StaUry ÍHntvrpxñíc agriculture horticulture livestock Established in 1912. Voi. 16. No. 34. Halsey, Oregon. T hursday December 29, 1927. Devoted to the Inteicsts of Halsey and Linn County No Rest for Father Time a A W * -WSA VW V' Miai VUÍtUHlC IUI C ----------- - - l« - A ------- Practical Costum e tor General D aytim e W ear | Spoon R iver S p ark s — In School at Sixty J Lake CreelrNews VA*» DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY i , ___________________ (By Special Correspondent) (B y Karl Williams is home for the an Enterprise Reporter) \ \ 11 K irk and fa m ily were in Albany Tuesday. holidays. Mrs. M ell Dawson of Albany is a g u o t of her neice, Mrs. Luther Brock and fa m ily , Mrs.Ada Cum m ings of C orvallis visited at the M a rtin Cumming» C ail Stefeld and fam ily we*o gneata at the H 'ury Secfeld home iSunday M is L R. Falk an 1 cbildre i were business cgllera at H arrisburg ' Monday. home this week. Mr. H enry Cook of West F ir was a guest at the II. E. Davis home over the week end. C harles S lraley and fa m ily spent Tuesday -•veiling at t h j G J. R is e ' home. M artin Cummings is at home after spending several days at the hospital in Eugene. M r. and Mrs Davidson were Christmas dinner guests at the \V. R K rk home. Mr. and Mrs. W ill Harvev have as their guests th » ir eon and his wife from P ortland. • N E llio tt and fa m ily were Christmas eve guesta at the Robt. R -in-ey home. A number of people from here attended the program at Pine Grove Friday evening. Revival M eeting) are in progress here this week and the attendance increasing each evening. M r. and M rs. Manlee Spores of Springfield spent eeveral days here as the guests o f Mrs. Spores par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs C.S. W illiam s. The Christmas p rg ’ ant entitled “ The Heavenly H o s t” by Lyman Bayard, was giveu by the Epworth League at the church Sunday eve ning. About 250 persons attended this program and much praise was given the young people for their excellent presentation of this beau­ tifu l Christmas story. Miss Weal­ thy Trayoer of Eugene was soloist and M ifs Lavelle Palmer sang “ Star of the E ast” in a very pleas­ ing manner. Mr and Mrs. F rank Logan and M r. and Mr». Roy Owen, former residents of this place, attended the Christmas program given here Sunday evening, Others attending from a distance were Miss Martha Voyfer and father of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. H ill M r. and Mrs. Bert M in ckley, D H Sturtevant and fa m ily, M r. and Mrs. B M Bond, and Miss Georgina Clark ap of Halsey, M r and Mrs. J. W . La- mar, Mas. J. S. Lam ar, M r L. C Hughes and fa m ily, M '. and Mrs. George Bayne and others from I ’eoria, M"s. L loyd Simons and fa m ily and Mr. H arold Owen of H a riis b u rg . A lf u r d A r r o w s (Enterprise vorrespondent) Mrs. M ollie Kuplun, sixty Jvui u ,-riiin liiio lh e r of thirteen children «I her desk In P i.hllc Evening School No l.’kl. B rooklyn, N. Y. The 11 L. S trile y f u nity were Christmas dinner guests at the Charles Straley home ■‘ T- ▼ Mr. and M rs G ! K ik e a n I Chiistmaa dinner guests et the so s. H arlie and James, spent Sun­ E D- Isom home were Mrs. L. E. day nt E ir l Ringadorl's. Bond and Lester Bond of Albany, Mi<, I I m l M iuker.i of Portland Mr. and Mrs. A. F Robnelt, De Barbara Goius o f Albany h a s 1 N ext Sunday is N ew Y rat's day. an l Miss Merle Straley of M»rsh- E ita and Doris Robnelt and C. E. bieu ihe gneit of M uriel Lake the R ail Mt. 1 and start the year field spent Christmas vacaiiou t Mercer of Eugene, Mr, and Mrs. (>ast severrl daj» rig h t by attending I he Church of I H. L Straley’«. J. F. Isom, Pientis and Vvron Mis-* Gladys McCornack is spend- / - hrisl. Special music at a il Ber­ Isom. Week end guests at the R. E. ing the holiday-’ at the home of v'-®es- Bierly home were Titus Ilie rly and Mr. rind Mrs F. Buford M orris her parents in Eugene. A firn c tlrn l rest lime fur general day fam ily from Oiegon C ity and C .L. > P in e G r o v e I t e m s and son Bobbie spent Sunday and tim e wear th rough the w ln tc i Is tills Mrs. M. M. W ard spent last sm art sweater costume w orn by Alteon Falk of this neighborbeod. week in A lb an y at the homo of her Monday in Portland at the homes I'rln g lo , M etro G eldw yu Mayer star. < Enterprise Correspondent-«) A fam ily teuuion and Christmas of Mrs M orri«' a i*t,‘rs, Mrs Ler' y The s k irt o f beige cashmere is box daughter. M is. David Froman. Floyd Nichols and fa m iy were Newton and Mrs. Zsllen Conwell p la ite d nnd (he s trik in g sweater ha. dinner of the U'tiggener fa m ily the basic color o f beige, w ith a form al was a pleasant event at 111« J. P. Miss Adah Nelson left Friday Albany visitors Tuesday. Bonita Tossing who is employed p a tte rn o f ye llo w , b ric k red and black afternoon for her home in Portland Templeton home. Places were laid M issG la d js Gibson was an A l­ The V neckline ami cu lts are hand at flie & Frank store in Port­ J to spend the Christmas vacation. for seventeen. ed w ith [he same beige cashmere ol bany visitor Thursday. land, returned to that city Monday the s k irt and a narrow belt of this Georgina Clark spent Sunday R. u S uyd e r and daughter Ruth, M i. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy went avauing after having been in H a l­ m ate ria l encircles the w a lsllin e . night and Monday at the home of of Portland, and I. R S«viler nnd Note Ibe sm art old gold je w e lry to to Albany Tuesday. sey to spend Christmas » iih her I her uuut, Mrs. H enry Brock ol fashionable today w hich Is worn as tie wife of Salam, spent Chri.-tmas day parents, M r. and Mrs Am or Tos­ cessories w ith th is costume, Nora and Pearl Pehrson came Lake Creek. at the Merwyu Van N'ce home. s in g , 1 ■ ------- ------ — — — acs home Saturday to spend the h o li- ( M r. and Mrs Frank Leeper Miss llu tb remained for a week's John aud W orth B u s u i t last Unlawful to Run Boats on Muddy day vacation. spent Christm as at Brownsville at visit. night for Lakeside, U tah, whtre The Fairfield fa m ily are enjoy, the home of the latter's brother, Perry Siellinacher deputy game Among those attending the pro­ they are employed on a construc­ ¡ng a new radio which was install- Ed Starr. warden was in HUsey Wednesday gram of the Pine Grove school las*. tion gang. They have b en in H al- ad*la-t week. afternoon on o lfi-ia l business and Saturday night was the \V. R K n k . Mrs. Florence Leeper and sou A number of Grove people Fran<;.f wfinl (q p .ea9anl H i„ Wed gay to spend Christmas w ith the r while heiecalled at tbs Enterprise fam ily. A i excellent entertainm ent attended the pageant at L ik a Creek ngtJ#y (o vigU (be nieee,_ fam lies. office. There has been soma ques­ program was given. Miss Grace Mr». Dora S tandLh who w: s tion as to the la w fu ln e ss of using Sunday evening , H»len aud Jeanette Settle. K irk is the teacher. called to Halsey receutly by tin , Mr. and Mrs. R iy Hover spent Rey j g M i„ er Q- IJ#,gey wlU boats on M uddy, in the game J II. Van Nice and fam ily from Christmas with M is. Hovers par j preaci, at the Methodist church iu illness and death of het mother. ' refuge at A lfo rd , and Mr. Stall- Salem attended the d o ll social al Mrs. Daniel Hayes, left for Port tnacber states i t la u n la w fu l, as ents in Albany. Brownsville Sunday afternoon at 2 the K irk school house Friday n ig h t land Tue.-day, to spend a few d a is ^bg running of boats up and down L E. Eaey and fa m ily were . „ ’dock, substituting for Rev. Gray, before going on to her borne at t; g Hre#nj g tenJeDcy re tu rn irg home the next d iy . guests at bis parents tom e While here they were the gui-sls N ext Sunday is New Year's day. Clieve, Montana. | t0 fr)ghlen lhe b irj , O a k iille C liri trnaa day. ol M r. aud Mrs.Merwyn Van Nice. Read M t. 1, and start lite year Fred Brown ch ie f depiitv game This game tefuge embraces the Georgia Overt011 and Doris Tor- rig h i bv attending thè Chureh ol warden (who retains hie office not- R u rk h a it, Cogswell and M ichie Mrs O 0 Howard and sou, genson o f Albany are visiting Mrs. C b ru t, Special music at a ll ser w ithstanding the fact he was fired R ickard farms, about 1750 acria Thomas, motored up from Y a m hill Ray Hover during vacation. vice». last summ er, by ibe Albany D'-m- ¡n a|| Friday afternoon to attend the HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES E. E. Hover and f-m ily sptn. Delos Clark nho is teaching at Christmas as guests of Mr. and Grane, esstern Oregon, isspending Mrs. Frank McManus at Jefferson. thè holidaya in II ilaev at thè botile A very large crowd attended the o f bts parente, Mr. and M ri. Bert Christmas program at the Pine C lark. Vio’et Burnett of H arrisburg Grove school house Saturday n ig ht rpent the week end w ith Ve'da Mr. and M J- Charles Cook and Curtis. got) who have been visiting at the A good sized crowd attended ibe Suylar home left-for th e ir C alifor­ A lfo rd sceool program Friday af­ nia home M inilay, ternoon. M r. and Mrs. N. E. Chandler. M r. and Mrs. Robert McKee ol George Chandler and fa m ily v is it­ Eugene spent the week en 1 at the ed at the Laurence Zimnierinan Michael Rickard home horn • near Shedd Tuesday. E. D. Isom and fam ily were d in ­ Anna and Mary H einrich and ner guests at the W. C Sickels Fred Heinrich of Corvallis and A l­ Lome in Halsey Friday evening. bert H einrich of Portland, spent George Jackson and fa m il' spent Christmas at the H einrich home. Christmas day at the home of his A number ol Pine Grove peope parents, M r. and Mrs. C. C. J ic k attended the Christmas tree at d program at Ihe church in Peoria BOB. M r. and Mrs. Landis Philpott F riday evening. and three children of N oli, visited M r. and Mrs Fred Sylvester at* at the Chester C urtis home Sunday t nded the Christmas program at the Sum merville school east of Mrs. J. F. Iio m visited nt ibe H arrisburg T h u rsd iy evening home of Ler parents M r. and M r» Some met. fr on O. A C have been Charles Loaby, of Springfield, the testing chickens for baccilliary white diarrhoea, having tested the first of the week. M r. F i'x m o rris who resides on Pehrs n fi >ck O m rn fiy and Syl- the Cogswell place i» e n jo jin g a vaater.s F rid ay, and a crew from u is it from his brother, T. A. Filx- the Ru*sell Poultry farm tested the lb ck at Ihe Gibson farm W ad nee- m orris of Wisconsin, day. Christm as guests at lie John C u rie s Poole and fa m ily were Rolf home were Mr. an I Mrs Chas. guests at the Bert C lark home last Hale and children of Medford, Mr. Thursday night while on th e ir way and Mrs. George Godwin of Suver, from their former borne in Lebanon Mi«e E tta Godwin a rd Gail Pray. t'aer of W elhdale and Deo Rolf of J to Springfield where Mr. Poole has bought an undertaking buatnesa. Sodaville. ocrat) was in H tli-ey yesterday on ollieial b isincw , and apparently (etching in the Ryderwood, Wash., w itb o u t the eant I on of that paper schools, spent Christmas in Hulsey at l i l t home of th eir parents. Rev. A. E. W h ib e ik received a tn ir- | an I Mrs. I. F. M illtr . sige Tuesday te llin g of the death Joseph Hume, county commis­ P A . Pehrsson of the Pine Grove of his sifter, Mrs. Frances Bloom- sioner, was a v ii'to r hire com m unity, was in Halsey Wed-1 (¡„ ij , a l Rockford, Iowa. Mrs. M ndav. neaday m orning on a business tr ip Bloom field, who was 74 years of Velm a IIo lly left this morning and while here paid the age, has visited here at Iter b ro th ­ for Portland where she w ill visit a pleasant visit. er's bqme several times in the past ft ¡ends for a few days. Last F rid ay a car load of gravel six years. The case of H. M. Stevenbon, o, Hansel E. M ille r, brad of an in ­ was put on the drive around the Brownsville, who was brreated Methodist church and now Rev. J surance company, and O sa M ille r, o-ar t b i t c ity December 21 for 8 . M ille r says the-e is no excuse stenograpbe.- for Ihe K i'b a m sta­ h unting af'.er boors, was heard f r any of the members staying tionery c o tn p in y , both of Port'and, b-'ore Justice of Ihe I e i aa oooooooooooooo re tu rn 'd today no. u.