H alse^^nter£riseHíalseyH 2££S2il— Georg» Schlack of Albany were I ■ ■ ■ ■ B I . ■ ■ ■ guest» at tb ” L H. Armstrong | . Halsey Friday evening. A N A T IO N -W ID E IN S T IT U T IO N - Albany, Oregon Give Her Our Silk Hosiery The Satisfaction of Such a Gift Lasts For Many Months E verytim e she w ears them , she will rem em ber your th o u g h t­ fulness at C hristm as time. An ar- “ / T“'l 1“ i i ray of sm art colors in sh eer and service w eights. ¡i i ‘ $1.49 No. 449 and 455— o ur own tin ctio c tio n n l’ r g ift of distin ( 2*Wj Dainty Pastel Styles In Christmas Packing The fem inine h e a rt alw ays thrills w ith a gift of lingerie— ban ­ deaux and b rassieres are specially packed for g ift purposes. Five Numbers Priced at 49c, 79c, 98c and $1.49 A Gift for H er H o m e She V/01 Like Especially Welcome If You Make It A room y pouch in a tan sh a d e to m atch h e r c o a t , p e r­ haps — o r any of a n u m b er of o th e r sm art shapes and colors. 98c If you have a piece of P enim aid A rt N eedlew ork h an d y fo r spare m om ents, several charm ing gifts will be ready for yo u r friends fo r C hristm as. Luncheon cloths w ith napkins to 1 m atch, table scarfs, pillow cases, fancy ' tow els— cu rtain s, even, in m any designs to $5.90 Polytechnic school, to spend th e Thanksgiving holidays. Halsey and V icinity Brevities As a m atter of convenience for local people the Southern Pacific Lillian Reyno id*, who is coni- pleting her ee mud term at the railway company have added a new normal school at. Monmouth, spent train to their service. Anyone the holidays last, week at her home wishing to go to Albany and Salem in Halsey. or wav points for a few hours can Wayne Sin ,t;. ar d Karl Williams now leave Halsey at 12:14 p. m., Came home rrom 1’ortlund, where on the train and come home on the they are at ¿idents at the Benson Southern Pacific stage which ar- t>v aiM.HiNMlmiHliiiim' I 1 9 c to 9 8 c IIIN'INIIIIIIlltnillllllllllli Holiday Necessities lllllllNIUlllltllllll rive» io Halsey about 7:30. or may return on the later trains. The new train will be run during this month as an experiment and if it proves successful will probably be continued. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Armstrong aud Mr. »nd Mrs. Lym an Palmer and son attended the funeral of Mr. McKeever, who died at Loma, Montana, at Albany last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schlack of Loma, Montana and Mr. and Mrs. Christmas Boxes for Your Gifts, 5c, 10c, 15c, and 25c. MORRIS’ PHARMACY Headquarters for Your Christinas Necessities Coats and Dresses NOLAN globe * ♦ J ♦ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sickels e n -1 tertained at a Thanksgiving dinner last Thurday, Places were marked at the attractively appointed table for Mrs. L. E. Bond, Letter Bond and NJrs. Hal Howard all of Al­ bany; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bond, Melvin and Lloyd Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Isom, Carl and Bever- L IF E LAW YERS ‘Silk Stockings’ Halsey and Brownsville Oregon Thursday and Friday “The 13th Juror ’ D ELB ER T STARR Saturday Funeral Director and Licensed! Embalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon WE have The Best Equipped Shop in Halsey Thursday Night, Decenber 8th, Matthew’s Old Time Orchestra and for that reason we give you a better job and more for your money. \\ e also carry the largest stock o f tires and accessories. Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of tire patching. of Seven Pieces will furnish the music, Best Crowds and a dandy floor. Everybody Come and enjoy themselves. ARROW GARAGE Diamonds Easily Acquired ! “ llllllDII © Our customers are finding our new Divided Charge Service a desirable means to conveniently obtain fine diamonds—or a Gruen Watch. Perfect diam onJj »n d range of m oun tin g ! at $7 J, $IOO, $ 1 ,0 Under the plan they enjoy their added use while saving for them. You too are invited to U6e this new purchasing service. F. M. French Son Jewelers, Optometrists Albany iia iiiiiiin iiii n o iiiiiiiiiiiio tiiiiiM iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiD iiiiiiiiiiiiD iiiiiiiiiiiia iiiiiiiiiiiio iiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiin I Order Your Combine Harvester-Thresher Now \\ e are placing orders for McCormick-Deering _ Combine Harvester-Threshers with the factory ! | and ask yon to get your order in early with us, ! and get factory prices on them. Call I ° j Schultz Brothers Warehouse Co. j Phone Shedd, 8F23 or write for delivery prices, Warehouse at Fayetteville. Po3toffice Shedd. Oregon auewsvaper ou - the f l o o r , s o you wo mt oer -rue kitcmew _ g| AU, -TPAiKEO UP iiiiiiiiin a n in iiiiiiia iiii mother , why OOUT THEY MAKE A L1MOLEUM WITH A PATTERM LIKE OCXS TRACKS, SO WET DOQS CAM C OM E IU TH' KITCHEM AMP THEIR TfeAcKS WCMT/ - SHOW , A HEEDED iU VE U TlO N nl7 d9 Wednesday Laura LaPlante in M O W E R . SAYS "YES. IF I SPREAD is ren Avenue. Seattle, W ash. TUSSING & TUSSING nriiiiiiuiiiiDfiiiiimiuDitiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiNiiuaiHwmiHDiiii svea & S O N Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Mnrsiets arrived in Halsey last Thursday 43 Years of Quality Service from their home at Shasta, Calif., Corvallis, Oregon B on a brief visit a t the homes of a ■ bu ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I B B B ■ their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Marsters and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. ly Isom, Harold and Dale Sickels regular monthly business and so­ Wahl. They left for home S atu r­ and the host and hostess. cial meeting Friday at the Martin day noon. Mr9. E. S. Marsters Cummings home. About thirty, accompanied them and will visit Mrs. M. E. G ardner extended five members aud friends were them for a time. the hospitality of her home Friday present. A fter a short business evening to the members of the Ep- session music and games were en­ I worth League for their regular joyed until a late hour when re. monthly meeting. Early in tb freshments were served. From O u r Regular Correspondents evening a brief business meeting N O T IC E OF H EA R IN G OF FINAL was held, and the rem ainder of ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the final the evening was spent socially with The boys of Halsey under t' e I capable leadership of El as Robin», games as the chief diversion. The account of Grace Farwell as Executrix of the last will and testam ent of Richard were hosts to the members of the pleasant time was brought to C. Farwell deceased, has been filed in g r i g B. B. club Wednesday even- close by the serving of refresh­ the C ounty Court of L inn County, State of Oregon, and th at the 26th day of Dec­ ling, at the city hail. The evening ments. ember. 1927, at the hour of 10 o’clock, A. * * • was spent with games and music M., has been duly appointed by said ! and was closed with the serving of Thursday of last week the home Court for the h earin g or objections to i refreshments by Herman Koontz of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nemchlck of said final account and the settlement thereof, at wtiich tu n e any person inter­ and Ellsworth Gardner. Harrisburg was the scene of About forty young people were gay party whin a number of their ested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto in w ritin g and contest present for this enjoyable evening. friends met there for a Thanksgiv­ the same. Out-of- town guests were Mr. and ing dinner. Those privileged to Dated and first published on Nov. 21, Grace Farwell, Miss Penland of California, stu­ enjoy this pleasant affair were Mr 1927. E xecutrix Aforesaid. dents at Oregon State college. and Mrs, Henry Falk and children, Tussing & Tussing, Everett, Pearl, Nellie and Grace of A ttys, for Exrx. Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass F.iday evening Mr. and Mrs. and sons, Jack and Merle of Shedd. OAKLAND—PONTIAC'S Sales and Service Robert Ramsey extended the hos­ Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Phillips of Good used cars sold w ith our guaran­ pitality of their home to a group of Scio, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nem- tee. friends. The rooms of their cozy chick and son Bobby, and Mr. and BYERLY MOTOR CO. bungalow were gay with flowers Mrs. Hugh Sherrill of H arrisburg. Albany, Oregon while softly shaded lights added to * * * STANDARD m ake of piano in vicinity the other attractive settings. will sacrifice. M ust sell at once, $10.00 Lake Creek —The members of Games were the diversion of the m o n th ly . W rite T allm an Piano Store, evening and at a late hour dainty Ihe Epworth leag u e held their Salem. Oregon. n.!7-dl refreshm ents were served. PI ANO near Halsey. Beautiful instru­ The guest list included a num ­ m ent. Bargain for quick sale. Terms ber of the Halsey young people as $10 m onthly arranged for good home. web as from the surrounding com- Sun. Mon Tues., Dec. 4-5-6 If in terested address H. A. Livernash Factory Piano A djuster, 413 North Bo­ m unity. I E- Greeting Cards 5c, 10c, 15c. Holly Paper for your Christinas Packages, Tinsel Cord and Ribbon Latest Modes in “Gun Gospel” Fancy decorations for your Christmas tree, 5c., 10c., 15c. p I S O C IE T Y N E W S Boxed Brassieres for Gifts G ift K im dbags ■ -O.-bs B B B B I Entire Stock Reduced J. M. Phone 130 B B ■ For the Holiday Season Mr and Mr». Tom Hill a n d M r. and Mr». W. F. White ol Halsey started for Tillamook last Thur9- . day but oulv got as far as Heabo where they ate dinner and then re­ turned home. The trip was die- , continued because of the heavy tcin and the fear of slides along the road. “ where savings are g re a te st ■ ■ » ■ ■ ■ IIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIt'IHII