends to stockholders Chirtag the New York, N. Y.—Convinced that Glasgow, Scotland. —> The blggelt From nine acme on the Ern.wt same period the national beaks of the Butterfat 61056c. greatest manhunts In the history of further search of the waters off the shipment of whisky ever to leave this Douglas farm In Grand Island district state, 90 io number, w ilt capital of this section. Eggs Ranch. S2ii.1l, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia coasts C a ttle S te ers, good, »le L i l l 75. I rire«- bottom land, more »6.310.000. « ru ed »1.476.000 net. In city on one vessel was loaded on the for Mrs. Frances Wilson Grayson and liner Salacla which sailed for Van­ Hickman's Captors Tske to Stage. Hogs Medium to choice, » 8 0 1 0 . " than 900 bushels of com was pro eluding recoveries, and paid »676,000 couver, B. C„ Saturday. The vessel her three male companions In the am­ Lumbs — Medium to choice, »110 iluood It Is of the Bloody Butcher and In dividends L«w A n g eles, Cal Hickman s two Gross profits of the phibian plane Dawn would be futile, Gulden Dent »trains cross It is well Portland books total«! »6.096.OUO and will carry 100,000 coses of assorted the U. S. navy has ordered withdrawn Oregon captors. Chief Tom Gurdaue 1160 liquor and many casks totaling more dovsloped first grade com Seattls, for th« upstate banks »A.i'M.OOO of Pendleton and Sargeant Cecil Lieu the five destroyers which searched than 1,250.000 bottles. H beat Soft white, western white, alien of the Oregon state highway po­ A. C Ruby of Portland was elected the waters about Cape Sable. Mr and Mr». O. R Rosa of Mill orthern spring. »1261»; hard winter, preal.lent of the Pacific International City eeiebrsted thetr .Md wedding an lice, have signed vaudeville contracts tor a local theater run The officers 1 1 2 .. western red, »1221», blue.tem, Livestock ex;>osltion to succeed E A nlversary last Saturday Mr Rose u W yom ing Ranches Damaged by Flood. Mellon not Presidential Candidate. Rock Springs, Wyo. — A wall of are in Los Angeles pending distribu­ Il 10; dark northern spring, »1 158»; Stuart, Seattle, who h.wi bc*en presi 76 and his wife 7«. she bslng In fair Washington. D. C .-S ecretary of the lark hard wluter. »139^ tion of the reward money. dent Since 1921 Mr Stuart rest g ned health and bs being hale and heart» water swept down upper Green River Treasury Mellon said he Is not a can- it» r t i t a i r . „1 h t l a .1 i~ __ a _ ». valley, doing heavy damage to ranches Hay Alfalfa, »25, timothy. »23- H but retain,d his directorship and true loading didate for the republican presidential an active life ,« his ranch tseshlp. and threatening to exterminate large J. P. Morgan Heads Steel Corporation. 1*. 8-, »21. Tbs Oswego la k s Water, Light A nomination and knows nothing about Butterfat—61c. herds of cattle, following the collapse The Aatorte police fores has been Power cxnpony Is requires) by »n or- New York J. p Morgan, the New a boom reported started for him. Eggs Ranch, 36c cut from nine to five men in a recent der of the public servie» ootamlaslon, of au irrigation dam near here. York banker, waa elected chairman of Cattle Steers, choice, »1125011 76 upheaval which w m Initiated a week the testr’l of directors of the U. 8 Alaska Indian Woman, 115, Dead. issued recently, to 'etablish an ade Hogs I’rlme, »9 75010. ago by the sudden resignation of J C juste water service f,< Ug patrons by Boy Breaths A rtific ia lly 115 Hours. Steel corporation The well kuowu Juneau. A la s k a - Mrs. Skookum Jim Bpokan«. M, Irwin, when he wno called on the April 1. Patrons crunplolnet that the Houston, T ex a s—Milton Rush, 16. known as the oldest Indian woman in financier succeeded the late Judge El Cattla Steers, good »10010 60 hurt (lary. carpet by Chief of Police Murphy and t ’t rice ^ te load «juste aod uar-wtsor died after bieathing artificially for •outheastern Alaska, died here. Mem­ Hogs -Good, »9 60 0 9 60. City Manager Krtua more than 115 hours. Young Rush bers of her family ,.id , he was U 5 able. waa sbot accidentally. fears old. ALABAMA IS DENIED ANY POWER PROFITS GOVERNOR JOHNSON WINS REMOVAL FIGHT REMUS IS DECLARED CRIMINALLY INSANE