Halsey Enterprise, Halsey, Oregon, December 1. 1927 H a l s e y E n t e r p r is e Published Thursday at Halsey Oregon, F c d A A LAKE Publisher« «1 a year In advance. Arrearages 12'X a month. Stops when time expires unless continuance Is ordered. county. This result has been altaiued by a system of grading the product that has teen fostered and perfected by A L Morris, who is nspector for that district, and who ias the hearty cooperation now of 'rowers and merchants all over the oui.ty. Intelligent inspection and 'r a d i i g p a y» - Advertising, 20c an inch; no discoun’ for time or space; no charge lo' composition or changes. Announce ments of entertainments, food sales Forty-two new farm families with etc., whose object is to raise money charged at regular advertising rates new capital of $127,500 were re­ Announcements of religious meetings ported as a result of the land not exceeding four inches, free 11 settlement work of the Portland copy is received before Tuesday. and etale chambers of commerce fcr October. From California came seven families, Idaho two, Iowa three, Kansas six, Minnesota three, Ne­ braska five, South Dakota two, Texas two, Washington two. New York two, Indiana two. Wisconsin two, and one each from North Dakota, Colorado, Canada and China. Eighteeu other families arrived but are not yet located. Last week’s arrivals were R. Zurowski, wife and seven children, Pilot Butte, Saskatchwan; M- A. Nichols and family, Melbeto, Ne­ braska; M. D. Fuller, Plainview, Minnesota; and C. E. Wallis and wife all looking for Oregon farm Sumethir.g practical, equitable and helpful in the way of farm re­ lief is now in prospect, several forces not heretofore in harmony having come pretty close togethei in recent reports and recommends tione. The latest expression on the subject comes from the “ Business, men’s Commission on A griculture’’ whose chairman is Charles Nagel of St. Louie, who was secretary of agriculture in President Taft’s cab n et, and the significant fact is that all the differing factions have received Mr. Nagel’s recommenda­ tions favorably. This plan pro­ vides for a federal farm board, as in other plans, and that this board shall be authorized to buy stock in homes. the “ equalization corporation’ and be represented in that corporation A lf o r d A r r o w s by directors, the intention being to buy and bold surplus products V r w v v ’▼ W x * V V V F ' V V V O v r V V W ' V V V ' V when the markets are depressed (Enterprise correspondent) and to dispose of them when sta­ Little Winona Perry came home bility is restored. Losses from for the Thanksgiving vacation re­ these transactions must be absorbed turning to Eugene Monday morn­ from the public treasury. Senator ing. McNary, Secretary Jardine, the E. D. bom came home from the advocate* of the national grange plan, and the ndherents of Presi­ S ilt Creek road camp near Me- dent Coolidge, have assumed an Credie Springs, where he is em­ attitude since the submission of ployed, Wednesday evening of last this report which indicates a com­ week to spend Thanksgiving with promise measure by congress this his family. Ho returned to bis winter that will relieve agriculture work Monday morning. Velma, the small daughter of and be satisfactory to the farmers, who are only asking an equal Mr. and Mrs. Brian Perry, is very ill with pneumouia. (hauce for prosperous existence. The E. D. Isom family spent Columbia county has established Sunday at the W. H. Robertson a reputation for raising fine poto- home in Halsey. toes and one commission firm has Chester Curtis and family were »¡«nlfied a desire to take all the gue"t* for Thanksgiving dinner at marketable spuds for sale in the the Henry Brock home. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early W h o r e y o u w ill fin d o n d is p la y a K in o lin e o i — Y ou are In vited to O ur S to r e D r e ssin g C ases, T o ilet S e ts, L e a th e r G oods, P e r fu m e s, A to m iz e r s, S ta tio n e r y . LEE DRUG STORE OVER 30 YEARS IN A LB A N Y Cor. F irst & F e rry S ts . P h o n e 70 A lb a n y Permanent Waving By Mrs. Eva Allphin Permanent Wave Artist. An Albany Resident, An Albany Machine. Nestle Permanent Wave Machine and Method the best money can buy. No Kinks— No Frizzes—No Discoloration—No Burnt Hair. A Perfect Elat Marcell” Only 7 minut»« heat Free lest Curls’on your own head. Pick out the one you like best. Evenir.gor Sunday Appoint- ments. Pay men a if desired, A - ▼ ▼▼▼ «FWwF W ^11^1 ' FvFwFwP^P^F^P * ^j^LCLPlArUY/tAjA A V V V V * w | P in e G r o v e I te m s | A A '▼▼▼' w w w ' 'vev A A ew -*■ w w A w v essv v v A W '▼▼▼' w I E n te r p r is e C o r r e s D c o d s n c e ) Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bilyeu and daughter Edith spent Thanks- giving day with their son and brother, Dean Bilyeu at the Knigh- ten home. Pine Grove Church — Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. by Rev. Smalley. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. Your attendance and coopera- ^vould be appreciated by those who are trying to carry on this work. S p o o n R iv er S p a r k s ALBANY’S LEADING BEAUTY SHOPPE Alban y. Oregon. | (By an E nterprise Reporter) Pearl Pehrsson aud Miss Anna Heiurich of Corvallis spent tbe week end at tbe L. Straley borne Merle Straley returned to Corvallig with them Sunday to spend a few days. Mr. and Mr-. J. R. Templeton spent Thanksgiving at Cecil Bil- yeu's near Brownsville. J. H. Vai.Nice a.-.d Merwvn Van Nice and family spent Thanksgiv­ ing in Salem visiting relatives. They returned to their home Fri­ day. Kenneth VanNice camo to the farm during their visit at Salem. Nora Pehrsson, who is teaching at Banks, and Pearl Pehrsson who is attending O.S.C. spent tbe Thanksgiving vacation at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover ai d Ernest Hover and family spent Thanksgiving day at the Everett Hover home in H arrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Will Eagy and Floyd Nichols and family were R. E. Blerly, A rthur Waggoner, guests a t L. E. E agy’s Thursday W illiam Pence, Paul Bierly and A uuaand Mary Heinrich and their families and Mrs. Mary B ier­ their brotner Fred, of Corvr.llis ly and Hirem Bierly were Thanks­ spent Thanksgiving day with their giving dinner guests at D.F. Burges parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Heiu- of near Dever. rich. Mrs. J. P. Templeton spent Mrs, Dora Standish of Bole, Monday afternoon a E .E . Carey’s. Mout., who is visiting relatives in Delma Falk spent the week end Halsey visited at the E . E. Hover at the C. L. Falk, Sr., home. home Friday. H- J. Falk and family attended Mrs. W. D. McLaren and Mr». N. E. Chandler were soliciting this the family Thanksgiving dinner at district for the Red Cross last week. John Nemchick home at H arris­ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kuighten burg. Gilbert Carey of Portalud spent were visitors at the county seat the week ehd at E. E. Carey’s. Tuesday afternoon. W. R. Kirk and family were The Thanksgiving program given by the school children Wednesday Sunday afternooa callers at O. W- evening was well attended. The Frum ’ sin Halsey. sale of pies brought about $12.60, Eunice Sylvester spent the Thanksgiving vacation at her home here. Earl Albertson, who is attend- ing norm al school at Monmouth, came home during the vacation last week. M r s . Harvey Wallace spent a few days last week visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. F. A l­ bertson. Mrs. N. E. C haudlsr and Rich­ ard attended the Thanksgiving program at the Peoria school Thursday afternoon. Uti» M artin arrived home Wed­ nesday from W ashington, where he has been working. Mr. and M r s . Looney and Mrs. Langford of California arrived at the Johnson home Wednesday for a visit. The two California women aud Mrs Johnson are sisters. Itus«el Kuighten of Albany and John Johnson of P ortland called j at the A. L. Knighteu borne last Thursday. The Pine Grove community meeting will he F riday evening, Dec. 2. A one act play, ‘‘Keeping Him Hom e,” is being prepared by local young people as a number on ________ the program. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Marster. ^ ^ b a n y ^ y ir e c t o r v spent Thanksgiving with thw borne folks. They and E S Marsters aud wifq had Thanksgiving dinner at A LBANY baking co . 405 W est F irs t tb* Wahl home. Mrs E. S M arj- B U T T B R -N U T B R E A D ters returned with hsr son and wife A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers to Shasta City, California, Satur­ and p la n ts. F lo ra l a rt fo r every and a ll occasions. day. C arl Seef.-ld and family spent Thanksgiving day at E .E C»rey'a. M. and Mr?. J. P. Templetou »pent Friday at Holley visiting J. N. Hunter. Fred Keen and wife enjoyed a visit from their children and their families during the Thanksgiving holiday. E. E. Carey and family and Gil- b irt Carey spent Saturday evening at the J. R. Templeton home. The Misses Ava, Edna, Delma, Mamie m i d Pearl Falk visited the school Friday afternoon and Mr, and Mrs. H. J Falk, Clifford Bab­ cock and Fred Keeu visited school Monday afternoon. A'-a Falk who is staying at the C. L .Falk,S r. borne, spent Thanks­ giving at her home. Miss Doris Howard and Grace Kirk were Sunday afternoon call­ ers at J. M. E llio t’s. J. M. E lliott and family spent Thanksgiving d iy at O. J. A lbert­ son’s. F lo w e r phone 458-f. ast E A lbany barber shop C harles K. G o ltra , P ro p rie to r S p e c ia liz in g in Ladies' and C h ild re n s H a ir C uts and Bobs. W o rk Guaranteed 1029 E a st Second St. A lb a n y , G e STATB ALBANY BANK wi ■ « ^ in v ite y o u r business. Savings and co m m e rcia l accounts. C a p ita l, surplus u n d iv id e d p ro fits , $100. COd. P A S T B U R N ’S GROCERY 4 th and I.yo n s Street The place to buy good groceries at the r ig h t price. O n the corner, p le n ty of room to park. A lb a n y . I^urtm iller F urniture Co., furni- ■»■ tu re , rugs, lin o le u m , stoves ranges. Funeral d irecto rs. 427-433 west F irst street, A lb a n y , O regon. G E H L E R T” 8 GROCERY 401 W F ir s t street Successor to J. D. Sears We will tay to please you U O L M A N £ JACKSON 4-A E v e r y th in g G ro c e ry — Bakery in th e lin e o f eats O pposite Fostofiice 1 M PERIAL CAFE, 209 W. first ___________ W k n ev er clo se H a ro ld G. M u rp h y Prop. Phone 6o5 Tennings Auto Top Shop—Auto tr im m in g , seat covers and w in te r in- closures. 202 E . Second. Phone 4lf(J. _____________ X . I - J e n n in g s Manager Call At Davenport Music House M a g e l ’s Bob anil Beauty Shoppe, H o te l A lb a n y M a n ic u rin g , m a rc e llin g , facial Miss Lam phear, operator For New and Second Hand Pianos. Pianos For Rent. A lbany, Oregon R O S C O E AMES HARDWARE T he W in ch e ste r Store I n ç i i n n r p A G eneral L in e w ith it - IN O U I U llb b tra c tiv e rate«. Specializ­ in g in a u to m o b ile and tru c k insurance. Bulbs!-Shrubs! J. L. Stuart, Insurance Agency, 110 W. 2nd St., A lb a n y , Ore. Phone Î33 Nursery Stock Fisher Bros. Implement <3 Phone 47 122 N. Broadalbin st. A lbany, Oregon John Deere Implements DeLaval Separators and Milkers Fencing and Farm ers’ Hardware A fine lot to select from without wading in the mud. V ery A ttr a c tiv e P r ice s FARM LOANS Sit store a t low est rate o f interest. Real Estate Insurance P rom pt service, courteous treatm ent. W m . B a i n , w ith I.ane C o u n ty Abstract com pany, A lb a n y l||IIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN>ll *•"’ I f you e n jo y a good m eal And kn o w a good m eal w hen v o ll get it Y o u 'll be back lo r y o u 'll n o t fo rg e t it. PARAGON CAFE LT u:.5 « h G EO . M. G ILCH RIST ALBANY B r o w n sv ille , S a tu r d a y J u n c tio n C ity S u n . M on T ic k e t office Bell L in e Stage. A lb a n y to San Francisco, $15. The W orld’s Greatest motion picture. A lb a n y C re am e ry A ssociation M anufacturers of “ W H A T LINN BUTTER P R IC E am i B u yers o f E ggs A F a r m e r s ’ C o - o p e r a tiv e C ream ery G L O R Y ” Chrysler Cars B O B B IN G B A R B E R IN G BATHS AND S H A M P O O IN G E. C . and A tw a te r - K e n t Agent H u b C le a n in g W orks _ A Ib a n y L a u n d ry E v e ry Tuesday K o lster , F e d e r a l, and C rosley R a d io Accessories M IL L E R Anderson Motor Company Allphin's Auction House Albany, Oregon ^Broadalbin St., Albany Auction Sat. Dec. 3, F is h e r -B r a d e n 1 p. m. uneral Directors-Embalmers T he s e e m in g ly sm all d e ta ils so c a re fu lly handled in the W r ig h t Service, are a p a rt o f th a t w hich is not overlo. L td in e x te n d in g to o u r patrons, com petent, courteous and s y m p a th e tic a tte n tio n . F u rn itu re — liv e stock — w ill be sold. I f you have a n y th in g you w a n t sold, b rin g i t in. F u rn itu re sold at p riv a te sale a n y tim e . F a rm m a c h in e ry sold a t a ll tim es. Lady A ssistant. Chapel o r Residence F u n e ra ls Phone 95. A lb a n y , Oregon ■ ■ ■ W L W R IG H T , F U N E R A L D IR EC TO R D. C. Rossman. Local Manager Phone 255. Halsey, Oregon Good Looks and Good Sight 1 he firs t retained and the second a tta in e d by glasses fitte d here. Broken Lenses Duplicated C areful, s c ie n tific tests o f eves made and glasses c o rre c tlv fitte d . Marinello Shop M rs. Elsie D a vis is in ch a ig e o f the P erm anent W a v in g departm ent. use the S h elton S im p lic ity M eth o d o f Perm anent W a v in g ’ ’TH E W A V E OF N ATU R A L B B A U T Y ” M A R IN E L L O SH O P . A U vanv rir^ .r.rv We S t. F r a n c is H otel B u ild in g VV» <4)11C it r n .itr 't i l , Serious Harm May be Done to the Eyes by Wearing Outgrown Glasses. Y o u r eves should be exam ined and v o u r glasses checked at least once e ve ry tw o . ears. Let us h e lp y o u r eyes in perfect c o n d itio n Harold Albro, Jew eler and O p to m e tris t. 313.W est F irs t S treet .Albany,O re. ■ ■ George William Wright Attorney-at-Law a Now under new management. Marcelling. Finger Waving, Facials. Scalp Treatments, manicuring. La Rose Vanity Shoppe 403 First National Bunk Bldg. Lillie Rickard of Monmouth »pent the holidays at home. Gueets at the Michael Rickard home Tha kigiviug day were Mr. and Mrs Robert McKee of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs Guy Roberts ar.d children of Toledo, Last Friday Mr. aud Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter Beverly went to Albany. C. E. Mercer cf EugeDe «peut Thanksgiving at the J. F. Isom borne. William Jubnche and family of Suver were guests Thanksgiving day at tbe John Rolfe home. E. D. Isom and family ate Thanksgiving diuner at the W. C Sickel home in Halsey. g s B (I Licensed to P ractice in U n ite d | States C o u rt and a ll C ourts .n ( O regon. Otfices in B a ltim o re B ldg g A lb a n y , O regon. a B H B B E » a a a a a A E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 422 W est E ir s t S tr e e t A lb a n y , O re g o n Complete Home Furnishers Universal & Colonial Ranges