AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. . A A A A A WVs A • "v'WVVW’'▼W’ a a a DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY Vol. 16. a a . a . a P e o r ia N e w s I te m s No. 32. ii A lfo rd A r r o w s Halsey, Oregon. T hursday December IS, 1927. Setting a Record for Himself Î T 5 TH' H R iT TIME I EVP? SAW Devoted to the Inteiests of Halsey and Linn County i S h e d d P e r s o n a ls • 'W»\.VWYW'VW ¡SCHOOLNOTESi that kid do am esramd WITHOUT (By Special Correspondent) (Enterprise vorrespondent) VELPIM’ — HE EVEM IOOKS HAPPY Edited By W ilm a W a h l (By an Enterpiise Reporter) Rev. and Mrs. Metcalf went to ■y Ch ii-* Sorenson and family were £ Guy Porter o, Albany attended Eugene to hear Aiaiie preach Mon Sunday visitors at the Earl Ring- the Shedd g 'a go meeting last! The etude nt body of the high day evening. dorf home. school held its regular meeting last Saturday. George Githeus went to Portland C. E, Mercer of Eugene spent James Tate was transacting b u ti. ' Wednesday. Carl Isom, v’ce pres­ Friday to visit his wile who is in Saturday night at the J. F. Isom ness in the county seat Saturday ( id ed , and Keith Hates, yell leader tbs Emanuel hospital there. home. resigned iheir positions. Mac Mc- afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Lamar and A. E. Whitbeck while splitting Card was elected vice president and Mr. and Mrs. John Richmond 1 Mrs. J. S. Lauiar attended the Red wood one day last week was hit on Mary Smith was elected yell lead­ attended the Shedd grange meeting ' Cross m eeting at Albany Friday the eye by a flying stick which cut er for the rest of the year. Since Saturday. evening. a gash an inch long ju*t above the this was the last stud* nt body Miss Bertha Beck of Riverside meeting that will l>e held before Rev. and Mrs. Metcalf are help­ eye. was io Shedd Saturday visiting rel­ Christmas the student body drew ing io a Christm as pageant to be Keith Hayes of Halsey spent atives and friends. given at Lake Creek, Sunday ever, the week end with Carl Isom. names, tbe usual method of ex­ Tuesday evening a forestry lec­ changing presents. ing, Dec. 25. Beverly Isom visited Ella Bram­ ture and si des were given at the Wayire Mode and a boy friend of well of Halsey Sunday. Saturday night the boys and Methodist church. his from Eugene, have moved into The school children are prepar­ girls basketball teams played tbe Mr. aud Mrs. Nick Kennedy and Monroe team at the hall. The the Warren house, usually called ing a Christmas program to be Mrs. Doia Davis were iu Albany girls playing on the Halsey team the Dave Hays property. given Fiiday afternoon, Dec. 23. Saturday on a business trip. The Sunday school and Miss were: Bessie Reynolds and Frances 1 M- Saxton has returned home Norton, forwards; Muriel Lake Agnes Chandler instructor at the Frank Wigle, A Native Son, Passes from the Albany General hospital ard Edith Smith played guards Peoria school are at work o a pro­ where he underwent an operation during the Bret quarter but chang­ gram to be given at tbe church on Funeral services for Frank Wigle Friday evening, Dec. 23. Mies Opal Walton and brother ed and Edith played jumping cen­ who died at tbe Pacific Christian George of Crawfordsville were vis- ter and Muriel played side center Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lamar, hospital in Eugene, Sunday night iting friends in Shedd Tuesday for the lust three quarters. Wanda Mrs. J. S. Lam ar, Mrs. Russel at 10:30 o’clock, were held at the The Brandon school is busy pre- ! Mr.'. Balf Bond and sou aud Miss Mrs. K ite Croft, Mrs. E. W Veutch plajed jumping center for Githens and Grace Pierson attend­ Christian church in Harrisburg paring for au entertainm ent to be Georgina Clark. Shedd und Tempa Bioek spent the firut quarter and guard tor the ed Eastern Star at Sbedd Wedues- Tueauay, with Rev. Knott assisted given Dec. 22. The regular meeting of Charity by Rev. Patterson, in charge of Saturday in Albany oil a pleasure rest of the time. Nora Coldiron day night. Mrs. J. S- Lamar was P. J. Forster is on the sick list Grange literary society was held was side center during the first trip. elected conductress for the ensuing the services. Burial was in the the p 's t day or two and J. C. Saturday evening. Owing to the quarter but changed places then Alford cemetery. year. Mrs. P. I. Troutman, accompan­ Mr Wigle was born near Harris Standish is acting as janitor at the cold weather a very small crowd ied by her daughter, Mrs. Lois aud played guard the rest of the Several of the leading members school house. was present. The society is giving Mullon of Eugene, left Friday for game. The home teams were de­ of the church met at the parsonage burg February 19, 1876, and has feated. a pie social next Saturday. The members of the women’s San Francisco to visit the fo-nioi’s Tuesday evening for a business spent all liis life in this vicinity Those playing on the boys team On Wednesday evening of next son, Leo Harris. session of the different departments with the exception of a few years missionary society of the Christian were John Quimby,Collie McCard, of the church. Following tbe close spent in southern Oregon. For the church held iheir regular meeting week the members of Vina Maple Mrs. Dell Ilinsou and daughter of the business session a social pa6t twelve years he has lived on a', the church Tuesday afternoon. Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, who have been here assisting in Franc s Leeper, Herman Koontz, time was eujoyed and the hostess a farm at Irish Bend. Mr. Wigle Mrs. Lou Taylor was leader of the will enj >y a Christmas tree and ' nursing the former's mother, Mrs. Henry Kirk, Ru-scll Norton n u t program at the hall, with the fam­ Robert Arnold, have returned to Cyrus McCallirter substituted part assisted by Mrs Jewel Brattain was a member of the Artisans and lesson. the Royal Neighbors. of the time. Several HaLey people were visi­ ilies of the members as guests their home in 1’ortiand. and Mrs. J. S. Lamar, served re­ Besides bis wife he is survived ffach oue attending is to bring a Mamie Falk was absent from tors to the county seat Monday, freshments. Thh Shedd community program by a daughter, Mrs. Dale Moreford among them being Lieut, and Mrs. I gift not to exceed ten cents in cost The W omen’s missionary society for Christmas will be held iu the school lust Thursday and again on of Monroe, a son, Dean Wigle at Buford Morris and son Bobbie, i and these will he exchange'. mtt at the home of Mrs. George Woodman hall December 23. The Monday of this week. home, and oue sister, Mrs. Frank Norris Hughes was absent from Bay ns tor their regular monthly high school students so’iciled fur ». »„ a . «.. » . a ..ÌA B-..B « a. ■ ■ a ■ » ■ ■ ■ ■ n Torter of Monroe. meeting. Names were drawn for money to purcha e the candy. So school Monday and Tuesday. their Christmas tree to be held at The school is sponsoring a lec­ far they have raised $27 71. A Ute shipment of the Westcott I g ture on Forestry to be given at the the next meeting which will be at $1.25 Day Dream Hosiery arrived Tbo the home of Mrs. McLaren. Dur- Mrs Agnes Struthers of Golder., hall Thursday afternoon. this morning for the Koontz Dept. a lecture will be illustrated by films. ing the social hour the hostess dale, Wash., is visiting at the home Store. These hose make excellent g of her brother, Albert Waggoner, served candy and pop corn Mrs. The Halsey hoys basketball Christmas gifts. Get yours now s and other friends and lelativcs for team played a practice game with Ollie B rattain assisted. while selections are best. awhile. Mis Struthers is a form- Shedd Monday afternoon. The r resident of this vicinity. home team won the game by a < F a y e t t e v i l l e I t e m s > “ All of a Sudden Peggy,, will g score of 12 lo 9. The boys placed The Agricultuial College bolds «-»\W«\A*WV>AAWV>AAAAS bs plaved by the dramatic club of B tls annual winter short course a good game. the Albany high school, at tl e § (Enterprise Correspondence) iu dairy manufacturing has been The glee club is working on their R. H. Duncan of Noti was a re­ city hall in Halsey Friday evening announced for Jauuary 9 to Feb­ operetta, “.Patricia’’ which they cent visitor at the home of his The Halsey orchestra will furnish ruary 3. A printed folder describ­ will give January 6 The club the m use. The play is being spon­ mother, Mrs. M- E. Duncan ing the courjo iu detail will be meets every Thursduy afternoon sored by the Halsey Study cl b Mrs. J. C. Dawson and daughter, * mailed to those requesting it. aud the proceeds will gu towaid the 1 to practice The special parts are Mrs. R. W. Brown drove to Cor­ Halsey public library community | | Several Halsey reo p 'eh av e at­ practicing alone at other times. vallis Wednesday on a business tended one or more of the Airnie bouse fund. Tbe senior class have decided to trip. McPherson meeting« in Eugene give th en play some time iu Feb­ Miss Elizabeth Barton accompa­ Honolulu's Pet this week. Among those attending ruary, probably the 17th or 18th. nied her brother, C. E Barton to were Mis» Glsdys McCornack Mies Fiiday wag the close of the sec­ Corvallis Sunday where she expects Adah Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Elden ond six weeks of the school term. to spend eeveral weeks. | Cross, Lawrence Taylor. James Wednesday morning the grades The Priscilla club members and McWilliams, and F. G Reese. were posleh. There are nine high their families wilt have a Christ­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles G oltraand school pupils on tho honor roll, mas tree at the Cottage Saturday children, Coenia and Bob, of Al­ Esther Seefeld, a senior, has an A evening, December 17. bany, and Mrs Jeas Damien of average, Nora Coldiron, Hope J. A. Couey sat up with Walter Sa'em wore dinner guests at the Hussey and M iry Smith, seniors, Smith Tuesday night. Mr. Smith H. F. Lake home Sunday, and iu have an average of B, Beaste Rey­ had a paralytic stroke some five the evening Mr. and Mrs. Elmo nolds and Gertrude Robins, soph­ ■ weeks ago and has been in a serious G ladhart and daughters, Gwendo omores, have B averages; Beverly I ■ condition since but seems to be lyti and Glorian Zell, rf Albany Isom, Prentia Isom and Ellsworth improving at present. were visitors at the same home. Gardner, freshmen, have B aver­ Mrs. W. B. Acheson went Io ages. The juniors have the high­ Elbert Isom who lias been era Brownsville Friday to visit her ployed iu the forest service in the est clast average, their grades mother, Mrs. A- Dunlap who is Oak Ridge neighborhood since last average 87.4. ill. On Tuesday Mrs. R. D- Ham- The sophomores gave the follow­ spring returned to his home at A1 ilton, another daughter, went over ing program for assembly Wednes­ ford Tuesday, for the wiuter, the and will remain lo help nurse her. work having been stopped because d a y Song, Star of Bethlehem," Mrs. Howard Buckingam and in­ of the cold weather. Frank Crab­ assembly piaus solo, * Ballerina,’’ fant daughter, Pauline Grace, who tree of Brownsville who has been Herman Koontz; song, “ Me Too," have been visiting a t the home of working at the same place came class; piaio solo, “ Love’s M1 lody’’ tbe form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. home with Isom, wbile Tom Miller Gertrude Robins; aong,‘‘Dew-Diw. John Miller, accompanied Mr. Dewy Day'' class; tnel|erdrama, of Halsey returned last week. Buckingham to their home at B-II- Clara. Evangelist Joseph H. Smith held lountain Sunday. Esther Heefeld, a very interesting service Monday Mr. and Mrs. R. Fay Hamilton Assistant Rsporter. everting at the Methodist church and daughter motored up from with a good eiied crowd present. Portland Wednesday to vi-it rela­ Gun Club Shoots Sunday Rev. Smith who is president of the tives. T heir daughter Joyce, who The Halsey Gun C'ub will hold National Holiness convention has has been visiting her grandparents an all day shoot Sunday the IS li recently conducted meetings in Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hamilton and Philomath, A'hany, and Portland with turkeys and merchandise m Mr. and Mrs, H. G Pugh since tnd ia now in Salem. Next Mon­ prizes Quite a number from tbe Thanksgiving, returned home with day bo will he in Eugene, where at surrounding towns will attend and Miss Sadie Dyson of Honolulu, sev he n. eral times winner of the vote for that 7:30 o'clock th at evening he will take part. Hot coffee and sand­ Bring iu your Christmas greet- city’s most beautiful and popular girl, preach on the distinction of the wiches will he aold on the grounds photographed as she arrived at Los ing cards and let us print your Angeles for an extended tour of tbe g j Holy Ghost and Sanctification. , snd warm quarter« are provided. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES We now have The New Ranges of the Bridge & Beach Line Our stock will meet your need and covers a wide variety for selection. Look them over now. See the Bridge & Beach Circulator before you put up your old heater. Hill & Company : names on them. United States.