HICKMAN STORY OF ACCOMPLICE FALSE OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST M an Accused of A ctual M u r­ d e r Found in Los Ano- ele s Jail. B rie f Resum e of H appenings of the W eek C ollected fo r O ur R eaders. Log A ngeles.—T he Andrew C ram er, on whom W illiam Edw ard H ickm an seek s to put th e blame for th e actual (uurder of little Marion P ark er, was found In th e Boyle H eights Jail, Los A ngeles. C ram er has been In jail sev eral m onths, was In Jail a t the tim e of the kidnaping and m urder and could n o t have had anything to do with the crim e, police declared. C ram er, a convicted bootlegger, has been a p riso n er here since last August. H e told d etectiv es th a t he was ac­ quainted w ith H ickm an and with a Ju n e Dunning. T his was the nam e given by H ickm an when he told Pen­ dleton officers th a t Andrew C ram er bad aided him In th e crime. He said h e picked up C ram er and Ju n e Dun­ ning In San Diego last T hanksgiving day and gave them an autom obile ride to Los A ngeles. Bearch for T hom as H Cormier. P o rt­ land man lost since D ecem ber 5 in the wilds of upper D rift creek, near T aft, has been abandoned. S earching p arties combed the en tire region but only found som e to rn clothing. CONGRESS ADJOURNS OVER THE HOLIDAYS R ecord of A ccom plishm en t of F ir s t 15 D a y s C onsidered S a tis fa c to ry . D rilling was scheduled to be resum ­ ed a t th e well of the G uaranty Oil company n ear E ugene last week. Bunk- houses and a m ess hall have been pre­ pared and everything is ready for ac­ tive operations, it was announced. Linn county’s to tal indebtedness for W ashington, D. C.—U nder th s sha- A S im law cham ber of com m erce the A lbany bridge has been cut to »47,- dow of th e d e a th of one of its most 300. The original debt, co ntracted in was organized a t F lorence last S atu r­ beloved m em b ers-^ S en ato r Jo m a o( day when a group of m en re p resen t 1926, w as »112,500. New M exico—th e 70th congress aj. Mrs. E m m a L. H u fsta te r has been lng W est Lane county m et there. Each Journed fo r its C h ristm as recess. nom inated by P re sid e n t Coolidge as d istric t chose tw o men to re p re se n t As th e y d ep arted from Capitol hill p o stm istress a t K nappa, a position them . E arl Hill of C ushm an was elect­ for a vacation of tw o weeks, senators ed president and Ja c k C. P e n sle r of she hag held fo r m any years. and re p re se n ta tiv e s left behind them Florence, secretary. A pproxim ately 600 carloads of broc­ a record of accom plishm ent over ths A 60-foot plunge off the new Soap­ coli will be shipped from th e Umpqua 15 days since convening th a t had l«w valley during th e com ing season, ac­ stone bridge on th e R oosevelt high co u n te rp a rts In re c e n t years. way, n e a r A storia, proved fa ta l to cording to p re s e n t estim ates. The firs t of th e annual appr-jprta, Edw in B ergdahl, 41, laborer, Tuesday. tlon bills, to m ake up deficiencies, The Red C ross ch a p te r a t The B ergdahl was carry in g m aterials for w as on its way to th e W hite House;’ Dalles is one of th e m ost prosperous the bridge across th e skeleton s tru o th e »290,000,000 ta x reduction bill had in th e state. It now has a m em ber­ tu re when he m isstepped and fell to rounded th e firs t buoy of the legisla­ ship of 900, n early double th a t of last the bottom of the narrow gorge. tive course, as had th e m easure pro. year. By a m argin of 26 votes a t th e spe­ posing se ttle m e n t of the German- T h ere are 1628 children of school cial election held in Seaside la st Mon­ A m erican alien p ro p erty claims, and age in A lbany th is year, according to day, the m easure to provide fo r a a reso lu tio n to give a congressional D. D. H ackelm an, school clerk. This fund of »2500 "to ad v ertise the beau­ m edal of honor to Colonel Charles A. is a gain of only five over th e 1926 ties and advantages of the city of L indbergh had becom e a law. census. Seaside, as a pleasure and h ealth re ­ In addition, th e W alsh bill, designed Pendleton, Or. — W illiam Edw ard L ieu t. A. C. Davis, U. 8. N., who has The B ert M ullins confectionery and so rt’’ was defeated. T he vote stood to com pel testim o n y of recalcitrant H ickm an, Log Angeles kid n ap er and new sstand In H ep p n er w as robbed 104 in favor of th e m easu re and 130 been appointed naval aid to President w itn esses in th e nav al oil criminal killer, was arre ste d by Tom G urdane, Harold A. La Fount of Utah, who Coolidge. early W ednesday and about »70 taken against. conspiracy cases, w as In President P endleton chief of police, and C. L. has been appointed by Prealdent Cool­ from th e safe, w hich m ay have been Coolidge’s hands, and both houses had (B uck) L leuallen, sta te traffic offi­ idge a m em ber ©f the federal radio unlocked. S ta te highw ay crew s have not only se t forth upon w h at prom ises to be a cer. east of Echo on the Old Oregon commission. kept the M cKenzie highw ay open to T he F ow ler-street bridge was opened long series of Investigations. trail, a fte r a man h u n t th a t covered L ost C reek ranch, a w in ter sp o rts cen­ a t R oseburg la s t week, elim inating E ven before th e legislative wheels th e whole P acific coast and lasted for te r 12 m iles above M cKenzie bridge, th e long highw ay detour, over which of e ith e r house h ad been started, both seven days. H e was taken w ithout but have scraped the snow far enough traffic has been routed for th e past resistan ce. had received dem ands for a number off th e c en te r to allow tw o c a rs to six weeks. of Inquiries, sev eral of w hich are well W hen arrested , H ickm an had *1420 pass a t alm ost any place, according to Chicago.—W estern railro a d s chal­ u n d er way. Yamhill county closed the books on Sm ith L. Taylor, n atio n al fo rest ran g er w orth of U nited S tates »20 gold certi­ lenged th e a u th o rity of four m em bers its tre a su ry N ovem ber 30 w ith cash of M cKenzie bridge. ficates on his person. A special sen a te oom m lttee, plung­ of a board of arb itra tio n to aw ard ing im m ediately Into charges In ths on hand am ounting to »230,115.59, the The youthful fugitive was captured London.—G reat B ritain h as no In­ A dog saved the life of O tto C. K a r­ wage Increases to 66,000 firem en and w ithout a stru g g le when G urdane and tention of increasin g her naval build­ la rg est cash balance in th e h isto ry of H e a rs t new sp ap ers th a t a fund of »1, stens, farm er of the Knox B utte dis­ enginem en by petitioning th e U nited Lleuallen, who had been w atching for ing program d espite "tem p o rary fail­ th e county. 215,000 wag created for four United tric t ea8t of A lbany la s t w eek. An 8 ta te s d is tric t court to set aside a re­ him on th e stren g th of ‘‘hot" tips, u re” of th e Coolidge cru iser lim itation S ta te s sen ato rs, satisfied itself that C harles H. H am lin, p ast 70, log an gered bull atta c k e d K a rste n s and c en t decision. pounced on him with draw n guns as conference, K ing George declared In a scaler a t Mike M orrison’s cam p above no se n a to r received a n y money and gored him in th e body and legs, b reak ­ Counsel fo r th e 65 lines, com prising pushed its in quiry to determ ine the th e big green sedan he was driving speech, proroguing p arliam ent. Bridge, n ear M yrtle Point, was killed ing one of his ankles. A farm hand v irtu ally all the leading tru n k system s turn ed a co rn er of the highw ay near a u th e n tic ity of th e docum ents which in stan tly when he was stru c k by a The k in g ’s speech corresponded to tried to catch the bull, but w as chased w est of Chicago, oontended th e board Echo. He was speeding tow ard the falling tree. H e a rst purch ased fo r publication. th e re cen t m essage to congress In up a tree. The in fu riated anim al fin ­ w as dissolved on D ecem ber 5 w hen it w ilds of eastern Oregon. T he house naval com m ittee took up R ural delivery ro u te No. 1 h a s been w hich P resid en t Coolidge revealed the ally w as diverted by th e dog. rep o rted to th e court h ere it could not an in v estig atio n of published charges A tra il of "blood m oney”—th e »20 g o vernm ent’s plan for a bigger navy established a t St. H elens. T he route By vote of its board of d irecto rs the reach an agreem ent. gold certificates which P erry M. P ark ­ by R ear A dm iral T hom as P. Magruder K ing G eorge said th a t B ritish dele­ serv es 120 fam ilies over a d istan ce of L exington S tate bank in M orrow coun­ W hen H azlett P. Burke, chief justice th a t the navy w as over-organized and er, Los Angeles banker, had paid for g ates a t th e Coolidge conference had 26 m iles w ith one c a rrie r a t a salary ty did not open its doors la s t T ues­ of th e Colorado suprem e court, sum ­ th e mangled body of his little daugh­ g u ilty of w asting its appropriations. sub m itted lim itation proposals which, of »1890 a year. day and it w as tu rn ed over to the moned th e board again to m eet In Den­ te r—led to th e capture. O fficials of the F irs t N ational bank s ta te banking d ep artm en t. F o r th e ver the two railroad m em bers refused "if th ey had been accepted, would Calm ly sittin g In the ou ter p a rt of have led to su b stan tial reductions in of E ugene last F rid ay celebrated the last six years th e bank has o perated to atten d , rig h tfu lly contending, th s th e cell block of th e Pendleton city 44th an n iv ersary of the founding of a t a loss. A rran g em en ts have been petition claim ed, th a t the board had naval stre n g th and costs." Jail, H ickm an related his version of "I reg ret," he added, “th a t though th e in stitu tio n. T he bank first opened m ade to pay th e depositors 80 cen ts autom atically ceased to exist on De­ th e crime. D ecem ber 16, 1883. cem ber 5. on th e dollar w ithout delay. The m urder was done by Andrew much of a com m unity of view s was Owing to w eath er conditions, all On D ecem ber 17 th e tw o em ployee’ C ram er, his p a rtn e r In th e crim e, he revealed, It was not possible to reach A proposal to Im prove reclam ation work has been suspended a t the Moon in K lam ath by expending betw een re p re se n ta tiv e s and the tw o d esig n at­ Provinoetow n, M ass.—W ith life ad­ said, and he had no p art In the killing a general ag reem en t.” B ritain ’s naval building program , L um ber com pany's planing m ill in »200,000 and »250,000 on new d rain s ed a s n eu tral m em bers agreed on an m itted ly ex tinguished w ithin the hull and did not know th a t she had been slain until h er body was delivered to th e king said, w as "based on a con­ A shland until March, throw ing 20 men and deepening existing d rain s h as so aw ard of 80 cents a day m ore for pas­ of th e 8-4, th e ta s k of raising the him In his Bellevue ap artm en t on S at­ sidered view of th e defensive needs out of em ploym ent. aroused th e in te re s t of th e U nited sen g er firem en and 36 cents m ore for sun k en subm arine from Its grave off of my w idespread em pire.” u rd ay night. A snow fall th a t has covered the S ta te s bureau of reclam atio n th a t a all o th e r m em bers of th e B rotherhood P rovincetow n h a rb o r passed from a Review ing foreign relatio n s, the ground to a depth of m ore th a n six d rain ag e engineer, I. R. L akisch, has of L ocom otive F irem en and Engine- rescu e d ra m a Into a routine salvage * H e claims th a t he did not know Job. inches hag caused th e tem p o rary sh u t­ been se n t to the K lam ath cou n try to men. w here th e girl had boen kept a fte r he king said: "I have w atched with profound sat­ down of n early all th e logging cam ps in v e stig a te the feasibility of the p ro j­ L ie u te n a n t C om m ander Edward tu rn ed h er over to his p a rtn er T h u rs­ E llsberg, d irectin g th e operations, de­ day night a fte r taking h er to a show. isfaction the stead y grow th in Influ­ in th e N ehalem country. ect. COURT HALTS L E GISLATURE clared th a t u n less unusually fal* Paced with a rep o rt th a t Andrew ence of th e League of N ations and the A to tal of 356 s tra y h orses have H. F. H unt, principal of Stadium Cram er, his alleged accom plice In the Increasing p art It plays In com posing been rounded up in P ine and E agle high school, Tacom a, h as accepted an O klahom a Governor W in » Injunction w eath er p ersisted it w as not likely the kidnaping of M arian P ark er, w as in in tern atio n al difficulties and p reserv ­ valleys n e a r B aker and sold to steel coffin w ith Its cargo of 40 dead Declaring Session Illegal. in vitation to ad d ress th e high school Jail at th e tim e of th e crim e, H ickm an ing peace. My governm ent will con­ Mr. M artin of P o rtlan d for shipm ent p rincipals of O regon w hen th ey a s ­ O klahom a City, Okla.—Two new m en could be raised to the surface before n ex t spring. not only reiterated his original sto ry tin u e to base Its policy on loyal co­ to a m eat cannery th ere. sem ble a t th e U n iv ersity of Oregon, court orders len t assista n c e to the ef­ th a t C ram er had butchered the girl, operation with th e league.” T he S-4 had been a t th e bottom of T he new ly created office of city Eugene, Ja n u a ry 13 and 14, fo r the fo rts of G overnor H enry S. Jo hnston but gave additional d etails of C ra­ th e se a off P rovincetow n harbor for to send m em bers of the leg islatu re first annual prin cip al's conference to m arshal a t Coquille, as provided in m er's p art In th e plot. Just 1J8 hours w hen It-w as finally de­ B R IE F G ENER AL N E W S th e 1928 budget, will be filled by P be held in conjunction w ith th e reg u ­ besieging his ad m in istratio n back to cided th a t th e six m en who bad fought H ickm an said th a t C ram er cam e in R. B ernhardt, appointm ent being made lar conference of stu d e n t editors and th e ir homes. to his apartm en t a t the Bellevue apurt- S en ato r A ndrleus A. Jones, 65, dem ­ a g allan t b a ttle for life In h e r torpedo officers. A p erm an en t Injunction Issued by last week by the city council. m ents, Los Angeles, about 6:30 o ’clock ocrat, New Mexico, died nt his a p a rt­ com partm ent no lo n g er survived. It D istrict Ju d g e C ham bers b ars the F o r th e first tim e In 18 years Mrs. Mary H enderson, 90, an Ore­ S atu rd ay and not only delivered the m ent in W ashington, D. C. house m em bers from atte m p tin g to w as not until a ir lines, attach ed to the torso of the girl in a su itcase to H ick­ The general death ra te In th e Indus­ gon pioneer of 1843, and since 1878 a G resham w as w ithout fire protection function fu rth e r as a legally convened listen in g device of the torpedo room m an, but accom panied him to w ithin trial population of th e U nited 6 ta te s residont of B aker county, died last la s t w eek, due to the disbanding of group, from continuing th e ir in v estig a­ by a m ethod n ev er before used, had a sh o rt d istan ce of the spot w here and C anada for 1827 will be th e low est week a t th e hom e of h e r d au g h ter th e G resham volu n teer fire d e p a rt­ tions of s ta te officers, from p rep arin g been pum ping fresh a ir Into the com­ m ent. V ote to disband w as unanim ous, Mrs. Jen n ie B aisley, in Baker. H ickm an turnod over the body to the ev er recorded. p a rtm e n t fo r 13 h o u rs th a t hope was Fall-sown crops a re looking fine all 25 m em bers Joining in th e ballot. any m ore im peachm ent charges and a t la st given up. girl's father. S everal persons, charged w ith fraud from filing new charges w ith the L ack of co-operation by th e city coun­ " It was n ecessary to put th e su it­ ulent reg istratio n in the Toledo, Ohio, around D ayton and th e continued mild S ignals se n t by th e oscillator of the "pretended court of Im p each m en t" case up against th e In strum ent board m ayoralty election, w ere Indicted by w eath er is ideal for them . F arm ers cil, and refu sal of th a t body to pur­ The seoond injunction, a tem p o rary Falcon rem ain ed unansw ered, and all have been able to finish seeding, as chase adequate ap p aratu s, w ere given w hile C rnm er was In the car. and I th e grand Jury. w as still In th e b a tte re d hull of the as cause for th e d e p a rtm e n t’s d isban­ order Issued by D istrict Judge H ooker, the soil was In p erfect condition. placed It on th e seat a fter he left,” S ecretary of th e T reasu ry Mellon subm arine. T h e resc u e rs regretfully forbldg m em bers to draw pay fo r th eir ding. said Hickm an. "I let him out on Al­ announced th a t th e tre a su ry has de­ adm itted It w as th e end. An o rganization know n as th e E a st­ T he Douglas county court w as in­ activities in th e session. varado avenue a fte r we had stopped cided not to Issue ag ain st G erm any ern C lackam as B usiness M en’s C redit and talked over o ur future plans. an an ti dum ping o rd er ag ain st Im por­ association w as re cen tly organized a t form ed la s t week th a t th e governm ent L IN D Y 'S M O T H E R W E LC O M E D Italian B reaks A ltitude Record, "C ram er said, 'I am feeling kind of tatio n of steel products. E staca d a and a m eeting w as held in has approved the 1926 Douglas county T urin. Italy.—The Italian airplane claim fo r O. & C. tax refund m oney in funny about this, and w ant to get out W ilber E. Coman. for th e p ast six th e city hall last F rid ay evening. F irs t W om an (o F ly From United th e sum of »192,838.38. T his is »445.17 Pilot R enato D onatl roke the w orld’s of town Just as soon as possible.’ He years w estern traffic m anager of the States to Mexioan Capital. Believed to be P o rtla n d 's old est cit­ stated we would m eet In San F ran cis­ N orthern Pacific railroad a t S eattle, izen, Mrs. A ngeline Yane, 103 years less th an was claim ed by the county. altitu d e record by attain in g 11,887 m e­ Mexloo City.—T h e Lone Eagle's ters (88,793 feet). T his was exactly co to settle up.” has been nam ed vice-president of th at 5 m onths and 21 days of age, died in A pproxim ately »121.500 will be re ta in ­ m o th er m ade aviation W story herself road to succeed th e late G eorge T th e hom e of h e r d au g h ter, Mrs. John ed in th e county fund and th e rem ain­ 100 m eters h ig h er th an the record of when, follow ing the overhead trail of the A m erican aviator, L ieu ten an t A. d er will be distrib u ted am ong road and Reid. Pugh, 675 S av ier stre e t, last T hursday. h e r Illustrious son, Mrs. E vangxl^e SM O O T W A N TS SLA SH school d istricts. P o rt of Umpqua and A. Champion. S an ta Claus m u st have given his L indbergh landed a t V albuena flying A lfred R ichardson, 38, negro em ­ U m pqua highw ay Im provem ent dis­ Paring Down of House Tax Cut Is approval of the use of the a ir mail as ploye of a b a rb e r shop In A storia, field. She w as th e firs t woman ever T H E M ARKETS a m eans of tran sp o rtin g his C hristm as w as blinded last w eek when lye being trict. Declared Im perative. to fly from th e U nited S ta te s to Mexi­ Portland M erchandise and com m odity exports co City. W ashington, D. C.—A paring down g reetings, P o stm aster O eneral New used to cleanse a d rain exploded. Phy­ W h eat—B. B. blueetem , »1.83; hard of th e »21)0,000.000 tax reduction bill concluded when he had exam ined re­ sician s feared blindness m ay be p er­ from Oregon In the second q u arter of Mrs. L indbergh arriv ed a t Valbuena the c u rre n t y ear declined ra th e r white, »1.25; federation, soft w hite, field from T am pico In a g ia n t tri-mo- passed by the house to well under p o rts on a ir m all weighings. m anent. sh arp ly from those of the sam e quar w estern w hite. »123; hard w inter, tored Ford a ir liner. She w as Imme­ 1150.000,000 was dem anded by C hair­ D am age ag g reg atin g »159,170 re ­ »1.21; n o rth ern spring. »1.22; w estern m an Smoot of the sen ate finance com­ Pullm an V alue Declared f t 10,23«,78«. sulted from 778 fo rest fires burning te r In 1926, according to rep o rt just red. »1.304». d iately officially welcomed by General released by the United S tates d ep art W ashington. D. C.—A te n ta tiv e val­ m ittee, which will work over the m eas­ Jose A lvares, chief of sta ff to Presk over a to tal of 24,078 acres of forest H ay — Alfalfa, »16.5O@17; valley uation of th e Pullm an com pany as of land during th e past season, according m ent of com m erce. The d epartm ent u re a fte r the holidays. d en t Calles, and then ta k e n In the am­ tim othy. »17.6O@»18; eastern Oregon U nder p ressu re from th e W hite Ju n e 30, 1919. was fixed by th e In ter­ to a rep o rt Just m ade public by F. A. fixed value of the q u a rte r's exports bassadorial autom obile to th e Ameri­ from th is state a t »11,067.328, com­ tim othy, »20.50 @21. H ouse th a t the original lim itation of sta te com m erce com m ission a t »110,- E lliott, sta te forester. can em bassy. W hile Mr*. Lindbergh B u tte rfa t—61 ©>66c. pared w ith »17.818,029 In th e sam e »221,000,000 set by the adm in istratio n 238.786. The com pany, w hich oper­ was landing, h e r eon, In an o th er plane, F atally in ju red w hen stru ck on the Egge—Ranch. 82© 35c. be adhered to, sen ate republican lead­ a te s m ost of th e railro ad sleeping cars forehead by a piece of oak wood which period of 1926, a decline of »6,751,001. hovered over th e field unable to de­ C attle— S teers, good. »10.50© 11. ers a re adm ittedly puazled as to how In th e U nited S tates, had a cap italiza­ broke while he w as w orking It on a The value of second q u a rte r exports scend, due to th e trem endous crowd H ogs Medium to choice. »8©9.50. It Is to be accom plished and some de­ tion on th e v aluation d ate of (117.- lathe in th e Bend high school m anual of th is sta te placed It 22d am ong the w hich g ath ered about his m other's Lam bs Medium to choice, »11 a lay In action on th e bill seem s prob­ 105.960 and Its own book In vestm ent (rain in g shop. N orland P itm an, 16, states of th e union this year, as com plane. 12.60. pared with 16th place in the sam e able. S trong b in ts have been dropped was »114.522.062. died In a Bend hospital. qu arter last year. Seattle. th a t th e ad m in istratio n is willing to Flood Vlotlm s H a v e S u fficient Fund*. W h eat—S oft w hite, w estern w hite, B enton county farm ers hel.l th eir The defunct Bank of Stanfield has Francs Votes Big N avy Program . w ait until March 15, when first tax W ashington, D. C.— Red Cross fund* first auction sale in C orvallis last declared Its third 20 per cent dividend »1254»; hard w inter. »114; w estern p aym ents of 1928 are due, to prove Its P aris.—By a vote of 270 to 20, th e and o th e r resource* on hand will be T uesday. The stock w as cleaned out to depositors. The total balance due red, »1.22 4», n orthern spring, »1 264» co n ten tio n s on the prospective surplus F rench sen ate ratified adoption by the In an hour and a half. R epresentative depositors a t the tim e the bank closed blue.tem , »1384»; dark n o rth ern spg.’ sufficient to c a rry th e d e stitu te pop­ for th is year. ch am b er of d ep u ties of th e naval build­ ulation still needing help In th e Mis­ ing program . T he program calls for farm ers from all sections of Benton its doors was slightly over »30,000. »1444»; dark hard w inter, »1.80. sissippi valley flood region through county and a few from Lincoln county Alfalfa, »86; tim othy »28' M other Sobs for Son Killer The bank receiver has been able to 15 new w arships. attended. P. 8.. »22. ’ until spring w ithout fu rth e r public pay »18.000 to date. " K a n s a s City. Mo — Mrs Eva" H IÎV national appeal, S e cretary H oover has F red Bangs. 50. a farm er(nf Elm ira, B u tterfat— 64c. Benjam in B. Oetlind said the furnl- President Signs Deficiency B ill. m an collapsed h ere when new spaper­ announced, upon h i t re tu rn from » n ear Eugene, was killed when the au­ .ure factory under construction at Eggs— Ranch. »4c. m en told her th a t her son, W illiam W ash in gton. D. C.— l*rseldent Cool Anal survey of the area. tom obile in which he was riding with M arshfield would be finished In March C attle—S teers, choice, »10.60@11.60. K dw ard H ickm an, alleged slayer o( blge h as signed th e deficiency bill his wife and d aughter was stru ck by and would employ 50 persons. The Hogs Prim ,., »9 4 0 © 9 3 0 . M arian P ark er In Los Angeles, had carry in g em ergency ap p ro p riatio n s of Ita ly Adopte Gold ae Money Standard. in Oregon E lectric northbound train taclory will be an addition to th s H ogs—P rim e. »9 76@8.86. been cap tu red n ear Echo, Or. "It »201.00.000 for v arious governm ent a it week, about Rom e.—The lu lla n cabinet adopted one mile no rth e4 Spokane. oos Bay \ »user A Box com pany mau- c a n 't be tru e," she sobbed. activities. the gold sta n d a rd for stabilization of t rard »talloa. C a u ls — Steer*, good. »10@10.6A, afociuriug buetuee« BIGGER NAVY NOT PLANNED BY ENGLAND ROADS DENY RIGHT TO INCREASE WAGES HOPE GIVEN UP FOR MEN IN SUNKEN S-4 H o g s -G o o d , »9.25 @9 16. Italian currency on the hasis of 19 lire to the dollar.