► —» îzntvrprtsiv AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Voi. 16. No. 29. ALBANY AMERICAN LEGION TO STAGE 3-ACT COMEDY Halsey, Oregon, Thursday November 24, 1927. Halsey M eat M arket Installs New Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County tacta*»--*--»-- ____________________ R . l N . e r . t n g M . m In It , Shop H A L S E Y A N Q DAlRYIhG WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY VJC1N|TY BREVITIES The Halsey Meat Market has The Right to Keep a id Bear Arms A Constitutional Ong The right of individual iuitiative HIGHWAY NORTH OF HA1SEY SCENE OF THREE WRECKS November 28, 29, 30, Dates just installed a late model Shercr Oren Anderson of Albany was exclusion of the uxcellent display aud free lorn from annecess try res Three l’trsons Injuiel and meat display refrigerator with a transacting business In Halsey of holiday goods. Set for “ Baby Mine’’ traiut ia ii b irn in every Am-ric n Four Autos Damaged Frigidaire cooling system. The Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Koontz lefi The American Legion will break nsw piece of equipment places the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Koontz and this morning for Portland to spend into the theatrical limelight on local market on a par with any Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, like establishment as to the sani­ Mra. J. H. Drinkard spent Tues­ Thanksgiving day. November 28, 29 and 30, when the tary bandliug of meats and other day in Eugene on a business trip. We’re going to see eomethii g Oren Frum bitched the tractor done to improve the looks cf Second war veterans will present at the foods handled by a meat market. Rameseum theater in Albany, the The refrigerator is built of golden unto the scarifier the other day and street, judging from comment three-act musical comedy, ‘ Baby oak with plate glass front and the took some of the kinks out of the heard on the streets recently. M ine.” interior is finished in white enamel streets. There is a report current that a The show is being produced un­ with trays of the same finish. It Pete Sear*, a well known young dog poisoner is abroad sod that a der the direction of Mr. and Mrs. affords an excellent and wholeeome business man of the Linn county number of Halsey dogs have met McNaughton, who score I a de­ view of meats and selections by metropolis was a Halsey businete death by this means. The person cided hit with the r last production patrons so much easier, Mr Huff­ visitor Wednesday. th a t has fallen so low as to inflict for the Elks, "Purple Flashes.” man is to be commended on his Last Saturday the members of this kind of torture on any dumb ‘‘Baby Mine,” is a combination enterprising spirit. Charity Grange held an all day animal should be classed in the of a laughable farce-comedy, and a meeting with a basket dinner at same category as the old time horse series of beautiful revues, and con­ noon. M r . Saylor of Portland thief and if caught should be meted tains a'cast of fifty people. Pretty gave a talk on group ineurance. out the game punishment. chorus girls, beautiful models, tai Mis. W. H. Wheeler left for Sil­ iia a v W a w v w - w v w w i / v w » ented soloists, cute kiddies and verton Tuesday to visit her son, | A lf o r d A r r o w s funny comedians, will all help to Ole Kayser, and family, and also tW Z V W W W V /A O W A M A S Friday evening a basket ball make it a big success. It has been presented in several coast cities game was played between the her granddaughter, formerly La (Enterprise correspondent) sophomores and freshmen with a Verda Kayeer, butw how ae recent­ with equal success. Mr and Mrs John Rol, and the The cast of ‘‘Baby Mine” in score of 13 to 8 in favor of the ly married. latter’s daughter, E tta Godwin, eludes the following: L J. Bell as former. Lieut. F Buford Morris, Carl went to Albany Saturdayjand Etta Alfred Hardy, father of triplets; The Dramatic club held its reg­ Isom, Al Smith and John Quimby went ou from there to her home at Mrs. Ura McNaughton as Zoie, a ular weekly meeting Tuesday. drove to Albany last evening to Buena Vista, great little fibber, and Alfred’s Tbo two plrye, "T h e Chinese attend the regular meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and wife; C. J. McNau'diton as Jimmie Dummy," and “ W’bere But In ONG. The many friends of Morris Jenks, the baby stealer; Mrs. W. America,” ere being practiced by will be pleased to learn of his pro­ daughter, Dori», of Lake Creel’, motion from second to first liauten. »pent Monday evening at the Chas­ L. Bilysu as Aggie Jenks, Jimmie’s the members. ter Curtis home. ant. wife; Lillian Metcalf as the Irish Mrs. Kizer has two new pupils, colleen; Mary Ciawford as the Ital­ M rs. L E.Bond of Albany spent This week there has been on Ruth and Howard Tuttle. They ian eirl; A1 Green as the Iiish Friday night and Saturday with display in the show wiadow of ibe have a brother and sister in the father; and P. A. Matheny as the Koontz store, a cabbage grown by ! her daughter, Mrs. E. D. Isom, primary grade vigilant cop. N. H. Cummings of Lake Creek On Saturday they attended the Tuesday morning a special as­ Some of the many song hits that which weighs 171 pounds. Sur- Grange meeting at CharityGrange. will be heard in “ Baby Mine’’ ary sembly was called io the interest of rounded by many articles of wear­ Bevrrly Isom spent Tuts lay Miss Frances “ Rosy Cheeks,” "B ring Back the Red Cross. ing apparel the cabbage claims the night with her blend, E lta Bram­ those Songs of Long Ago,” “ The Cameron and Dsan W.W. Sullivan attention of the paassrsby to the well. Gingham G irl,” “ Yesterday," etc of Albany were the speakers. The Theater and Legion patrons can senior class was appointed to solicit I look forward to the theatrical treat the Halsey school district. Thirty dollars was subscribed. of the season. Wednesday a Thanksgiving pio- All seats are reserved and will be on sale at the Music Shop in graiu as follows was given; Albany Saturday, beginning at Song, ‘‘Thanksgiving Day” by ten o’clock. Mrs. Coleman’s room; story, "The First Thanksgiving,” by Jimmie Sm ith; song, by Mrs. Cross and * S P c o r ia N e w s I t e m s ] Mrs. Coleman’s room; instrum ent­ al solo by Retta Armstrong; paper, , night and p re aclel Sunday morn­ ¡SCHOOL NOTES We now have The New Ranges of the Mrs. Raymond Stevens and son, Delmar, of Toledo, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gram Brat- tain. Mrs. Ruby Dorsey is improving nicely from her operation and ex pects to be among friends »gain in the near future. Charles Shaw of Albany spent the weekend with home folks. (B y Special Correspondent) Mr. ar.d Mrs. G.V.M axwell mo­ tored to Klam ath Falls S iturday to visit their son Ernest. A number from here attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson Fri­ day afternoon held at the home of Mr. and Mrs Elza Morgan, The road meeting held at the A cattlem an was here Monday Greenback school house Wednes­ and purchased one cow from Mrs. day evening resulted in 48 votes Shaw and three from Mrs. Logan. being cast. Forty-seven for the tax Mr, and Mrs. Fred Walters of and one againet. Mrs. J.A.Couey and son Harold Eugene were visiting Mrs. Fruit one evening last week installing a were Oakville visitors Thursday calling at the A M. Smith and the radio while here. The women’s missionary society George Willet homes. observed week of prayer by an all day meeting at the church Thurs­ day. Mrs. Perle Cummings and Mrs. Thomas Ardry of Lake Creek m ip s down and helped with the program. Lunch hour was spent at the parsonage which all present enjoyed. In the evening a pro­ gram of vocal and instrumental music with readings was very much enjoyed by a large crowd. The primary department of the United Presbyterian 8 .8. held a social at the Cottage Saturday af­ ternoon, and after playing game* light refreshments were served. Our stock will meet your need and covers a wide variety for selection. Look them over now. The women's missionary society m?t at the Cottage Friday after, noon. Following the program and business meeting a shower for Mr». Dick Duncan was given followed by dainty refreshments. The turkey shoot at Mr. McDon­ Mrs. Lloyd Workinger, who bss ald’s Monday was well attended. been visiting her daughter Mr*. The ladies took in a very neat sum Ira Soule of Lebanon, returned to for their treasury. her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J H Rickard and sons, Emery and Jesse, attended services at the Lake Creek church Sunday morning and spent the re­ m ainder of the day at the Henry Brock borne. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Daweon and their Deice, Mi*« Welle, of Roose­ velt, Oklahoma, who is visiting them, drove to the county seat Sunday to attend church *ud visit their soo Paul and family. See the Bridge & Beach Circulator before you put up your old heater. • Hill & Company ■ ■ ■ a. Charity Grange Organizes Literary Society; First Meeting Saturday Friday evening the residents of the Charity Grange neighborhood met for the purpose of organizing a lite rn y society. The society will hold meetings every two weeks id Saturday evenings. The purpose of the organization is to put on programs during the winter and perhaps to stage a drama. The newly elected officers are Byrd Waggoner president, Edith Long secretary, Lena Veatch m an­ ager aud Ed K>zer marshal. The first meeting will be held Saturday evening, November 26 Parant-Teachers Met Friday; Good Program Rendered Th-ee auto accidents occurred on the highway north of Halsey Sun­ day afternoon anti Monday. The first one was about four o'lock Sunday afternoon when a H' deon sedan, bearing a California license, »kidded on the wet pave­ ment went into the ditch and turned over. No one waa injured, and the car wai not seriously damaged. This accident happened about one and a half miles north of Halsey. The second accident happened about six o'clock the same day when a Buick coupe driven by Dr. II. P. Nottage ot Albany, and a Dodge touring, with J. W. Law of Eugene, met in a head.on collison opposite the Harry Shepherd home uorth of ilalsey. Mrs. Law who was in the front »eat, was badly cut on the face bv glass from the windshield. The back seat of the Law car was occupied by an elder­ ly couple, each of whom was se­ verely shaken and bruised. Both cars were damaged, The wheel» of the coupe were broken and the front smashed, Monday afternoon as Roy Rick­ ard of Route 4, Corvallis, was go. iog north his Willys-Kuight sedan skidded ou the wet pavenie..t and took a nose dive into the ditch. Spectators staled that tne car spun around, the top being torn com­ pletely loose from the body. The car apparently is a complete wreck. Rickard, himself, however miraculously escaped injury. This accident happened about a block north of the G. M'lzner home. Frank Gansle of the Arrow gar. age towed the cars in. The regular m eting of the Par­ ent-Teacher association was held Friday evening at the high school Lake Creek News although the attendance of parents was far from being a record break- ing one. The program, a9 pub­ (B y an E n terp iis e R epo rter) lished last week, was carried out M r . and Mrs. I. II. Rickard and with the exception of the paper on sous were guests of Mr. and Mrs, “»Hill 1 Study’ ’ by Mrs Smith, and Henry Brock Sunday. was unusually good. Two numbers Mrs. Thomas Ardey and Mr*. were added, one being a vocal duet, Martin Cummings attended an all ‘‘I ’ll Never Play with You” by day meeting of the miseionary so. Fern Rossman and Linden Bram­ well, and the other a recitation by eiely held in Peoria Thursday. Mr ar.d Mrs. Lyman Palmer at­ Kenneth Waggoner. Mrs. Nora C'deman who is in tended the funeral of Mr.McKeever The two eharge of the club work to be pre. in Albany Monday. pared during the winter, and which families were neighbors in Mon­ will be exhibited ou Achievement tana a few years ago. Day in the spring, gave a most fav­ M r . and Mrs.C.S,Williams drove orable report on the work go f a r . to Corvallis Saturday. S he hug orgainxed two clubs at the A number of young people fro m Pine Grove school. One is a boy* here attended the program at the club in camp cooking and the other Methodist church in Peoria Thure • sewing club for girls. A club day evening and took part in the has alao been organized at Peoria, entertainment. and within a week or two it is an­ Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Davis and ticipated to have clubs organized family attended church at H arris­ in the Kirk and ilalsey schools as burg Sunday. well as a number of other*. Mae Nora Coldiron of Halsey A tequeet from the Greenback spent the week eon with her par­ school patrons to unite with thg ents here. local Parent-Teacher aesocietiou Among those from here attend­ Was reed and it was voted to have them come in as members. I be ing quarterly conference o f the -M. other schools in this vicinity have E Church South, at Peoria S atur­ their own association. day evening, were Mr. and kite D> camber 6 9 will be art exhibit I homes Ardry, Mrs. C. S. McWil­ week, aud will be sponsored in the liams and son, Mr. and Mrz. Mar­ lecal eoheol by the Farent-Tcachere. lin Cummings a»d daughter, a r * There will lie 160 pictures, many Mr E. V. Hass. of them old master pieces, on ex­ Mr. and Mrs. A.Hathaway went hibit during the three days. The at the bedside ot Ml. Hathaway « Parent-Teachers will meet on the mother why pissed at tier horn« in evening of Decemeber 9, arid it is Corvallis Thursday evening. Abe hoped that the attendance will he was 80 years old aud bad beeo ill unusually lerge ou this evening. for eonie time. The funeral war A nominal fee of ten cents will be held in CoivzHu Sunday. ■ charg-.d fur the exhibit the pro­ Mrs, Dicy Brock has been visit- ceeds to go toward the purchase of ing her cousin, Dorrie Broca. pictures and art supplies fur the Russell end Lucile Herndon wer»- school. Punch and wafers w ill tie shoppiug in Harrisburg Saturday. served during the social hour. Mr*. Sidney Smith, president of nesa sees ion Clyde E. Williamson the aeeociotion, presided during the and Deo McClain spoke in the in ­ meeting terest of the Lmn county Red Following the close of the huei- Cross Drive. B .B B • ■ Bridge & Beach Line ing. citizen. An effort has been made in the past few yeirs to prohibit the owner»hip ef small arms al though (he tecon I anvhiline.it ol the Constitution of the United States says. "The right of the peo­ ple to ke?p and bear arm* shall not be infringed:” Target practice an 1 good m arks­ manship has been part of the life of the normal American. L“gisla- lion to prohibit this on the theory that it would redace crime, is a mistake, for the criminal would still get his gun. The fact exists that more gruesome an 1 hideous crimes are committed with hatches, axes, clubs, and knives than oi,her instruments. Î