TWO KILLED WHEN STRIKERS RUSH MINE ANOUS T. D A V IS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST C o lo rad o S ta te P olice and I. W. W. C lash a t C olum ­ bine M ine. B rie f R esum e of H appenings of the W eek C ollected fo r O ur R ead ers. D enver.—Two strik in g m iners were killed and at least lo I W W and tta te police wounded in a clasb be­ tw een th e two forces nt th e Columbine , mine, according to rep o rts to authori- | T h ere are 561 stu d en ts reg istered In the La G rande high school, according to th e m onthly rep o rt of the city su­ p erin ten d en t of schools. O regon's honey production am ounts to m ore th a a 400 tons annually and grades th e highest in th e United S tates, m em bers of the Oregon S ta ts Bee K eepers' association were told at a m eeting held in H erm iston last week. S C O TT W . LUCAS COOLIDGE REPORTS ON NATIONAL AFFAIRS C o lu m b ia B asin P ro je c t Men­ tio n ed in the P res id en t's A d d ress. The en tire C hem aw a Indian school reserv atio n has been placed under qu aran tin e follow ing th e announce­ m ent th a t 55 cases previously diag­ nosed as chickenpox w ere really sm all­ pox. One case of infantile paralysis was also reported there. P hiladelphia. P a.—A national pro- gram calling for in tern al Improve­ m ents, developm ent of th e country’s defenses and th e prom otion of peace was outlined by P re sid e n t Coolidge in cautioning a g a in st th e " te st of pros­ p erity" facing A m erica. S peaking before a distinguished au­ dience of business lead ers a t the Union League of P hiladalphia, Mr. Coolidge gave a com prehensive report of the n atio n 's affairs and then detailed hig hopes for th e fu tu re in th e most com­ plete w ay he has ev er attem pted out­ side of a m essage to congress. T he p resid en t spoke a fte r he had been given th e gol4 m edal for distin­ guished public service and honorary m em bership in th e U nion league, the only p resid en t to receive both awards from this organization founded in Civil w ar days. Flood control, developm ent of water­ w ay system s, construction of more cru ise rs and subm arines for the navy, encouragem ent of com m ercial aviation an d atte n tio n to th e Colorado river and Colum bia basin projects were m entioned by th e president, as he em­ phasized th a t “we can begin to con­ sid e r in te rn a l developm ents." W hile a m oderate tax reduction is In sight, he w arned again th at this depended on s tric t economy, and again he urged rapid re tire m e n t of the pub­ lic debt, "th e g re a te st w eakness in our line of n atio n al defense." Apples have proved alm ost three- fourths wormy th is y ear In the M c­ A. A. Schram m , sta te superintendent M innville section, according to farm ­ ties here. of banks, last week denied an applica­ The fight followed attem p ts of 500 I ers’ estim ates. W hat good apples re­ tion for estab lish m en t of a new bank main are being picked, some for dry Striking m iners and th eir wives, d ress­ a t Aloha, W ashington county. ing purposes. Few have been canned, ed in overalls, to rush a force of 15 The C itizens’ bank of Drain is being as th eir grade is inferior. state guards in o rd er to pick et the liquidated and depositors a re asked property. The full property valuations of pub to call a t the bank as soon as possible Adams Bèll of Laurie, leader of th e ; lie utilities in Oregon for th e year and receive paym ent in full of th eir m iners, w as one of th e men killed. 1927 bave been estim ated by the sta te account. The Columbine mine has been a con­ tax com m issioner a t approxim ately T he Libby, McNeil & Libby cannery 3283,000,000, or 313,000,000 in excess of testin g ground since the 1. W. W. ' at The D alles has closed down for the the p roperty valuations of th ese cor­ Strike was called s i i w eeks ago. It w inter season and will rem ain closed porations for the y ear 1926. has been the only p roperty which has until th e straw b erry season opens next operated virtually w ithout trouble dur- Max G ebuer of M edford was given Ing the strike. Andus T. Davis, recently named May or June. 8cott W . Lucas, who has been ap­ the 15-year co n tract insuring the com­ W hen the 500 m iners approached chief clerk of the Post Office depart­ J. C. K raft of Canby w as elected m ercial rig h ts for bottling lith ia w ater pointed national judge advocate of ths the property Monday m orning, Deputy ment, is a native of Leesburg, Mo. presid ent of the C lackam as cow te st and gas rig h ts a t the A shland city Am erican Legion, is a la w y e r of H a v ­ Eheriff L. J. Beynon m ounted a m otor ing association a t the annual m eeting springs by th e city council. It is s ta t­ ana, III. truck and asked them no t to go into of th e organization held in Oregon ed th a t 320,000 w orth of equipm ent the enclosure. City la st week. will be used in the developm ent of the “T here is no use of causing a con­ Road work on M ount Hood has been project. flict,’’ he cautioned. "You men m ust halted by snow. The governm ent is A nother Coos county tow n w ent un so t violate th e s ta te law by entering m oving its equipm ent from G overn­ der Infantile p araly sis q uarantine onto this property.” m ent Camp and will abandon im prove­ when Coquille invoked a ban last The m iners paused. W ashington, D. C.—Consolidation of m ent until spring. week. M arshfield and M yrtle P oint are "D on’t pay any atten tio n to Beynon," the offices of revenue collector and in­ Cleveland, O.—If It ev er becom es Im­ Mrs. Susan J a n e H earing of H aines, both enforcing s tric t qu aran tin e reg­ Bell shouted, "h e’s a stool pigeon for tern al revenue ag en t Is recom m ended 79, affectionately know n to hundreds ulations and th ere is a possibility that possible to enforce th e 18th am end­ G overnor Adams." In a rep o rt of tax experts to th e con­ of h er friends as "G randm a” H earing, N orth Bend will Join w ith the other m ent, th a t am en d m en t should be re­ The strik ers stam ped nervously. gressional Joint com m ittee on taxation pealed from th e co n stitution, S en ato r died a t h er hom e la st week a fte r a cities soon. "Come on," Bell shouted. and it is probable th a t th is change will long period of failing health. W illiam E. B orah of Idaho said In a The crowd pushed Inside. As it The sta te board of dental exam iners, be embodied in th e new revenue bill. Beared the second gate, s ta te police with a class of 20 app lican ts for dental speech before th e n ational grange. C. D. R orer, p resid en t of the Bank In th e Pacific no rth w est th e re is a B orah pleaded for enfo rcem en t of loosed a num ber of te a r bombs. certificates, is conducting its sem i­ collector of in tern al revenue for Ore­ of Com m erce of E ugene, has been co n stitu tio n al principles, Including the Cursing and yelling, th e m iners tell annual clinic a t th e s ta te prison in placed on the orderly farm m arketing gon at P ortland, an o th er for W ashing­ prohibition am endm ent, and em phasis­ back. When the gas had cleared away ton and A laska a t Tacom a, while the com m ittee of the sta te division of the Salem th is week. All prisoners in ed th a t he would not com prom ise upon the strik ers charged again. need of dental service a re provided A m erican B an k ers’ association. Internal revenue agent, who has the th e su b ject in any way. "8to p w here you are," th e lead er of D iscovery of a body of ore on th e this service free of cost to the state larg est force of employes, is located B ut if th e tim e e v e r com es,” he the state police ordered. a t S eattle. The new plan will consoli­ Illinois river, about five m iles above at these clinics. added, “w hen it is a p p a re n t th a t th e B ut the m iners moved forward. The Two carloads of turkeys, a to tal of d ate all th e federal tax activ ities for Agnes, carrying high values in free people do not propose to enforce it clash came a fte r the officers had fired Oregon at P o rtlan d and those for gold, w as reported by F red Volt, m in­ 3000 dressed birds, w as shipped to th en I v en tu re to say th ey will tak e it into the air, in hopes of stopping the P ortland for the T hanksgiving m ark et W ashington, D. C.— Hope th at the W ashington a t Tacom a. It is estim at­ er, who was in Gold Beach recently. o u t of th e constitution, as th e y ought advance. Sw inging clubs and waving action of th e Mexican suprem e court from the P ilo t Rock d istrict, accord­ to.” ed th a t u n d er th is plan th e Oregon T he annual m eeting of the O regon knives, th e atta c k e rs sw ept on th e of­ in th e M exican P etroleum company field force will be reduced by six but W oolgrow ers’ association will be held ing to David Boyd, extensive tu rk ey B orah pleaded for p a rty and political ficers, who then lowered th eir revolv­ th e m erger releases 16 field men and in P endleton, Jan u a ry 13 and 14, ac­ grow er. F o r the C h ristm as m ark et fidelity to th e co n stitu tio n and said d rilling p erm it case has opened the ers and fired into the advancing ra n k s 15 office w orkers. W h eth er the con­ cording to a recent announcem ent by over 6000 birds will be dressed in the he believed th e prohibition am end­ w ay for a d ju stm e n t of the entire oil con tro v ersy w ith Mexico w as express­ solidated office should be in Tacom a K. G. W arner, p resident of the group. Pilot Rock district. m ent could be enforced. ed in a form al sta te m e n t made public or S eattle is not discussed. C onstruction of a county hospital, A ccording to the m onthly rep o rt of by th e s ta te departm ent. At P ortland, th e rep o rt says, th ere S. W. S trau s & Co., Salem stan d s sec­ to cost 350,000, w as assu red a t G rants 9 2 7 S A LM O N PACK LARGE OTficiais w ere not inclined to go were 31 authorized em ployes in the P ass when 310,000 required by public ond in building activ ity in O regon for beyond th is sta te m e n t In discussing office of th e collector S eptem ber 1, subscription for th e furnishing of the the m onth of O ctober, being exceeded T o ta l of 881,546 Cases Reported In significance of th e Mexican court de­ whose salaries aggregated J58.560, and The Jackson Puget Sound D is tric t. only by P ortland. K lam ath F alls is building w as raised. cision. T he com plexities of Mexican 19 m em bers of th e field force with sal­ county court ap p ropriated 360.000 of P aris.—A nother S3 per cent increase third. O lym pia. W ash.— T his y e a r’s salmon law, w hich differs w idely from Ameri­ the O regon and C alifornia land g ra n t In th e French tariff on w heat and rye aries am ounting to 339,220. pack, to tallin g 881,546 cases, w as the can practice, m ake it difficult to de­ Many fine flocks of turkeys, raised In th e office of th e revenue agent refunds for the stru ctu re. flour Im ports was followed by renew al la rg e st since 1919. w ith th e exception term in e the full p u rp o rt of the deci­ in th e D ayton looality, will be m ark et­ in S eattle th ere w ere 106 employes, of th e duties on frozen m eat which D istrict Game W arden F ish was ap­ of 1925, w hen 911.670 cases w ere pack­ ed th is week. T he prevailing strain sion w ithout detailed study of the have been suspended since 1914. Of Including field men, with salaries ag­ pealed to la s t week to drive off tw o ed, according to th e re p o rt of C harles s the m am m oth bronze. Many of th e w ritte n docum ent w hich ultimately g regating over 3283,000, while th e Ta­ th e two Increases, the h igher grain young tu rk s weigh from 20 to 25 bull elk on the farm of Mr. Young, on R. Pollock, su p erv iso r of th e d ep art­ will stan d as th e legal record for guid­ tariff will have the g reater effect on coma co llectors’ office has 86 employes the sta te highw ay betw een Coquille m en t of fisheries, to D irector M aybury, ance of M exican courts and executivs pounds. w hose salaries total 3186,000. American eip o rte rs. and M yrtle Point. Mr, Young inform ed fo r the P uget Sound d istrict. Thirty-five L ane county bank em ­ officials. A 33 per cent rise in the grain W arden F ish th a t the elk w ere frig h t­ M ore hum pbacks, know n as pinks, ployes are enrolled in the course s ta rt­ ta riff went Into effect S eptem ber 2. ening his dairy herd and he w anted w ere canned th is y ear than any other B R IE F G ENERAL N E W S ed by the Lane county ch ap te r of the Mexico City.—The M exican supreme so th e additional tax m akes the tariff them run out of th e low er country. species of salm on. Of th is variety court has ruled In favor of the Mexi­ A m erican In s titu te of Banking. The New O rleans custom s officers have 70 per cent o r m ore above th at which W ith poultry grow ers from Bend, 586.791 cases w ere packed; 117,290 can P etroleum com pany, an American seized 7500 rounds of rifle am m unition class m eets at E ugene each T uesday H erm iston, Hood R iver and The silv e rs; existed th ree m onths ago. 96,466 sockeyes; 43.454 concern, in th e first decision involving evening. N evertheless France is expected to aboard two steam ers, believed to have Dalles, and experts from O regon A gri­ Chinooks; 37,418 dogs or chum s, and th e new petroleum law. The court, C h ristopher W itte, 44, farm er of the buy larger quan tities of grain In the been intended for .Mexican revolution­ cu ltu ral college and n orthw est co-op­ only 216 steelheads. by unanim ous decision, granted the C entral P oint d istric t, was killed in­ U nited S tates because the 1927 do­ ists. Five men were arrested . erativ e associations In atten d an ce, dis­ T his y ears' pack of sockeye* m ore appeal re stra in in g the departm ent of stan tly last week when a tra c to r he The navy d ep artm en t has announced m estic crop is not only below th e na­ cussion of a cen tral poultry d istrib u t­ than doubled th a t of 1923, w hen 47,- tional needs but Is of such poor qual­ aw ard of a co n tract to the W right Aero was driv ing fell upon him. T he m a­ ing organization was taken up a t a 402 cases w ere packed, but th e pack Industry, com m erce and labor from cancelling certain of th e company's ity th a t b etter w heat will have to be corporation, P aterso n , N. J., for 156 chine h it a depression in the field and m eeting in The D alles la s t week. of silvers fell 4710 cases sh o rt of the drilling perm its. brought in from abroad to m ake bread ! " ’right 2o0 horsepow er aircooled mo- fell backw ards. T he new crim inal law, w hich pro­ 1923 pack, and th a t of chum s, 59,663 palatable. to rs a t a to tal cost of 3877,923. The 143 school d is tric ts in Marion vides th a t defen d an ts in crim inal cases short. P lans for th e creatio n of a 3500,000 county will receive 31-56 for each child Resum ption of th e ta riff on frozen $ 3 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 A R M Y BUDGET cases may waive grand ju ry action m eat eventually will h it A m erican fund for a m em orial shrine to the of school age, according to th e appor­ and plead guilty, has proved a success Oregon Possesses 3897 M iles of Rails. L argest M ilitary E xpenditure Since packers now engaged in bringing this m em ory of “U ncle Joe" Cannon have tio n m en t of the school funds a n ­ in co u rt a t E ugene, according to Dis Salem , Or.—R ailroad m ileage in Ore­ Close of W ar In Prospect. product from A rgentine to France, b**“ com pleted by a com m ittee of the nounced by the county school su p erin ­ tr lc t A ttorney John S. Medley. About gon to ta ls 3897 m iles, w hile m otor Very little frozen m eat comes to Danville, 111., ch am b er of com m erce. ten d en t recently. W ashington, D. C. — Congressional 20 d efen d an ts have en tered pleas since c a rrie rs o p erated In eith e r d irect or F ran ce d irectly from th e U nited The confused Indianapolis political R eceipt of first h alf tax es from a the law took e ffe c t saving th e state in d irect com petition w ith the rail lines approval of th e la rg est m ilitary bud­ S tates. situ atio n , quiet since election of L. E. num ber of O regon counties has re­ considerable money. cover approxim ately 1862 m iles. T hese g et since th e end of th e war-time ex­ - - . Slack as m ayor, broke loose again duced th e general fund deficit of the pansion period In 1922 Is In prospect as S ixteen persons w ere killed and 446 figures w ere contained in a re p o rt pre­ W A SH IN G TO N F IR M S D E FA U LT when the grand Jury returne<1 lndlct- sta te to approxim ately 3350,000, ac­ persons w ere injured in a total of 2875 pared by the public service com m is­ m em bers of th e house and senate drift m en ts charging bribery a g ain st four cording to a sta te m e n t prep ared by back to W ashington fo r th e coming traffic accid en ts reported to the state sion here. M any Industrial Insurance Prem ium s members of the city council. session. th e s ta te tre a su re r. traffic officers during O ctober. Of Reported Unpaid. The freak ish s to rm —described by B udget req u irem en ts of the army Edw ard Ring escaped w ith a m inor the to ta l num ber of accidents 1140 F orm er President of N. P. Road Dead. Olympia. W a s h —In sp ite of warn- th e w eath er bureau as a "baby" torna- have risen stead ily during the last five ut on th e head w hen his sm all auto­ w ere due to carelessness on th e part Concord, N. H .—C harles S an g er Mel­ ings from the dep artm en t of labor and j do—which stru ck th e e a stern fringes mobile plunged through a fence and of d riv ers, 398 w ere caused by the lon. form er p resid en t of the Boston * y ears and it would not be surprising in d u stries more than ‘ OO firm s w ere ' and suburbs of W ashington, w rought down a 400-foot precipice of th e Co­ failure of operators to give right of Maine, th e New York, New H aven and if congress votes favorably on a $300,- reported In default in paym ent of th eir i a p ro p erty dam age th a t will am ount lum bia highw ay a t R uthton hill near way. and 36 were caused by defective H artford and th e N orthern Pacific rail­ 000,000 budget for th e m ilitary activi­ Industrial insurance prem ium s Octo- i to 31,500,000, according to estim ates. Hood R iver last week. roads, died a t his hom e h ere in his ties of th e w ar d ep artm en t during the brakes. ber It , D irector Bowman announced. - ■ ---------- fiscal year beginning n ext July. Addi­ 77th year. Rev. W illiam H. Ray, p asto r of the T he amendm ent to the ind ustrial In- N a v y Plans Ignore Conference F ailu re A record for steel laying w as made tions of funds for non-m ilitary activi­ M ethodist church, South, of Medford, durance act passed by the last rcs - on the G reat N orthern extension south W ashington, D. <’ While P resid en t ties will ra ise th is sum to a much was a rre ste d by an officer n ear Jack- T H E M ARKETS Sion of the leg islatu re req u ires era- Coolidge expects th e navy to be In- from Bend, when 6700 feet of track h ig h er figure. son H ot Springs, a re so rt on the Pa- w as put in place in one day last week. pluyera io rep o rt th eir payrolls bo- , creased by the addition of som e cruis­ C ontroversies sure to arise as the Portland fore the 16th of each m onth, Instead ers, It was re ite ra te d a t th e W hite ctflc highw ay n ear A shland, last week, T he steel crew was only ten m iles resu lt of conflicting view s on the needs harged with Intoxication. W h eat—Big Bend bluestem . $ 1 .2 6 ^ ; of every four m onths as form erly, or H ouse th at th e failure of th e G eueva from C hem ult, w here the extension of th e A m erican m ilitary establish­ P o stal receipts are a recognized ba­ will join th e E ugene-K lam ath Falls hard w inter. 3 1 2 7 H ; federation, soft be declared In default. co n ference would have no effect on hard m ent may ten d to raise approved army More th an 2too notices w ere sen t th e navy building program he will ro m eter of trad e all over the world. line of the S outhern Pacific. The steel white, w estern w hite, $1.25 w inter, n o rth ern spring, $ 1 .2 2 ^ ; w est­ ex p en d itu res above the $300,000,006 Compiled on activ ities of the past 12 out to o p erato rs who failed to rep o rt recom m ended to congress, crew , once its work is com pleted, will m ark, as inform ed w ar departm ent ern red, |1 .2 1 ^ . m onths as com pared w ith th e preced­ be converted Into a surfacing crew. th eir May S eptem ber payrolls. U nder officials and arm y officers realixe such H ay — Alfalfa. $16.50®17; valley ing 12 m onth period, P ortland postal th e old law 6200 notices w ere sen t ; Ruth Elder Signs Contract fo r $100,000 E arly broccoli and cauliflow er a re a sum will not provide an arm y large to those who failed to deliv er th eir j New York. R uth Elder, th e aviatrix, reeclpta show an increase of 316,000. new being shipped from R oseburg in tim othy, $16.50@17; e a stern Oregon enough for ad eq u ate national defense. tim othy. 320. S eptem ber payroll reports. May 2, known to O regon as Cham crate lots. It is expected th a t the first I h as signed a c o n tract to ap p ear in B u tte rfa t—45c. vaudeville over th e country for 100 poeg day. is to be observed In th i car will be loaded out next week. U. S. Seizes O il M agnate's Bonds- E ggs— Ranch. 37® 45c. Board Approves K lam ath F alls Lins. days for a to tal paym ent of 3100,000, schools of the sta te as Oregon day. T h ere will be five or six cars of this C attle— S teers, good. $9.00®10.00. W ashington. D. C — L iberty bonds M inneapolis, M inn—D irectors of the O eorge H alderm an, h er pilot, will ap- it will not be a holiday, but the schools early strain , according to present in­ H ogs — M edium to choice, 39 25® valued a t $100,000 w ere seized by the O reat N orthern railw ay com pleted ar- p ear w ith h er and will Introduce Miss will be expected to have program s per­ dications but the bulk of the broccoli governm ent in H. M. B lackm er’e safe ran g em en ts to extend th e operations E ld er to th e audiences. taining to Oregon history, according crop will not m ature until March or $.90. L am bs — M edium to choice, $1149 deposit box h ere as security for a pros­ of th e ir road southw ard from Bend, I ------------------------------ to C. A. Howard, s ta te school superin­ April. Local exchanges a re pooling 12.50. pective fo rfeitu re to th e government tendent. O r . to K lam ath Falls, and to share In Dean G. A. Covell Diss, th e ir in te re sts in the early shipm ents. Seattle. for his non ap pearance as a witness in the heavy traffic of th e rich K lam ath Corvallis, Or. Dean G. A. Coveil, W ith a big crew of w orkers in the The O regon agricultural college band W h eat—Soft w hite, w estern white, the T eapot Dome case. The seizure tim b er d istrict, w hich now produces *5. who organised th e school of engl- field and a steam shovel in operation, and a student o rch estra took an ac­ $1.2$; hard w inter. $1.24; w estern red. w as m ade by U nited S tates Marshal more th an 300.000,000 feet of lum ber | n eerlng In 1889, died here. Dean Coveil extension of the Ochoco highway east tive part In the opening of the new $1.23; n o rth ern spring. $1.25ft; blue- E dgar C. S nyder and Chief Deputy S. annually, and Is scheduled to double since Ju n e has serv ed as dean of the from Mitchell is taking m aterial form. Ite output w ithin a few years. The sc- g rad u ate school of en gineering and di- In o rd er to rush the work. It is plan­ H otel C orvallis last week The H otel stem . Sl.SIVh; dark n o rth ern spring, B. C allahan. lion m arks th e final step in a project recto r of th e engineering d e p a rtm e n t ned to use a night crew on the steam C orvallis Is the second high-class hotel $1.42; dark hard w inter, $1.27. to have been built In C orvallis w ithin H ay — Alfalfa. $25; tim othy, $28; Involving to tal ex penditure of around Hotel Hobo Nam e of New Hostelry. shovel. the past tew years. P. 8., $22. 13.000,000. Farm er«' Union Reelects Barrwtt. O m aha. Neb.—"H otel Hobo" Is the McM innville’s budget for 1928 Is ten T here were eight fatalities in O re B u tterfat—52c. Des Motnes, la.— Despite ta lk of se­ tatlvely set at $551.122 45. representing nam e of O m aha's new est hostelry, in­ E ggs—R anch. 45c. Newspapers Must Support Fascism. cession by opposition delegatee, C. S a cut of about 37500. It Is proposed gon due to industrial accidents during augurated by Jam es E ads How, the C a ttle —S teers, choice, $9 25® 10 00. "m illionaire hobo." T he hotel, con­ Rome The F aarlet grand councIL B arrett, Union City, G a . was reelected to elim inate the county agent and the the week ending N ovem ber 17, accord Ing to a report prepared by the sta te Hoga—Prim e. $9 $5® 10.00. presided o v er by P rem ier M ustollnl, to hie 33d term as president of the county su p erin ten d en t's deputy and taining 64 room s, will m ake a charge Spokane. (a d d e d th at all n ew spapers in Italy F arm e rs’ E ducational and Cooperatlv« cut the bridge funds from |Jl,v 6 6 to industrial accident comm ission. T here of not m ore th an 25 cen ts for unene were a total of (16 accidents reported Union of A m erica hers. must be loyal to Fascism . C attle— S teers, good. $9 60® 10. 110 000. ployed men w ishing to stay th era to the conuniseia*. H o g s G o o d . $9 5O®9 (0. How said. MERGER OF REVENUE OFFICERS IS PLANNED BORAH SAYS ENFORCE DRY ACT OR REPEAL MEXICAN DECISION FAVORS AMERICANS 33 PER CENT ADDED ON FRENCH TARIFF