AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK -------------------------------------------1 Established in 1912. Vol. 16. Oksheda’s-f uutisxut îzttivrprtst' No. 33 C S h e d d Halsey, Oregon, Thursday December 22, 1927. P e r s o n a ls 3 Í ' Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County ---------------------- * ? P in e G r o v e I t e m s I W v * V W lA V A S A W A W A » » Our Greetings (By an Enterpiise Reporter) . The W illa m e tte chapter o f the Eastern S ta r and tha Masons had a jo in t in s ta lla tio n of officers W ed­ nesday n ig h t at the W oodmen h a ll. DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY (E n terp rise C orrespondence) HOMEMADE «C H R IS T M A S 1 CANDIES M r. and Mrs. Ray Hover spent M onday in A lb a n y . F lo yd N ich o ls was an A lb a n y busine s v is ito r W ednesday, E a rl A lb e rtso n is home from M o n m o u th fo r the holidays. Rues 1 k n ig h te n o f A lb a n y spent Sunday at A L. K u ig h te n 's. Miss Grace Pcbrrsou was among the A lb a n y shoppers S a tu rd a y. M is. A . L. K n ig lite ii was a v is i­ tor a t the county seat M onday. M r. ai d Mrs. F a irfie ld attended church nt Peoria S unday m orning. M r. H igbee visite d hie daughter, Mrs. A lb e rrso u the firs t of thu week. A R T o f tke wisdom o f Providence, no doubt, is ’H O S E ok-lieda washda Those home fro m the d iffe re n t expressed in the calendar position o f Christmas. It would (law?" was the semi-Sioux schoule and colleges fo r the holi-* NOTIIEIt of the ceremoni­ be bard to imagine a holiday o f its peculiarly sweet and greeting of the plump als that make home such a days are A re ita H a ve rla u d , Anna tender significance coming at any other season o f the year. little Scotch Canadian likeable place at Christmas mother as the sunny- M cC onnel, M e rth a l Sherer, V er- time Is the making of the -\To other time is so appropriate. T h e sparkling cold of the haired young laddie came running netta C la rk , C la ric e and M a ry M c­ pretty, colorful candles to oir hut increases the warmth within. Into the kitchen, where already the (’«Cerate the table, or till small boxes porridge was cooked and the tea brew­ Connel, fro m M o n m o u th ; R alph : ad lee-kcls for neighbors and friends Spring and summer have their more intense activities and ing for breakfast on this, his sec­ Malson, M y rle T hom pson, Leland j to whom one wishes to give a little ond Christinas. She caught him in Pennell, E d ith Pugh, from C o rv a l­ autumn its garnering. N ear the end o f the year comes the something more than a card. her arms and tossed him high above balancing o f tke books, tke checking over o f affairs to see ili A cold wintry evening is Just the lis ; Cecil E ld e r fro m A lb a n y ; and her head. time to Indulge In this festivity, and if they have been well or ill. T his is also a good time for Î! “Whose very good boy?” was what Roberta A rc h ib a ld fro m Salem. If a neighbor or two should be Invited spiritual stock-taking, a proceeding happily promoted by she had said, partly in the language In to help, so much the Jollier. Tie T he young people of the M etho Christmas. she had learned from her husband. bright checkered aprons on the men Ilia nurse had been one of those d is t church enjoyed a c h ild re n ’s and make them do tho preparatory If our affairs have been good, the more reason for a feel­ squaws of the picturesque type still to p a ity , each one a tte n d in g being work, such us cracking the nuts and M r. and Mrs. Jahn M c N e il were getting the meats out whole, chopping be seen in Manitoba. In summer they dressed as a c h ild . A good tim e ft ing o f charity and good w ill. I f the twelve-month has ¡Í come, selling wild red raspberries or business visito rs to H u iris b u rg F r i­ citron, squeezing lemons, cutting nn- boine trials and anxieties in unusual measure, the more choke-cherries; in winter, trudging on was had by a ll. gelleu Into strips, and halving red I day. reason for a sympathetic feeling toward others who have snowshoes into the village to visit candled cherries. M r. and M rs. K en n e th A rn o ld Miss E unice S ylvester came from their customers. been similarly burdened, and for summoning peace to cur Meanwhile nt one side-table sits tho to o k Mrs. A rth u r L a y to n to A l ­ ii ber school near H a rris b u rg for the lady with the fondant—that buseofall Hugging the little lad to her breast, hearts and renewing our faith. & bany where th e y visited the la tte r’ s the rosy mother half sobbed as she the cream candles—stirring the confec­ week end, tried to say it cheerfully, "Whose husband, who is in the General i tioner's sugar, moistening It to tho It is the season o f quickening pulse and regenerated hope M r. and Mrs. Laurence Z im m e r­ ÍÍ oksheda washda daw?" Even as she h o sp ita l in th a t c ity . right consistency so thnt it will make — the season when heart ca lle th u nto heart. Let us man were guests at the N . E. round soft halls, and then either dip­ repeated the greeting, the door swung ii blend cur voices in fu ll jubilee. M r. and Mrs. 0 M. Thom pson open and a sudden gust of wind swept ping It In boiling chocolate or stuff­ C h a n dle r home Sunday. the fine, dry snow, like biting dust, took Mrs. S ophia Thompson to , ing It with nuts, cherries, citron, or M r. and M rs R»y H o ve r n s ite d M E R R Y C H R IS T M A S Into her face. Before her stood one bits of fig paste. It ean be used to Halsey Tuesday afteruoon to see j c at the E ve re tt Hover home io H a r­ stuff dates, taking the place of the of these old In­ stone, the dates then being rolled in dian women, ap­ Dr. T. I. M arks. THE PUBLISHERS ris b u rg Sunday. it parently exhaust­ ii The Woodmen and C irc le com­ M r. and Mrs. Cook fro m C a li­ granulated sugar. Oh. there Is no end to the decorative, luscious goodies ed from a long -af . V V 'i V i v V i - .í .-J - - — fo rn ia are v is itin g a l the borne ot that enn bo wade from this cream journey through mittees m et last T h u rs d a y n ig h t ' foundation. the storm. and decided to hold a jo n t it s ah , the le tte r ’ s bro th e r, Jay S u yla r. “ O k s h e d a le tio u of officers January 2 C h r s .¡an h o sp ita l m Euga ie, was To make these candies look like There w ill be no p ra ye r meeting w a s h d a daw ?” Christmas, the liberal use of green a S unday v is ito r at the home of Halsey and V icinity at Pine G rove for tw o weeks so Brevities Daie M 'K in le y , who i i ta k in g a she gasped, then and red la advised, either Ih the for 1- I hose who wish can u lle u d the re­ unt Itself cr In the trimming. A hex continued in her nnree's tra in in g course at tin her p are n ts, Mr. and M rs T. n a t i v e tongue, M c K in le y . o." coloring matter can be obtained nt l Mrs. C. P. M o ily spent T u ;sd y v iv a l meetings a l L ike Creek. "Wichyepna, you him. The Indians were afraid to. nny groeer.v, the colors being green, Business in Shedd In s assumed j a fte rn o o n in E u g u ie on a business M r, and Mrs .C harles N ichole s p e a k the lan­ Their white brothers would ask them plnlt, violet and orange. You can M r. and M 's . L E E a g y .M '. and put a hunch of holly on a white guage of my peo­ to explain and often their white t to ho lid a y rush and is u n u s u a lly tr io . brothers did not believe. His foster ple. You speak heavy. Mrs. C. II. Ko mtz and sou Her- Mrs. E E- H over, M is . W illia m cream by cutting wee leaves of green the cry of my mother loved him; but she. too. wan angelica and tiny bits of candled chcr- M r. and Mrs. R .bert A rn o 'd man spent the litte r p ir to f list Potupuff und M r. D o b rin in wore heart. Last night afraid. So—she hugged the bit of A lb a n y visito rs F rid a y . I read it in the paper to her heart and kept silent were ¡ n A lb a n y Tuesday afternoon week in Portland rainbow - h u e d vigil. on a business tr ip . H ill & Co. placed a B ridge At The M. P. took the lad home and streamers of light II. F Lake and daughter Muriel, : Ä ? H 'g h F arw ell of P o rtla n d has Beach c irc u la to r in the George from the north— hired an Indian nurse from the settle­ an d Bessie R eynolds spetti Satur* Satut* ment to care for him. Every summer been spending a f»w d ay s a t the L iu b n e r home th is week. the night wind sang it—oksheda!” old squaw came with her pall of , . . . day ttt A lb a n y where they visited The wrinkled old face twisted into the red raspberries, only to grunt her h orae of h .s b ro th e r Ed. Rev, and Mrs. A tria n Sias a e re la tive s and friends. a pained smile ns she sank In a heap •frSI M rs Dora D avis w ito ja a patieot sp e n d in g the h o lid a ys at D allas at by the kitchen fire. A bit of paper thanks and look furtively about her M ost of the students who are a t­ fluttered to the floor from her hand. to assure herself that all was well at the A lb a n y General h o sp ita l, i - the homo o f M s . Stas’ p. rents, te n d in g O .S .C . fro m H alsey aim rles, pressing thorn Into the cream be­ “The Great Spirit calls—it is the end with the boy, then chuckle to herself fore It hardens. A tiny green plno M r. and M r*. K enneth Greta o f of the trail," she whispered as tho as she patted her breast where the reported to be g e tiirg along line. v ic in ity are home for the holidays. tree cun be cut and pressed Into tho L- R. W ilso n a i J Ed F a rw e ll i A lb a n y spent S unday at the E. A. little mother bent over her, anxiously jjrecious paper lay. In winter she A m ong them are F ra n k K ooulz, top of a cream. chafing her hands. She saw the faded would sometimes look through the have th e ir e le c tric lig h ts h u n tin g 1 P. L a F o Ile tte home in Halsey, When these pretty Christmas can­ George Cross, T rum an R o b n elt, old eyes suddenly brighten, then close open spaces in the frost-covered win­ dles are packed Into little gay baskets C. I* M oody, a ^e u l at the S o u th , suddenly—It r;as the end of the trail. dows to see the candles on the Christ­ now. T h -y receive th e ir power M e lfo rd M u lle r, P earl Pheisson, “See, see," said the little lad. hold­ mas tree and see her oksheda dancing fro m the lin e ru n n in g to Saddle ern f’ acilie depot, announced today Fred H e in ric h and Helen W il­ hr painted tin boxes, they make tho most attractive sort of gift to send ing up the scrap of paper which had with Joy. B u tte . Ed F a rw e ll has also had th a t the depot offices w ould be around the neighborhood to nearbv liam s fallen from the squaw’s hand. Open­ Then came the wedding, and for friends, or to give the Christmas ing It reverently, the Canadian wom­ three years she liad not known where an electr.c stove in s ta lle d at bio closed to a ll business December 25 A t the last n ie e lia g of P u rity caller. In addition, the fun of making b °m e . and 20 and alan J a n u a ry 1 and 2. an exclaimed. “M.v certe! It's an ill to find the “oksheda wechasta." Rebekah lodge the fo llo w in g officers them In the company of a kitchen- The pafter—ah, yes. It told who wind that blaws nobody guid, sure were elected; M ary P a tto n , noble full of family or neighbors makes n Robert was. His father had been a enough. Her oksheda!” preliminary Christmas party that Is She rushed Into the living room, second son from Devonshire, who had g ra n d ; Sadie Gaosle; vice g ra n d ; .early us delightful as the duy itself. where her "oksheda wechasta” (mar­ sough' als fortune in the great North­ E sther B ond, secretary; E stle H o lt, ried boy) was lighting the candles on west. It told how the young wife t r usurer. The o ther officers are had intended to re tu rn to C a lifo rn ia could not stand the hardships; how the scantily decorated Christmas tree. “Look, Robert, on Christmas Day the father, too. had surrendered to a p p o in tive . The new officers w ill w ith a nother daughter but decided it has come. The mystery and all— the storm-king’s fury one Christmas to w a it u n til a fte r C hristm as. he in s ta lle d in Ja n u a ry, see I It is the oksheda’s Christmas!” Eve; how he had cached his rich find A t a meeting o f the (Sun C lu b S unday M r. and Mrs. F. B u fo rd she exclaimed, as she gave him the under the rock that resembled the owl near the source of the riv er; how he crumpled paper to read. M o iria drove to Salem S u n d a y, M onday evening the business re. Robert had been found when a baby had wrapped his greatcoat about wee ta k in g w ith them the la t le i’ e sis. latmg to the to u rn a m e n t last S u n ­ by a band of Indians. Only the old Robert and prayed the Great Spirit ter, M rs. E lm e r L ik e , who had day was settled up and a neat sum squaw who bad come to the end of to save him. “A great Christmas for us all, Rob­ the trail this Christmas morning knew been v is itin g here. M r. M o rris rested in the tre a su ry. I t was do. the paper existed. All night long In ert; but it is the oksheda I'm think­ also m a il“ a tr ip to S>lem Monday eided to purchase another tra p for the blinding snow storm she had trav­ ing of most. With the war come and eyening to take his e xa m in a tio n as the clu b and the members selected eled on her snowshoes—traveled that the business gone, títere wasn’t to be the best money can buy, the k in d she might And some one to whom she much Christmas—bnt now! See, lad­ firs t lie u te n a n t in the O N G . die, the storm Is breaking: the sun could tell the story. F rid a y evening a num ber of H a l' used in in te rn a tio n a l tournam ents All these years she had guarded the Is beginning to shine. My certe! My s y people were guests of the A l ­ W ith th is and the tra p now in u*e paper, which she could not read, feel­ certe1” "There, there, lassie, here comes bany S portsm en's c lu b nt a b a n . the club w ill have equipm ent sec. ing th at In some the little shaver. Mind you don't let w-ay it w o u l d quet al-tbe Ht. F ra n cis hotel. A ond to none. him in here till I go to the store again. bring good for­ varied pro g ra m of m usic, sih lreeeis .Saturday n ig h t B everly Isom en. There are toys and things to be put tune to the ok­ and stories was given. A m - n ^ te rta ned a g roup of her g irl on the tree. The way it's come to us sheda who had on Christmas, I know we’ll And the seemed her very those present fro m H alsey were friends at a slum ber p a rty honoring gold." own little white James M c W il ism s, C a rl H ill, M r her th irte e n th b irth d a y Games When the snows melted they made baby She had and M rs. K ld e n Cross am i Miss were played u n til 10.30 when a the Journey together. This year, as loved h im so. usual, the oksheda with the golden She was afraid to Cleona S m ith lunch was served. The ta b le dec- eurls and the oksheda wechasta with show the paper M r. and M rs E. E G o rm le y w ill orations were ca rrie d nut in a color the black mustache are trimming the to her people— have as the ir guests over C h ris' mu* s heme of p in k i l l - w hite and the gorgeous tree that stands in tae hay the paper she had window of the beautiful farmhouse M r arid Mr«. C. L. G o rm le y of table was centered w ith an angel found hidden in near the river's source. The sleigh his clothing. She o f C o q u ille , M r. end M r* G e o r g e f o