demonstrating proper care of child THE • TCtlEN CABINET (Ä. X8I7. Weatarn Newspaper Union.) “One Inch o f Joy l u r m o u n t i of K rief a »pan, B ecause to la u g h la p ro p er to ihe man.* V A R IE T Y OF GOOD T H IN G S W h a t’s th e A nsw er™ ™ ^ Answers No. 2'.’ 1— Greater Antilles. 2— Record of 4 min. 58 sec. Is held by Enoch Taylor of Lowell, Mass., In IS! SI. Improved Uniform International Sunday School ’ Lesson’ (B y RKV. P H F1TZW ATBK. P D . P«aa Muo«ly B ib le Inrtltu te o f C hicano ) (© . 1»IT. by Weataru N ew spaper U b I o b > When serving boiled fish cook It In Lesson for January 1 3— Seven, four In the American and a cheese cloth well tied up and drop I n t o b o i l i n g , three in the National. JOHN T H E BAPTIST AND JESUS slightly acidulat­ 4— (leu. George A. Custer. ed water. Serve FOOTING THE FORMALITY 8— Sol S m ith Russell. LESSON T E N T — Murk 1:1-11. w ith: GOLDEN T E N T —He m u st Increase. 6— Aconcagua, In Argentina. but I muM d ecrease. Drawn Butter After the elaborate ceremony tbe PItIM A K k l o t t o —Jo h n T ells About 7— Benjamin Franklin. Sauce.— Measure well-wishers were throwing the cus­ Je su s. 8— Nineteen amendments. oue-tjiird of a tomary rice at the youug couple. One JU N IO R T O PIC —Jo h n W elcom es and cupful of butter. II—It Is fourth In order from the B ap tizes Je su s. j excited guest buttonholed tbe bride's IN T E R M E D IA T E AND SENIOR TOP­ Melt one-half of sun, or the next beyond the earth. father aud demanded, "Have you any ICS— Jo h n P re p a re s th e W ay fo r Je su s the butter, add three tablespoonfule of YOUNG P E O P L E AND ADULT T O P ­ old shoes?" 10— William Rockhill Nelson. Hour, one-eighth of a teaspoonful of "Ye?," replied tbe bill-footer, pa­ 11— Five. Three of the aun and two IC—Jo h n H e ra ld s th e M ighty One. pepper, one-half teaspoonful of salt, tiently, "but, ah It h I I’m wearing In order to understand tbe leesons them.'' pour on gradually one and one-half of the moon. 12— Any formula or confession of for the first six months of tbe year It Illino is Home Demonstration Agent Showing Care of Child. cupfuls of boiling water. Boll five is necessary to grasp tbe central pur­ religious faith. minutes, remove from the fire and add Divine (Prepared by the United State« Department was taken by the United States Pe the remainder of the butter in small 13— Any of tbe planets, Venus, Jupi­ pose of tbe Gospel according to Mark. of Agriculture.) Grandma—After dinner we will go It has been frequently remarked pertinent of Agriculture, in Illinois pieces. ter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, when It In I be Old Testament Is set forth an to church or go riding, which do you august portrait of Jesus Christ, lie that the most valuable crop on any is attending a demonstration on the Spice Pudding.—Take one cupful of precedes the sun In rising. Is tbe Braucb, tbe King t.ler. 23:51; prefer, dearie? farm is, after all, Its children, and management of infants. Including dried bread crumbs, add one pint of 14— William Cullen Bryant. Little Helen—Just as you say, the Brunch. tbe Servant (Zeeh. 3:8); dressing them, weighing them, and hot milk, cover and let stand until the rural mothers are more and more 15— Dunlap and Claypoole’s Dnlly tbe Branch, tbe Man (Zeeh. 8:12); grandma. planning their feeding, using equip milk Is ubsorhed. Add one-fourth tea- Advertiser, Philadelphia. awake to the need of Information on Grandma—All right, we'll go to tbe Branch of tbe Lord (Isa 4:2). everything that has to do with the ment loaned by a department store. spoonful of salt, one-half cupful of 1(1—From Panama to Cape Horn. The fourfold aeeounl In tbe New church. welfare of their children. Ilow to I he county home demonstration agent molasses, one-quarter teaepoouful of Little Helen (aside)—The world is Testament called tbe Gospels, placed 17 Buenos Aires. feed a child properly at various ages, Is showing how to weigh the baby cinnamon, one-eighth teaspoonful of growing better. alongside of tbe old Testament pre correctly, and lias accompanied the cloves, the same of nutmeg, mace, gin­ how to dress 1dm, how to train him, 18—Twenty-five years. dictions, tils exactly. Matthew pre how to watch his growtli and correct demonstration with a talk on the rigid ger and allspice. Add two thirds of ID—In IN'.tti b.v Frederick J. Good­ sents Him as tbe King; Mark, tbe CLOSE RELATION faulty development—all these and weight for different periods of growth a cupful of raisins that have been rich, a sophomore at Harvard. Servant of tbe Lord; l.uke us tbe many similar points are being con­ Preceding this part of the meeting, steamed five minutes. Add one well 20—Gen. Joseph Wheeler. Kinsman Redeemer and John as tbe stantly presented to extension work­ there has been a visit to the infants' beaten egg, mix well and turn into a Son of God. Tbe theme of Mark Is ¿reused pudding dish and bake nearly ers ns desirable subjects for home clothing section, and suitable garments tbe gos|>el of Jesus Christ, tbe Son ot Philology Tells Story demonstration groups to consider. which liave been selected are seen an hour in a moderate oven. God (ell. 1:1). Tbe word gospel means Fish Souffle.—Make a suuce of two The group in the photograph, which hanging on a ruck in the corner. of Long-Vanished Race "good news." Jesus means "Savior." cupfuls of scalded milk, one-eighth Somewhere, and so long ago that It Christ means “Anointed.” It Is good , cupful of butter, the same of flour, one teaspoonful of salt, one-eighth tea­ la equally Impossible to say when news therefore because It Is the good ARTICHOKES ARE ' Savory Meat on Toast spoonful of pepper, one-lmlf cupful of there dwelt In Europe or Asia a most tidings that God bits anointed Jesus BAKED OR BOILED Most Delicious Dish soft bread crumbs and cook two min­ remarkable tribe of mankind, says a Christ to be tbe Savior of the world Oriental cookery furnishes a sug­ utes; remove from the Are, ndd two writer In the Kansas City Times The key verse Is Mark 10:45. “The gestion for preparing meat in a way cupfuls of shredded cooked fish, the These people are not mentioned In Son of Man came not to be minis­ any ancient history nnd no legend tered unto but to minister and to give In Food Value Tubers Are that is somewhat out of the ordinary. yolks of three eggs well beaten, and gives u hint of their existence. Not Ills life a ransom for many.' Tbe key Tlie raw meat 1 cut Into thin shreds, one tablespoonful of finely chopped Quite Similar to Potato. preferably with scissors, and then parsley; then fold In the well beaten even an authentic grave of one of Its words ar t, “straightway,” “forthwith,” "Immediately.” cooked with savory flavors, combined whites. Turn Into a buttered pudding members can be traced. (Prepared by the United State« Department I. Who is Jesus Christ (1:1)1 so ns to make a gravy, which can he dish and bake thirty minutes or more Yet this ante-legendary race has of Agriculture.) lie Is none other than God's Be­ been raised from the dark past and In many localities Jerusalem arti­ served on toast. In a Chinese restau­ in a Flow oven. Serve w ith: loved Son. rant you would probably And this displayed In Its undent shape until Caper Sauce.—Divide one-third of a chokes grow abundantly when once II. The Forerunner of Jesus Christ meat served with fried noodles or started in the garden. Their culture French fried onions, or both, and a cupful of butter Into two parts. Melt modern historian* know as much of (vv. 2-8). it as of many peoples yet living. The Is like that of corn, and they are dug little howl of delicious flaky grains one-half the butter, add three table- 1. Who he was (vv. 2,3). by hand. In food value the United of rice would take the place of the spoonfuls of Hour, add seasoning of words spoken hy that mysterious race, lie was John, the Baptist, who was He—Do I know Hicks? I should States Department of Agriculture says toast. The Japanese would use most salt and pepper, boll five to eight min­ tlie gods It worshiped, the laws It prophesied of more than live hundred say so. He's a very close relullve ot made, the character of Its Industries utes until the starch in the flour Is they are similar to the potato. They, of the same Ingredients put together years before (Isa. 40:3). mine. | thoroughly cooked, add the remaining anti possessions, its family and politi­ however, contain inulin, which Is con­ in a different way. Ills mission was to prepare the way She—I should say so. He's even cal relations, even tlie conditions of butter In small pieces. Add one-half verted in the body Into levulose or Savory Meat. cupful of capers drained from their Its intellectual development and Its for Christ's coming, lie represented closer than you nre. fruit sugar, and they are oftentimes liquor. This sauce Is also good vvita racial characteristics, are all well himself as hut a voice of one crying 2 cu p s «trained recommended for diabetics. They 1 sh lb. red uncooked In the wilderness, lie was therefore d ed lam b, known. canned tom ato Married Man Knows mutton. have a delicious flavor of their own beef, o r pork God's voice sounding forth the divine W hen trafllo lig h t* «how red. ju ic e These people were the fathers of Corn Soup.—Rub one cupful of 4 cups celery tops 1 tsp. sa lt when properly cooked. will and purpose. He was content lo T he th in g to do la sto p . I know — chopped fine or 2 2 tbs. flour canned corn through a sieve, I’ut into the ao-called Aryans, who in growing be hut a voice. As these tubers are Irregular In B u t w hen frie n d w ife se es red — cu p s celery and 2 2 tbs. b u tte r a saucepan two tablespoonful* of but­ numbers swelled beyond tbe bounda­ T he s a fe s t th in g to do Is go. shape they are tedious to prepare for 2. John's message (vv. 8-8). cups chopped 1 tbs. shredded ter and when bubbling hot add two ries of their ancestral home ami went the table, ns they must be scraped or leav es onion. (1) . Prepare ye the way of the tablespoonfuls of flour. Cook until forth to conquer and possess the Knew Her pared. A better way Is to scrub them Lord (v. 3). S lired the ment Into small pieces well with a stiff brush and then bake with scissors. Brown it In Its own smooth, then ndd slowly three cupfuls earth. Knowledge of this ancient A woman called at a department It was customary for servants to race bus been brought about solely by 1 of milk, and the corn, cook eight min­ or boil them In their skins. go before distinguished personages store to match a piece o f goods. Tlie fat In a frying pan. Add the celery When they have been baked, they tops, onion, and salt. Cover and cook utes und serve. A few kernels of workers In comparative philology— and prepare the road over which they clerk showed her the exact thing, but freshly popped corn sprinkled over the study of words. Word by word were to travel. In this preparation she demurred. may tie served In their skins and eat for about ten minutes. Add the flour en with butter, salt and pepper, or and butter mixed together, and the each serving adds to its appearance the language of the original Aryans there was to he removal of stones •‘I'll look around a little longer," has been exhumed from the descend­ they may be scraped out, mashed, sea tomato juice, stir until thickened, and | and flavor. the leveling of the surface, etc. John's ! she explained. "I told my husband ent modern languages until, pieced to­ Cottage cheese, cream cheese, or any soiled, and then served. Boiled Jeru message meant therefore that the pen I’d be ready In lee minutes, so he there Is starchy flavor. Serve the kind of cheese Is good for lunch. gether, they tell the story of a van­ pie should remove from their hearts won't expect me for an hour.” snlem artichokes nre easily peeled aft savory meat on slices of delicately ished people. Thl* and That in Food*. or cooking. They may be served browned toast. everything which hindered the Incom Fried noodles or As game and wild fowl are In sea­ «hole or sliced, with butter and sen The Gentle Hunter Ing of the Lord. French fried onions sprinkled over son, it is well to consider a few ways soning. A little lemon juice or nut­ the top just before serving nre an (2) The baptism of repentance “I don't see how Hopkins can go Famous for A bility of preparing it. meg Is suggested by way of flavoring. attractive addition. (v. 4). off hunting nnd be a member of tlie Wild duck, mud hens to Design Furniture If liked. The boiled vegetable mil) In preparation for the coming Christ S. I'. C. A.” and wild goose as well us also be served In cream or other well- Important as an Influence on furni­ the people were to repent of their "Well, yott see, he Invariably uses fish are often rather ture forms of Eighteenth century sins. Those who repented were to la1 seasoned sauce. It may be baked In Recipe for Kidney Steu) blnnk cartridges.” gamey In flavor. To re­ cream suuce with a sprinkling of grat­ America was the work of tlie four baptized. Ilnpttsm wns to he admin­ With Savory Seasoning move some of this flavor Adam brothers of England, chiefly the istered to those who repented ns tin ed cheese ; or fried with choped leek«, THE APPROPRIATE FORM Perhaps more people would enjoy there are many methods. work of Robert Adam, whose Inllu expression of penitence which led in celery tops, or parsley In a little but­ kidneys and other "fancy meats,’’ as To parboil with carrot, enee on the furniture of England from forgiveness of sin. ter, adding white suuce later, if de the butcher calls them, If they knew celery and a sliced onion 170» to 17S0 was murked. (3) The coming of the Messiah sired. how to cook them appetlzltigly. Here Is one of the best. Then If the tubers are pared before boil Is a recipe for kidney stew with Just He was a man of means, a traveler, (vv. 7. SI drain and proceed with The coming one was to he much Ing, they should be thinly sliced, very enough ndded seasoning to make It I the cooking In any way desirable, such but he wus not a cabinet maker. He little water should be tired, and It extremely good. A beef kidney Is as frying brown In butter or roast­ never made a piece of furniture in his greater than himself; so great that should be boiled down almost dry a, called for, hut other kidneys may be ing in a hot oven. life, though It Is on his furniture thut John was unworthy to loose the latches the close. Small tubers may cook In used If beef is not obtainable. The Ills fame rests. When he designed a of His shoes. The ruperlor dignity A young bird of any kind, after a 15 to 20 minutes. The flavor Is much bureau of home economics supplies little parboiling as above, will. If house he also designed the furniture of Christ was not only In Ills person hut In the work He wns to |>erfi>rm. enhanced by cooking in milk or in a this recipe: brushed with butter and an onion and to go In It, even going so far ns to 3. His success (v. 6). good meat broth. Kidney Stew. a few stalks of celery is placed inside, mark chalk s|H>ts on the floors to People from nil over Judea nnd Another way of cooking them after 1 beef kid n ey 1 tb s. th in ly show where each plpee of furniture then browned In a brisk oven, be Jerusalem went out and were baptized. sliced onion paring is to pluce them in a baking 1 cu p diced p o tato was to gland. His designs were pains­ found especially appetizing. Ills food nod dress Indicated that % tsp. »«it dish or casserole, either whole or 1 tbs. flour One housewife who was fortunate taking, exquisite in the spirit of an­ he hnd withdrawn from the world ns tb s. chopped p ar- 1 tbs. b u tte r sliced, cover closely and bake In a 1 sley enough to have some venison, more tiquity, says Sarah Lockwood, author a protect against Its follies nnd tins. 1 esk F ew drops ta b a s ­ than her small family could consume, of ’'Antiques.” slow oven until done, or about one- HI. The Baptism of Je«u* Christ co half to one hour. The cover of the prepared It for mincemeat, making an He drew his Inspiration directly (vv. O il). baking dish may need to be removed Wash the kidney well, remove the especially well-flavored mixture. from ancient l’ompeil, uninfluenced by Jesus was not baptized because He toward the close to dry out excess skin, and most of the fat. Cover-wlth Any game birds are good served his trip through Erance. His furni­ hnd sinrieil nnd therefore needed re­ moisture. Season with butter, salt, cold water and heat It slowly to the with sliced oranges as a salad. Serve Cholly—i>eat> me, I’m J uki devoted ture legs were straight, his lines were pentance, but because He was now i fcc cornmeal ns a food. and peppi-t Add grated cheese or boiling imlnt, discard the water, and them In overlapping slices, covered straight, bis bucks round or oval. His nbout to accomplish a work which She—In tlie form if mush, I sup> buttered crumbs or both, when liked. repeat the process until there Is no with a well-seasoned French dressing. decoration wns purely classic; he would constitute the basis of all strong odor and no scum on the wa­ Finely shredded cabbage, covered often employed tlie well known classic righteousness. He was now dedicat­ | pose? ter. Then add more water and sim­ with cold water to crisp It, then well urn. Ailam may have snubbed Chip­ ing Himself to tbe task o f bringing In Left-Over M eat Served mer the kidney until tender. Cut the drained and covered with cream, sugar pendale, for not one trace of Adam's righteousness through Hi* sacrlflclnl Provided in Guise of Beef Roll kidney in small pieces. Cook the and a dash of vinegar. Is another Influence Is found In the other's work. death. G irls have a rl< h t to dress aa th-*y please, Left-over ment need not always diced potnto and onion and add to worth-while way of serving a salad. —Exchange. (1) The opened heaven*. Thl* In A m aid en re m a rk e d w ith v iso r. Date, Apple, Onion Salad.—Take n reappear as hash or stew, croquettes the cut kidney. Thicken the liquid B u t som e o f th em lack th e norvw dleated III* connection with heaven And som e o f th em la rk th e fltrure. cr Shepard’s pie. The family will with the blended flour and butler, and slice or two of Spanish onion finely (2) The descent of the Spirit upon Islanders Evade Tax enjoy this new disguise for It. which cook for a few minutes longer. Take diced, or chopped fine, add to a qusrt Him. This gave the divine seal to III* Store Sarcasm has the merit of supplying all the the stew from the stove and stir In or less of finely diced apples and a | Eddy Island, off the coast of Gal work. starch needed for the meal In the the beaten egg yolk, the parsley, and cupful of minced dates. Season with ; way. Ireland, is so close to shore that Floorwalker (to Impatient runtomer (3) The voice of approval from form of biscuit, so with a green-leaf tabasco. The heat of the stew will salt and dress with any good boiled t Its few Inhabitants can observe boats henven. This made clear to John the leaving)—Can’t you get waited on, dressing. Serve on lettnee with a bit leaving the mainland and prepare an fact that Jeeua was the Messiah. madarne? vegetable or a salad t i e main part of cook the egg sufficiently. or parsley for garnishment. With the appropriate reception for visitors No­ Madame— No. I’m afraid I came at the meal Is provided for. The sug­ IV . J*«u* Christ Tsmptsd by Satan beautiful red apples hollowed out and body on the island baa paid anything (vv. 12.13). Young Girl’s Room an unfortunate tlrn*. your salesladies gestion Is from .the bureau of home Thai little corner bedroom upstairs filled with thia mixture or with the toward the maintenance of the Gal­ This look place Immediately after are In conference. economics. with the white dimity curtains can be Waldorf salad, which Is celery, nuts way county council for years, and the the heavenly recognition. This test 1 cu p s chopped 1 tbs. chopped made even more attractive by adding and apples, one has not only a table last time bailiffs landed the Inhub Ing was to demonstrate the reality of cooked m ea t celery tops Speed 1 tsp . s a l t *4 tsp. ta b a s c o a fluffy pillow or two. Organdie decoration but a most appetizing Hants repulsed them. Little possibil­ the Incarnation. Because of thl* tier Mother—Ferdinand la a very H m edium alsed % cup flour ity exists of seizing the cattle on the demonstration believer* ran be a* quiet dresser, I* he not? mnkes a lovely pillow cover for a salad. onion. 2 tbs. fat Eclipse Sauce.—Melt one fable- Island as they are driven to almost In­ sored that the Son of God has become young girl's room. Use two shades of Mrs. Gamesport—Not so very. But I tbs. finely chopped Rich biscuit pink or other dainty color which bar spoonful of butter, add one of flour accessible biding places when bailiffs Incorporated with humanity for the when he get* home at 2 a. tn he’s the p a rsley dough, m ade and when well blended add one cup­ 1 cup broth or m ilk w ith I cups appear. The Islanders owe the county purpose of It* salvation. tnonizes with the general color scheme quietest undresser you ever heard of. flour and goes nicely with the wall paper. ful of water In which a cucumber has about girt»,»»».—New York Times. Make a sauce of the floor, fat, and An oblong of the lighted organdie Is been cooked. Season with salt and How Men Differ From Beginning to End the milk or broth. Cook until thick­ Hitched to the center and two rows cayenne and pour over a well beaten V a rio u s School T e rm s M rs Foxzleton—My husband take* But the land, whither ye go to ened and then mix with the meal of hemstitching trim the edges. Five egg; add a tablespoonful of lemon The bureau of education says the possets* It, I* a land of hill* and val­ a day off from business now and then The and seasonings. Roll the biscuit organdie roses add a finishing touch juice and reheat carefully. school term extends over a period ot leys, and drinkerb water of the rain to play golf. Chopped, stewed cucumber may be dough about one-half Inch thick and Mr*. Bozzelton—Well, my husband added, which makes this a delicious 180 days In Italy (exclusive of Sun of heaven; a land which the Lord long enough to make a roll of the Don’t Scold days and holidays) ; 215 days In Estho- thy God careth for; the eye* of the takes a day off from golf now and sauce. fight size to fit Into the baking pan. It Is wrong to scold children or to Baked Potatoes. -Select even sized nla; over 20» In Germany; over 2»M) lx»rd thy God are always upon It, then to attend to business. Place the meat on the dough and discuss matters relating to discipline In France; 302 In Czechoslovakia ; 227 leave the dough uncovered about one at the table. Any unpleasant emo potatoes and bake In a hot oven. When In Hungary; 20» In Lithuania; 250 In front tlx- beginning of tlie year even unto the end of the year.—Deut. well done slash at right angles on the Safe on Wood Inch from the sides. Then roll up the tlons. such as crying or pouting. In Denmark; 200 In Finland; from Gc 8lie (coyly)—Hava you forgotten meat and dough, as you would a jelly terfere so eerlously with the digestion flat side and press up the potato. tober 1 lo July 21 In Portugal, wtth 11 ;It 12. you asked me to marry you last night? roll, and place In a greased pan Bake that It Is harmful to the children, say ' Drop a spoonful of butter In each and «lx to eight w eeks' vacation; from I From G od’s Hand He (thinking fast)—No. Indeed— In a slow oven nntil the crust Is a nutrition experts of the .National Dairy sprinkle with a dash of paprika. September 1 to May 30 In I Jit via. wilt | golden brown. Tomato or any well- council, an organization promoting | Whatever comes fro». God's Land but you haven t forgotten you said yog four w eeks’ vacation; from October I wouldn't, have you? seasoned sauce should be served with health and child welfare. >ears fruit.— Penelon. to June 15 In Spain the meat roll.