Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, January 05, 1928, Image 1

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    »•* s a
Untlsvy ^Enterprise
Established in 1912.
Voi. 16.
No. 35.
Halsey, Oregon, Thu sdav January 5, 1928.
S h e d d P e r s o n a ls j
With five short cotinesscheduled
for this week and next, the college
is undertaking more comprehensive
w itter part time instruction than
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
in any recent ye »r.
D iir y m enu-1
tricity in agriculture. Economic
application of electric power to
farm ing operations will be taught
in lectures and demonstrations.
Oregon bankers will be here on­
ly two days, Monday and Tuesday
but during that time they will take
part iu a comprehensive program
designed to give them the latest
inform ation on the economic as­
pects of farming operations iu this
state as found iu all tranches of
the industry.
A lfo r d A r r o w s
(E nterprise correspondent)
Misr Liilie Rickard went to Sa­
lem the first of the week.
Jesse Rickard is on the sick list,
being confined to his be! with
bronchial pueumo iia.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbcck
epsnt last Wednesday eveniug st
the Fitzmorris home.
Miss Helen Patton returned to
her school Jdutiee Monday after
having spent the holidays at her
homo in Poitland. Uer school be­
gan Tuesday.
Mrs. E. D. Isom anJ daughter,
Beverly, visited Mrs Isom ’s moth
er, Mrs. L. E. Bond and s i ‘ter,
Mrs. Vera Howard iu Albany,
Tuesday cf last week.
G irl Is Skating Wonder
The girl wonder Is Maribel C. Vin­
son, seventeen-year-old skater from
Winchester, Mass., who will wear the
United Statea shield In the next
Olympic skating competition.
Vinson was developed at the Boston
arena by William Frick, famous pro­
fessional skating teacher. Many e t
perts believe she has a chance to win
the singles.
Oevoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
O íd B o re a s D e e s H is S tu ff
J P e o r ia Newt» l i m i t . I
By W ilm a W ahl
-W W » •
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
Th it the I II t 4 8 rates i t ta k i g
Mr. and Mrs. Pvl! Carj enter and
an increasing interest in its trade
son of Monroe v i sited at her noth«
w ith South Am erica, is evidenced
cr a M>s. Jessie Caruthers during
by the ai t on of the M cC orm ick
t le hoi id lys,
The school property at Sheild is
eU'^ ^ence 1 alld a base ball dia-
being constructed,
facturing, farm mechanic], r u r a l, D 'fhtened and ran away Tueaday
electric eervice, farming informa- a ,‘ern>)on. The wagon was upset
tion for bankers, anJ canning t but neither tl,,J driver nor horses
m ethoJs are the subjects to be were injured.
’ coverel.
AH the. colb gs students from
The farm m ichanics cinrae be Shedd, who have bien spenairg
gan the same nay as tbo regular ths holiday season at their homes
second term of college, January 3, in this city have returned to their
though late registration is perm it­ various schools.
ted. It continues for 12 weeks and
Janet Arnold has returned to
will coyer such practical subjects Spray, Ore., where she is teaching
as operation of gas engines, auto­ the primary grade] after haying
mobiles, trucks and tractors, water spent the Christmas holidays he e
sy6tens, pumps and electricity, at the home of her parents.
soldering, behbeting, pipe filling,
The members of the student body
harness repairing, knots ardsplices of the high school will present the
and m rebine shop work or black- play, “ 0 , K ay,” January 13 at the
Woodmen hall. Reserve tickets
The dairy m anufacturing short will he on sale at the Terminal
course of interest principally to confectionery,
creamery workers or those con-
Charley ai.d Max Elder have
tempi iting such positions, extends
bought the Shedd butcher shop ol
from January 9 to February 3. It
Mr. Hoffman and will take charge
affords 'opportunity for creamery
next Monday. Max Elder has
men to pick up the most up-to-date
been employed by Thompson Bros,
m inute inforrnatiou in the industry
and Company.
particularly in the line of cream
The Neighbors of Woodcraft and
grading and butter making.
Woodmen of the World held a
The rural electric service men
installation of officers Tues­
and bankers are due the week be­
Following tin in­
ginning January 23. The former
will have a six day session in stallation a program was enjoved
which will be given the information and later a harquel was served. A
gathered by the experim ent station large number of members of the
and the Oregon committee on elec, two orders were present.
-team ship line iu sending tw o well
Lind St. John of Shedd was a known authors c o m p 'e td y around
Pe riu business visitor Monday,
.hat con tin e n t on one of it* fre g h t-
M rs. Fay G ithens and Mrs. J. 8 era 1 h i w rite rs w ill slop at tti«
L in a r
tfetgol£stl<ettot>dhoti;;S• -*■:*? -* -t.-» *.
*. ». y y. <» .
Bill McHenry of Eugene was a | Mr. ar.d Mrs F. Euiord Morris
visitor at the Gajrge M ixwoll home and sou Robbie drove to Eugene
in Halsey Saturday.
to visit the former’s mother, Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Allen and M B. Cole, Sunday. P. J Forster
three children of Lebanon were the accompanied them and spent the
guests New Years day of Mr. and , dl>y at the home of his daughter.
Mrs. Sweet.
Mrs. Bert Clark,
E. L Dorman of Salem was in
Delos Clark, who has been spend­
Tuesday and while here
ing the holidays at his home in
Halsey, will leave for Crane where announced t h ^ he will
a moving picture show here ai
he is teaching school, on Friday.
Mis. Karl Bramwell lias received the city hall every Tuesday night.
word of the birth of a baby girl to Later the day may he changi d t<
hsr niece, Mrs. L> le Saylor of Tan- Saturday and a matinee given ir
tent, at the Albany General hos­ the afternoon.
The many friends of Mrs J. C
pital on January 1
Wavne Robertson who is working Bramwell have been saddened this
in Portland, caraa up Saturday | "esk by her serious illness, Mrs,
and spent the week end at Bramwell had a stroke if piraly
of his parents, Mr. and ■, i bid Thursday at the Davidson
Mrs. W II Robertson. He rt home near Halsey where Mi
turned to Portland Monday even­ Brani n il was helping butcher, and
M's. Bramwell had accompmien
Friday evening Dr S J- Cheney, him. A-i soon as she w n able to
listrictsuperintendent of Southern be move 1 she was biought to bet
conference of the Methodist church home in Halsey Frank Terrien
will be in Ilalsey and will hold a sou, from T a ft, C a lifo rn ia , and
services at the Metho 'ist church D orothy T e m in , a d m g h te r, ol
m l will also administer ti e sacra­ Portland, arc at their mother’s beo
School started again i’uesd» y
after a week of vacation, During
this time the leechers and several
of the pupils had ah opporlj&itv
to visit other places.
M'ss McCornack visited with hei
parents and friends in Eugene
She returned to H ‘!sey Wednesday
to coach a number of students who
are prepaiing to give a play “ The
Chinese Dummy.” She was a
guest at the Jess Cross home Wed­
nesday night and practiced with
the pupils agaij Thursday.
Miss Nelsoi went to Portland
in which city her pareu’s live to
spend the C bihtm as vacation.
While there she attended the
state teachers association meeting.
She returned in time to hold oper
etta practice Monday night.
Ruth McCornai-k visited high
school the FriJay before Christn as
m d returned to E ng'ne that eve­
ning with her sister.
Sup!. Patton visited relatives in
Portland during vacation, lie also
attended the state teachers' meet­
ing which was h Hld at the Lincoln
high school.
The operetta which the Glee club
has been planning to givo for some
titre, will be presented January 1
The students of the high school
have been given an ideal opportun­
ity for making money to increase
H i re are M r. unit .M s. d ia r ie s I H opkins of Boonton. N. .1 . a d tn lrln a the
their building fund. They are to
Congressional M iih il i f Honor a nil a c ita tio n fo r d istinguished g u lh in ii)
get subscriptions for the Lad ns
um ler tire d u rin g the C iv il v. ar th a t wort- awarded H o p kin s C2 yours ugo. hot
which hud Just i-i.-n liid him . 'J he ilelny o f Hie aw ard was d ie to Hie le le ra n 's
Home Journal, Saturday Evening
reluctance to a p p ly p r r io n a lly fo r Hie honor. The couple have Ju st cele­
Post end the Country G ent’eman,
brated Hie s ix ty l i n t n n n lvcrsn ry o f th e ir wedding.
and the Curtis Publishing company i
will reward them for their efforts.
Mr. L ilia n ) , repr.eeriting thecom-
panv, entertained the schools and
oigatrzed teams Tuesday after­
noon. Leaders have been appoint­
ed as follows: Charley Wright.
busins'B manager for the contest;
Ernestine Coleman, business man-1
ager for the “ Reds” and Keith
Hayes business manager for the
•‘Greens.’’ At the close of the
contest prizes will be awarded and,
the losing side will provide amuse­
ment lor the winners.
Here Is the first auto blessing station to be established In the United
Esther Beefeld
States. It is located at the 8t. Vincent De Paul ebureb, CimuiuaU, and U fn
Assistant reporter charge of Father William P. O'Connor.
___ ____
Gela His Medal After G2 Years
a lt ‘tided a meeting of the
p rin cip a l ports and gain m eterial
Eastern Star i Akers at Shedd F i - for articles of a p ra ctica l character
d i_v a ft' r.'.oon.
On the needs of South A m eric in
Mr. and Mrs. W. D Port, r of countries w hich N orth A m e rica n
8 e id were Peoria callers Tcesiay industries can su p p ly. The tr ip
w ill take five months.
The men selected to do the w rit.
Helen Lamar attendeJ a meeting
nf inc Rainbow Girls at Corvallis mg are Albert Richard Wetgen,
who seven years ago resided near
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Muller of Harrisburg mid at that lime was
Potter station were Peoria visitors harboring ambitions to be «story
writer but hit friends took him
Tuesday evening.
more ns a joke in a literary way,
Mrs. J. S. Lsniar was a ilalsey
the only one supporting him was
visitor Wednesday evening,
Albert himse'f. Shortly after thia
Mr. and Mrs. Tiblets and son, Mr. Wvij-n broke into the sacred
Oliver, of Washington, have re­ precincts of Line Book, Red Book,
turned home after s, en ing the and on up to I he Satunlay Eve­
'lolnl iys with her father J R Mode. ning Post. Collier's and other high
Selma Logan spent most of her grade sh <rt story publications. He
vacation visiting at the home of is author of “Captains A11. ” win­
ner of 0. Henry Prize for the best
Marcus Gregg at Bel'.efountain.
ihort story of 1926. The other
Rev. Mstcalf is holding revival writer is James Stevens, also a
meetings at Lake Creek, assisted contributor to Satiliday Evening
by Rev. Patterson of McFarland, Rostand other story paper«.
Rev. Cadwell of Tangent, Rev,
Steamship companies can do a
Harper of Corval lis and Rev Mitz great deal to encourag» trade le-
ncr of Ha: risburg.
tween our own nation and foreign
Mr. and Mrs, J S. Lamar were lands by getting practical facts
before Hie people of hoi h countries.
Albany visitors Tuesday,
George Githens it in Portland at
the bedside of Mrs. Githens who
was operated on at the Emmanuel
hnsp'tal there.
W. B. Lamar has returned from
Albany where he spent the holt,
lavs with his daughter, Mrs. Nan­
nie Gibbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes and
h'ldren visited with her parents
near Eugene during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lamar have
r turned to their nome in Corval
lie after spending several days at
the heme nf his paren ts Mr and
Mrs. J. \V. Lam r.
Edgar Kitchen who has bet u
woi king in Ea-tcrn Grey on is visit
mg his father Will Kitchen, the
Peoria blacksmith
W. D. Porter called oil Mrs.Por­
ter's n other, Mrs. Alice Dunn last
Percy Ruth and fan jly spent tl e
h iliduys with Mr». Ruth s parents
Mr. arid Mrs. C. E Bratlain.
| F n y e tte v lllv Iiv in s >
• ■ W * » A Z W S A /W l V W W ' A W V »
(E n terp rlae C orrupondanc«)
The w.rekly prayer meeting w-is
held at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
C. Dawson Thursday evening,
Roy Bcamer of Heather came
down Io the 8 P. Brock borne
Tuesday und is bur-y Luildiug fence
around his fa’rn.
Mrs. Flora I.eline of Newport
sho spen. tte Christmas vacation
with her daughter, Mr«. O. II Ero.
man, returned to h'*r hoiin- Satur­
Mr. and Mrs. Riy D u icm and
sons, E tun, R chard and Owigh',
of Noli, came down Friday In
speud the Clnistmas vacation at
the home of Mrs D uncan's parents
Mr and Mrs. J. A Couey.
Mrs J. A Couey returned from
Albany F<tday evening where she
had gone Monday to he with li* r
e ster Mrs. J. G. Gibson for a few
d ivs. Mr. Gibson was ta'ten to
ths Allir ny Gvn< ral Hospital Mon­
day eveni g and ai: operation was
Civil War Veteran Is Called
performed Tuesday morning. He
John Erunkbn Walter, 87, died is getting along as w«li a-i could he
a*, the home of ho* brother-in-law, expected.
W -Ler Duff of Haleey, Sunday
rn truing at 1 3" o'clock. Although
Mr, W iltvr bad been i l l poor
health for tome time he was con­
fined tJ liis 1 e j uply a lew days.
Death was caused oy appoplrxy.
The b»ly war taken to 3 ilern Mori
day evening by Wright anil R »ss-
inau and funeral services were hold
it the Anderson tb ip il Tuesday
alum o-m , Burial was iu the C-»y
View cem tery in the family I -t
John Walter was horn iu Peun
sylyinia, July 22, 1810. For a
time he lived in M niuit“t i and
during ll>e Civil war eerv d with
Compiny I, fi'St Minnesota mount-
ed regim rnl. Iu Ojtober 1P28 Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Came to Halsey
and li i ve since m l ie their ll jure
with Mr. Biid Mrs Duff,
Beside hit widow he is survived
by the f> lowing children, M *•
W illia m Powell of Sioux Fails, S
Dakota, Mrs Willie Boon of Salem
and Aubrey Walter of Chicago.
H ets also survived by 11 grand­
P re tty Bina l» iiy Heneen, daughter
children, two great great grand
o f Senator heneen o f Illin o is , Is one
children, a brother, Ephram Wa|- of Hie most |Mi|.ulur n f th is season's
t r of I/tota, M inn., and one sister, di Ilutantes la W ashington. T ills Is
the young In d y 'a latest (-ortraM,
Mrs. ). K Shields.