NATIONAL GRANGE FOR DEBENTURE PLAN O ver 1700 pounds of rabbits were canned in M edford recently a t the MRS. MEDILL McCORMICK AMOS A. BETTS Rogue R iver cannery, th is m aking an estim ate of 1128 cang which will be of­ fered for sale a t local grocery stores A nother large canning of ra b b its will Organization Favors Reduction Proposal to Reduce Revenue Brief Resume of Happenings o) be held w ithin the month. W hile his b reak fast burned on the of National Debt Instead $400,000,OCX) Criticised the Week Collected for stove in his shack on C atching Inlet, of Lowering Taxes. six m iles from M arshfield, and with by President. Our Readers. his dog locked in behind him, Caleb Greene, 56, w as clubbed to death with C leveland, Ohio. — T h e National W ashington, D. C.—R eiteration by D uring th e p ast year B enton county a saw ed-off baseball bat alm o st on G range closed Its ann u al convention th e cham ber of comm erce of the U nit­ has retire d $87,000 w orth of Indebted­ the doorstep of h is hum ble hom e last h ere a fte r adopting resolutions direct­ ed S tates th a t the prospective red u c­ ness, leaving Its obligations a t the week. ed to congress reaffirm ing Its position tion in ta le s should reach $400,000,000 p resen t tim e $341,000. Believed to be th e larg est vegetable th a t th e "ex p o rt d eb en tu re plan" is the drew caustic and em phatic criticism Official records of the city health of Its kind ever grow n in the Des­ only sound and w orkable way to from the W hite House. No doubt was bureau now show 10 cases of Infantile chutes basin, a tu rn ip nearly th ree feet left th a t P resident Coolidge Is decid­ achieve farm relief, favoring an In­ p araly sis In P ortland. Two new cases in circum ference and w eighing 2116 edly displeased with the cham ber's crease In the ta riff on corn, dem and­ were rep o rted la st week. pounds, is on exhibit in th e Bend view th a t th ere would be no cause for ing a ta riff com m ission investigation T h ree places w ere robbed In W ood­ cham ber of com m erce office. T he big alarm even if a treasu ry defecit were on wool im p o rts and ask in g appropria­ burn S atu rday n ig h t and an attem pt turnip was grow n on the L ivesay Incurred. tions fo r an extensive program of fun­ to e n ter a fourth was unsuccessful, the farm, n e a r S isters. W ith extraordinary vehemence, it d am en tal rese a rc h by th e departm ent ro b b ers evidently being frightened The Oregon T elephone company, w as explained a t the W hite House of ag ricu ltu re. away. with h e a d q u arters a t M arshfield, h a t th a t P resid en t Coolidge considers "F a rm relief th rough export deben­ A nnouncem ent is m ade th a t a new filed notice w ith th e public service nothing more absurd than a suggestion tu re s depends n e ith e r upon appropri­ Mrs. M edlll M cC orm ick, w ife of the $100,000 th e a tre will be built in Med­ com m ission th a t it has elim inated six- th a t th e governm ent g reatly Increase Amos A. Betts of Arizona, who was atio n s nor special tax es," the adopted form er aenator from Illinois, who has Its expenditures and a t the sam e tim e selected to be a mem ber of the In te r­ ford n ex t spring by L. N eldem eyer and party line service a t Its McM innville re p o rt said. "B y d eb en tu re method announced her candidacy fo r the Re reduce taxation. state Commerce Commission to suc­ E arl Fehl. T he house will have a ca­ exchange. Common b attery service in­ farm relief can be a tta in e d w ith ad­ publican nom ination fo r congressman* stead of m agneto service has been es­ O fficials of th e cham ber of com­ ceed Henry C. H a ll. M r. Betts Is a pacity of 1570. m in istrativ e sim plicity, d irectn ess and at-large from Illino is. C. E. Secoy, who farm s n ear Ontario, tablished a t F o re st Grove. merce, it was asserted on Mr. Cool­ Democrat. econom y of op eratio n .” had 11 a cres in clover th is y e a r from idge’s behalf, are tro ttin g around to T he g range approved proposals lor O rganization of th e fruit grow ers of w hich he realized from seed and hay Oregon, W ashington and C alifornia various governm ent d epartm ents seek­ legislation to reduce th e national debt ing as large expenditures as possible $1433, besides retain in g 20 tons of hay Into one large and effective association ra th e r th an achieve fu rth e r tax reduc­ for the projects It favors and a t the for his own use. tion, but w ent on record as favoring was predicted in Salem by Seym our sam e tim e clam or for tax reduction A slide 40 feet long and 10 feet deep Jones, sta te m ark et agent, who has th e re p eal of the w ar tax on autom o­ fa r in excess of w hat both the tre a s­ cam e down on th e tra c k s of th e S. P retu rn ed to Salem a fte r atten d in g a biles in case congress Insisted upon ury and a m ajority of the house ways fu rth e r tax reduction. & S. railw ay a t Bugby. n e a r A storia, m eeting of th e fruit grow ers and farm ­ W arsaw .—W arsaw does n o t share and m eans com m ittee has deem ed ad­ A resolution to th e A m erican Medi­ W ashington, D. C.—S tanding pat on tak in g out th e teleg rap h lin es and ers of C alifornia, held a t S tockton re­ the uneasin ess said to ex ist in govern­ visable. cal association asking th a t step s be blocking th e tracks. cently. Its dem and for a $400,000,000 tax re­ m ental circles in B erlin, Moscow and t It would be b etter, in th e opinion of T hirty-five hundred tu rk ey s w ere duction, despite th e tre asu ry view th a t The apportioned property valuations Kovno concerning th e Polish-L ithuan tak en to check th e dw indling supply Mr. Coolidge, for the organization to of co u n try doctors, “w ho th re a te n to It should not exceed $225,000,000 and shipped from G rants P ass to San F ra n ­ of all public u tilities In O regon for the ian d ispute w hich will be d e a lt with becom e ex tin ct w ithin 10 y ears if the devote its energies to proposals for the house ways and m eans com m ittee cisco for the T hanksgiving trade, leav­ year 1927, exclusive of the W estern by th e league of nations. curbing national expenditures, as by m ovem ent tow ard th e city and special­ decision to recom m end reductions ag­ ing about 5000 in Josephine county Union T elegraph com pany, have been Soviet R ussia's jo in t note to L ithu­ th at process only, he believes, can the g regating $236,000,000, th e cham ber of for th e C h ristm as trade. fixed a t $168,967,161.25, according to an ia and P oland expressing concern ization continues a t th e p resen t rate." tax burden be lightened. com m erce of th e U nited S tates has T h e R oosevelt highw ay betw een a sta te m e n t prepared by th e sta te tax a t th e strain ed re la tio n s of th e twe announced th a t Its m em bership, In a Seaside and Tillam ook Is closed to com m issioner. The p ro p erty valua­ countries passed alm o st unnoticed referendum Just com pleted, had ap­ traffic because of high w ater, accord­ tions of th e se u tilities In 1926 aggre­ when th e full te x t w as published In proved th e revenue program of Its ing to rep o rts reaching the s ta te high­ gated $161,875,994.35. W arsaw new spapers. It Is considered com m ittee on federal taxation. w ay d ep artm en t in Salem . F. G. S c h a tta u e r of H onolulu has h ere th a t R ussia m erely d esires tc In th e larg est ballot by its m em ber G overnor P a tte rso n has accepted an purchased 50 head of w estern Oregon cre a te an atm o sp h ere th a t will enabli organizations ever recorded, the cham ­ inv itatio n to be in M edford to open cattle w hich will be shipped to the h er to p articip ate in w hatever prelim W ashington, D. C.—O ne of the ber reported th a t 91 per cen t of the th e b e tte r hom es exposition scheduled H aw aiian islands D ecem ber 1, by way ln ary discussions a re held, th ereb j W ashington, D. C.—T h at the earned tren d s In the a tte m p t to solve the vex­ vote was in the affirm ative. of P ortland. The cattle w ere pur­ to tak e plgtce four days in the local m aking it sure th a t R ussia will not b< ing farm relief problem , as evidenced Income provision of th e Income tax The announcem ent said th a t action arm ory, beginning D ecem ber 7. chased m ostly In M arion and Polk left out w hen th e m a tte r is brought law should be retained, but th e m eth­ by conversations of ag ricu ltu ral lead­ on th e p a rt of th e m em bership com­ od of calculation may be g reatly sim ­ R esid en ts along the W illam ette river counties. T he to ta l paid for the ani­ up on the floor of th e league of Da ers in congress, is tow ard a bill to m itted th e organization to advocate plified, Is the conclusion of th e advi­ m et a t Cham poeg park Sunday to con­ m als w as $15,000, according to Dr. W. tions. L ith u an ia's a ttitu d e tow ard Po c reate a governm ent fund to be used a t the coming session of congress the land is considered h ere n early to have In disposing of surplus crops. sory com m ittee of ex p erts embodied sider th e construction of a new high­ H. L ytle, s ta te v eterin arian . en actm en t of a tax bill carry in g into in th e rep o rt of the Joint com m ittee A person to be eligible to appoint­ reached th e lim it of tolerance. It is way from Salem to P o rtlan d by way of W hile th e farm lead ers a re confin­ effect the following program : on in tern al revenue taxation. B utteville and th e C ham poeg reserve. m ent as ju stice of the peace m ust pointed out th a t th ere now ex ists be­ ing th e ir discussions of a new bill to R eductions and rep eals estim ated to This recom m endation, w hich runs S lash in g his th ro a t w ith a razo r In have lived in th e d istric t for six tw een th e co u n tries no railw ay, postal th e ir own circles ju s t now, It Is known am ount to $400,000,000 In th e first full counter to the opinion of alm ost all of a spell of despondency, W illiam Ben­ m onths prior to such appointm ent, ac­ or telegraphic com m unication and the th a t som e of them have reached the year a fte r th e changes a re made. th e 41 Internal revenue collectors and cording to a legal opinion prepared by herm etically closed fro n tier renders view th a t since P re s id e n t Coolidge ve­ Reduction of th e corporation income ton, 84, civil w ar v eteran , a resid en t agents whose Ideas were sought by the attorney-general recently. The stabilization of conditions in e a s te rr toed the proposal to raise money for tax ra te from 13*4 p er cent to not of th e O regon S tate S oldiers’ home, th e treasu ry departm ent, may be fol­ opinion w as sought by G overnor P a t­ E urope im possible. at R oseburg, took his life la s t week. m ark etin g su rp lu ses by levying an m ore th an 10 p er cent, w ith th e re ­ lowed. The revenue collectors do not terson In connection w ith the selection equalization fee on th e farm ers the More th a n 200 people a re em ployed duction applicable to n et Income of like the earned Income allowance be­ at a ju stice of the peace In Coos coun­ WITHDRAW COOLIDGE DRAFT only alte rn a tiv e is for th e governm ent 1927. a t th e A shland cannery In com pleting cause it Is bothersom e and the cause Itself to produce the funds. R epeal of th e rem ain in g w ar excise one of th e biggest apple-canning sea­ ty.. of many erro rs and argum ents. They N ovem ber has brought rain In suf­ Chain L e tte r D ra ft Plan I* W ith d ra w s To this end, consideration Is being tax es levied on p a rticu lar businesses. sons in th e h isto ry of the institution. find th at it has increased th eir office By O rig inator. given to a m easu re calling for crea­ Repeal of th e federal e sta te tax. Tw enty-five carloads have been sold ficient q u an tity n e a r M arshfield to work and th erefo re the cost of collec­ New York.—T h e plan to d ra ft P re si­ tion of a revolving fund of $250,000,- s ta rt several log drives w ithout aid of P rovision by congress of full oppor­ and shipped. tion, and many of them regard It as den t Coolidge in to candidacy for r e 000 o r $300,000,000. T his fund not only splash dam s. T he first drive to be tu n ity for th e jo in t congressional tax T he annual C urry C ounty T each ers' com paratively unim portant. T he tax election by m eans of a series of chain would be available for loans to co-op­ com m ittee to p erfect proposals for re ­ In stitu te, scheduled In Gold Beach No­ brought out to boomage was th a t at experts, however, say th at reduction le tte rs was abandoned by Its origins erativ e m arketing associations, as pro­ the B axter and B ark er cam p on the vision of federal tax law s and th eir vem ber 22 and 23, was postponed until of the tax rate for earned Income is no rth fork of the Coquille riv e r at tor, P hilip M. T ucker, Boston b anker vided in p ast ad m in istratio n plans, but adm inistration. th e Infantile paralyslB situ atio n in sound and equitable, and far from In­ Rock P rairie, when 6.000,000 feet w ere T he idea was e n tirely his own, he said It could be used to m eet losses from Coos county, as well as C urry county, significant. floated down to th e m ain riv e r north H e denied published sto ries that th e m ark etin g of surplus crops. Is changed. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS The record shows th a t out of 2,501,- F ran k W. S tearn s and form er Senatoi of M yrtle Point. It Is understood th a t P resid en t Cool­ E very sta te In stitu tio n In Oregon 1 « individual Income taxpayers all but W illiam M. B utler, close friends of thi idge has been advised th a t such a An u n p leasan t situ atio n exists for C ardinal Ronzano, form er apostolic w as ahead of its financial expectancy 125,171 are affected by the earned In­ the Gold H ill school budget for the president, had an y th in g to do w ith it plan Is regarded by m ost farm sena­ come provision, and it m akes an av er­ delegate a t W ashington, died in Rome for th e biennium O ctober 1 of this A bandonm ent of th e p ro ject was li tors as the only a lte rn a tiv e to the ensuing year. A t a recen t election the year, according to a re p o rt prepared age difference of 15 per cent in th eir following an operation. response to th e expressed w ish of th< equalization fee w hich h e has disap­ taxpayers w ere asked to pass on the Noble Brandon Judah, a Chicago by C arle A bram s, se c retary of the taxes. budget and vote on a 6 per cent In­ p resident th a t any petitions favoring proved as u nconstitutional, and It is law yer, has been appointed by P resi­ sta te board of control. crease on the levy. T hey adopted the his candidacy be discontinued. "In bellveed he la giving the proposal sen d en t Coolidge to be am b assad o r to D eb aters of th e U n iv ersity of the budget, but rejected the Increased tax view of the presid en t's w ishes," Mr. lous consideration. FOLSOM DEATHS 13 Cuba. P hilippines defeated opponents from levy n ecessary to provide for the bud­ T ucker said, "It seem s best to desist P resid en t Coolidge has com pleted the U niv ersity of O regon last week by get. A new election will be called to from try in g to bring fu rth e r pressure Four Prison O fficials and 28 Inm ates th e m essage which he will d eliver to OREGON LOSES SAND CASH upon him .” s popular v erd ict on the su b ject of reconsider the tax lavy. Wounded. th e new sev en tieth congress which independence for th e P hilippines, Folsom, Calif.—The blam e for the m eets D ecem ber 6. Locked In the B ulletin office In Bend W ashington in F uture to Get Most of Mexico Puts T a x on Banana Exporta w hich th e O regon team opposed. Folsom prison riot, with Its loss of 13, for sev eral hours, a dog. Sunday af­ Sand Revenue. A dm irable W. H. O. Bullard, ch air­ Mexico City.—W ith th e national U nless th ere is a revival In th e lum ­ ternoon, gained Its liberty by ‘‘calling'' two of whom were guards, and more man of the federal rad io com m ission, Salem , Or.—A lthough th e sta te s ol tre a su ry p retty well dralDed In m eet than 30 wounded, was placed largely died in W ashington in his sleep. He b er business In the n e a r fu tu re the a telephone operator, th e o p erato r's O regon and W ashington have agreed C h arles K. S paulding Logging com query, "N um ber, please,” being an­ ing the cost of pu ttin g down the re on six convicts, a "lifer" and a killer, was 60 years old. to an equal division of any royalty cent Cerrano-Gomex revolt, the federa th ree robbers, a burglar and a forger Queen Marie of R um ania h as agreed pany's m ills in Salem will be forced to sw ered by a "woof, woof." T he opera­ th a t Is collected on sand removed —m en designated as "h ard " even by to accept honorary presidency of an close indifinitely. Closing of the plant to r listened to fu rth e r "woof, woof’s" governm ent Sunday announced a ta i from the C olum bia riv e r during the of 3 centavos on every bunch of ban th e oth er prison Inm ates. T hey are association proposed by Sam uel Hill would affect approxim ately 300 men. then called a num ber of the Bulletin anas, reg ard less of size, exported fro o past seven years, v irtu ally all future facing th e gallows for th e ir p a rt In 3f S eattle and M aryhill, th e association G uernsey ca ttle b reed ers of Linn staff. A telephone in stru m en t was revenues from th is source will accrue Mexico a fte r D ecem ber 1. th e rioting. having as its object the beautifying county w ere organised recen tly after found upset, w ith dog track s nearby. to th e s ta te of W ashington. Tony Brown, 31 year-old gan g ster. Is of th e Pacific highw ay from Vancou­ having existed h eretofore as a two- R eports have reached A storia to the Philadelphia In Race fo r Convention A m em ber of th e O regon sta te land thought to have been the leading fac­ ver, B. C., to Mexico. county organization. The change was effect th a t a train of five loaded oil- board said th a t v irtu ally all of the W ashington. D. C. — P hiladelphia to r in the revolt. It was Brown, ac­ effected a t a m eeting of G uernsey tank cars, tw o boxcars loaded with sand rem oved from the stream In re­ cording to prison officials, who wield­ Agree on E n try of Canadian Citizens. breed ers held in the city hall a t Al­ provisions and a flat-car had broken bidding for th e republican national cent years had been obtained from the convention, opened cam paign head ed th e revolver and who moved am ong bany. aw ay from th e engine hauling the W ashington, D. C.—An ag reem en t q u arters here Monday. A $200,000 ex W ashington side, and th a t th e re was th e o th er convicts, urging and th re a t­ An exploding oil stove set fire to seven cars up the B. W. T im ber com­ pense fund has been raised for thf no reason to believe th a t the opera­ has been reached betw een th e U nited ening when som e of the m ore tim id pany b ranch of the K erry line and convention, those in charge said. to rs would sh ift th e ir dredges to the S tates and C anada governing th e entry the Thom e sta te hotel In Lakeside, wished to capitulate. dropped down a four-mile grade at n e a r N orth Bend, la s t w eek, and Oregon side of the channel in the fu­ of native-born C anadians into the In addition to the dead —one of the caused a loss of $20,000 when It burned te rrific speed before tearin g up rails ture. The sta te of W ashington, while TH E M ARKET8 U nited S tates, and a sim ilar agree­ guards was slain and the other died to th e ground and the fire com m uni­ and leaving the track. The cars were agreeing to a division of the royalty of h eart failure ndduced by excitem ent m ent with resp ect to non-natives is in cated to and dam aged a garage next dem olished and it is estim ated th at received on sand taken from the Co­ P ortland process of being w orked out, It was —th ere a re four prison officials and about a week will be required to re­ door. W heat—Big Bend bluestem , $1.30; lum bia riv e r during th e p ast seven learned at the sta te departm ent. Sec­ 2$ convicts recovering from wounds O tto E rickson, well known W ashing­ p air th e line. hard white, $1.29; federation, aofi years, has refused to o p erate under reta ry of S tate Kellogg said he a n ti­ B usiness men and farm ers In the w hite, w estern white, $1.27; n o rth err such an ag reem en t In the future. cipated little difficulty in settlin g the ton county autom obile dealer, was Mourn Form er P rem ier Bratlano. Bandon a rea are desirous of obtaining spring. $1.25; h ard w inter, $1.2354; controversy over C anadian Ingress in­ nom inated for re-election as m ayor of B eaverton by th e larg est vote ever a fifth ferry, which would o perate over w estern red, $12154. B ucharest.—The funeral of Ion Hra- to th is country. Jsp L in e r Ashore off Grays Harbor polled at a tow n caucus last week. th e low er Coquille riv er at the Dan­ ttano, prem ier of itoum anla. who died H ay — Alfalfa, $16 50 0 17; valley A berdeen. W ash.—A fter grounding a fte r a th ro at operation, was held Sun­ C. R. Forbes Released From Prison. Mr. E rickson has served six term s as ielson place and connect w ith the tim othy. $16.60@17; e a stern O regor n ear the m outh of th e Copalis riv er as Roosevelt highway, which is 2000 feet tim othy, $20. mayor. day amid pomp befitting a king Huge she w as feeling h e r way along the L eavenw orth, K as.—Colonel C harles Many fru it grow ers of C lackam as southw ard. The ferry would perm it crow ds attended the service anil Joined B u tterfat—47c. coast for th e G rays h arb o r bar en­ R. Forbes, once d irecto r of m illions in county, at a m eeting of the C lackam as trav el over either the N orth Bank or in th e procession to the special train E ggs—Ranch, 40 0 45c. tran ce a fte r a voyage from Shanghai, th e V eterans' bureau, w as released which carried the body to R ratiano's from t h e 1 federal p en iten tiary here. P ro d u cers’ association in O regon City the R oosevelt highw ay and would be C attle— S teers, good, $9 25010.2$. the M itsui & Co. fre ig h te r Miyamoto recently, signed up for m em bership a convenience for th e ranchers living Florlce e sta te w here the strong man H ogs—Medium to choice, $ 8 0 9 5 0 and a crew of about 45 men aboard, Forbes had served 21 m onths for ir­ into th e organization, and p erm anent on the N orth Bank road betw een Co­ of Roumanian politics was hurled. Lam bs — Medium to choice. $110 was abandoned to h e r doom. reg u larities in connection w ith the officers will be elected a t th e next quille and Bandon, yet cut oft from 12.50. conduct of th e V eteran s' bureau in com m unication across the river. Seattle. M cCormick Says W ill Build Pulp M ill. W ashington under th e H arding admin meeting. France Releasee Legion Deserter A pproxim ately 497 cars o f celery A m eeting of the road d istric t was W heat—Soft white, w estern w hite P aris.—B ennett J. Doty, American St. H elens, Or.—E rection of a 100, latrstlon. held last T uesday night in the Mill w ere shipped from the la k e Ia b ta h $1.27; hard w inter, $125; w estern red m em ber of the F rench foreign legion ton a day pulp mill Is assured, accord lng to Harold F. McCormick, head ol T ch ltch erln Gives W ay to L itv ln o ft City schoolhouse. It was voted to d istrict, five n ile i north of Salem, thia $1.2354; northern spring, $1.26; blue has been released. Doty, who was raise $5000 by taxation, th is money to season, according to announcem ent stem , $1 33; dark n orthern spring court-m artialed in S yria for desertion the McCormick L um ber com pany, whe R ig a.—A ppointm ent of M axim Lit- says $3,000,000 capital has been ar vlnoff as soviet com m issar for foreign be used for additional gravel and oil m ade by directors of the m arketing as­ $1.4254; dark hard w inter, $1.4 6 54. during th e D ruse rebellion, was r e H ay — Alfalfa, $25; tim othy. $23. leased from serving the rem ainder ol ra n g 'd and a company Incorporated affairs, replacing G eorges Tchltcherln, an th e road betw een Mill City and sociation. Shipm ents in 1926 aggre­ gated 364 cars. P. S„ $22. Mehama. More than $2,500,000 will be sp en t tc was rep o rted here. his en listm en t in response to "Amerk T he valuation on taxable property Because of th e increasing business B utterfat—52c. build and equip the plant. can public opinion." i t th e Medford postoffice during the in Coos county for 1927 shows an In­ Eggs— Ranch. 35042c. Surtax Exem ption Favored by Mellon. past year th at office has Just been creese of $934,471. according to figures C attle—Steers, choice. $9.26010 t Cholera Claim ing Hundreds In India Quebec Archbishop to Be Cardinal W ashington. D. C Exem ption ol granted two more clerk s by the post- available a t the county assesso r's of­ Hogs—Prim e, $9 750 9 90. Rome.—A rchbishop F ouleau of Que­ K arachla. India H undreds nt per federal secu rities from the su rtax will office dep artm ent at W ashington, ef­ fice. T his shows a gain of 11.13 per Spokane. bec will be m ade a cardinal at the sons are dying daily In the choler* be recom m ended to congress by Sec- fective I'eceuihar 1, m aking s force of cent and does not Include the value Cattle— Steers, good. $9.50010. consistory on D ecem ber 19, U WR* rotary Mellon. epidem ic in Assam and Bengal. j tan in alL tiou of public utilities. Hogs—Good, $9.15 0 9.26. learned her*. COOLIDGE AGAINST CHAMBER'S TAX PLAN OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST FAVOR TAX CUT OF NEARLY 400 MILLION EARNED INCOME TAX PROVISION IS SOUND POLISH DISPUTE TO GO BEFORE LEAGUE FEDERAL MARKETING FUND IS PROPOSED