Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, December 15, 1927, Image 7

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    jfalsey Enterprise, ttalsey, Oregon, December 1ft 1927
Arrowhead Hosiery
£ Spoon River Sparks
(By ao Eolerpriaa Reporter)
M r anJ Mr». L'oyd SU t
cousins of H L. Straley, and For
rest Know'*» of 1‘ortiaoJ spent
Sunday at ihe Straley bom*. M »
Hatel Mnnkera, a h ) ha« been it
Portland, came home w ith them
For the past four wejks the d if ­
ferent c'ssses in Bible sdiool have
taken turns conducting the school
service. Next Sunday it w ill be
Miss McCornac' ’s class of boss'
Merle Jean S tn le ly returned to
her school duties at M to h fie ld
Saturday, the quaratiae for in fa n ­
tile paralysis in that city having
been lifted. Mrs. Stra'ey i n 1 son
Ler >y accompanied her as fa r as
Pine G m re C hurch—
Sunday School 10 a. in.
E. E. Csrey and fa m ily were
Preaching nt 11 a. ni. by R
dinner guests Sun lay at the Henry Smalley.
Setleld home.
Prayer meeting W edncslay 8 p
Mrs. E S. Marsters arrived home in.
Friday fr im Shasta C ity, C a lif.,
Your Attendance and c >opt ra-
where she has been visiting her son would be appreciated by those w 1 o
Lyman and wife.
ire tryin g to carry on this work.
K O O N T Z ’S
c o o n GOODS
Mr. and M s A L Falk a e the
tSotfetgotfic+fictgctgctgstgetflctgctfctgc Agnes Struthers of Goldendale, proud parents of a baby g irl which
H a lse y a n d V icinity Brevities Wash., spent Wednesday at Soda­ arrived at th e ir home Monday
This Sîem s to Be (h i How Of It
care ■* Student inllucnce on collegi
names is not at all modern. ac-
cording to a group of “ old tim ers’ ’
Ava F alk who is keeping house
at O. 3. C., who have divulged the
fo r C. L. Falk er., spent last week
inform ation the fa m ilia r in itia la .
at the Paul B ie rly home, little
O-A.C. weie originated by students
Doreen Bierly being q uite ill
making a college yell soino eight
Daring her absence Edna Falk
years after the college became a ’
look her place at the Falk home
state institutio n. When B ill BlossI
Mr. and Mrs. A. M Templeton introduced football to the college
spent Wednesday at J. P. Temple iu 1892 it was decided a college
to n ’s.
ye ll was also necessary, so the
C h rrlie Falk and fa m ily and A. famous “ Zip Boom B^e ’ yell was
L. Falk and fa m ily and Andrew made, using “ S. A , S A , S. A C .”
Falk spent Sunday at the C. 1. This sound d so much like a per-
F alk home.
son hissing, says Dr. F u lto n , that
Mr. and Mrs. D. Burge of Dever it was decided to substitute Oregon
were dinner guests Sunday a t the for state, thus making the in itia ls
R E. Bierly home and while in 0 A C. The fu ll uaiue, “ Stale A g ­
this neighborhood called at W. A. ric u ltu ra l College of the State of
Oregon’’ is s till used on salary
F a lk ’».
Wednesday evening H. J. Falk check blanks and roa n other legal
and fa m ily drove to H arrisburg forms.
M rs. F. W. Falk is helping
for mother and baby.
The Brandon e;hool children
O- W. Frum and fam ily of Hal-
sold -450 Chiistm ae seals this year. s y and Mr. and Mrs. J H. Thom p­
M r. and Mrs. E. E. Gordon of son and fa m ily of Albany spent
Fayetteville were transacting busi­ Sunday in Portland where they
visited Mrs. Frum who recently
ness in Halsey Saturday.
underwent a major operation in a
L ittle Leonard Bierly has been
Portland hospital
Mrs. Frum is
stayiug w ith his grandm other, Mrs
im p roving rapidly and expects to
A. H. Q uim by the paet week.
be able to return homo the la tte r
M r. and Mrs. S B. Bowman and part oi the week.
Ruth McMahon and Thelm a Dodge
Mrs. Curtis V’ atch arrived home
made a week end trip to Salem.
Sunday evening from
A. H- Q uim by and fa m ily spent
C a lif, where she has been visiting
Sunday at the Childers home near
during the past two weeks at the
Lebanon. M r. Childers is a broth
home of her brother. She reports
er of M rs. Quimby.
a pleasant visit and sunshine all
Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sickels the tim e she was there
On the
spent Sunday at the home of the way home Mrs. Veatch stopped in
latter s mother, Mrs. Margaret Roseourg to vielt her daughter.
H in to n of N orth Benton county,
Mr. and Mrs. M erit Bolton stayed
W . C. Sickels and fa m ily and with Mr. Veatch
Charles Hamer of Halsey and Mrs Veatch’ » absence.
Mrs. and spent the evening.
Don’ t fa ill to sea “ AH of a Sud-
Mayme aud Howard Falk were,
She’s b iiu g in g a line
guests at the C. L. Falk sr. home <*el1 '
lot of young folks along w ith in r
Thursday evening aud helped Web-
and we know you w ill like them.
e t r Falk celebrate his birthday.
For every member of the family
$ 2 75
Bring in your C hristm as greet-! C A L L IN G
end» make nice
i g cards and let us p rin t your Christmas presents. Why not older
names on them.
tome at the Enterprise olice.
» ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r s a ia
■ a
50 $.^ °0
$ y 00
Pencils to match, $3.f0 and .<‘4.(0.
Fversharp Pencils at 50c to ,<3.t0.
body welcome.
bom .
Met I- d u t— Nex Su i 1 ly :
10 a. in., Sunday eckoil
11, preaching.
6:30 Epworth League
• U ’ p -ib .ij ssrvic s
i :80 Thursday, prayer meeting
H 're a ll w ill find a welcome '
eg irdless of soc a! standing. Youi
»resence w ill he'p, and we w ill try !
Mr«. C. K. G illette and son*
sp:nt the week end vis itin g rela-
lives in Salem. Doris Howard, to do you good.
J. S. M i'le r, pastor.
who uleo spent the week end in Sa­
lem visiting her sister E lla, and Church of C hrist—
her friend, Gertrude l'a rr, returned
Sunday school, 10.
home w ith them Sunday evening
11:00* m. m orning worship an I
Miss Grace K irk and brother ommuuion for a ll chr stians.
W illi» motored to Albany S itu r -
6:30 p. m. C hristian Endeavor ,
A Christmas pageant w ill b» :
at the church next Smid n ,
Ihe G. J, Rike fam ily aie er..
joying a Dalco lig h t plant they •veiling at 7:80. This w ill be w e ll
vorth vour whila to see. Every­
have recently instal e I in their
C /lU rch ^ Y o tic e s
Give an Ingersoll Watch, $1.50 to $6.00.
W rist W atch, $3.50 and $4.00, w atch chains. B racelets,
knives, n e c k la c e s rin g s, cuff links.
Games and Toys for the Kiddies
G ilt se ts for yo u r sw e e tie and also pow der, p e rfu m e
and com pacts, C h ristm a s ca- dies, S a n ta C laus F R E E
w ith each pound. See o u r w indow s.
A d d itio n a l
T rain S e r v ic e to
P ortland
every Tuesday, T hursday, Friday,
S aturday and Sunday
(D u r in g D e ce m b e r)
L e a v e H a ls e y 1 2 :1 4 p . nr.
A r r iv e
P o r tia n d
3:30 p . in.
In addition to the regular daily train and M otor Coach aervice.
Buy R oundtrip T ickets
$ 0 .9 0
W e e k -e n d fa re to
P o r tla n d a n d re tu rn
Use the train or motor coach or hath. Rail tickets are also
good on the Southern Pacific (Silver Gray) Motor Coaches.
A sk a f e n t fo r c o m b in e d t im e
ta b le s a n d o t h e r in f o r m a t io n .
Southern Pacific
C. P. Moody, a g in t
Phone 226
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ or
4 I ■ s s s s g ■
For the idler peak of Egg Production,
■ ■ ■ p
Feed Triangle Egg Mash
■ 9
To your Hullet Hock.
Our Immense Christmas Stock is Complete With
Splendid Gifts for Everyone in the Family.
W h a t could be a m ore a p p ro p ria te g ift th a n a box of F in e st
o f C h o c o la te s? T h a t’s rig h t, th e r e ’s n o th in g b e tte r. N ew
th a t w e ’re a g re e d , le t us show you o u r ex cellen t stock o f th e
fin e st c a n d ie s, th e F L O R IZ E L an d P E T E R PA N brands.
■ For Mother --
5 lb. bo* C hocolates, $2.00
2J lb. box C hocolates $1.(0
2J lb. tin S a tin F inish, $1.00
A F ull line o f Mixed C an d ies an d N u ts a t P o p u la r P rices.
1 lb. H u m id o r o f P rin c e A lb e rt $1.25; 1 lb. tin P rin c e A lb e rt
$1.00; è lb. tin w ith Jim m ie Pipe, 55c. O th e r Tobaccos and
C ig a r e tte s a n d P ip es a t low prices.
W e also c a rry a line of C h ristm a s C ard s and S ta tio n e ry .
O ra n g e s 30c, 4(’c, 50c, 60c.
S ta tio n e ry
5<k to $2.< 0
U m brellas
2.50 to 9.75
H a n d k e rc h ie fs
10c to 1.50
Pillow s
1.50 to 5.00
P u rse s
3.75 to 12.50
1.45 t j 3.95
S lippers
A nd h u n d re d s o f o th e r g ifts
both la rg e and sm all fo r
every purse.
C lark’s Confectionery Ho“gCn
And the Smaller Children.
Our Lists of Apparel fire Boundless,—A Won-
derful Toyland lor Kiddies-A Shopping Center
for Grown-Ups.
Hodgen - Brewster
—is the BEST and most
Make This Your Christmas
In Corvallis
If you h a v e n 't trie d H odgen-B rew ster fe e d s - D o in NOW !
G ive y o u r h e n s a fa ir ch an ce to m ake m oney fo r you.
W e c a n sa v e you m oney in buying by ton or i ton lots.
Schultz Brothers Warehouse Co.
P h o n e S h ed d . 8F23 o r w rite for d eliv ery price«.
W a re h o u se a t FavettevilT e.
Poitoffice Shedd. O regon
$1.00 to 11.85
R u b b ers
G loves
1.95 to 5.(0
1.75 to 4.50
S lip p e rs
50c to 1.00
H a n d k e rc h ie fs
10c to 1.00
35c to 75c
G a rte rs
T ies
1.00 to 1.50
W oolen S c a rfs
T h ese a re only a few o f our
m any in ex p en siv e g if ts fo r
D ad.
For Sister and Brother
Year after year we receive
F urther proof th a t—
For P'ather—
you Con ¿to«?» do fc ftr r ot
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B IB
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ H
T he pro p erly p re p a re d m ash fo r th e P u lle t.
A ttra c tiv e p rices in ton lots on w hole o r
C racked C orn, Mill Feed and M ashes.
O. W . F R U M
H ay
G rain
■ ■ ■ rie o u a u B a fla a d iiB ia a B a
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B W
n a a n
Lang Ranges;
for themselves in fuel saved.
Are fully guaranteed,
p it y
Now reduced prices now in efloet. Your old a
range taken in exchange. Ask about the Lang ■
range to he given away free.
Bartcher Furniture Co.
Albany, Oregon
■ ■ ■ ■ a a a a
■ B I
i l l