HalsevEnterpriae, Halsey, Oregon, December 22, 1927 T U SS1N G & T U SSIN G SCHOOL NOTES LAWYERS Ö G Ô. Halaey and Browntville Oregon A motion cictu n o n forestry was < veil at the city hall Thursday at 2.30. The pictures dealt with for. est fires, the cius s, an 1 tl.eir pre­ vention to a large degree. Repre­ sent an ves from the bureau of for­ estry gave short lectures. Several schools from the rural districts ware present. In cordial appreciation of the Greatest assst we have Your Good Will W e greet you with the above Message. The Powell children who have been attendlug the grade school have moved to Arizona where they will continue in school. Norris Hughes had been alsent from school the past week and has now left for good. Mamie Falk was absent all last week except Tuesday. Those absent from school Friday were Ernestine Coleraiu, Lucille Phelp3, Ellsworth Gardner and Mary Smith. Due to the lack of basketball games the last week, there hasn't been much doing in the line of athletics. The Chiistma? spirit is being shown in the grade rooms and the high school by the Christmas trees. The junior class has been appoint- e 1 to decorate the high school tree M. V . K O O N T Z CO., I nc. Halsey, Oregon A lfo r d James Trayfer an 1 daughter of Eugene spent Sund ry here. M. doung has te?n doing some plumbing work for C. 8. Williams. Mrs. J. S. Nicewood end Jenuie Were Albany business visitors Sat- urday. Martin Cummings is a patient at *he Pacific Christian hospital in ¡n Eugene A r ro w s (Enterprise vorregpondent) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard ate Sunday dinner at the J. H. Rickard home. Miss Lillie Rickard came home Kasha Compose Suit , ., from Monmouth Friday evening F a vo rite fo r F a ll for the holiday Miss Hazel Davis spent several A F. Robnett and family of Eu- days last week visiting relatives gene were dinner gneets at the J. and friends in Halsey, F. Isom home Sunday. i Several people from here went Mrs Agnes Struthers ol Golden- I to Halsey Monday evening to hear dale, W ashington, visited at the ' Rev. Joseph Smith speak at the Methodist church. E. D. Ieom home Thursday. Chester Curtis visited his uncle, Miss Weltha is to he the soloist i Jack Curtis, at Peoria last Satur- ’ in the pageant “ Heavenly Host,’’ ! day and brought home a Christmas to he given by the Epworth League ; at the church Decernoer 25 at 8 p tree for the tchool program. Frank Wigle, a former resident m. The Laraway Music company i of this com m unity, whose funeral also of Eugene are placing a piano was held in H arrisburg, was buried in the church to be used for the in the Alford cemetery last week. program and also for the revival Jode Moore, who died in Browns­ meetings which are to begin Dec. ville Saturday, was bnried in the 26 Rev, Metcalf lias secured sev­ eral able speakers and talented [ Odd Fellows cemetery Monday. A A A A A A A A * ■ - A . . . w / - w ✓ VWVW’ nrrVS 'VW> H Dux tag December) L e a v e H a l s e y 1 2 :1 4 p . n i. our customers and friends. A r r iv e B u y R o u n d trip T ic k e ts $g.9O Compiimentsf of the Season lu o iih iiiiiiu a u iH u iiiiia ik u N iiin ia u iim iiiiio u u u iu n ii » Y e a r a f te r y e a r w e receive F u r th e r p r o o f t h a t — H odgen--Brew ster EG G P R O D U C E R —is th e BEST and m ost ECONOM ICAL RATION I f you haven’t tried Hodgen-Brewster feeds—Do in NOW I Give your hens a fa ir chance to make money for you. We can save you money in buying by ton or 5 ton 0 • S ch u ltz B ro th e rs W arehouse Co. Phone Shedd. 8F23 or write for ^ ¿ ver5 ,P ^ e\ rp. nn Warehouse at Fayetteville. Postoffice shedd. Oregon Week-end fare to P o rtla n d and re tu rn Use the train or motor coach or both. Rail tickets are also good on the Southern Pacific (Silver Gray) Motor Coaches. C. 1» V alley L um ber Co. Geo. W. Laubner, Mgr. □ E B C B B B B a a C B B B B B B B B B B ■ r S W IF T & COMPANY E E. GORMLEY, Manager B B B R B B B 9 B B B a Moody, a g tn t Phone 226 a B B B ■ For the later peak of Egg Production, ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ a F ■ Feed Triangle Egg Mash To your Pullet I lock. The properly prepared mash for the Puilet. A ttractive prices in ton lots on whole or Cracked Corn, M ill Feed anti Mashes. O. W . F R U M Hay Grain ■ ■ Feed a a a B B B B b a a a B B B B fl B B B B B B B B B B B ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ ■ ■ f as J H alsey, O regon lO lllilllIlli.H ilii iii'iiiw m » J:JO p . m . In addition to the regular daily train and Motor Coach service. O. W . FRU M c tiS x T a V e o jip e iP O N y «limmHIBtIMIIHMIllMHMtMMMUiOMIllllllllIBnili.U'l.iaiUl".- P o r tla n d Southern Pacific fl B B B B B H C Clark’s Confectionery & G &. & & St » & & Aak a te n t (o r c om bin ed tim e ta b le * a n d o th e r in fo rm a tio n . The three-piece kasha compose still holds sway as the costume preferred for the fall season. The outfit shown in the illustration la of beige kasha and satin. Cigarettes and Pipes at low prices. We alsoci.rry a line o f Christmas Cards and Stationery. Oranges 30c, 40c. 50c, 60c. G The Officers and Directors of the Truman Robnett who is going to J (By Special Correspondent) ¡0 .8 .0 is spending the Christmas Miss Florence Sisk is home from I vacation in Halsey und while here j Monmouth for the vacation. She is assisting bis uncle, Ko ■’ uram- hag as her guest. Miss Cecil Ken­ 1 well, in the post office o . .ng the j mail rush. dall of Monmouth. What could be a more appropriate g ift than a box of finest o f Chocolates? That’s right, there’s nothing better. Now that we’re agreed, let us show you our excellent stock of the finest candies, the FLO RIZEL and PETER PAN brands. 5 lb. box Chocolates, $2.00 2* lb. box Chocolates $1.00 2J lb. tin Satin Finish, 11.00 A Full line o f Mixed Candies and Nuts at Popular Price?. 1 lb. Humidor o f Prince A lbert 11.25; 1 lb. tin Prince Albert ♦1.00; i lb. tin w ith Jimmie Pipe, 55c. Other Tobaccos and ». XJ H app> N e - 'o / ï ë a r À ^ f t ill be yours if you present to yo ur w ife on C h ristm a s m o rn in g a chest o f o u r especially F in e Silver P la te sLang Ranges; Will pay for them selves in fuel saved. • Are fully guaranteed. ■ ■ New reduced prices m»w in effect. Y our old range taken in exchange. Ask about the Lang range to he given away tree. Prtcod to ntd your g i / i Umaa F . M . F ren ch & Son Jew elers-Optometrists • Albany, Oregon Bartcher Furniture Co. Albany, Oregon ■ ■ ■ a B a B B BI B ■ ■ ■