Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, December 08, 1927, Image 1

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    A G R IC U L T U R E
Established in 1912.
Vol. 16.
More Honors to the Club Leaders
Of Boys* and Girls* Clubs
lla lse y Enterprise
No. 31
Halsey, Oregon, Thursday December 8, 1927.
Life Ain’t So Dull
P e r s o n a ls
Strength of the boys’ and girls’
(By an Enterpiise Reporter)
club work tn Oregon was never
high school will play Scio
more apparent than th s fall when
five outstanding national honors h gb a double header basket b ill
have been wou at the sixth annual game at the W.O.W. hall Decem­
club congress in Chicago. Hardly ber 9. This will be Shedd’s open­
had the local club force in exten­ ing game of the season and every
sion service received the news of one is invited to attend.
A new plank walk has been laid
the award of 1250 to Alex Cruik-
shaok as the outstanding local in front of tbe ShedJ bank.
club leader of the United States,
The Starnea family are confined
than the additional uews came of at home as several ui mbers have
tbe award to him of the Moses tro­ the mumps.
phy as the best club member-lead­
Opal Walton has returned to her
er iri tbe country.
homj at Crawfordsville after work­
Soon afterwards notification was ing at Jess Bowers the past seveial
received th a t Lois Bailey of Eugene months.
won tbe national championship in
Roberta Archibald returns 1 to
tbe canned meats division, anu
Salem, where she is attending
th at tbe Eugene canning club was
Willamette University after spend­
placed secocd in the canned goods
ing the week eud here at tbs home
exhibit. Another Oregon member,
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­
Robeit M artin of Rogue River,
ert Archibald.
Jackson county, won first place iu
Mr a. Del Hinson an 1 daughter
his division of the corn show.
Carolyn drove to Albany Saturday
to meet Mr. Hinson, who visited
| F a y e t t e v i l l e I t e m s | over the week eud at tho home of
Mrs. Hinson’s mother, Mrs. Robert
Arnold. He returned to his work
(By Special Correspondent)
io Portland Monday.
Tbe bazaar and chicken pie sup­
per held last Friday by the wo­ JIM yrle Thompson of 0 S.C. spent
m en’s missionary society was a the week end with his parents, Mr.
success. The following program aud Mrs. 0. M. Thompson.
Otis Farwell and Merril Davis
was rendered:
Music, two numbers, orchestra; are constructing an electric light
recitation, E ttu l Maxwell; piano line,
solo, Maxine Willet; song, Veva
Mrs. Phillip Marian of Lebanon
and Elinor Couey; recitation. E th ­ is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nel ie
el McMeekin; piano duet, Doris Satchwell of Shedd.
Margason and Helen Cornett; reci­
A large number of Shedd resi­
tation, Jean Moore; song, Mary dents were present at the moving
Louise Yates and Ethal McMeekiu; picture show given at the W.O.W
recitation, Maxine Willet; piano hall last week.
solo, Clara Belle Yates; music Glee
Jess Bowers was a business visit­
Club; reading, Pbyllis Duncan; or to Albany Wednesday morning.
music, Orchestra; reading, Miss
Meda Brown; solo, Victor Yates;
Fruit Growers to Organize
monologue, Mrs. F. H. McMeekin;
The fruit growers of Oregon and
music, Orchestra.
Washington recently met those of
Amoc g those attending the ba­
California at Stockton for the pur­
zaar and chicken pie supper from
pose of considering existing condi
Halsey were Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
lions and how to better them and
McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
it is believed th s meeting is the
Lake and daughter, Muriel.
forerunner of an organization that
The young women's missionaiy will ultimately embrace all the
society met at the home of Mrs. J. growers of the three states for the
C. Brown on Saturday afternoon intention of working out the prob­
Mrs. Otto Stockton is their super­ lems th at are common to all of
intendent, and the junior mission­ them. One feasible proposal was
ary society met at the borne of Mrs. th at k c a l associations be formed
C.H.Brown with Mrs. Victor Yates in e a ch state and locality, these io
as their leader. Both societies met be represented in .the central or­
at the home of Mrs. C. H- Brown ganization, where tbe problems of
for the social hour.
stabilization and marketing will
Rob’t McCormick wem to W ater­ be figured out with a common pur­
loo F riday. He is suffering with a pose and free trom regional mark
carbuncle >.ad will stay at the home et rivalry.
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nevin
Bring in your Christmas greet-
McCormick until he is better.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Pimm and ng cards aud let U3 print your
son Richard at.d daughter Mildred names on them.
were Sunday dinuer guests at the
Cuts His Own Salary
home of Mr. aud Mrs. J.A . Couey.
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin McCormick
and son Robert, of Waterloo, were
afternoon visitors at the home of
their son and brother, R. C. Mc­
Cormick Monday.
Mrs. G. V. Maxwell and daugh­
ters. Mrs. Kate Crolt, Miss Tempa
Brock and Mrs, W. H. McConuel
were Albany shoppers Saturday.
Tbe regular Thursday prayer
meeting will be held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R- C McCormick
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Pimm, son
Richard, and daughter Mildred
motored to Philomath to visit Mr.
Pim m ’s m other, Mrs. John Pimm,
A business change was n ade
When William C. Horv-'ider, cigar
known today when announcem ent maker and Socialist, was elected city
was made th at the Brad Moss Ser­ treasurer M Reading. Pa., he decided
vice Station in North Halsey had not to accept all the salary allowed
him and fixed his wage at « ,0 0 0 a
been eeld to H. Akerman of year. Horverter declares he wants
Brownsville. The new owner will only enough money to keep himself
assume charge about tbe middle of and family, snd that « o n e Is plenty.
There are fivr Socialists In office In
the month. Mr. Moes and family Reading now, the others being the
will remain io UaLey for the pres­ mayor, two councllmen and the cm
OHCE - FDWTil TOU O f » '
now -
Devoted to the Inte ests of Halsey and Linn County
Many Prints of Fine Old Paintings to Be Exhibited at
Parent Teachers’ Meeting Tomorrow Night.
Can you name all tbe pictures
Manager Carl Isom has arranged
painted by S.r Joshi:a Reynolds the following basket ball schedule
To be able to recognize a number for the year:
of good pictures at sight, to dee-
Dec. 10 — Monroe at Halsey
cribe them, to be familiar with the
Dec. 17—Sweet Home at Sweet
artists’ names, pictures, subj-cts Home
and alyle is the aim of art appre­
Jan. 14 — Monroe at Monroe
ciation as studied in our schools
Jan, 2,’—Sweet Home at Halsey
today, Joy, in line, form and color
Feb. 11 —Philomath at Philo­
was instinctive even in primitive math
man and this fundamental love of
Feb. 24—Tangent at Tangent
the beautiful can be made a great
Mar. 3 — Philomath at Hulsey
uplift to the personal character of
He is attempting to get games
everyone. The des’re to know good with Brownsville, Shed I, H arris­
P alm es may be realized by visit burg, aud Bellfountain.
~ ¡ng the exhibit of fine art prints
The girls games will preoeed tin
which will be on display at the boys games.
school house tonight, December 9.
The boys squad is practicing
V-.- VSc V- -V-rV-c V--ïV'-cV,-rV-rV*’?V-^W.~ V• ë
pel feeling plays and tactics
Mayor and Mrs. Bert Clark Enterprise for another year. He
The opening game of the season for a winning season. Several of
drove to Lebanon Sunday morning says names were a bit scare at the proved too much for H a k ey ’s
and spent the day visiting rela tim he came to the valley, hence light team, b i t after lighting thru j last year’s letter men are out in
suits developing Into real basket
he did not get any second name.
four long periods of almost fo >tba 11 shooters. Among them are Her­
Trutnau Robnctt of Halsey who is
Mrs. Marietta Palmer of San tactics, the local boys, although man Koontz,
Francis Leeper,
attending O.S.C. at Corval'is has Madrae, Calif., arrived in llalsey outweighed, were able to hold
Colly McCard, Henry Kirk, John
been elected to Rho Chi, national Monday morning for a visit of Tangent lo a 13-19 scire.
Quimby and Cyrus M-’AHister.
houorary pharmacy fraternity.
several weeks at tbe home of her
Quimby, Koontz aud McCard
Several new men are showing
At the recent meeting of the son, Lyman Palmer of the Lake played a strong game while Hussey
good form in practice and scrim-
Linn county bar association Aud­ Creek community, and other rela. and Norton made an exceptional
l in g « .
Dick Hussey is m as i n g a
showing fir the first gauu. Pro
rey Tussing. son of Attorney Accor lives and friends.
strong hid for pivot man while
Tmsing of Halsey was elected vice
Mr and Mrs. T M Thomason gress iu team work an I shooting Russell Norton's shooting eye as.
president. A A, Tussing was ap­ i and small son, Tommie, and V ir­ ability was noted over the alum ni sures the forward positions some
pointed a member of tbe committee ginia and Duane Wolfer of North game, played a week ago
competition. Other men in the
The chief feature of the evening
on legislation.
, Albany were dinner guests of Mr.
Bq mid are Ellsworth Gardner, Ken­
O. M artin, a native of this lo land Mrs. F. Buford Morris of Hal­ was the larg> group of rooters that neth Smith and Earl Elliott.
calitv since 1851, was in owu to­ sey last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. turned out for H 'lsev, with their
Mrs. Coleman’s sewing class be­
day and while here ordered the Kenneth Cobnrn of Eugene were bright caps and lou 1 horns, they i gan their work last week.
i lent a spirit to the game th at has
Eloise Smith is back in acho>>|
a b ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ «iu ■ a n ■ ■ ■ iibi ¡at ■
a n aaaaaD bubi
! Hot been seen iu Halsey for some after an absence of a week.
j lime.
The conteat between the ' W ild
Tbs team h is the spirit and will
cats” and the ‘'Roughnecks” in
, he able to put more into the gone
the world history class is still go.
i than otherwise.
mg on with the for ner in the lead.
Mr. Koontz very kindly furnished
The side having the highest aver-
! the noise makers and the student |
' age grades wins, aud the losing
i body wishes to extend their appre­
¡side has to h eat the winners lo a
ciation for his co-operation
| party.
The line up w ar:
Thirty-two Families Make New
r f
K o o n tz
Homes in Oregon
1 f
Thirty two new farm families
N o rto n
If. Bault
r e
arrived in Oregon duiing Novem­
1 K
ber, according to tho re| ort of W.
Referee, Ray Farmer
U. Ide, manager of tbe joint I.and
Score first ba If 5 to 11; se:oi
Settlement departm ent of the Port­
half 13 to 19.
land aud Oregon state chambers of
The scoro for the girls game was commerce, nine of whom settled
8 to 23 in favor of Tangent,
in southern Oregon, two in eastern
The Halsey girls linc-up was: Oregon and tbe balance iu western
Frances Norton, f, Muriel Lake, f; Oregon.
Lilah Phelps, running center; Lu­
These families came from tho
cille Phelps jum ping e n te r ; Edith followin'" states: Canada, 2; Idaho,
Smith, g; Wanda Veatch, g
3; Iowa, 3; Wyoming 1; North
Beverly Isom took the place of Dakota, I; Montana, 1; Ohio, 1;
Frances Norton in tbe last p art of Minnesota, 3; California, 4; Wash
the game.
ington, 8; Texas, 2; New Mexico,
We now have
The New Ranges
of the
Bridge & Beach
also guests at tbe
Sunday evening.
Our stock will meet your
need and covers a wide
variety for selection.
Look them over now.
See the Bridge & Beach
Circulator before you put
up your old heater.
Hill & Company
Morris borne
1; Kansas, 8; Colorado, 1; South
Dakota, 1; and Nebraska, 1.
Their total investment was $103,-
Letters and q u estio n in g were
received from 35 additional fami­
lies who stated definitely that they
were coining to Oregon within the
next few months.
There is a steady flow of families
into the state through the services
of the Land Settlement d ep art­
A number of members of the
Eastern Star order living in Halsey
drove to Shedd last evening to a t­
tend a meeting of the lodge. Mrs
Jess Cross of Halsey was initiated
into the mysteries of the order.
Among those attending from H al­
sey were Mr, and Mrs. C. H
Koontz, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
Patton, Mis. Bert Clark, Mrs. B.
M Bond, Mrs. Amor Tussing and
Mrs. Kar! Bramwell.
Ted Roy in National Competition
Rev. and Mrs J. S- Miller and
Ted Roy, the “ singing blaci >
a number of o her members of the sm ith’’ of Pilot Rock, will t,e on
Methodist church of Halsey have the air again, this time in national
beeo attending the Holiness con­ competition, when he appears with
vention conducted by Rev. Joseph four other district winners in the
8. Smith at Albany this week. Atwater Kent audition contest
Rev Sm ith, who«« home is in Cal- finalt at New York City Deceml er
ifornia, is president of the United 11. Roy, who is studying music
States Holiness convr ritioo and is at O 8. C., will sing over W FAF
eaid to be the greatest Bible expos­ which is to be connected with the
itor of tbe church. There will be national net work
an all day meeting Friday be­
Don’t forget to have your Christ­
ginning at 9 30 o'clock a. or. at the
inas c t'd s printed at the Enterprise
Eva-gelical church in Albany.