Halsey Enterprise, nalsey, 10 a. in., Sunday tc ’tool II, preaching. 6:30 Epworth League 7:30 public services 7:30 Thursday, prayer meeting ( Here all will find a welcome regardless of social standing. Your presence will help, sod we will try j to do you good. J . S. M i'ler. pastor. A NA7Z0N-W /DÉ INSTITUTION- “ where savings are greatest Phone 130 Albany, Oregon Fur Trimming A d d s Satisfying W arm th To These Children’s Winter Coats Q uality and Service In Every G arm ent The tiniest miss is particular about her coat — it m ust be warm, of course, and it must be fashioned for service— but it also must be as sm art as her older sister’s. Polaires—Fancy Coatings —Novelty Mixtures Church of Christ— Sunday school, 10. 11:00 a. m. morning vo teh ip an d communion for all Christians. Sermon: “ Would Halsey Crucify Christ Today?” 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. The “ Go Gettems" are in the lead The “ Go Fetchems” are hot on their trail. Come Briug your Bible a rd have some memory refer­ ence from it ready to quote. 7 30 p. m. Happy song service, lei by Mr. Sia.«. Sermon topic, “ Marching H osts,” Dec. 3, at 7:30 p. m. a pageant will be given by the womeu. Plan to see and bear it. C Adrian Sias,minister. The values in our children's coat stock appeal in­ stantly to mothers because the quality and durability they demand are there— at prices that bring coats ¡of real wort'i within a modest budget. $3.98 to $5,90 Miss Georgina Clark, the charm- i'ti ’ yt uiig daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Bert S. Clark, was hostess to a group of friends at her home in east Halsey Friday evening. The spacious rooms of the Clark home were gay with baskets of bright? colored autum n flowers,while soft­ ly shaded lights added to the at tractiveness of the other decora­ tions. Cards were the diversion of the evening and ut a late itour dainty refreshments were served. Miss Nora Coldiron assi led the hostess in serving. Seventeen friends of Mis» Clark enjoyed this pleasant affair * * • $8.90 to $14.75 Pictures taken even­ ings by a p- pointment s £ UP ro PATE Boy N O LA N & SO N Corvallis, Oregon 1. ■ ■ ■ « B ib M E * litik * ■ ■ a a CARD OF THANKS We wish to th ank all frienda for their kind assistance during the illness and burial of our dear wife and mother. Also for (he beauti- fttl floral offerings. F. M. Gray aud Family acta of kindness of friends and neighbors during the long illnera of our wife and mother and alio following her death, and for the -ovely floral tributes, D. J. Hayes Mrs. Dora Standish Mrs. Grace Nash Mrs. Ruby Standish George Hayes CARD OF THANKS We take thia means of express­ ing our appreciation for the m any The Bnt erprise I t , 00 a year H ot W ater B o ttles Syringes, Gauze Cotton Bangages Sick Room Supplies Your Neighborhood Drug Store. MORRIS’ PHARMACY Prescriptions and Drugs; Ice Cream, Sodas, Candy Magazines, Stationery. Tune in on KGW Sunday Evening from 7:30 to 9;00. Colgate’s Soap 3 for 25c. „a 'UltllllMIIIIIHIMIIIIItllllll 1 W E have Thè Best Equipped Shop in Halsey ARROW GARAGE Schultz Brothers Warehouse Co. d h u rch fices M ethodist—Next Sunday : 'pIKlSTMAS will soon be here. W hy not lo tu s j solve tlio problem ol your Christm as giving this year, by making ayn a dozen photos, I lie (»II- I that only Y’OU can give and the only one that van not be duplicated. 5VC11 IS LIFE M. Order Your Combine Harvester-Thresher Now CLIFFORD STUDIO K 14 t FO R S ALE Duncan Wednesday afternoon. USED RADIOS—We have a number of One of the pleasant features of the anti for that reason we give you a better job slightly used Atwater-Kent radios for afternoon was the ehower for Mts. anrt moro f° r y o u r money. less than half price. Also some slight ' Duncan and which had been plan­ ly used Roister and Bosch sets at a re- | \\ e also carry the largest stock of tires and accessories. ned as a surprise, Mts. Duncan dnetion in price. Anderson Motor Co., First and Lyon Sts., Albany. was the recipient of many prettv Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of tire patching. as well as useful gifts. Conversa- USED CARS—Late model Chevrolet lion and sewing were pleasant di­ touring. New paint—lots of extras— I versions unt 1 the serving of a de­ $215. Late Maxwell looks, like new $300. See us before you buy. An- ! * * ♦ licious luucb brought the afternoon derson Motor Co., First and Lyon Sts., ¡ f '""'BUHfl’HUWUMKHHlOllMlIllHlioilllMlllintllOtllllinilHaillllllllllltaHtlllllllllllflll DOtlllllllllllOtllllllllillDlllllllllli:ailllllllllllltt Tuesday evening thirteen mem­ to a close. Albany. * * * bers of the local lodge, Neighbors OAKLAND—PONTIAC'S of Woodcraft drove to Shedd where Shedd —The Brownsville chapter Sales and Service they ware guests of C ilia Circle. of the Eaete:n Star invited 25 metii- GooJ used cars sold with our guaran­ tee. T ie ritualistic work was ex&mpli- b rs of W illam et chapter of Shedd BYERLY MOTOR CO. e 1 by the officers and drill team of aud 25 of Barzillai chapter to help Albany, Oregon the hostess lodge. One member | them enjoy a reception for the e are placing orders for McCormick.Deering was taken in by initiation. Each J grand lodge officers Monday night. RHODE Island Red cockerels, $1.50 ea. A. Whttbeck.* Combine H arvester-T hreshers with the factory visiting member form Halsey andi Twenty-two from W illamet chapter also one from Lebanon was called enjoyed the evening. Those from FOR SALE—75 acres of unimproved and ask you (o get your order in early with us, land miles west of Halsey. In- u ion for a short talk. D uriig th e' Peoria attending were Mr. and qnire Van Owen, 24* and get factory prices on them. Call social hour games were played and j Mrs. J W. Lamar aud Mrs. J . S STANDARD make of piano in vicinity later a delicious supper was served Ltm «r. will sacrifice. Must sell at once. $10.00 Halsey members present were' monthly. Write Tallman Piano Store. Salem. Oregon. n .17 ,11 Neighbors Cross, Cocoran, Taylor, Phone Shedd, 8F23 or w rite for delivery prices. Retta. The dinner table was cen- tered with a beautifuly decorated cake on which were thirteen can dies. The remainder of the even­ ing was spent in conversation and music. Mrs. Kizer is R etta’s teacher in school and H a zel’s in Mis. Cross’ rocni. Thursday eveuing Mrs. L H Armstrong entertained Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ctoea and Mrs. Leo- nora Kiaor at a 0:30 o’clock din- Dyltstre, L iF td le lt-, L ik e , W hite, ner in honor of the eighth birth Rossman, Isom, Miller, Thomson, day anniversary of her daughter Robertson, and Moss. ( Ì À 43 Years of Q uality Service [NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the final I account of Grace Farwell as Executrix of the last will and testament of Richard Sizes 2 to 6 C. Farwell deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Linn County, State of Oregon, and that the 26th day of Dec- | ember, 1927, at the hour of 10 o’clock, A. 11 , has been duly appointed by said Court for the hearing ot objections to Sizes 7 to 10 Sizes 11 to 16 slid final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person inter­ ested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto in w riting and contest | the same. Hated and first published on Nov, 21, 1927. Grace Farwell, Executrix Aforesaid. Peoria—The Potter Sewing club Tusstng & Tussing, Haze! and the thirteenth anniver­ Attys, for F.xrx. sary of the birth of her daughter members were guest» of Mrs. Dick From O ur Regular Correapondanl, Yuietide approaches thoughts turn to g ift makings Our stocks offer complete assortments in nov­ ____ t* * x elties, materials, fancy goods, Royal Society, art goods, and everything needed in g ift making. . . . x X wfxxix.X xG X s J. Suuday School 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. ! Smalley. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p I ID. Your attendance and coopera- I would be appreciated by those who | are trying to carry on this work. Coats To Please Particular Mothers ji SOCIETY NEWS S eason [ P in e G r o v e C h u r c h — M aterials that look well and that will stand plenty of hard wear have been used to make these coats— warm linings and fur trimmings add to their serv­ iceability. $5.90 to $8.90 G ift P r e p a r a t io n PIANO near Halsey. Beautiful instru­ ment. Bargain for quick sale. Terms $10 monthly arranged for good home. If interested address H. A. Livernash, Factory Piano Adjuster, 413 North Bo­ ren Avenue. Seattle, Wash. nJ7 d9 Postoffice Shedd, Oregon IMHOIIIIIIH1I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a y |;-B oHBUHriiiKiiajnB.■ ■ For future success w ith your flock of DO NOT Forget the big piano sale on at Davenport Music Store in Albany all of November. O24 chickens use TUSSING & TUSSING lawyers t r ia n g l e Halaey and Brownsville Oregon Developing Mashes and Scratches I D E LB E R T STARR The Photographer in Y iur Town 3JJ West First Street, ALBANY Warehouse at Fayetteville. Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T : Complete stc^k alway» on hand. F L E E C E TWINE used ami new W O O LSA C K S o . W. F R U M