/ ISjalsnj <£ntvrpnsr AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. J Voi. 16. No. 30. REPRODUCTIONS OF FINE PICTURES TO BE SHOWN A splendid o p portunity for art education is afforded in th e ex h ib ­ it of Fine A rt P rin ts which will be I on display T hursday and F riday, I December 8th and 9th at the H a l­ il gey high school. T here will be a sm all admission charge which will be used for the purchase of pictures for our schools. There are 150 large colored re­ productions of the old and m odern m asters. Among the most famous a rtis 's represented are: G ainsbo­ rough, T itian , Da V inci, Terborch, M urillo, V an Dyck, R aphael and m any others of the old m asters, while among the more modern are representative subjects from the brush of Ben Foster, George De Forest Brush, George Innes, E rn ­ est A lbert, F ran k Duveneck, G ard ­ ner Sym ous, Bruce C rane, W ill­ iam W vaut, H arry V incent, Rob- ert W estley Amick and G ustav W iegand. A n excellent array of fine art and you will enjoy the ex­ hibition. Special Grange Matters Shedd P e r s o n a ls (By an Enterpiise Reporter) The annual bazaar and supper of the U nited Presbyterian church of Shedd will be held Friday even­ ing, December 2, beginning at 6 o'clock. L ater a ebort program will be given. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Caldwell and family spent Th4n sgiving day w ith Mr. aud Mrs. E. D Far- well, Harvey McConnel a n ; Merril Davis returnad W ednesday from a trip to California. Mrs. Robert Arnold is now able to sit in a eb air and her ankle is I M much b etter. H er daughter, Mrs. g| Viola O tt, returned home Sunday, | a fte r having helped nurse her. jj Mr. and Mrs. O. M- Thompson and fam ily spent Thanksgiving at if the home of Mrs, Thom pson's jf brother; Carl Ilalersun. The re- J I oiaiuder cf the week was spent with other relatives. ■ The bridge between F arw ell»1 j and Dicksons is uow com pleted and ! n ready for traffic. I Charles Thompson of Portland f and M us Izabelle McBride of T Shedd were married November 18. 1 1 !jj jf The basket ball season in Halsey was opened F rid ay evening with the a n n u a l skirm ish between the alum ni and the high school boys The la tte r held the alu m n i dowu to a score of 15 to 14, The personnel of the alumni team on a visit at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Bond. Ben T. Sudtell proprietor of Tumble Iu n was a business visitor in Halsey today. A num ber of the members of the Thursday Study club drove to the borne of Mrs. Glenn K enuall of | North Albany for the club meeting afternoon Those attending were Mesdames Buford Morr s, B. M Lyman p Btlon> j L , Marlti< j ames D rinkard, George ¡ w H McMahau, M. H. was alm ost identical w th that of the 1925-26 high school team . A good sized crow d wllQP8,"’d th .g a m e , which was played at the city h a ll, w ith the rooters for the Cumming?, Clarence two team s being about evenly di- Laura W oodward. Evans and vided. Following is the line up of the Meihodiat—Next Sunday : two team s: A lum ni T. M iller T. Palm er K W illiam s F. Koontz M. Koontz C M cA llister c i e r g 1 f r f Mrs E. A. p. II 10 a. in., Sunday school 11, preaching. 6:30 Epw orth League 7:30 public services 7:80 T hursday, praver meeting Here all will find a welcome regardless of social standing. Your presence will help, and we will try High School D. Hussey H. Kirk c M Curd H. Koontz F. Leeeper R Norton L aF ollette to do you good. J . S. M i'ler- pastor. while reaching backwards for a cushion Wednesday evening sprained her CALLING cards make nice Why not order pre arm and was suffering considerable C h iristm n .tm ss s . presents. — — — — at — a a the L aMflAwwsi some Enterprise office. a pain today as a result- I ?f-r».T». V V-:V t-0 A d» terrain- J etlort is expected this w inter In put the “ burglar license law ’’ on the national and ou many ot the sia te sta tu te books The Taw is not called by th a t uame hut th it is the i fleet of til i i nti- firearms frenzy uow going the rounds. It would assure every bur­ glar, holdup an 1 ravisher th at there was no pistol in the house or on the person of his victim. A frte hum loving, self respecting A m :ri- can cannot face such a I- olisb al­ ternative. The anti-pistol fantasy m ust give way to laws that ) utiish the gun crim inal, but allow the holiest man the privihge of self defense and of legitim ate sport unmolested. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Koontz re- Mr. and Mrs. F. Buford M ortis turned from Portland Saturday ao 1 son, Buhuie, left Sunday for evening where they had been since P ortlaud where they rem ained un- T hursday. til Tuesday, buying more holiday Mrs. Oliver Coldiron is spending m ?rehan Use for the trade, the week in Halsey w ith her daugh. j The members of the Neighbors ter, Nora, who is attending high of W oodcraft will bold their regu- school school here. p a r m etting next Wednesday even- The Clark Confectionery is being , *°8- If *g hoped th a t every officer treated to a new interior tiinish of w*u be present as practice for the French grey which adds to the pfcblic installation January 4, will appearance. James McW illiams ! be held. is doing the work. G ilbert Carey who is attending Mrs. Addie Leeper, Mrs Leila the North Pacific Evangelistic In- Shedd, and Mrs. Lloyd B ierly, of stituto in Portland, was in Halsey Albauy, and Elaine Leeper of I. Monday for a tew m inutes while on a W W AVl VAVAV« SWSAAAA s Banks, visited at the H. F. Lake his wav back to school after a short i visit w it h his brother, Everett, aud > l ’ e o r in N ew ts I(emts> home Sunday afternoon. friends in this vicinity. G randm a M unkers, who lives on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson of the the Brownsville road a few miles (E n te rp rise C orrespondence) O akville com m unity were looking from Halsey, is reported to be Mr. and Mr<. R ussd G ithens after business transactions in H al­ quite ill the past few days. an 1 family spent Thanksgiving in sey W ednesday, Mrs. K arl Bramwell Mrs. Rosy I’ortlan I at th e home of Mrs Griff Fred Robins of Halsey had the Powell, Mrs. Mae M iller and Miss King, returning home Sunday. Mary LaRue visited Iriends and inisfoitune cf having his thum b Mr. a u l Mrs. J. S L am ar and dislocated a day or two ago while relatives in A lbany W ednesday. he was assisting in ringing a hog. Mrs. A licj D unn were dinner Miss Mary Penland and her The hog got one foot loose and guests of Mrs, F ru it Sunday. brother, H ugh jr ,, students at I kicked Mr. Robins on the hand, Rev. and M rs . Metcali spent O .8.C., were guests over the week 1 knocking the thum b backwards 1 hsnksgiviug at Lake Creek, where end at the home of their g ra n d ­ and dislocating it. the former preached in the m orn­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pen- Mrs. H. F. Lake attended a in g . T h e services were followed land of Halsey-, and also at the special m eeting of the Delphian by a turkev dinner aud all the Fred Robins home. society at the home of Mrs. C lar­ “ fixins” with a large crowd present. Miss Mabie M cKern, form erly a ence W. Greene of Albany Monday W. B. L am ar re tu rn e l from A l­ student in the Halsey high school evening. Mrs A. C. Schm itt aud bany Friday where he ha 1 been but now attending the norm al M rs. Robert L. B u rk h art each under a doctor’s care and also vis­ school at M onm outh, spent the gave interesting tail's on their iting nis daughter, Mrs. N annie holidays last week in Halsey as the recent trips, the former to the Pa­ Gibbs. guest of Lillian, Elsie and Bessie cific islands aud the la tte r to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Liggett and Rey lolds The McKern family Europe and the llo lv land. He. are former Lebanon residents but fresliuieu'.s were served at the close daughter R uth of P ortland spent several days with Mrs. L iggett's recently they moved to Monmouth of the talks S tate M aster P alm iter ha3 asked th e G range of Oregon to provide a fu n d to meet the expense of in itia ­ ting an income ta x bill in 1928 and m any of the local organiza­ tions are responding e n th u siasti­ cally to the request. Louis J. Taber of C olum bus, O hio, has been re-elected m aster of the N ational G range for tb« There was a picture show in the | th ird terra. Mrs. Geore A P a lm i­ ■ ter of Hood River, was chosen Woodman ball laot evening. I Pom ona. The N ational G range, the N a­ Mre. 0 - R- Bond is reported to tio n al F a rm B ureau and the F a r­ t»e ill a t her borne in Halsey the m ers' U nion, together with all the past several days. co-operative associations are as Mona Boud, who has been io one u n it in their opposition to re­ l Arizona for the paet several peal the federal income tax law. ' months is expected to arrive toon Basketball Season Opens Here The Right to Projection HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES V * » -:V We now have M r . and Mrs. U. G. Berry of W aldport visiteu the la tte r « sis­ ter, M rs . E lla L am ar over the week end. The New Ranges of the Bridge & Beach Line I Our stock will meet your need and covers a wide variety for selection. Look them over now. See the Bridge & Beach Circulator before you put up your old heater. Hill & Company ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I i _ POULTRY THE CHRiSTMAS SEAL AT WORK IN OREGON IN 1927 A Clean C ut List of Th n js W hich Are Being Done W ith Oregon S tate Seal Funds From the he idquarters office in Portland they have pail the.aalaries of l«o public health nurses all the year for work m counties th a t hava not a nurse of their own. Paid the salary of one nurse for work in Portland schools Helped the new Ashland Normal to finance health educational d epartm ent. Helped finance c h ild ’s health clin ­ ic at Portland Free D ispensary. Held tuberculosis clinics, conduct, ed a health poster contest, scut out 11.000 letters nnd over 1,700 pack­ ages, puolished Lance and Shield, «nil H ealth First, paid for h o sp i­ tal care, x-r.iv a n l d e n tittry . paid lor food and clothing, p-ovided m.Ik for trail children, helped fin­ ance county nursing service an I m any other things. Wins First Place As Club Leader When Alex. C ruikshank of M '• M inuville won first place in the national contest to determ ine the best hoy»' and girls’ club leader in the United States, he was in com ­ petition with entries from 35 states aud Hawaii. This word has just been received from the F arm Jo u r­ nal, fam oui magazine of Philadel­ phia, which sponsored the contest. First prize won by the Oregon boy, now u sophomore in agricul­ ture at O.A.C., am ounts to $250. He was judged the cham pion club boy of the state a few years ago and has since been a leader of from s is te r , M rs . G - o r g « G illia n » , w h o iwo tn five clubs a y eat in Yatnhill returned home with them Sunday county. th at she m ight receive m edical treatm ent. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ n t O C S - B IA C M DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR D evoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn C ounty * » * * * * - In the case of Goodman vs. The Baltim ore and Ohio R ailroad, the (J. 8. Supiem e Court holds th a t liability for damages in driving on to a railroad track ia on motorist. The highest court has again de­ cided th a t motor car drivers who venture upon a railroad track do so at their own peril. In thia case the heirs of tha man killed sued to recover dam ages because the view of the oucoming train was obstruct­ ed. He could bear the oncoming train , but could not see it. Justice Holmes (inclined in all bis deciaious to be conservative) held: W hen a man goes upon a railroad track he knows th a t he goes to a place where be may be killed if a train comes upon him before be is clear of the track. He knows be must stop for the traiu, not the train stop for h im ." T he decision against the heirs bolds th a t the man in the car was not justified in trusting to hearing alone, but must also eee th a t the way isclear. Be On D isplay at High School D ecember 8th and 9th. Any general reduction of im port duties at this tim e, was opposed in a declaration adopted by the reao- lu tio n s com m ittee of the American farm congress in K ansas City, after sentim ent had developed a t a gen­ eral session ag ain st p erm ittin g the A m erican m ark et to be opened to foreign im portations of agricultural and livestock products. “ For A m erica to p erm it its own agriculture to fall in to decadence, and to depend upon im portations of foodstuffs from other countries, would be m ost u nw ise,’’ declares the resolution. Halsey, Oregon, T hursday December 1, 1927. The Railroads Have Right-of-Way Exhibition of Famous Pictures to Farmers Satisfied With Tariff ¿ & -y ► SCHOOL NOTES? Edited By W ilm a W a h l M aarle Straley was a visitor in Mrs. Lucy Stndley nnd sou of Mrs. Cross’ room last Wednesday. Portlaud spent Thanksgiviug with The characters for tho operetta, her mother, Mrs. Alice Barcus. “ Patricia“ have b»nn chosen aud Mr. aud Mre. Fred Hughes and are as follows: P atricia, Miss In* family have moved into town for eoguito, Who is S u e ’ ; Jim m y Lov- the winter from the Pine Grove itt, K eith Hayes; M argaret Win- com m unity, throp, Jim m y’s fiancee, Bessie Mr. aud Mrs. C harlei Hughes Reynolds; Dick F ranklin, Errol are the proud parents of a habv G ardner; Fanny H arrington, Hope daughter. Mother and b th y are Hussey, Nancy Lee, F a n n y ’s guest both getting along fine. Nellie Falk; Bobby Neal, in love Mrs A nna G ithens arid Mrs. with F anny, Richard H u sse y P e r­ Lola Shaw and children were Al­ cy Chesterton, the poet, Charles W right, W arren Miles, C»Hy Mc­ bany visitors S atuiday. Cord; Mrs, Montgomery, the chap- Miss Rose Mason spent last erone, Esther Seefeld; llrgiuald Thursday with her parents, Mr. Montgomery, her son, Mac M-:- and Mrs. I)jy e Mason. ('a id ; Cy Sim pkins, just a native, W ednesday afternoon the Peoria ('a il Isom; C hiquila, gypsy fortune teacher give a T hanksgiving pro- teller, Pearl Falk; gypsy fortune gram with the school children doing tellers, Mamie Falk aud Lucille their parts well. The parents Phelps; Itoxane, gvpay fortune were invited ar.d after the program tellers, Frances Norton, Muriel Miss Chandler served home made L ike and Beverly Isom; other pio- candy, pop corn and pop corn nicker*. Ernestine Coleman, G er­ balls to the children and also the u n d s Robins, H enry Kirk aud visitors Ellsw orth G ardner. Jaim s McWilliams has kindly T ild e n lo T ry Com eback c o n s e n te d lo he the ttage manager, the HaCey orchestra will furnish the music fur the operetta. The girls of the school practice basketball at the hall every Mon­ day and W ednesday afternoons after achool. T he high school girl» who practice are Beverly Isom, Lu­ cille Phelps, Edith S m ith, Bessie Reynolds and Mamie Falk. The grade pupils w h o practice with them are E lls Phelps and Dorothy Corcoran. Mrs K izer’s room gave the pro- « B gram for assembly Wed n eld ay. ■ The members of tlis room sang a song, two girls gave a vocal duel, the two grade» combined and gave The photograph shows h ill Tilden, a dialogue, June Layton gave so I former tennis chuinplon, who Is go- I Ing to France n tx t year to help re- im personation. 3 j gain the Davit cap. Tilden again de- { nles he w ill turn professional. The Enterprise 11,00 a year