Don't T rust Y our B u tte r T o L u c ly M arket men and con- sum ers are insisting on uni­ form color, now-a-days, and no real dairym an can afford to trust to luck any m ore Keep your butter always that golden June sh ad e which brings top prices, by using Dandelion But­ ter color All large creameries have used it for years. It meets all State and National Food Laws. I ts harmless, tasteless and will not color Buttermilk. Large bottles cost only 35c at all drug and grocery stores. OUR COMIC SECTION □ Well. 4 Rxlurio. Co., I k . Birhujt««. V tra n t American dentocrncy ts derived from the aoclul and governmental In atltutlona of the ancient Scandlnavl- ana, the original Nordic«, declares Charles J. M ctiu lrk In an article In Liberty. “American Institutions are Nordic," the w riter asserts. “Con­ gress Is an echo of the Scandinavian ; T h in g .1 an assembly of the people about the mounds of their dead at which they listened to the advice of the Old Maa of the tribe. Our state j legislatures follow the 'Heraldthlng,' j a local assembly. "Democracy was not born In Amer­ ica," Hie w riter continues. “ It had Its birth ’u Norway wtien H arald Fair- hair destroyed the power of the 'h e r sirs' (kings) and placed the leader­ ship of the people among the 'Juris,' high born local chiefs who had won to leadership of the host and certain districts by their w arlike qualities." T h e R ig h t Sound C hristm as P resent? Buy Italian A little boy came to the desk of the Brightwood branch library and requested that the librarian give him "a book called 'Silence M ou rn fu l"' for his high school brother. “ Are you sure that you have the name right?" the librarian asked du biously. "W ell, It's something like that," the hoy replied. "It's by the same person who wrote T h e M ill on the Floss.'“ “Oh, you must mean Silas Marner," the librarian smiled, running to get the book. “ Well, 1 had the right sound, nn.v way, dldu't I?" the boy asked deft antly as by slanders luughed.— tndiau apolts News. A ccordéon W e Im p o rt, m a k e . re p a ir . «xchaag«. 19 g u a r a u te e Q u ick d e liv e r y C a ta lu g u e F ree. Prwf. I*ie